Chapter 76: Goblin life(2)


Under the king's gaze, two figures entered the house. One was a slightly plump hobgoblin, while the other was a seemingly normal goblin. Well, other than the goblin having a full set unordinary clothes, it did not seem too out of the ordinary.

The hobgoblin held the goblin's neck and forced him to his knees. The hobgoblin too went to his knees before saying, "My king."

"Stand," the goblin king said in a deep voice, calming his excited heart.

Yes, my king," the hobgoblin said, standing up and bringing the goblin with him.

"Tell me, Hoburi, is it true?" The king asked.

The hobgoblin named Hoburi nodded his head and said, "Yes, my king, it is true. The Mother has returned to us! Look, she has spawned a goblin." Hoburi pointed at the goblin, Adam, beside him.