Chapter 60: More slavery

The sun rose from what the child believed to be the east. As the sun's rays shone on the fort built by the goblins, great changes that occurred with the passing time could be seen.

The hole that used to be in the middle of the fort was then gone, while a few shabby houses replaced it. Due to the growing number of goblins, it was no longer possible to keep them all in the dungeon.

So the child had made them sleep outside a few weeks ago. But because of the possible battle that loomed over his head, the child had not made them any actual houses or places of dwelling. He just made the goblins sleep outside. Which wasn't really much of a change for the goblins. After all, even in the dungeon, they slept on the floor.

But after the battle and a few days passed, the child decided to make them build houses. Where all the goblins could live and continue their daily lives.

During the few days that passed, the child had created more goblins. Thus filling in the gap left over by the dead goblins. With these goblins, he had sent over a few goblins with one of the gremlins towards the kobold camp.

There, he found a few young kobolds. With the collars the goblins carried with them, even those young kobolds were shackled.

So with the young kobolds coming in, the total kobolds enslaved amounted to 14.

With the collars and chains keeping them down, the kobolds had no chance of escaping. But of course they still tried anyway. And since the child was trying to advocate for appropriate actions receiving their appropriate rewards, the kobold's escape attempts always ended up with them getting pulled into the dungeon core. There, they would receive not only suffocation but also electrotherapy. luckily, not a single kobold was killed, but the pain they experienced was no laughing matter.

So after a few tries, the kobolds completely understood their situation. They couldn't run from this. But their new life with the goblins wasn't really that bad. Ample food, which was mainly life-sustaining water, was provided, and they weren't really badly treated. Some of the goblins do have ideas to play with the kobolds, but the child has stopped them from doing so.

Still, there were some who ignored the order. Such goblins now have either scratch marks or a large piece of themselves missing for a few minutes. The kobolds who did that weren't spared either, though, so to the dungeon core they went.

But after these few days, the situation had finally stabilized. The goblin population was low, and new goblins were on the way. And with the kobold problem out of the way, the child believed it was time to properly tame the kobolds.

How was he going to do this, though?

He of course created a goblin specifically for taming. Well, it was not really a goblin but a gremlin instead. Which he calls the tamer gremlin. Basically, the main job of the tamer gremlin was to tame the kobolds.

So the child took a normal gremlin blueprint, wiped out all the inherent memories about hunting, and poured in a whole bunch of knowledge about taming kobolds. But he didn't do only that. He also poured in information about the Kobold language. Which was mostly what the child could understand from their daily grunts and most of his attempts at mind reading.

In the end, he did get some results. As he had partially learned a part of the Kobold language. 'Partially' being an important word, because the child could not learn the whole language. As the other part was communicated with their telekenetic communication. Because of that, the tamer gremlins could not fully learn the language, and an inept conversation was not possible. But still, the important words could be said, like 'obey.'

So as the morning came to the goblin horde, so did the tamer gremlins. As the gremlins came out of the portal, what they were holding was what seemed like a long black metal stick. On the lower end of the stick was a ring.

The kobolds and all the other goblins didn't really know what the thing was, but it didn't take long for them to know. When one of the kobolds acted aggressively toward the tamer gremlin, it only mouthed and pulled the ring on the back of the stick.

And it turns out that the ring was basically like a chainsaw string that you pulled. The kobolds didn't know what a chainsaw was, but they did see the effect of the stick. After the gremlins pulled the ring a few times, it hit the kobold with the stick.

The others thought that the gremlin would be killed, but the kobold started spasming on the ground weirdly.


This was because electricity was going through its body, ultimately paralyzing it and causing it pain at the same time.

From then on, the tamer gremlins were in charge of training the kobolds. If they did bad things and didn't follow orders, they would be electrocuted. If they were good, then they would be given food. Such food was a lot more delicious than the stuff they usually eat. Since there was no longer a problem with the kobolds, the other gremlins could finally go back to doing what they really loved. hunting and setting up traps for dumb animals.

With more loot coming in, the gremlins that knew how to cook were in the limelight once more. And the kobolds did not fail to appreciate the delicious foods.

And since the kobolds weren't really dumb creatures, the whole taming process wasn't that hard. As soon as they knew what to do and what not to do, the electric stick was less necessary.

Which was, by the way, not a mechanical object. It was instead a normal metal rod with a few electric-type Ether crystals in the handle. The ring was held up by a spring that would retract when pulled. inside It was another crystal, which will start generating electricity with the other crystals once they start rubbing against each other. And since the crystals were in contact with the metal rod, it would get charged.

Anyway, with this taming tool, it was easy to fully electrocute all the pride the kobolds had and cut them down to size. So they no longer growled angrily or tried to kill any of the tamer gremlins.

With their pride now gone, all that was left to completely make them slaves was to take away their hope. Which would be a long-drawn process. But since the problem with the kobolds was sorted out, time was one thing the child had ample amounts of at that moment.
