Chapter 108: Hair?


Adam said as he recognized the goblin. As one of the few goblins that managed to become a kobold tamer, Gobuno was well known in the goblin community. He was the one the king had sent to go and warn the other goblin scouts to return to the town.

The goblin was easily irritated and mostly wore a frown on his face when dealing with other goblins. It could not be blamed, as he was currently dealing with middle age and was close to being an old goblin.

That is what most of the goblins knew him for, but Adam knew him as the first goblin Erden had ever created.

Surprising right?

Erden, too, was surprised to find that the first goblin he had ever created had actually survived this far. In the grand scheme of things, goblins really are just cannon fodder. They are basically the pawns of the chess boar, and it is only after reaching the other end of the board that they can be promoted to knight's, or otherwise known as kobold tamers.