
The next morning Raymond woke up to a pleasant sight of Jasmine laying beside him. She had a peaceful expression on her face and Raymond carefully freed himself from her grasp so as not to wake her up. He got down from the bed and started going through his trunk to find himself a new set of clothings. He found a pair of brown tunic and trousers that barely fit him. Really, it was a surprise he could find anything that fit him from a bundle of clothes that he bought more than four years ago.

He put them on with some effort, he knew if he pulled or stretched them a bit harder they would rip up. At that moment he heard the sound of Jasmine waking up. He spun around to see her yawning and stretching. She rubbed her eyes and took a moment to realise what was happening. She smiled broadly when she remembered the events that happened yesterday.

For one moment she was heading to her death only to be rescued by her master. Then things had turned steamy rather quickly and both had ended up doing the deed. She still felt sore between her legs from the intense sex they had late into the night. Even when she was on the verge of falling unconscious due to exhaustion, her master was still raring to go. It was as if he did not have an off button on him. Once turned on there was no turning off– he probably stopped it when I fainted– she thought and she was right.

Raymond was still horny even after doing it for an entire evening and well into the night. Jasmine could only keep up with him because of her breakthrough or else she would have given up long before midnight. All the extra energy she had from breakthrough was spent satisfying her master– though she wondered if he was really fully satisfied– given how she recalled his member being still rock hard before she fainted.

She saw her master wearing tight fitting clothes and snickered at him. He looked like a stuffed meatbun in those small clothes– ready to burst at the slightest movement.

Raymond's lips twitched in slight anger when she snickered at him and he did the same when he saw her walking strangely after getting off the bed.

There was a vindictive glint in her eyes, she got closer to him and pressed her naked body to him. She kissed him on the lips and started to cup his crotch in her hand. She wanted to see if it would rip apart his trousers and jump out. She also wanted to blue ball him as a form of revenge. But unfortunately for her Raymond had far more self control than a normal person.

"Hehe, if you are thinking of teasing me it won't work," he snorted. "I can control myself when I want to." He slapped her ass and gestured for her to get dressed.

Jasmine shot him a stink eye and her cheeks flushed when he slapped her ass. There was also a tingle in her loins at the thought of him spanking her as he rode her from behind. She quickly shook her head to get rid of that thought, now was not the time to think about that. She had to make sure that he didn't run off to train again. This time she was going to make him stay with her and she was even willing to suffer from soreness between her legs if she could entice him with what lay in between.

She resolved herself to distract him from training and focus more on spending time with her. So she quickly got dressed making sure to sway her body to show off her curves to him.

"Master, why don't we go out and buy some clothes for you? You look like you could use some." She suggested hoping he would agree.

"Hmmm, you are right. I need to buy new clothes. I can't train in this tight fitting dress. " He nodded.

Jasmine's face darkened when he mentioned training again. Who knew how many months or years he was going to train if she let him go this time. 'Hmph. You are definitely not going off to live in the mountains, if I have anything to say about it.' She thought inwardly.

But first she needed to soothe her aching body, so she sat down after getting dressed and circulated mana throughout her body. After a few rounds of circulation her body started to feel lighter and she could walk again normally.

Jasmine prepared breakfast after that and they both ate in silence. Due to the wonderful effects of mana– people needed to eat only once to function for the whole day. As people advanced in cultivation they could completely forgo eating and rely on their refined mana to sustain themselves. As for Raymond he didn't even remember when was the last time he ate. So he took his time savouring every spice added in the breakfast.

After washing the dishes and cleaning her room, Jasmine handed him an oversized robe to wear so as to hide his ready to burst clothes.


"Yes." She asked innocently.

"It's pink." Raymond said flatly.

"So?" She asked, tilting her head cutely.

"And it has flowery patterns on it." His brows furrowed when he observed himself in the mirror.

"SO?" Jasmine asked, still confused.

Raymond resigned himself to his fate and asked her to lead the way to a clothes shop.

Jasmine led him to a nearby marketplace where they could buy some clothes. As soon as they left the family compounds Raymond could feel a set of eyes watching his every move. At first he ignored it but overtime it became very annoying.

So after entering a clothes shop Raymond asked Jasmine to choose a pair of dresses that suited him and went to the back alley behind the shop. He felt the eyes on him disappearing for a few seconds before it locked onto him again. He concentrated to find the direction from which he was being spied on and after finding the general direction, he took off running leaving behind a blur.


"Tsk, where the hell did he go now?" Lupin cursed. He had been assigned to spy on this brat for more than a year now, all the previous spies before him left this job because the brat wouldn't leave the mountains no matter what. They were driven nearly insane by constantly watching him running and exercising. He too was on the verge of losing his mind after a year of torture– that is spying on Raymond. So that's why he took advice from his predecessors and only watched Raymond from time to time instead of spying on him all the time.

Fortunately, the brat finally managed to come down from the mountains when it collapsed. He had no idea who did it, but he thanked them with all his heart. If not for them then Raymond would have never come down from the mountains.

He couldn't spy on him inside the Clover family compounds without being spotted by their family experts, so he waited outside praying to gods that the brat wouldn't go back to training again. Thankfully, Gods seem to have heard his prayers and Raymond for the first time in who knows how long came outside. He could finally report something other than the regular news of Raymond's boring training to his superiors.

He carefully kept an eye on him from the top of a building and would change his location from time to time so as to avoid being noticed by anyone. It is during one of these changes of locations he missed his sight on the brat. He saw him entering a back alley and then all of a sudden disappeared from the spot. He was craning his neck from his hiding spot to see where Raymond was when he felt someone tapping on his left shoulder.

His breath hitched in his throat and his hands sneakily went to one of his pouches to take out a needle laced with strong sedative enough to fell a mammoth in a second. He swivelled as fast as he could intending to jab the needle into whoever was behind him. He caught sight of Raymond in the corner of his eyes and smiled wickedly when he saw him trying to stop the needle with his bare hands.

To his utter horror the brat actually caught the needle in between his fingers and smiled back at him.

"Hello." Raymond said, waving his other hand, while he crushed the needle with the other.

"Eh? Heh,hehe, n-nice reflex." He choked out. Millions of thoughts ran through his head about how to escape from this situation. If his superiors found that he had been caught by the very person he was supposed to spy on, they would have his head.

"Why are you following me?" Raymond narrowed his eyes on him as if daring him to lie.

Lupin was secretly circulating his mana and waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack him and run away.

"Those people there told me to follow you." He said pointing behind Raymond.

"Huh? Where?" Raymond turned to look back.

-Mana Burst-

Lupin pushed him away with a burst of mana and leaped back trying to jump down from the building and disappear into the crowd. But just as he was about to fall down he felt Raymond grabbing his ankle and pulling him up.


Raymond heard his tunic tearing due to sudden movements and his anger at this guy only increased because of that.

"Hehe, brother," Lupin scratched his head awkwardly. "You are making things hard for me."

"Hard my ass. You are the one following me. Tell me why you are doing this and who told you to do it." Raymond grabbed his shoulder and tightened his grip.

Lupin hissed in pain, he could feel his bones creaking, he had a look of horror on his face when he realised that Raymond was not using any mana to hold him down.

'This brat. What kind of medicines did he take to be this strong?'

He couldn't even use his elemental attack in the open streets. He had an affinity with fire and it would only attract unwanted attention if he used it now. If he was caught by the authorities, then his superiors would definitely kill his entire family in retaliation.

His wife was right; he really wasn't suited to become a spy. He subtly dislodged the capsule hidden in his tooth cavity and just as he was about to crush it and end his life, Raymond clenched his jaws making him unable to bite the capsule.

"Spit it out." Raymond commanded. He was getting more and more annoyed by this guy. "I am giving one last chance to tell me why you were following me or else." Raymond threatened him.

He spat the capsule outside and cursed Raymond's family for eight generations.

"Damn you brat. Because of you, my kid is going to be fatherless from now on." With that he detonated his mana core and saw himself flying high into the sky, though he had no idea how he ended up in the sky.

Raymond had quickly grabbed his collar and threw him high into the sky when he felt something was wrong and his hunch was right. He saw the guy exploding into flames above.


Again he heard a sound of clothes ripping apart and his face darkened. 'Fuck you, dumbass. It's not my fault if your kid grows up fatherless.' Raymond showed his middle finger to the explosion going off in the sky.