Dragon Girls Episode 2 (2)

I put my hands on the back of my head and said.

"Yes, please come in."

It was Alice who cautiously opened the door and entered.

She looked into the room very carefully.

"Uh... Hero, have you been sleeping?"

"No, I wasn't sleeping. Why?"

"that is..."

Alice was still standing at the door.

She was definitely lighter than when I saw her earlier.

He was wearing short pants and a cotton shirt that showed most of his long legs.

As it is an unplayed game, all of the women's costumes are designed to be erotic.

Alice probably didn't mean it that way, but her nipples were sticking out of her shirt.

That is, no bra.

Some of her Alice's figure stood out more because of her small breasts and her larger-than-average nipples.

I've already had sex with her.

Not only the pussy, but also the anus was attacked.

Of course, Alice didn't remember all of that.

It was a good thing.

Even though it was her mistake, I let her die.

She knew how upsetting it was for me, having been stabbed in the stomach once.

However, Alice only hesitated with a face that showed no resentment towards me.

I had played the original work, and had done that many times, so I knew what Alice was doing that way.

If possible, I wanted to skip annoying conversations and events as soon as possible and move the story forward, but I decided to play calmly in the second playthrough, so I decided not to rush.

I sat up on the bed and asked.

"Do you have any concerns?"

"Yeah, actually, that's..."

"Don't do that, come this way. We sit on the bed and talk together."


Alice glanced this way.

'what? Aren't they cute?'

I thought as I looked at her blushing face.

When I had sex with her in the first playthrough, her head was dyed red with her sexual desire.

She only thought of her as a sex doll she could fuck her, but never thought to take a closer look at her charms.

But seeing her standing in front of her door with her face dyed like this made me feel like rediscovering her charm.

In the first place, she was the character with the probabilities to join her party, overtaking her sister Alica.

She could be said to be a more important character since she had no combat characters to take with her during early dungeon raids.

She is laid back and she looks sexy as I thought she didn't have much sex appeal because of the atmosphere of the night.

I said again as I slapped the bottom of the bed.

"Come this way, because I won't catch and eat you."

Actually, it will catch you.

Alice walked slowly this way.

In a sense, she seemed more innocent than her sister Alica, so I had the urge to attack her.

Considering my level, she could never resist.

But if I did that, what would be the difference from the first playthrough?

I carved the letter of patience into my heart and soothed my brother who was about to get an erection.

Alice carefully sat down at the bottom of the bed.

She didn't care to look in my direction.

It was a stark contrast to the confident and tough appearance of the first playthrough.

I found her even cuter because I knew why she came to visit me in the middle of the night.

"Tell me. What are you worried about?"

"that is..."

Alice could hardly have a conversation.

I mustered up the courage to come this far, but it must be difficult to be honest.

I decided to help her.

In the original game, all I could do was read the set text and choose the options that came to my mind from time to time, but it's different here.

I definitely experienced the limitlessness of that freedom during the first playthrough.

"Have you lived here all along? Just the two of you with her brother?"

"Yeah... I couldn't help it. I couldn't abandon this house filled with memories with my parents. Besides, as long as I know that the monster that killed my father is over there, I think it will keep haunting me even if I go somewhere else."

There must have been a way to go to a distant place to train or hire mercenaries with good skills to deal with the monsters in the dungeon, but is this the limit of untimely practice?

Is it for the convenience of the initial progress?

Alice, unlike her image, did not have such clever thoughts.

"However, we cannot stay here forever. Her brother is also at risk. I don't know what would have happened to my younger sister if it hadn't been for me, even for the daytime job earlier."


When I told her about her sister, Alice immediately covered her face.

She shrugged her shoulders and began to sob.

"I know. If her brother was wrong, I would, I would .

The sorrowful heart of her older sister who is worried about her younger brother...

That was enough, and I thought it made it easier for me to proceed with the story.

She sneaked up to her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

Alice, who had been crying, was startled.

"are you okay. because i have Such an insignificant monster is nothing to me."


Alice bowed her head.

I was wondering what to do and suggested it to her.

"I have to enter the dungeon tomorrow. I have so many worries, how can I show my skills? Let me relax a bit for now."

"I can't sleep at all. I have nothing but bad thoughts... If this is the end, I will..."

The reason Alice came to see me.

It was a truly unexplained reason.

She knew how strong her Red Goblin was, and she couldn't possibly overcome it on her own.

Despite the fact that she had an assistant called the hero who suddenly appeared, she could hardly think of killing the Red Goblin with her way of thinking.

A secret affair as a woman.

It was to be held in the arms of a man at least once before dying.

That was her underlying reason for not being able to sleep.

"Lie down on the bed."


Alice was taken aback by my words.

"I will give you a massage. It's called a combat massage, and all warriors before an important fight receive it."

"Combat massage..."

"Alice is lucky. I am an expert in combat massage."

Combat massage is a piece of shit.

Of course, what I said to her was nothing more than a trick on her part to get her into her bed.

As I touched Alice's soft shoulder, she naturally felt her cock erect.

I can't stand it anymore.

It was a waste of time that she was doing this over a woman who could be easily captured in the first place.


have to be patient

This is also a pleasure to play.

Let's go slowly.


"Come on, lie down."

I pulled back the duvet on the rather narrow bed.

Alice looked at it and she hesitated a little, then she climbed into bed.

She hesitantly lay down on the bed.

The way she put her hands neatly on her belly button was so cute.

"No, don't lie down like that. Show me your back."


Alice turned her body over.

Thanks to that, I was able to covet her body more openly.

The most distinctive feature of her body was, of course, her well-proportioned legs.

Her sleek, long legs were moderately muscled, and yet her calves were free of eggs.

And what about those feet with each of her toes elongated?

It couldn't have been the perfect shape for footjob.

If I could, I wanted to make her wear stockings or knee socks, but I didn't have any right now.

It wasn't that there were no stockings because the historical background was fantasy.

Because this game was unplayed.

The tools for sexual intercourse are all properly equipped.

It's just a question of whether I have it now.

Unfortunately, I didn't have stockings or knee socks for Alice to wear.

Even if there was some regret, the beauty of Alice's legs did not fade.

It felt even sexier with the effect of the soft candlelight in the room.

I want to pour semen on those long, white legs right now.

I calmed down once more and shook my head.

combat massage.

Once I made an excuse and put Alice on her bed, but I don't know what a combat massage is.

My job was to take this as an opportunity to have sex.

I first took off the clothes I was wearing.

Alice didn't know anything, she just lay on her face.

Innocent, she seemed to have even closed her eyes, with her gaze turned to the floor.

I took off my pants and threw off my panties.

Of course, this situation where he lay down a beautiful woman and undressed at will made his cock bleed.

My cymbals swelled as if the wind had blown them in.

"Uh... Hero? Are you still lying like this? Somehow, I'm ashamed..."


Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the shy Alice.

"Okay, I'll start now."

I got on top of Alice with all my clothes off.

As she landed on her thighs, the balls naturally touched her skin.

"uh? Yo, hero...?"

Alice panicked and then turned her head away.