Chapter 52: Last battle (2)


With a resounding bark, the wolf charged at the group of goblins. The many wolves following behind it poured in as well.

But at that moment...


A cracking sound was heard by the sensitive wolf's ears. But before the wolf alpha could try to decipher what could have caused such a sound, it suddenly felt the ground below its feet sink.

In that mere instant, the wolf alpha panicked, but it was all for nothing. As its previous actions were too hasty and full of anger, it had put too much of its weight on that step. So when it started falling into the cracking ground, the alpha could not pull itself back.




It was not only the kobold alpha that fell into the cracking ground, but many wolves as well. But since the wolves did not move in a compact formation, the ones at the back were able to notice the danger that was in front of them, so they did their best to stop their charge.

In the end, only about nine of the wolves did not fall right into the hole that had formed just below them. Few of these wolves had already stepped into the hole; it was only through their quick reaction that they managed to actually not fall in.

But before these wolves could sigh in relief, a change suddenly occurred.

The rocks that were placed randomly on the ground suddenly stood up. Or more specifically, the fake rock covering used as a disguise was lifted to reveal one or two hobgoblins hiding within. In total, 10 hobgoblins came out from under these fake rocks.

In Hobgobpin's hands were secular shields that had metallic spikes attached to them.

As soon as these hobgoblins stood up, they rushed towards the left-over group of wolves and rammed them with these spiked shields.




The wolf and hob-goblin opposites clashed. In this clash, the wolves of course had greater strength, but due to the element of surprise and some of them being in unfavorable positions, they didn't have much of an advantage.

That was why, at that moment...


Six wolves were successfully pushed right into that hole. ultimately letting them suffer the same fate as their predecessors.

So only three wolves managed to actually fend off the push of the hobgoblins.


A hobgoblin was flown away by a wolf's head. Another had its neck made bitter by a wolf's sharp teeth. Blood instantly gushed out of the wolf's neck and stained the brown wolf's coat.


The hobgoblin screamed as the wolf pulled it down and bit off a chunk of its neck.

The other hobgoblins were temporarily stunned and failed to react immediately. But in the end, the hobgoblins came to their senses and pulled their shields up. They rushed off towards the three wolves and tried to push them into the hole.

But with the element of surprise long gone, it was not so easy.


With great strength, one of the wolves saw the incoming hobgoblins and jumped on the shields instead of bashing against them. With a mere push of its legs, the wolf jumped over the hobgoblins.


With a loud bark, the wolf turned around and headed for the unguarded backs of the hobgoblins. The two hobgoblins trying to push it down failed to turn in time, and...


The two were pushed down the hole by the wolves.


One was quite unfortunate and sadly fell directly in; the other was lucky enough to be able to grasp the edge of the hole and hang on.


In the hole, the hobgoblin fell directly on a metallic and sharp spike. Thus empaling its stomach. Letting the shape of a spike come out the other end of its body. But the hobgoblins was yet to die. As the pain came to its body, it tried to scream, but only blood came out of its mouth.



The large wolf jaws suddenly came and crushed its skull, stopping its moan before it could properly escape its mouth.

The creature that crushed its head was, of course, the wolf alpha.

After it had fallen towards the hole, the alpha had discovered what exactly had happened.

It was a trap!

A large tap made entirely for the purpose of trapping a large creature The trap was a large spiked pit hidden using magical cement and thin wood columns to support it. The coverage was basically made with a thin sheet that was used to hold the magical cement before it hardened. Once hardened, the cement was hidden with sprinkled soil. The arrangement was far from perfect, but in the night, even the perceptive wolves did not notice.

So the wolf alpha fell directly to the bottom of the large hole. And had it not been for how tough its hind was, it would have been punctured into a sieve. But even with its tough hind to protect it, it still could not get out without any injuries.

So if even the alpha was so injured, one can imagine what happened to the other wolves. A quarter of the wolves that fell into the hole had died, while half were mildly injured due to having their fall broken. Which could also be attributed to their sturdiness and the full moon. As if it were in the daylight, they might have all died right then and there.

Seeing such a scene of its pack members strewn in the hole like common leaves on the ground, the wolf alpha was angry. It furious!

But a great leader must always be calm, so he tried to reign in his anger, which was hard with both the situation at hand and the full moon's beastial ire.

For a moment, though, the wolf managed to calm down and let an idea come to mind.

Seeing its dead comrades, the alpha wolf narrowed its eyes and climbed their corpses. With the corpses as its footing, the wolf jumped right into the sky, aiming to jump over the hole entirely.

Sadly, the wolf's alpha failed to react. But it did not fail to catch a certain hobgoblin that dangled at the edge of the hole.




The sound of something being broken stopped the screaming sound of the hobgoblin.

Seeing its goal still far from reach, the alpha wolf ordered the other wolves that had not died.

"Lay down on the dead; make me a way."

The wolves did not take a second to consider it and followed the order immediately. They jumped and laid their bodies right into the death wolves, giving the wolf alpha a higher footing to jump from.

"Oh no, you don't." From within the portal, the child watched on as the wolf alpha tried to get away from the hole. As he, of course, could not allow that, the child ordered it from behind the scenes.

As such, from atop the wall, a certain hobgoblin that was manning a crossbow suddenly had a premonition. So it gazed towards the hole and the three wolves battling below. It then turned towards the large cylindrical structure supported by four wooden columns.

The hobgoblin thus took its trusty axe and jumped.
