Chapter 63: Sleep(2)

Out of nowhere and seemingly for no reason, the child started screaming. The noise produced by his screams made all the goblins living outside or inside clutch their heads.

After a minute, the shrill sound finally stopped. Had the child been human, he would have been breathing heavily at that moment.

"Damn it, it's getting worse," the child thought.

His attention was then drawn towards the crack that still lingered in his dungeon core. Even as the weeks went by, the child still could not remove the crack. And as each day passes, the crack grew larger.

The problem here, though, isn't actually the crack in his core. The problem was with him. If it was only the crack that appeared, he would have been completely healed after a few weeks of rest.

The problem is that weird aversion to his past life that he has discovered. Every time he tried to remember any important parts of his past life, the pain returned and the crack grew.

At first, the child believed that if he just put off things about his past life, everything would be fine for a little while. But he was wrong. ﹰ The thought that caused pain in his mind was not just the thought of his past life but some seemingly unrelated thoughts as well. Just like today, all he thought of was the gender of his new goblin.

Yet somehow this triggered that pain.

Clearly, the word 'male' is now considered to be part of his past life. After all, he used to be a male.

"This cannot go on. Soon, even words like human will trigger the pain."

Sadly, the child didn't know how exactly he was supposed to stop this unknown pain from recurring. After all, this was not within his inherent knowledge as a dungeon.

So what was it really, and how should he solve it? The child did not know, but he had an idea he could begin with.

"I need to sleep."

Dungeons are creatures that do not require sleep. So from the day he was born into this world until that day, the child had never slept. This was because dungeons get all the energy they need just by existing. If they need to rest, then they simply stop doing anything for a little while.

But although the dungeons did not sleep, this did not mean they could not sleep.

But unlike humans and practically all beings in the universe, the reason they sleep is not to rest. Sleeping for them had another function.

"If I sleep, I could accelerate my healing by at least 200%."

Sleeping also increased his Ether production and third-order energy absorption by 100%. But as of now, the child only cared for the healing properties of sleeping.

"Plus, in an unconscious state, I won't be able to think of triggering thoughts." And the time it takes me to rank up should be halved."

Originally, the child had planned to sleep for about 10 years in order to rank up faster. That was why he had scouted out all the dangers around him. It was all in an effort to see if this place was safe enough to sleep and safely collect third-order energy. Originally, he was going to go to sleep after at least five years have passed, just to be sure. After all, you could never trust the world. Who knew if there was some sort of sleeping Dragon hidden in this world?

But it seemed that he was going to sleep much earlier than he had planned. Still though, the child felt it better to prepare before he does so.

"I have to make preparations at least." The child thought

After all, if he left the goblins as they are, who knows if they can truly survive? Or worse, they actually made the world angry. One must know that if the world were angry, even he would be affected.

So the child decided.

"I need to pick a leader."

Which wasn't hard to do. The goblins were a wild race. And the direction he is pushing them in is to be warlike. So if he was going to pick a leader, it must obviously be a strong one.

So the pick was obviously a certain hobgoblin that followed his orders when all the other goblins ran.

So the child called the hobgoblin back to the dungeon. The hobgoblin didn't really know why it came towards the dungeon, but it came anyway. Just like how it didn't know why it reached out towards the dungeon core.

But it regretted that, as soon as its hands touched the core, the hobgoblin was sucked into it.

"I wonder if this could be considered eating." The child had a thought. "Anyway, where do I start first?"

The child started on the goblin's core, where the goblin's characteristics were all written. Since the child wanted a leader, he obviously couldn't just let the stupid hobgoblin take charge, could he?

Some improvements were in order before he could actually let it sit on the throne.

The biggest improvements were on its inherent system, where the child basically cleared everything and improved the system's size capacity.

If it had been the child a few weeks ago, he surely couldn't have done this. But after more than a month of living in this world, the child has readily researched the inherent system in the goblin core.

The archer goblins, builder goblins, and tamer hobgoblins were products of such research. And now it seems it will produce another seed.

The King Hobgoblin

The child wrote about a whole bunch of leadership experiences in the hobgoblin's inheritance. how to grab the goblin's attention, how to make them listen to it and even how to deploy troops. But what he stressed most was controlling the goblin population.

The goblins are a lustful race, evidently from the first goblin he created. So the goblin will likely procreate like crazy in a safe environment, just like humans. And what makes goblins worse than humans is that their maturation period is much shorter than a human's.

For a human, there is a 13-year buffer period after birth before they can reproduce. But goblin babies only need about four months before they can mingle too.

So if the child lets it happen, this whole world will be filled with goblins in only but five years. Sounds like a good thing, right?

Yes, but that is only until the world realizes something is wrong and starts culling them all down. To worlds, dungeons and their inhabitants are like germs. Sure, having them is bad, but you wouldn't care even if you had them. You would just let your immune system deal with them. It is only after these germs cause an illness that you take medicine to get rid of them.

And if the goblins grow too big, they will be realized as an illness. So the child made sure the hobgoblin knew this.

The next thing the child did was change the hobgoblin's mind. Over the past few weeks of trying to recreate the psychic communication skill, the child has gained a better understanding of the goblin mind. Although he is still far from truly making the mental communication ability, he can change some things about the goblin mind.

The intelligence, for example.

So the child made the hobgoblin smarter than it usually is. Although its intelligence only reached about an average human's or lower, it was enough.

Next, the child decided to do something to make the hobgoblin stand out. He gave it dark stripes that patterned its back and arms like a tiger. This was so that the hob-goblins king status would be more easily accepted. After all, only the extraordinary can sit on the throne.

These changes took a lot of third-order energy to keep in order. As such changes were not supposed to usually happen to a goblin, third-order energy was like the glue keeping the body in place so that it did not collapse suddenly.

These changes took a whole week to complete. And soon enough, the hobgoblin, or rather, the king goblin, left the core and faced the other goblins.

And the first thing it thought of was immediately establishing its position as king. Luckily, the knowledge of how to do so was written all over its core.

As for the follow-up on how it would go, the child did not have time to care. As the pain in his head had started to occur even without him triggering any memories.

So without wasting anymore time, the child's consciousness slipped deeper into the abyss. But before he slept, he thought to himself, "I wonder if dungeons dream."


AN: Hello, it's me, BlackGoblin. You have probabbly realised that these past two weeks i have not been updating much. I apologise as I have been procrastinating furiously.


But I will be trying harder in the coming days.

And I would like to warn you on the coming chapters. As for the next five or so chapters, it might be boring for some of you. As the setting will changed and... Well, if you by any chance isn't vibing with these chapters, I would advise you to use the audio book feature. Very good to speed through boring parts of a book.