Chapter 46: Stand off

The child watched as the injured kobold retreated to the forest. He could have sent over some goblins to chase after them, but clearly that would be suicide for them. This was because the child had noticed something weird about the kobolds.

They were very sturdy.

Up until now, a lot of kobolds were stabbed with many arrows on their bodies. Even as they escaped, the arrows still hung on their bodies.

Yet these kobolds did not die.

So although these goblins were running away, it was not because the goblins were too strong, but because the home ground advantage the child had built up was too good. From the way they acted, it was pretty clear that the kobolds weren't used to being in battles like this. That was why they had lost.

But if the child decided to bring the battle to the ground, he would surely lose. After all, only a few days have passed since his previous confrontation. So troop wise, he hasn't really gone up much.

In total, he only has seven hobgoblins ready and fit for battle. These past few days, he has been mostly focused on the creation of the wall. Because the goblins were the main builders of the wall, instead of the hobgoblins, it was the goblins that increased. Thus bringing their group to a total of 24.

24 goblins and 7 hobgoblins. These were the child's current troop counts. But even with this many goblins at the front, it is likely that he would still not win. As each kobold could hold up a hobgoblin. Even if the kobolds could be considered to be weakened now, and he did manage to actually beat them. The kobolds are likely to call in more of their own for help.

Once he appeared, his troops would be outnumbered. So the child decided to let them be.

Truth be told though, the child could have likely ended this whole battle with the kobolds almost instantly. After all, as long as he poured oil and then fire instead of magical cement mixed with boiling water, the kobolds would have burned to death.

The problem is that if he had done that, he could have possibly caused a forest fire. Likely burning the whole forest into ashes.

One might think that it didn't really matter if the forest had gone in flames. Since this world isn't really his, so why should he care, right?

Sadly, he has to care as in this reality worlds are living and somewhat sentient beings. If the child does anything against the world's will, it won't end well for him. As world has great power once angered or triggered.

The terrifying part about a world is how it delivers its revenge. It won't be some sort of thunder falling down on you or the earth suddenly opening up to swallow you. It would instead come from karma.

Yes, karma. Or to be more precise, luck. Normally, a world is quite chill. Even if a random person jumps in and starts living there without paying rent, it really won't care. To a world, a few aliens Here and there are like microbes on its skin. But if said microbe stared causing it pain, it will be erased very easily and sometimes very painfully.

As you would suddenly get afflicted by bad luck. everything bad would start happening to you and your end will draw closer with each day you continue on the way.

Basically, it's final destination. Only this bad luck doesn't just intend to kill the target, but makes them lose everything slowly until they are erased.

The main point is, you don't make a world angry.

And the child was very adamant on following that rule. Plus, his plan in this world isn't to take it over. All he wants to do is safely collect his third order energy. He didn't really need to kill the kobolds to do that.

All he wants to do is make sure nothing will f*ck him up while he is here.

Conquest was not his goal, and Even if it was, it wouldn't be going after a low level world like this. The only reason he was currently engaging in battles like this was because he was curious and ended up making the kobolds angry.

It was never in the child's intention to make a meaningless battle like this. if he could, he would have just scanned a living kobold without needing to kill it. At the end of the day, the kobold would return and he would have all the information he needs from them.

But the language barrier is a real thing. And it was because of it that the battle was currenly happening.

"There is no use crying over spilled milk, what's important right now is actually getting through this."

As such, the child's attention turned towards the kobold head. It was the head of the kobold that had followed the hob-goblin to the base. After it fell into the trap, it was killed by the goblins.

As time was not the best at that moment, the goblins could only cut off its head and bring it back rather than the whole thing. But even if it was just a head, it should be of use.



Past the stumps clearing and into the misty forest, a group of kobolds gathered as they figuratively and literally licked their wounds.


The kobold alpha pulled out an arrow from its shoulder. But it was only one of the many that were all over its body.

It's body at that moment was gray all over. But this gray was not because of its beautiful gray fur, but the magical cement that was slowly thickening with each second.


The kobold pulled off a part of the cement on its body. It looked towards one of the kobolds and asked.

"How many are heavily injured?"

"Seven of us are heavily injured. And three more have died."

Every single kobold that participated in this battle were injured one way or another. Be from arrow wound or the weird spike wounds from traps, The kobolds have taken a beating.

Seeing the sight of its brethren in such a miserable state, the alpha kobold felt ashamed. It had finally found the enemy's whereabouts, but failed to do any damage. Not only has five of theirs died, but they only managed to kill one juvenile from the enemy.

Such results were even worse than what happened five days ago. If such results keep on occurring, the they will surely get killed by this group of creatures.

"What should we do now," One of he kobolds asked. This was a question that was in every kobold's mind as of current. So all of them turned to see what the alpha has to say.

"We wait, as you have seen, the enemy cannot see in the dark like us. Once it turned dark, we attack when they least expect it."

"Are you sure lord, you saw them, the enemy has weird tricks and sorcery. can we beat them as we are?"

"Should we call in the other packs to help us?" Another kobold asked.

"No, the other packs cannot be trusted. We must in fact make sure they never know of our plight. If the attack tonight fails, we will wait for 'it' to fully return..."
