Chapter 56: pressure (2)


With a single leap, wolf alpha jumped from the hole and directly landed near the edge. But the moment its feet landed on the ground, even though its body was only a few hundred kilograms, the ground cracked and produced an explosion sound.

Fragments of rocks and debris flew into the air. The heaviest ones fell to the ground with a thud, while the smallest stayed in the air.


Thats right, both the disros and the barely 100 gram rocks started leveraging near the wolf alpha.

The angry growls, the sudden increase in size and strength, and the very cool special effects (credits to the universal pressure) all seemed familiar to the child. It seemed that at the last moment, the wolf alpha had reached rank 2.

"Main character, let's see how good your plot armor is against my preparations."


An amalgamation of both a howl and a bark sounded from the wolf. The very sound itself made cracks start spreading to the very ground. Of course, such an effect wouldn't have been easily made without the universal pressure acting in the vicinity of the wolf, but it was a terrifying feat none the less. Evident enough by the gremlins that held their ears painfully far away from the fight.


The child ordered it, but it seemed like it was unnecessary. But a single goblin or hobgoblin waited for the wolf alpha to finish howling. They all ran away.


But although their reactions were quick, their feet weren't quick enough. With just one single sprint, the wolf alpha managed to reach an unlucky goblin and...


The wolf bit its shoulder, and the moment it did, the sound of bones breaking was heard. Nobody knows whether the bones broke due to the universal pressure surrounding the wolf or the jaw strength of the wolf itself. Either way, the wolf didn't care; it continued rampaging and destroying everything around it.

A certain goblin tried to hide behind a stone pillar, but with a mere smack from the wolf, the pillar was destroyed to smithereens.


After that horrid roar, the wolf dashed off towards another unlucky victim. And this time, it was a hobgoblin. Hearing the wolf approach from behind It, the hobgoblin decides to turn around and face it rather than die running.

So it turned and raised its shield. Seeing the hobgoblin blocking, the wolf raised its clawed to attack the shield.

The child who saw this couldn't help but remember the vision of the future he had made. The scene looked quite similar to what was happening at that moment. A giant wolf that towered over the hobgoblin attacked it with its paw, while the hobgoblin raised its shield to defend.



But unlike what happened in the vision, the shield instantly shrank upon contact with the paw. The paw continued its claim forward and slashed a good part of the poor hobgoblin's face.


Unlike in the vision, the shield did not hold on, and the hobgoblin didn't continue fighting the wolf. What happened next was no different from what would happen to a goblin if it was replaced with the hobgoblin.


The wolf hit the hobgoblin's chest, making a few chest bones crack and blood pull out of its mouth. The wolf did not waste time and went for the head.

From then on, it was a slaughter; hob-goblins and goblins tried however they could to stop the wolf. Be it the magical cement, arrows, or even giant crossbows. None of them work. So as the seconds went by, the screams did not decrease and continued to occur.

And while all of this was happening, what was the child doing, you might ask? He was, of course, ordering all the goblins as much as he could. But with panic and fear spreading faster than COVID, there was no way they would listen.

Even more so when what he was telling them to do was provoke the one thing they currently feared most.

And at some point, one goblin broke out of the child's subconscious order to ignore the gate. So the goblin bolted towards the gate. It realized that since it couldn't beat the wolf, why should it keep staying here?

All the other goblins realized the same thing and thus started running after the gate. Surviving was the goal, and getting out was the way, so the goblins spared not one bit of stamina as they ran towards the gate.

Too bad for them, the wolf alpha was not stupid. Sure, it was livid and crazy at that moment, but it still had some level of common sense in its mind. So it ran over towards the gate, fully intending on intercepting all the goblins before they escaped.

But by doing So, it let go of a certain hobgoblin that was currently in turmoil over what it should do. At that moment, the child decided to focus all of his will to order one single hobgoblin instead of the whole race.

So in the end, this hobgoblin found itself in turmoil over what to do. Its mind was telling it to run as fast as it could. As the wolf was nothing like it had ever fought before, the hobgoblin could not imagine taking it down.

But its heart was telling it something else. Directly provoked the wolf and lured it somewhere else. Had it not been for the many instances in the past, the hobgoblin would have thought that it had a death wish unknowingly.

But it remembered all those days when it randomly followed its heart and had its life saved. Ever since that day it was born, it has always followed its heart. And to this day, it had survived only due to that. So at that moment, the hobgoblin made an impulsive and likely terrible decision.

It followed its heart. Or rather, it followed the child's order.


Shouting loudly, the hobgoblin went over towards a long spear and grabbed it with its hands. Then it ran over towards the wolf. As though an Olympic athlete, the hobgoblin threw spear directly towards wolf.




The spear shattered on impact with the wolf. It's true that the wolf was hit, but it didn't look like it was hurt much, if any. So the wolf slowly turned around and saw the one who dared disrespect it so.

And the moment the wolf turned, that's when the hobgoblin knew it fucked up. What heart, What trust or belief in itself, all of that seemed to disappear to be replaced by only fear.


Was the sound of the wolf colliding with a rock column like it was merely glass? It had only one target at that moment, and that target is currently running away. Everything else on its way seemed like a mere hindrance to its path.

"Go to the left!"

The child furiously commanded With the threat of death basically approaching, it was hard for even this heart-driven hobgoblin to listen to the child's silent orders.

"Go through the archway."

As the hobgoblin ran, it got closer to a certain arch made of two rock columns and another on top of the two. The thing looked like a large doorway. Only there was no house or door for it. And if you look around, you will find that there are at least two other constructs similar to this one.

"Go through the arch."

"The wolf is too big and will get stuck while you can pass through." The child convinced, which was complete bullshit. As the arch was just as big as the wolf. It could totally pass without any problems.

But it seems like that bullshit logic made sense to the hobgoblin as it, in the end, ran towards the arch.
