Unexpected Meeting


Her master's dull tone echoed out in her mind as she saw him falling into the deep chasm in the ground.


Jasmine screamed in horror and rushed to the place where Raymond fell. But just as she took a step forward she was obstructed by Sasha's figure.

"Miss Sasha, let me go! I need to find him."

Jasmine spoke in a dangerous voice as if she was ready to attack Sasha if she refused.

"What are you doing, Jasmine? Mobi is there, if you go now, you will only be putting yourself in danger."

"SASHA, let me go!"

Jasmine screamed at the top of her lungs and lunged towards the deep hole in the ground.

-Fire Bolt-

Sasha stopped an oncoming boulder with her quick attack and rushed behind Jasmine.

Before Jasmine could jump into the crevice, Sasha managed to tackle her to the side.

"Well, well, what a sight! Two beauties entangled in each others' arms. Too bad I don't have the time to enjoy this scene."

Mobi said mockingly as he disappeared into the ground.

"Jasmine, pull yourself together. Ray isn't weak, nothing will happen to him."

Sasha chided Jasmine as she quickly got up and looked at Jasmine.

"Think about how he fought that wyvern, do you think he will be in any danger?"

Jasmine realised how foolish she was being. Seeing her master falling into the ground she forgot everything and rushed to save him.

She slowly nodded her head.

"Yeah, Let's go catch that thief."

Sasha said as she searched her surroundings.

"Fight back, you fucking coward!"

She gave a shrill cry before taking off in the direction of where she assumed Mobi would have gone.

Jasmine looked inside the ground and found a 40 to 50 metre deep crevice.


She took a big gulp before resolving herself to look for Raymond. Even though she knew Raymond was strong she didn't want to take any chances.

The hoarse voice of the fortune teller kept ringing in her head as she circulated her mana.

She willed her mana and the golden brown light covered her body. Jasmine felt her body becoming lighter and lighter until she started floating.

With a flick of her wrist, she managed to change her direction and flew into the hole.

"Huff…Master! Where are you?"

Her mana was depleting quickly as she dove deeper and deeper into the crevice. It was also becoming difficult to breathe due to the lack of air.

She was slowly getting enveloped by the darkness. By the time reached the end of the chasm she couldn't see anything.

"Master! Are you here?"


"Master! Please answer me if you are here."

Jasmine frantically called out for her master but to no avail.

'Sasha was right, I shouldn't have come down here. Master is gone from this place.'

Jasmine thought as she found her mana reserves running thin. She didn't even have enough mana to fly back up.

She felt dizzy from the lack of air and was on the verge of unconsciousness.

Just as she was about to faint she felt some rope-like thing wrapping itself around her waist and pulled her up.

Jasmine took big mouthfuls of fresh air as she reached the surface.

She squinted her eyes to see what was happening when she saw a breathtakingly beautiful girl standing at the edge of the crevice and pulling her up.

Illuminated by the scarlet rays of the drowning sun, her face looked otherworldly. Her violet eyes shone like twin stars in the evening sky.

Jasmine looked on in stunned silence as she was pulled up by the shadows and brought to the surface.

"Hmm? Ar-are you alright?"

Lyla's voice cracked due to the sheer absurdity of the situation. She had unknowingly saved the life of the girl she was looking for.

'It looks like even the world wants these two to die.'

She thought with a frown that marred her otherwise sculpted face.

"Uh? I am alright, thank you, miss uhm…"

Jasmine quickly bowed her head. She was really grateful for the timely help or else she would have never been able to see the light of day again.

'Oh no! If master finds out about this..'

Jasmine shuddered thinking about the barrage of scoldings that would be thrown her way if Raymond found out about her stupidity.

"Becca, my name is Becca."

Lyla introduced herself politely and helped Jasmine stand on her feet.

"Oh! I am Jasmine. Thank you for saving my life."

"Don't mind it, I was just passing when I heard your voice, everything was easy after that."

"But still, I have to thank you for saving my life."

Jasmine insisted. She wouldn't be able to sleep tightly if she didn't do something for Becca.

"Do you need help?"

Lyla asked seeing as Jasmine was walking with shaky legs.

"No, I am fi—kyaa!"

Lyla caught her before she could fall down and helped her up.

"Urgh, thank you!"

Jasmine groaned; she was still feeling slightly dizzy.

"No need to act tough. You just escaped death. Tell me where you live, and I will take you there."

Lyla suggested in a calm voice trying to appear friendly.

After thinking for a while, Jasmine nodded and started walking with the support of Lyla.


"JASMINE, where are you?"

Raymond ran through the streets of Kindlepot at breakneck speed as he searched for Jasmine.

He quickly arrived near the place where they had fought Mobi before. Looking at the crevice from up, only now he realised how deep it was.

Unease crept up in his heart as he feared the worst.

"Jasmine? Are you in there?"

He jumped into the chasm when he didn't hear any response.

'Please, don't be stupid enough to jump inside.'

Raymond hoped in his mind as he searched through the entire length of the deep chasm formed on the ground.

"Ray! Did you find her?"

Raymond was pulled out of his thoughts by the voice of Sasha.

He jumped back to the top and landed outside on his feet.

"Thankfully, she is not in there."

"Phew, okay. Let's go search outside this area."

Sasha heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that. She blamed herself for not bringing Jasmine with her when she chased after Mobi. She thought Jasmine would follow her, well, she now realised how wrong she was.

They searched for a while before a sudden thought struck Raymond's mind.

"Wait! What if she had just gone back to our room?"

"Huh? Is it possible?"

Sasha asked with a tilt of her head.

"Yeah, that's a possibility. Let's go and see for ourselves."

With that, Raymond led Sasha towards the Fireflies Inn.

Raymond's eyes brightened up as he saw Jasmine waiting by the door of the inn. He increased his speed and appeared before Jasmine in a few seconds.

"Ah! Master. Are you alright?"

Jasmine jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. She was still afraid that something must have happened to him.

Her eyes reddened seeing him standing before her with his arms patting her back.


"What? Are you crying?"

Raymond asked, confused. Sure, he fell into the crevice but that didn't warrant her crying. She had seen for herself how strong he was, there was no way something would have happened to him.

"It's common to cry when you just escaped from the jaws of death."

Raymond heard a crisp and cool voice from the side and only now he saw a beautiful girl in black and purple robes standing by the side.


Jasmine gasped when she heard those words. She wanted to hide the fact that she went into the fissure from Raymond.

"Huh? You are, miss?"

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Becca."

"Hi, I am Raym—ahem Ray."

Raymond quickly corrected himself as he saw Sasha coming his way.

"Ah! There you are, Jasmine! You had us scared for a while there."

Sasha chirped happily seeing that Jasmine was fine.

"Huh? Who's this?"

She pointed towards Lyla and looked her up and down.

"She is Becca, and she is? Yeah! What did you mean when you said escape from death?"

Raymond asked curiously, remembering her words from before.

"Uhm, it's nothing, Ray. Sister Becca is just joking."

Jasmine tried to push the matters aside but Raymond could already guess what must have happened. After all, that was the first thought that came to his mind when he heard Jasmine was missing.

"You jumped into the crevice, didn't you?"

Raymond narrowed his eyes on her and Jasmine shrunk her neck in fear.

"Haha, don't be too hard on her. Apparently, she was looking for you."

Lyla added as she had heard about the details from Jasmine while they were waiting for Raymond to come.

After that, Jasmine sang like a cuckoo bird under Raymond's glare and told him everything that happened after he fell into the ground.

"Phew, fortunately, nothing bad happened."

Raymond said as he kissed her head and rubbed her back in a soothing manner.