Chapter 54: gray



It was the sound of the magical cement quickly solidifying. On such a sight, the Wolf Alpha remembered what had happened to it a few days ago when it was coveted in the same liquid. Shortly after it left the fort, the cement began hardening. Which brought fear to the alpha, as for one moment, it felt like it was entrapped in something. Luckily, the cement wasn't much and could be broken without trouble.

But looking around, it knew that it wouldn't be as easy to get out of this mess if it got harder. So the alpha started panicking and paddled itself away from the hardening side.

While the alpha was facing that problem, the one who caused its troubles was facing another.

The hobgoblin looked at the three giant wolves, which l were currently besieged by a who bunch of hobgoblins. From atop the wall, all the hobgoblins that had manned the crossbow were now gone and had joined the fray. Only these three wolves were the last troublemakers before the battle could be considered won.

But taking them down was not easy. As their wolf form was much stronger than their kobold form, trying to take them down seemed to be much harder than a kobold. Even with four hob-goblins flanking one wolf, it seems like the hob-goblins were having a hard time coping.

It could not be helped; the wolves had too many advantages when it came to battle. Their defenses were high, their regeneration was overpowered, and their strength was beyond anything the child had ever seen. Their only weakness was having non-diverse attacks. meaning that if they can't ram it or bite it, they can't do anything.

That was why the child made the hobgoblins use the shields the most. When one hobgoblin gets attacked, it can use its shield to defend itself. The wolves surely can't take a hobgoblin out with one attack, right? So before a second attack can be made, another hobgoblin comes in from behind and attacks. forcing the wolf to stay away from the temporarily stunned hobgoblin. And if the wolf decides to ignore the other hobgoblins and focus on killing one, then it will surely succeed. Only it will die with the hobgoblin as well.

So just like that, a situation very similar to how hyenas would deal with a lion occurred. Which was a cycle of the hyenas surrounding the lion and trying to nibble on its butt while it was preoccupied with another. While the lion tries to keep the hyenas away from itself. As seen in the documentaries back in his previous situation, this can go on for a long time until one side is too tired to continue.

And in this situation, knowing about the defective stamina of the hobgoblins, it didn't require a genius to know who would prevail in the end.

So seeing such a situation persisting, the child opted to send his strongest hobgoblin to take care of it.

So with its axe in hand, the hobgoblin ran over and picked up a shield from a dead hobgoblin on the way. The hobgoblin then appeared in the battle with a forced ram.


As the wolf was preoccupied with its current opponents, it failed to notice the coming shiled bash. So in the end, the wolf was hit by the spiked shield. Thus getting it stunned for a moment. And that moment was something the hobgoblin was not willing to let pass, so it raised its axe and attacked.


As the hobgoblin had used the back end of the axe, it easily passed through the thick hind of the wolf, thus stabbing deep within its flesh. Feeling the pain of a foreign object suddenly stabbing into its neck, the wolf panicked and started pulling back.

As the hobgoblin held tightly to the axe, it too got pulled by the massive strength of the wolf. The hobgoblin tried to hold on, hoping to further injure the wolf, but in the end, it failed keep a group on the axe.

But at that moment, just behind the wolf, another hobgoblin saw an opportunity. The hobgoblin let go of its shield and gripped its axe with both hands.


The bladed end of the axe stabbed into the hind leg of the wolf and nearly chopped its leg off. Feeling the fear of nearly losing its leg, the wolf angrily turned its back and attacked the unprotected hobgoblin.


The hobgoblin had its shoulder gripped, and a whole chunk of its shoulder was nearly taken out. But luckily, that did not happen, as the four hobgoblins rushed to the wolf and bashed it with their shield.


The wolf panicked as it felt the combined force of the four pushing it back. Not because the spikes stabbed into it were painful, but because right behind it was the hole its brethren had fallen into.

So the wolf crouched its body and resisted the force pushing it back. But the wolf seemed to have forgotten at that moment that one of its hind legs was injured. And surely, the moment it tried putting pressure on the injured leg, a wolf howl was heard.

And for that moment, the wolf lost its footing, letting the combined force of the four hobgoblins push it back.

In the end, the wolf fell into the hole with a viscous splash accompanying it.

The hob-goblins didn't instantly relax, though; instead, they jumped in and caught the hand of the hob-goblins that had been bitten. The hobgoblin was just about to fall into the hole as well.

The four did manage to pull up the hobgoblin. But as they did, one of them noticed that the pool of magical liquid had nearly fully solidified. So it turned towards the remaining two walls, which would turn into nightmares should they be left.

But it seems things were not as bad as it had thought. When it turned, it saw one of the wolves in a tricky situation.

Surrounding it were not the hobgoblins you would expect but instead all the archer and even non-archer goblins. These goblins grouped up and aimed their bows at the wolf.

The wolf just stood there as multiple arrows pieced together its body. Unlike the wolf alpha, its hide was not so tough that it could tank all those arrows like a boss.

But why was it just standing there as the arrows pierced its body? Had it awakened its inner masochist? Or was it waiting for its plot armor to kick in?


It was not that it didn't want to move, but rather that it could not move. In its blood now had close to a liter of poison. All administered through almost a hundred arrows stabbed into its body. After all, each arrow had been soaked in paralysis poison. One or two arrows to the body could not show much effect on the highly regenerative wolves, but with all the archer's arrows focused on it, it had no chance.


It fell to the ground, completely passed out. It seemed the poison would prove too great for even its regeneration and resilience.


Another collision sound was heard, causing the hobgoblin to turn its head towards the source of the sound. As such, the hobgoblin was able to see the last wolf get pushed into the hole by another group if hobgoblins.


Another collision occurred, but this time it was the collision of the wolf's head with the hardened magical cement.

As the last wolf fell, that calling collision seemed like the last thing that would need this battle to end the feud.

But to the alpha, it was just another possibility in life. Because at that moment, it realized how it could save itself.
