Chapter 95: World ire.

In the cave-like dungeon, life went well for the goblins, as after ten days of building, they finally settled down. The long tunnels of the dungeon were finally turned into roads, and the large indents became towns and villages.


But still, even though the goblins have taken quite a lot of space moving in, they could not quite fill up the large dungeon. According to Erden, the goblins had at most taken up 30% of the dungeon's space. This included not just the goblins that were in the original town but all the goblins, including the one in the front lines, that managed to reach the Dungeon portal in time.


That is right; the goblins that had been stationed further out in other strongholds have managed to return within the past few days. But of course, their journey was anything but pleasant. The terrifying hail and snowstorm aside, the goblins had to deal with kobolds attacking them with each passing day.