Slipper Shot

There were many things Allen liked. And snatching things from others and making it his own was on top of that list.

He has always been envious of Raymond for being the son of the family head and all the love and care he received from the family.

He cursed his grandfather for being weak and losing the family head position to his brother, and his father didn't stand a chance with Thomas and his brothers around.

So it was up to him to become the next head when the time arrived. Fortunately for him, Raymond was found to be incapable of cultivating. He was ecstatic when he heard that news. He just had to take care of Raymond's little cousin Ronald and then he would be well on his way to become the next lord of the Noble House of Clover.

It is with those thoughts that he tried to befriend Ronald. He always believed that backstabbing someone was far easier than fighting head-on.

But to his utter horror he found out that he shouldn't mess with Ronald. That brat, even though only 12 years old had scared the hell out of him. Before he could even get the chance to gain Ronald's confidence, the boy told him to fuck off and give up on trying to become Lord Clover.

How the boy had known his intentions he had no idea but it did the trick. He never went to talk with the boy after that. But he didn't give up on his dreams. He would get rid of Ronald in time. He just had to wait for the perfect opportunity.

So he waited and waited in the shadows to strike when the iron was hot. But before he could get rid of Ronald, he received orders from the top to make trouble with Raymond. He was ordered to take everything that belonged to Raymond.

He wasn't going to hesitate like he did with Ronald and started making his moves. First he convinced the family members to give him Raymond's room stating it was not in use and as a genius of the family he deserved it.

After that he went for Raymond's maid Jasmine. He was smitten with her from the moment he laid his eyes on her. She was truly beautiful and worthy to become his woman. At first he behaved like a gentleman and tried to court her only to be rebuffed at every chance.

He had no choice but to threaten Raymond's life and he did so gleefully. After all he always hated Raymond and he could rub it in his face that Jasmine chose him instead of a weak little man like Raymond.

So it is with those thoughts that he waited for Jasmine to come to him willingly. It was the last day of the time he had given her and he found himself barely holding back his lust to get the better of him and search for her on his own.

After all he had an image to maintain, he can't be seen as a lustful man by others.

"Master, do you think she will be here today?" He heard one of his maids ask tentatively.

"Haha, she has no other choice than to become my woman, after all her trashy master's life is on the line." He snorted, sure of himself.

Before the maid could ask further she saw Jasmine coming towards them and she shook her head in resignation.

'Sigh~seems like another one has fallen into this lecher's hand.'

Allen felt his pants get tighter when he saw her coming towards him and thinking of the things he would do with her, of how she would scream his name everytime he took her.


Jasmine reluctantly made her way towards her master's former room which now belonged to Allen. She saw him and his maid waiting by the gates. She clenched her fists together and resolved herself to do what she must do to ensure Raymond's safety.

Her plan was simple, she was going to detonate her core when she fooled

Allen to get his guard down, taking him down with her and thus keeping him away from her master. She was happy that she got to see Raymond one last time and felt his warmth when he hugged her.

She saw Allen's smug face when she got closer, thinking he had won. She was going to give him the biggest surprise of his life.

"Hah, it's good that you came here on your own. You know, I was just thinking about finding your master and bringing him here to watch as I take you. Hehe, now that you're here I can at least spare that poor chap." Allen said, rubbing his hands and smiling lasciviously.

Jasmine tried her hardest not to show her disgust towards him but her eyes betrayed her.

"Tsk, tsk. It seems you are still not aware of your place, you dare to show contempt towards me. No matter, soon you will be screaming my name in pleasure, that contempt all but forgotten." He moved closer to her and she instinctively took a step back.

Allen was annoyed by this, he could barely hold back his urges at this point and quickly grabbed her hands before she could further step back.

Jasmine took a deep breath and focused on her mana core. Just as she was about to use her mana to detonate her core she heard his voice. One that she longed to hear but wasn't welcomed at this moment.

"Oy, Jasmine. Where did you put my Grandpa's book? I can't find it anywhere." She turned around and cursed her bad luck.

Her master was here and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry seeing him in only a bathrobe and his hair still wet from the shower he took.

But her face darkened when she heard Allen's voice.

"Hmmm, what do we have here? Aren't you that trash Raymond? I haven't seen you for years." He said mockingly.

"It's just Raymond." Her master said flatly, though she could see his eyes twitching.

"Huh? Don't you know you are famous in the whole empire as the trash of the House Clover?" Allen sneered.

"No." Her master again said flatly though with a hint of curiosity.

"Nevermind, you came just in time, I was just ab-"

"Jasmine, come with me. I want my Grandpa's book." Her master completely ignored Allen and turned to look at her.

"How dare you ignore me? Take this"

-Wind Bullet-

Allen fired a warning shot toward Raymond, only for Raymond to casually tilt his head and avoid getting hit.

"Damn, this magic is really good. Hey you, fire it again, my hair is not completely dried yet." Raymond said, touching the dried part of his hair which was brushed against that wind magic.

Allen felt blood rushing to his head when he heard that.

"You trash, how dare you mock my magic? I am going to kill you." He raged and started firing one attack after another.

-Wind Bullet-

Raymond ducked, causing it to fly over his head.

"Don't you have something stronger? It's not enough."

-Wind Rush-

Raymond felt a blast of air coming towards his direction and he turned back causing it to hit him in the back of his head.

"Now that's better." He said ruffling his dried hair.

Jasmine, who had been worriedly watching, could no longer hold it and started laughing loudly.


"Damn bitch. Who are you laughing at?" Allen was incensed by the events unfolding before him and completely lost his cool when he heard Jasmine laughing at him.

He shot a wind bullet at her which she dodged quickly.

Raymond's lips twitched in anger when he saw Jasmine being attacked.

"Bloody bastard, don't touch her. Take this" Raymond loosened the slipper he was wearing and swung his leg at Allen's direction.

-Slipper Shot-

The slipper streaked through the air at breakneck speed and hit Allen squarely on the face, which sent him flying off into the distance only stopping when he crashed into a parked carriage. Slipper left behind a bloody imprint on his face adding to his humiliation.


Allen screamed in pain and was horrified to find his neck bent at a strange angle.


Allen's maid screamed in horror and rushed towards Allen. But she was also fascinated by the Slipper.

'It must be enchanted.' She surmised. Otherwise there was no way for a slipper to defeat a Martial Master.

She sneakily kept the slipper in her sleeves while checking Allen for injuries. If it really was enchanted then she could earn a few bucks by selling it.

She shook her head in frustration when she realised Allen wasn't going to die from his injuries. He had blood leaking out of his mouth and his neck bent at an odd angle, which was not that of a serious injury for a powerful mana user like him.

Allen barely managed to open his eyes and the first thing he saw made him vomit blood. He saw Jasmine hugging Raymond and kissing him fiercely. After that she turned towards him and stuck out her tongue to mock him.

Blood rushed to his head and he fainted on the spot due to his injuries and increasing anger.