With the first radiance of the rising sun illuminating the firmament, its rays descended through the windows of the Central Palace into the bed which was itself adorned with beautiful crimson-colored beddings.

There lying was a woman who although in her early forties was outstandingly beautiful and fair as though she'd never aged.

The doors of the Grand Chamber were going open and at that moment, two Head ladies accompanied by a group of eight ladies in waiting made their way in while each was holding in their hands a tray of something at least, either ornaments or clothes as well as a couple of tools to help her get ready.

"Are you awake Your Highness?" One asked and it was at that moment that the sleeping beauty opened her eyes and she stared at the ceiling.

"Yes." She replied firmly in one voice as she slowly rose while they bowed their heads behind the silk curtain that surrounded her bed.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"It's 7:00 am, my Empress." Xiaoyang, the older of the two replied as the woman removed her legs from the covers and placed them on the footstool beneath.

"There's still time for the morning greeting." She said.

"Will Your Highness offer your greetings to the Grand Empress Dowager?" Manyin asked.

"She is my Senior after all." Empress Yang replied with a smile on her face as she stood up and stepped out from behind the Curtain and descended the stairs to them all.

"The ladies of the harem shall be coming to see me today, His Majesty shall equally be expecting an account, I insist that the Grand Empress Dowager is present, it is in her hall that the daily greeting shall be offered today." The Empress replied.

"Yes, Your Highness." They each replied in unison.

The Grand Empress Dowager Xie had been up an hour earlier and was settled in the garden that was stationed at the East side of her Palace.

Daiyu, her faithful Head Lady was by her side while she somberly watered the plum blossoms and

pruned them.

At that moment a younger maid made her way to her and with the utmost respect, she bowed her head to the old woman.

"Your Highness." She spoke so calmly, "I am reporting from the Central Palace." She added that the latter halted in her actions and it was as though she had least expected it.

"What is it?" Grand Empress Dowager Xie asked.

"Her Highness the August Empress has sent an order throughout the harem that the daily worship and greetings shall be offered here in your Palace." She responded.

"I am pleased." The Grand Empress replied, "so it shall be." She assured her and the latter bowing her head she withdrew from the site leaving the two women all alone.

"What do you think Daiyu?" The Grand Empress Dowager asked, "it seems to me that there is something on your mind." She asserted.

"Your Highness isn't the only one that sees this like me." Daiyu responded, "there have been four Empresses in this Palace, Wu, Li, Han, and Yang, out of all these, Empress Yang is the only one that accorded you some degree of respect, the only one that accorded you some affection." She pointed out.

"I understand your question." She responded.

"It's curiosity," Daiyu confirmed.

"I think I might have been right in my presentation." The Grand Empress insisted.

"The Empresses Li and Han, they are vivid examples of her ferocity, let alone she was of inferior rank, but after everything that transpired in the past eight years or so, she shouldn't be afraid of anyone to be arrogant was what I expected from her the most," Daiyu remarked.

"She understands the rules of the Palace, she understands the governance of the Inner Court, one would say she took her virtues of respect seriously, but the world is seeing, the people are talking and these walls each have ears, it's pleasing to the people and his Majesty." Grand Empress Dowager Xie said.

"No wonder they each seem to love her." Daiyu pointed out.

"I also must like her." The Grand Empress said.

"Your Highness, your silence in this Palace has kept you alive all these years." She muttered.

"Surely." The Grand Empress affirmed, "As always, it's silent that we must be and silent that we shall remain." She added as she looked at the plum blossoms.

The gates of the South Palace were opened and through them, a group of about forty concubines made their way in accompanied by a group of eunuchs and ladies in waiting and led by Cao Zhaoyi who was the highest secondary Consort of Emperor Ningzong.

Making their way to the hall where the Empress Yang and the Grand Empress Dowager were seated side by side each magnificently dressed for the occasion, they halted before their two thrones.

"Your Highness the Grand Empress Dowager, Your Highness the Empress, we humbly greet you and wish you a very long life." They spoke in one voice as they bowed their heads.

"At ease." The Empress said as they stood upright and calmly, they made their way to their seats where the Eunuchs behind them offered them a cup of tea each and some snacks.

"It has been a very tough week." The Empress said, "how have you all been?" She asked.

"Brilliant, thanks to Your Highness' good grace." Cao Zhaoyi responded.

"It's good to hear that, after all, we are all here as His Majesty's subjects, it's been a couple of months since I was invested as the Empress and my duties aren't as easy as one would think, yet surprisingly I find the weight of that Crown bearable, more so because you have each tirelessly aided me." She said.

"We are merely glad for Your Highness." One of the ladies, Hui Chongrong said.

"I love hearing that." The Empress remarked and with the Grand Empress Dowager watching she led them all into taking their first sip.

The greeting having ended, the Empress walking back to her Palace Manyin and Xiaoyang guarded her sides.

"Congratulations Your Highness." Xiaoyang said, "the ladies seem to act well within their boundaries." She remarked.

"The harem is peaceful now more than ever," Manyin remarked.

"There aren't too many people against us, our enemies aren't so few still." Empress Yang assured them.

They kept quiet immediately.

"The world has fallen silent." Xiaoyang asserted to her

"Surely," she agreed, "it's momentary." She remarked.

"Is something wrong?" Manyin inquired when she noticed the serious look on the face of her mistress, she could tell that something was going on in her mind.

"I keep having the same dream, I am now used, barely frightened I can't seem to scream, it now feels like a heart-to-heart conversation." Empress Yang replied.

"Again?" Xiaoyang inquired.

"The late Crown Prince Zhao Jun died in my hands, he died laughing at me but I have learned to laugh with him there too." The Empress replied.

"Perhaps you have been thinking about him so much of late," Manyin remarked.

"Everything that I have, everything that we have achieved, it was all earned from blood, toil, tears, and sweat, nothing more and nothing less, it doesn't seem that this is the end." The Empress replied.

"But you're not sorry Your Highness," Xiaoyang muttered as they continued to walk

"Never." She replied, "I don't have that time." She firmly stated.

"What do we do Your Highness?" Manyin inquired.

"I have come to learn that very many people still feel discontented with the Crown Princess' banishment from the Palace, at the very least I have word of the rumors on the streets which could only be the work of our enemies." She said.

"Of Course." Manyin mentioned.

"Nothing travels faster than gossip." The Empress said, "yet we have the East Palace to bring

under our control but we can't do that amidst the ongoing tension, amidst those too many questions, naturally we'd come under scrutiny, which scrutiny we can not afford and I trust that our enemies are well aware that we are in a very delicate position as of now we can't install our own Crown Prince amidst poisonous feelings of sympathy for His Late Highness." She added.

"Public opinion is very important to us and to neglect it indeed won't do as well," Xiaoyang remarked.

"I must consolidate my position in the harem and the Inner Court while our enemies are equally looking for the perfect opportunity to turn the whole world against us, as such we must divert the public sympathy from the deposed Crown Princess to us immediately, I trust you feel the same." the Empress said.

"And how does Your Highness suggest we do that?" Manyin asked while she halted for a moment.

"I seem to have been thinking about it of late, as the Head of His Majesty's harem and us being in the season of silkworms, a Sericulture Ceremony is right at this point, I couldn't be mistaken in believing so." The Empress said as she smiled at herself ghastly while the two looked at each other.

The Emperor Ningzong seated in his study Eunuch Deng made his way in before him and bowed his head.

"Your Majesty." He said bowing his head.

"What is it?" He inquired while the latter carrying a memorial in his hands he delivered it to the young man's hands as he took it into his possession.

"It's a petition from Her Highness the Empress, she has sent over a review of the budget and requires your approval to hold the Sericulture ceremony outside the Palace." Eunuch Deng replied.

"I see." The Emperor said, "how is she doing?" He asked.

"She's happy, the harem and the Inner Court are peaceful, much as there are rumors that still question the deposed Crown Princess' banishment from the palace, but she's done a good job and she is good in the eyes of many." He responded.

"That gives me some peace of mind, with Empress Han, there was never a calm amongst the ladies like there seems to be today." The Emperor muttered.

"I trust that indeed being in the season of silkworms, she has chosen rightly and this will be her first formal activity since her investiture as Empress." Eunuch Deng said.

"Let the Central Palace know that they have my approval." The Emperor Ningzong said with a smile on his face.

"Surely Your Majesty." Eunuch Deng said as he withdrew from his presence at once while the Emperor returned to reviewing the memorial.

Cao Zhaoyi seated in her Chambers Linxiang made her way in and bowed her head.

"Your Grace." She said.

"What is it?" She asked.

"His Excellency the Left Chancellor is requesting to have an audience with you." She responded.

"Let him in." Cao Zhaoyi mentioned and as Linxiang left a while later Han Touzhou walked in and

bowed his head to her.

"Your Grace." He said.

"Your Excellency." She responded while he sat down right in front of her.

"You seem bothered." She pointed out.

"There's hardly any success but the impact of the rumor has created some reasonable tension and I have learned from my sources that Her Highness the Empress has been mobilizing resources for a Sericulture Ceremony." Han Touzhou mentioned.

"Are you certain?" Cao Zhaoyi asked.

"Yes." Han Touzhou confirmed, "we are in the season of silkworms and they seem to be in abundance this year." He added.

"Then Her Highness is aware of the damage of these rumors." Cao Zhaoyi mentioned.

"It is going to be her first formal event ever since her investiture as Empress and in my best understanding, she wishes to use this ceremony to consolidate herself as the Head of the harem and the Inner Court." Han Touzhou mentioned.

"Perhaps." Cao Zhaoyi mentioned.

"You seem doubtful Your Grace." Han Touzhou pointed out.

"It's not enough of a reason, the Empress having orchestrated something this big wouldn't be aiming at consolidating her position alone, there has to be something more." Cao Zhaoyi mentioned.

"But what would that be?" Han Touzhou asked.

"I do not know." Cao Zhaoyi replied.

          "That makes it all the more difficult for us, work would have been easy if we at least had a hint." He asserted.

           "That isn't our part to worry about." Cao Zhaoyi said.

           "Your Grace......" Han Touzhou still speaking was interrupted.

           "It doesn't matter what her motive is at the moment as long as we have our chance." Cao Zhaoyi mentioned.

           "I don't quite understand." Han Touzhou mentioned.

           "This being Her Highness' first formal event it should be perfect by all means, yet I too recall how things went with Empress Han in the past, how unfortunate do you think it will be if things don't go as planned for the Empress?" Cao Zhaoyi muttered.

            "I see Your Grace." Han Touzhou said having seemingly understood what his accomplice was thinking.

            "Three months is enough and things have been quiet of late." She remarked, "it's high time that we shake things up a bit." Cao Zhaoyi said as she smiled at herself ghastly.

            Yang Cishan in his residence Jinglan walked into his room holding an envelope in his hands which he handed over to him.

            "What is this?" He asked.

            "It's a message from Her Highness the Empress," Jinglan replied and the latter taking it and opening it pulled out a piece of paper which he looked through.

           "What does it say, Your Excellency?" He asked.

           "Her Highness is going to hold a Sericulture Ceremony outside the Palace and His Majesty has given her His approval, we won't be presiding over her security." He responded.

           "Why?" Jinglan asked.

           "I don't understand, it's going to be her first event and she understands that Imperial troops have more control beyond the Palace walls than the Imperial guards, those men don't come under our command which will make her security compromised." Yang Cishan responded.

           "Then she must have her reasons." Jinglan pointed out.

            "But rumors have been spreading about that the Crown Princess was banished from the Palace unjustly, she could have reasonable consideration from the people but if there's a section amongst them that is ready to rebel then it can also be as fatal." Yang Cishan insisted.

           "It isn't our place to reason." Jinglan said, "You know Her Highness, she wouldn't walk into this without a plan at the very least at the back of her mind." He added.

           "But you and I understand that her silence is always putting us at risk." Yang Cishan asserted.

           "But this is a question of trust," Jinglan mentioned.

           "Then what do you suggest we do?" Yang Cishan asked.

           "We control neither the Imperial troops nor guards but we can control the public opinion," Jinglan responded.

           "The public opinion?" Yang Cishan inquired.

           "Our enemies are scheming day and night and while the Sericulture Ceremony is a big move for the Empress in her game it is as well a big opportunity for those that wish to act against us, if we can't protect the Empress at the Ceremony then we can round up everyone that could act up against her," Jinglan responded.

           "The world, the people all are well aware of the Sericultural ceremony Your Highness, and word has been delivered to your brother as you wished," Manyin said.


        "Wonderful," the Empress muttered, "they must all be happy at the very least, they must surely be happy now that they have an opportunity to strike at us," she added.

        "There's no telling what Cao Zhaoyi and the others will do but we can rest assured it can't be good." Manyin said.

         "Everything appears to be falling to a wholesome state, every man for themselves and the great and good Lord for us all." Empress Yang remarked as she smiled at herself ghastly.

          "Yes Your Highness." Manyin agreed with her.

          The people walking in the streets a couple of Imperial soldiers from the Capital patrol stuck the notices up on the walls and public notice boards while the people gathered in large groups around them.

          "What does it say?" they asked amongst themselves and one who could read stepped out of the mob and faced the majority.

           "It's Her Highness the Empress, she will perform the Sericulture ceremony in public three days from now." he replied.

           "Really?" the people asked amongst themselves.

           "It has the Emperor's seal," others asserted and Lin Xue amongst the crowds he moved away.

           Returning to his master, he bowed his head before him.

           "Your Excellency." he said.

           "What's the matter?" he asked.

           "The declaration has been publicly issued." He replied.

           "Very well," Han Touzhou responded, "convene the others immediately." He said.

           "Yes Your Excellency." Lin Xue replied as he withdrew from the room.

           "Let's see Your Highness, you are about to regret this day for the rest of your life." He said to himself as he smiled ghastly.

           The Emperor Ningzong retiring from his study he found his wife standing outside his Chambers with her ladies in waiting.

            "Your Majesty." She said to him bowing her head.

            "There's no need my Empress," he remarked, "how have you been?" He inquired while touching her cheek.

           "Marvellous thanks to your grace, I apologise that I seem to have neglected you for a moment since my investiture as Empress that I prepared for you some snacks." She said to him and Manyin walking closer with a lunch box in her possession, she handed it over to her mistress who took it into her hands.

            "Come in." The Emperor said calmly and smiling at sincerely at him, the two mounted the stairs and walked into the room closing the doors behind themselves as they approached the table that was next to the Emperor's bed.

            They sat down opposite one another and the Empress served the snacks.

            "I heard that Your Majesty hasn't eaten anything these past couple of days." She muttered.

            "The petitions have been quite many of recent." The Emperor replied.

            "I see." Empress Yang spoke up.

            "What about you?" The Emperor inquired, "you have lost weight yourself." He pointed out.

            "The Princes Zhao Xun and his brothers require my attention and as Empress there's the harem, it saddens me that I can't help you with your affairs of State as you seem to disregard sharing your memorials with me." The Empress replied.

            "I do not want to burden you with my responsibilities." Emperor Ningzong spoke up in his defense.

            "I understand but we are married after all and I am your Empress, your health, safety and security is of Paramount importance to me." The Empress replied.

            "I understand." The Emperor replied as he took a bite while she smiled content.

             "You still prepare them very well." He remarked.

             "For Your Majesty, everything that I do is wholeheartedly." The Empress replied.

            "I am pleased to hear that," Emperor Ningzong said, "however I have learnt that you want the Sericulture Ceremony to be there in three days I can't help but wonder what's with the hurry?" He inquired.

           "It's my first formal engagement as the Empress, there aren't as many people that could be happy with my investiture the last three months, beside as a celebration I hope that it would ease the society and the community and the harem and Inner Court having spent a long time without an Empress, I merely wish to strengthen your position on the throne and I fear that any delays might do us no good at all." The Empress replied.

             "How fortunate I am to have you!" The Emperor said, "you have my blessing." He confirmed.

             "Thank you Your Majesty." The Empress replied as she smiled at him heartily.

            "Your Excellency." Shi Miyuan, the former Prince Consort kneeling in front of the memorial tablet of the deceased Princess Imperial Qi'an Dong Hua his retainer called him.

            "What is it?" He asked.

            "Her Highness the Empress will have the Sericulture Ceremony in three days." He responded.

             "I see." Shi Miyuan muttered.

             "Are you alright?" Dong Hua asked.

             "I was just thinking." He replied.

             "About what Your Excellency?" He asked.

             "How unfortunate she must have been." Shi Miyuan responded.

             "She was sinful and death was her salvation." Dong Hua remarked.

             "It must have been so, so so much that all I ever gave her was hatred." Shi Miyuan said.

             "Do you regret anything?" Dong Hua asked.

            "A man could hold the world in their hands, at once I had vowed that my whole life I would be a free scholar and the world wouldn't have to be bothered by my talents, my wisdom but alas, K became the very thing that I dreaded more than anything else, a politician I am entangled in this unfortunate life and death gamble for power." Shi Miyuan replied.

           "Unremarkable in deed." Dong Hua muttered.

           "Can I not become like Her Highness, kill every human feeling within and prey on the fears of my adversaries and the praises of the people?" He asked.

           "It can get quite lonely." Dong Hua said.

           "And I have you in this loneliness, I feel you are the only person that understands me." He mentioned.

           "I serve Your Excellency with my life, nothing short of that." Dong Hua asserted.

            "My house needs a woman and it needs heirs." Shi Miyuan said.

            "But are you ready Your Excellency?" Dong Hua asked.

            "I am sure even the Empress would want it." He replied.

            "I am happy that you know that." Dong Hua remarked.

            "What I have between the Empress and myself is eternal, it's an inextinguishable fire, I am doing what is necessary as my soul is tied to her, after all, someone must inherit for her the power that Han Touzhou posseses." Shi Miyuan said and opening his palm and looking at the halved Jade pendant in it, he tightly clenched his fist.

             Han Touzhou and his supporters gathered in the dead of night, he sat at the end of the table.

             "You summoned us Your Excellency?" One of the Ministers said.

             "I understand that you must have heard about the Empress' forthcoming Sericulture Ceremony, I trust that you feel the same way about her presence as I do, moreso, we all share a common grief and ailing, a common loss and threat that binds us tightly to one another." Han Touzhou responded.

            "Yes." They muttered in unison.

            "It's been three months since Her Highness was invested as the Empress that means that she's spent a short time in office and you are each aware of the rumours going around. The Empress arranging the Sericulture Ceremony is no coincidence and two good reasons are firstly she intends to silence the rumours and the second she wishes to consolidate her position in the harem of which for any of the two to be fulfilled, it is important that the ceremony is a success." He pointed out.

            "So what are we going to do?" They asked him.

            "We merely have to make the ceremony inauspicious, something as sacred as it is could cause serious repercussions once things get out of order." Han Touzhou responded.

            "So what are we going to do Your Excellency?"

            "Not many people would love the Empress and as such that means if harm were to befall her it would be from anywhere and it could be anyone, but that would instead grant her public sympathy, but it the tide turns in our favour and something bad happened in the course of the rituals, public dissent would be justified and as such we would have provided the fundamental doctrine to inspire later tensions." Han Touzhou replied.

             "So in a simple way..." One of them saying halted.

             "The rumours are baseless and because they are baseless we should aid the sympathizers of the deposed Crown Princess in acquiring more allies." Han Touzhou replied.

             Empress Yang walking into her secret room within the Lanling Court she found her supporters eagerly waiting for her that they stood up at once to recognize her presence.

             When she sat down they sat down after her and studying her, they each noticed how composed she looked.

            "I suppose everyone is here?" She asked.

            "Yes Your Highness." Everyone replied in unison.

            "I trust you have questions about the Sericulture Ceremony." She mentioned.

             "Your Highness refused our protection, we have enemies that are still somewhat powerful." Bao Langya mentioned.

             "About that I am very much aware." She said.

            "And we have people that are still willing to rebel amongst the mobs." The Grand Chancellor Zhao Zizhi insisted.

             "That I also know." She responded calmly.

             "If the Sericulture Ceremony is held in public Your Highness then the scope of viewers will be very many and with out our security Your Highness your life will be endangered." Yang Cishan said.

            "Don't worry about me all of you." Empress Yang said.

            "And how do you expect us to possibly not do that, our refrain from reaction is difficult Your Highness and suppose something bad were to happen to you where would we begin to look and with who, the danger would be any person, at any place, any time." Master Bao mentioned.

            "Yes." Empress Yang spoke aloud, "now you finally understand why it is necessary." She said.

           "Your Highness?" Bao Langya spoke up in protest.

            "This is why I am holding the Sericulture Ceremony in public, the danger could be any person, at any place, any time." She muttered as she smiled at herself ghastly.

             Cao Zhaoyi seated alone in her Chambers in the darkness the doors were opened and through them, Linxiang ushered herself into her presence where she halted and bowed her head.

             "Did you do as I had asked you?" She asked her.

             "Yes Ma'am, Her Highness will have no idea what's coming her way and besides I doubt she will even have the time to react to it." Linxiang replied.

            "I am sure that the Empress Han in her grave will turn and burst with laughter, after all is it not said that what goes round comes around and tit for tat is a fair play?" She rhetorically asked.

            "Yes Ma'am." Linxiang agreed as the two smiled at themselves.

            Very early in the morning many of the people had gathered along with the ladies of the harem in front of the the foot of Yuelun Hill, facing the Qiantang River in front of the Liuhe Pagoda.

Itself a structure of magnificence it stood about nine stories high touching the sky and the ceremonial music playing with the troupes entertaining the masses, a short while later, the Empress in her pheasant robes wearing her Phoenix Crown was assisted by Manyin and Xiaoyang who supported her hands as she was led up to the altar.

Halting there in front of it, she bowed three times to the goddess of silk worms before she turned

around and then held one of the baskets that had been arranged for her.

Cao Zhaoyi and all the other ladies of the Palace including the common people watched how the Empress conducted herself with elegance and while the Imperial troops patrolled around the place, they kept a close eye on her from a distance.

"Her Highness seems to be more lovely amongst the people." Linxiang whispered to Cao Zhaoyi.

I want to see how long that grace of hers will last." She responded and the young woman moving up to the Mulberry leaves, she started harvesting a couple of leaflets with which she filled her basket and turned to face the people once before she would continue to feed the silkworms.

Slowly and step by step as she went forward, composed and confident without wavering as her eyes were set on the silk worms in front of her, she stopped in front of them as everyone watched.

Some silence engulfing the whole place and the birds having quietened down, underneath the brilliant sunlight she smiled when at the speed of wind without any warning and in front of the whole world, a long arrow hit the Empress at the left part of chest.

It took some time for the people to process what had happened as the Empress coughed blood from her mouth.

"Your Highness?" Manyin shouted on top of the voice whole Linxiang and Consort Cao looking surprised themselves watched as the Empress fell down in front of the silk worms.

"Protect the Empress." Beiyuan said and a group of Eunuchs immediately surrounded her while the people in chaos began running for their lives while the Imperial guards present concentrated themselves around her as well.

The Empress with her eyes still open she looked at the sky lost in her thoughts when she heard the cry of the eagle and slowly she closed them while blood flowed from her wound.

The Emperor Ningzong looking through a couple of his memorials Eunuch Deng flung the doors of his study open and rushed in front of him.

"Your Majesty?" He cried aloud, "trouble." He assured the latter who turned all his attention onto him.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"It's Her Highness the Empress." Eunuch Deng replied.

"What happened to her?" Emperor Ningzong asked as he stood up immediately.

"The Sericulture Ceremony," Eunuch Deng stuttered, "at the Sericulture Ceremony, Her Highness

was shot with an arrow." He reported and the Emperor not waiting to hear anything else he immediately strode out of the room.

"What?" Yang Cishan said.

"Someone shot Her Highness with an arrow." Jinglan mentioned and furiously, her brother smacked the table.

"I felt something like this would happen." He said as he stood up and dashed out of the room.

The Empress being carried on Beiyuan's back was accompanied with a group of Imperial physicians up to her chamber where they lowered her onto her bed behind the silk screen and they started working on her.

Her blood had turned black while she had turned pale herself at the moment, her body was turning cold and there were big bags under her eyes.

At that critical moment the Emperor arriving through the doors of the room rushed to her bed side and everyone recognizing his presence they bowed their heads.

"How is she?" The Emperor asked the Imperial physicians and one of them turning away from the Empress faced him.

"Her Highness was shot by a very poisonous arrow and is quite lucky that her body can put up

some resistance it hasn't yet spread entirely, however her condition is critical and unless the poison is removed before it reaches her vitals and damages her meridians, she could die in the next twenty four hours." He replied.

Hearing this the Emperor stumbled but was held up by Eunuch Deng.

"Can't you do anything?" They asked the Imperial physicians.

"We can try to get rid of the poison but there's no guarantee that she'll survive." The Head physician replied and the Emperor looking at his Empress furious, he clenched his fists.

"I want to talk to everyone who was in charge of the security at the event." Emperor Ningzong said, "summon the head of the patrol police and close all the gates of the capital not letting anyone in or out." Emperor Ningzong said.

"Yes Your Majesty." Lan He replied as he withdrew from the room immediately while the Emperor stood there looking at his unconscious wife.

Cao Zhaoyi furious she barged through the doors of her Chambers and moved up to her seat that was stationed behind her table where she sat.

Linxiang following her she bowed her head.

"Ma'am?" She said.

"What went wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know," Linxiang replied, "perhaps Han Touzhou had something to do with this." She remarked.

"Such a foolish move couldn't have been his to orchestrate." Cao Zhaoyi replied.

"But if it isn't Han Touzhou then who could it be?" Linxiang asked.

"You tell me?" Cao Zhaoyi responded while Linxiang seemed so lost in her own thoughts.

Han Touzhou in his study he smacked the table.

"So you are trying to tell me that someone shot the Empress and you don't know who it was?" He

snapped at Lin Xue.

"Forgive me Your Excellency." He muttered.

Do you realise what dire situation we are in at the moment?" Han Touzhou asked.

"Your Excellency, please enlighten me." He pleaded.

"The Empress needed to be alive while the Sericulture Ceremony was supposed to be a disaster,

that was what was intended to make the people brew the necessary feelings for rebellion by which a public opinion would have pressured the Crown to force the Empress' dethronement," Han Touzhou replied, "now that the Empress has been hurt at the moment and fatally the public will not be quiet and we were largely in charge of her security we would come under scrutiny while she receives the public sympathy." He muttered.

"Then Your Excellency is implying that...." He mentioned but halted halfway.

"Yes," Han Touzhou confirmed, "this must have been the doing of the Empress herself." He asserted.

"Even if it was, what proof have we?" Lin Xue asked.

"None." Han Touzhou replied, "and as it seems there's only one way that is left to win this fight."

He said.

"What are we going to do?" Lin Xue asked.

"They attempted to assassinate the Empress that means that as the Great mastermind, my hint is that someone powerful and on our side will be linked with this incident and that doesn't make me an exception." Han Touzhou mentioned.

"So....?" Lin Xue inquired.

"We'll need a scapegoat." Han Touzhou replied.

"Your Excellency, we have already lost too many people that we can't bear to lose another." Lin Xue cautioned.

"Whoever made an attempt on the Empress' life must surely hate her, and as it is so recently there were a group of people that disagreed with the banishment of the former Crown Princess from the Palace, there wasn't a single trace that someone powerful was involved and since she controls the Imperial State Tribunal that means that sooner or later they'll need a criminal." Han Touzhou replied.

"We give them what they want." Lin Xue said.

"Yes." Han Touzhou confirmed.

The guards in charge all gathered in the Emperor's study, the doors were flung open and the young man seemingly energetic made his way through up to his seat while the four men bowed their heads.

"Your Majesty." They said to him but he ignored their salutation as he sat down furiously before them.

"I won't pretend to ask you what you are doing here." He said aloud.

"Forgive us Your Majesty." One of them replied.

"Suppose I did, you being sorry doesn't change anything and it doesn't alter the fact that the Empress and the Mother of this nation to which you swore your allegiance, to which you swore your support is dying and lying in a bed fighting for her life." The Emperor muttered.

"We were too lax your Majesty, not one of us saw the assassin and neither do we have a lead, we can't possibly tell where the arrow came from." One mentioned.

"So you brazenly explain to me your incompetence?" He inquired.

"I shall take any punishment that Your Majesty sees fit for me." He replied.

"Very well then, since it is your urging." Emperor Ningzong said as he stood up while they went onto their knees.

"Someone wanted the Empress dead, I understand that even amongst the people in Court there are those that openly dislike her which isn't my concern. Her safety and the stability of this state is of utmost importance which means that to me anything else is of secondary importance." The Emperor said while they kept quiet.

"You will deliver the Empress' assassin to my hands in three days and your failure to do so shall merely imply that you shall bear yourselves the responsibility of this incident, understood?" The Emperor said.

"Yes Your Majesty." They replied in unison as they bowed their heads while he furiously stepped out of the building.

Manyin and Xiaoyang along with Beiyuan waiting beside the Empress' bed she opened her eyes suddenly.

"Your Highness?" Manyin called to her while she helped herself up and sat under her covers looking at them.

"How is it?" She asked.

"Your condition was critical but the Imperial physician blended a couple of herbs which are making you feel better." Beiyuan replied.

"What about His Majesty?" She asked.

"He is furious, at this point I heard he summoned all those that were responsible for your security and there's no doubt that he is scolding them." Xiaoyang replied.

"You gave us quite a scare Your Highness." Manyin said.

"It's only natural after all but this game is far from over." The Empress Yang remarked.

"What more is there for us to do Your Highness?" Xiaoyang asked.

An attempt was made on my life in public which means that quite a number of the Deposed Crown Princess' supporters out there have garnered motivation and we have fanned a flame that could hurt us of we fail to control it." The Empress said.

"Surely." Beiyuan agreed.

"What His Majesty needs is a single culprit that was responsible for the accident at the Liuhe Pagoda, coincidentally, it is also certain that Han Touzhou and the others in their worry will merely seek out a scapegoat if they must save themselves." Empress Yang replied.

"So what do we do Your Highness, if Han Touzhou isn't to be held responsible it means that your sacrifice would have been in vain." Xiaoyang asserted.

"It isn't a question of responsibility, it's a question of competency, stability and order." Empress Yang replied, "even if Han Touzhou and his cohorts could find a culprit, could they control the outcome?" She asked while they kept quiet speechless.

Shi Miyuan in his study reading a book at night he halted for a while and started looking at the halved Jade pendant in his possession when the doors of the room were slid open and Dong Hua walked in.

"Your Excellency." He said.

"How is the Empress?" He asked.

"Out of harm's way." Dong Hua replied.

"That's good." Shi Miyuan remarked.

"You sound so low." Dong Hua said.

"It was extreme." Shi Miyuan excused.

"But you weren't frightened." Dong Hua pointed out.

"Perhaps I am starting to get used slowly by slowly, it isn't that bad by the way, however I must allow myself some concern." Shi Miyuan replied.

"Basing on your opinion, Her Highness was prepared." Dong Hua asserted.

"We must always be." Shi Miyuan remarked, "this is just the beginning at least." He added in a very calm tone.

Empress Yang in her Chambers her husband walked in and rushed by her side.

"Your Majest......." Speaking she was interrupted by him.

"Please don't." He said as he held her and caressing her head, she leaned on his chest.

"I was frightened." He whispered to her, "for a moment, I was worried that I would lose you." He said to her.

"You worry for nothing." She replied.

Really?" He inquired.

"There's nothing in the heavens nor on this earth, no force or principality, no power not even death that could ever separate me from you, you that I love with all my heart, you that I cherish." She replied.

"And how are you feeling?" The Emperor asked.

"Much better, alive." She replied and raising her head she looked at him.

"But I am still bothered, someone hates me out there and wants me dead." She said.

"All will be well." The Emperor said.

"That's rather hard to believe Your Majesty, after everything that has happened," the Empress remarked, "did you arrest the culprit Your Majesty?" She asked.

"Nothing." He replied, "there wasn't even a trace or a clue that they left behind that when I think about it, they must have very impressive skills it couldn't have been an ordinary assassin." He assured her.

"That's impossible Your Majesty, even the best assassins at least make mistakes, someone must have seen or heard or suspected." The Empress replied.

"And there were many people so it's difficult to narrow our scope, the assassin could have been anyone." The Emperor said.

"True, unless Your Majesty greatly suggests that it is not a single human being and besides, to make a criminal vanish like that in thin air isn't something that an ordinary person would do, my speculation forces me to believe that perhaps it is someone powerful." She said, "there's someone behind the scenes, that is a possibility." She asserted.

"You have someone in mind." Emperor Ningzong said.

"Your Highness, I have won the hearts of many people, Courtiers have fought me in the harem all my life and not everyone was happy with my investiture as Empress." Yang Meizi replied.

"Your Highness is implying that it is Han Touzhou?" He asked.

"Apart from you Sire I trust no one in this whole world, besides there's not many people that I know would hate me and you Your Majesty understand our personal History whether it's his grudge I am uncertain." Empress Yang replied.

"If it is him then he shall be brought to justice either way." The Emperor assured.

"But he is a very powerful man Sire." Empress Yang insisted.

"Then he'll have to choose between his power and his own personal survival, his people were in charge of your safety and if they used that opportunity to connive behind my back and bring harm upon you then I won't forgive them." Emperor Ningzong said.

"But Your Majesty...." The Empress acted hesitant.

"I made a promise to you before that even if someone dared to harm a hair on you then I would burn the whole world down if I must." The Emperor assured her while unknowingly, she smiled ghastly with her head on his chest.

Cao Zhaoyi and Linxiang escaping from the Palace at night they arrived outside Han Touzhou's Manor and knocking on it thrice, the door was opened by Lin Xue while Linxiang looking back to make sure that no one was watching, the two made their way in.

Han Touzhou seated in his room, the doors were slid open and Cao Zhaoyi walking inside, she unveiled her head and revealed herself to him.

"Ma'am?" He said.

"Yes." She replied as she sat down in front of him.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"Considering what happened earlier in the day Your Excellency I wouldn't have personally chosen

to visit you if it didn't attract my concern." Cao Zhaoyi responded.

"Did you have anything to do with it?" Han Touzhou asked.

"No Your Excellency, I had totally different plans to begin with none of which could be put to action after what transpired at the ceremony, trusting that you wouldn't have acted so foolishly yourself I believe we both know the only person that is capable of orchestrating such an event." Cao Zhaoyi muttered.

"Surely." Han Touzhou replied.

"I was reliably informed that His Majesty needs a culprit which culprit will be handed over to the State Tribunal because an attack on the Empress' life is tantamount to treason, at most he wants a mastermind, it'll either have to be confession or torture which we are in no position to give we can't trust a scapegoat's resilience." Cao Zhaoyi asserted.

"Don't worry about it Ma'am, I have already taken care of it." Han Touzhou replied.

"I don't think so." Cao Zhaoyi muttered, "do you really think that it's supposed to end with one

individual?" She asked.

"What are you trying to say?" Han Touzhou inquired.

"The Empress' plan may seem brilliant except that it also has a major flaw that we could equally exploit to our advantage of we acted wisely." Cao Zhaoyi replied.

"I don't quite understand." Han Touzhou pointed out.

"Someone attempted to assassinate the Empress, the culprit whether found or not if they can ably lay down their lives for the deposed Crown Princess even though they might seem to be a rebel to some they will be a martyr." Cap Zhaoyi further elaborated.

"You aren't possibly suggesting that we.....?" Han Touzhou asked when she immediately


"We shall use this as the beginning to provide the doctrine that is sufficient to induce the people to rebel." Cao Zhaoyi muttered, "by all means necessary, the scapegoat must die for our cause," she said as she smiled at him ghastly.

Stepping out of the building afterwards, she found Linxiang waiting for her outside.

"What did he say Ma'am?" She asked as she rushed to her side.

"Don't worry, he'll have to consider it if he's up for his survival otherwise he'll fall and really hard." Cao Zhaoyi assured.

"What's the guarantee, you understand as much as I do that the Empress isn't much of an easy person." Linxiang said.

"She isn't flawless, she's merely human, in hoping to gain the public sympathy, she has equally given us a chance at this moment to fan the flames of resistance." Cao Zhaoyi replied.

Emperor Ningzong had left the room and the Empress seated alone in the darkness, someone descended outside her doors.

Slowly, they slid the doors open while she confidently stood amidst the stealthy steps the intruder took.

Wearing a conical cape on his head and a veil covering his lower face, his dark eyes somewhat shone for her as he got close until he halted in front of the fearless woman.

"It took you long enough." She said.

"Pardon me Your Highness." He replied in a very deep voice.

"Don't worry, I trust that you did a very good job considering the favour that I asked of you the last time I saw you off." She muttered.

"In deed, I heard that an attempt was made on your life as well." He pointed out.

"How many times has the grave denied me, besides, it's not yet my time and there's still so much more for me to do, much more for me to accomplish." She responded.

"I trust that you are well." He said.

"Better than ever." She replied while he kept quiet.

"It is now your turn." The Empress said.

"Yes Your Highness." The man replied.

"How is the deposed Crown Princess?" She asked.

"Your Highness was in deed very right to worry about her and as it is, we have a big problem at hand." The man responded.

"Tell me." The Empress demanded, "what is it?" She inquired.

"Her Highness left the Palace nine months ago pregnant with the Late Crown Prince's child and two days ago she went into labour and delivered a son." He responded.

Hearing this, Yang Meizi widened her eyes in shock and shortly after that, she smiled. "I see, she reminds me of myself ten eight years ago." She muttered under her breath while she recalled the words of the shaman, "Me become someone else's shadow?" She said to herself.

"Is there anything wrong Your Highness?" The man asked.

"We have seen many people like her, I have seen many like her that chose the same unfortunate path of becoming my enemies." She replied.

"Your Highness......" The man still saying she turned her eyes and looked at him fiercely.

"I don't care how you do it, just kill the deposed Crown Princess along with her child." Empress Yang ordered.

"Yes Your Highness." The man replied and bowing his head he slowly withdrew from her presence.

"So this was it Your Highness, My Prince, this was what you wanted to do you even had to sacrifice your life to bring me down this much?" She asked herself while silence followed for a moment and laughing at herself ghastly she looked at the doors in front of her.

"No." she muttered, "I'll never let that happen." She asserted.

"Before my blood dries, Your Highness and your dear child shall bleed and die first." Empress Yang swore furiously as she clenched both her fists tightly.