Phoenix Festival

"Your Majesty, you must be aware of the recent incident that happened in the forest outside the Capital."

Seeing as the emperor was nodding his head at her words, Scarlett continued.

"Would you believe me if I said I know the reason for the destruction of the inner forest region?"

Scarlett asked calmly, she knew her father wouldn't completely believe everything she was saying, that's why she had come up with ample preparations.

"Hmm, what do you know about that?!"

The emperor raised his voice in surprise. Now that was interesting. He had sent his Imperial guards and officials to investigate the matters regarding the forest.

Whatever had happened there resulted in beasts trying to invade the Capital, so naturally he wanted to get to the bottom of the matter and find the reason.

"It was caused by the death of a level 9 demonic wyvern."

Scarlett said calmly to be met with a deafening silence. She saw that her father had his mouth agape and eyes wide in disbelief.

"What?!" The emperor stood up from his throne and asked seriously. "This is no joking matter, Scarlett! I hope you are telling the truth."

"Of course, Your Majesty. I wouldn't dare to lie in your presence."

Scarlett bowed her head in obedience and spoke with confidence.

Hearing the firmness in his daughter's voice, he sat back on his throne and spoke in an agitated voice.

"I can't believe a wyvern was hiding in that forest and that too of demonic nature!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, and that's why no one who has entered deep into the forest ever managed to make it back."

Scarlett spoke in a comforting voice. She knew her father was thinking about her grandfather. He was also one of the people who went missing inside the forest.

She could see her father clenching his fists harder and gnashing his teeth in anger.

"Hah! To think that my father was killed by that demonic being! He was such a devoted follower of orthodox cultivation. I can't imagine how much pain he must have felt dying inside that foul creature's jaws."

Seeing her father hanging his head low, Scarlett wanted to rush to his side and comfort him. She had never seen such a pained expression on her father's face before.

But before she could do so, the emperor quickly regained his bearings and asked in a hopeful voice.

"So? Is it really dead?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. And you have Ray to thank for that, he has avenged grandfather's death!"

Hearing the confidence oozing from her voice, the emperor fell into deep thought.

"Your Majesty, if you still find my words baseless then you can even ask the mercenary guild officials, we were doing a mission inside the forest that day."

Scarlett added since her father was looking more and more convinced with her words each time she spoke.

"Alright! Since you are saying this much, I will look into the matter but this will have to wait till the Phoenix festival is over."

The emperor said after contemplating for a while.

"But, Your Maj—"

Scarlett was cut off by her father's tired voice.

"No, Scarlett. I don't have enough time to investigate this matter and meet your friend before the Phoenix Festival. My hands are full at the moment."

"I understand, Your Majesty."

She relented after hearing his reasons. At least she had managed to convince him to talk with Ray. That was enough for now.

"Hmmm, also you need to cease your mercenary work for a while. I need you to help your brother in making preparations for the festival."

The emperor said in an authoritative tone indicating that he was not asking but ordering her to stay away from the mercenary guild.

Scarlett, having been taught the ways of the empire, quickly understood the meaning behind his words and bowed her head in agreement.

"Your Majesty, does that mean brother is going to be…"

"Yes! I am going to appoint him as the crown prince during the Phoenix festival."

A beautiful smile blossomed on her face at the mention of her brother's new appointment.

"Not only that, I am going to announce your engagement with Raymond Clover, it's about time the empire knows about your betrothal!"

The smile quickly vanished, replaced by a deep frown marring her features. Just when she thought she had made some headway into her plan, she was yanked back to square one.

'Fucking hell!'

Scarlett cursed in her mind and tried to look calm on the outside. Even though she was doted upon by her father and never denied anything, she couldn't convince him to cancel the betrothal agreement no matter how much she tried.

She had even gone so far as to throw a temper tantrum in front of her father when she had first heard about her fiancé. But her old man kept his thoughts firm and didn't budge from his position on the matter.

By this point, she had realised that the direct approach would not work. That's why she had to resort to all kinds of planning and scheming, which she hated so very much.

'Why can't things be simple? Just arrange a duel between me and him, I will show the world how he is unworthy of me.'

How much she wished for things to be that simple, only she knew. Alas, that was not meant to be. Being an Imperial Princess, it was her duty to follow the Imperial Order.

Observing the myriad of expressions showcasing on her face, the emperor sighed helplessly.

"You can hate me all you want, Scarlett! But I cannot go back on my word. I have promised Thomas to make you his daughter-in-law and no one can stop me from keeping my word, not even you!"

He said trying hard to maintain his ruler's dignity.

Scarlett nodded her head in understanding. She didn't know who to blame for this situation. Her father? Who was trying to uphold the wishes of his deceased best friend? Or Thomas Clover? Who had sacrificed his sweat, blood, and finally his life for the empire and has never asked anything in return except for this marriage?

'No! Blaming anyone won't solve my problems. I need to take matters into my own hands if I want to write my own destiny.'

Scarlett gave a deep bow towards her father before departing from the Grand Hall with her newfound resolve.

She was determined to reach the realm of the Martial Kings before her marriage. It was the most straightforward and morally correct path she had that would not tarnish the reputation of the Imperial Family.

Martial Kings had a special status in the empire. They had the right to challenge the Imperial Order if they could give sound evidence that the order was unfair.

She would try her hardest to become a Martial King but in the meanwhile, she would have to scheme some more on how to bring Ray to her side.

If she could somehow achieve that, then there was nothing to worry about. With his strength, no one in the empire could go against him.

The emperor gave a resigned sigh looking at her departing silhouette. And the door to the Grand Hall closed on its own as Scarlett exited.


The emperor whispered to no one. But as soon as those words left his mouth, a burst of wind surged in the Grand Hall before a man appeared before him and knelt on the floor.

"Your Majesty, I am yours to command."

"At ease, Tim."

The man stood up straight like a spear. He looked like a middle aged man just past his thirties with his handsome face and curly brown hair that cascaded down to his shoulders.

He was one of the two Imperial Guardians who were the emperor's most trusted and powerful guards. He would always be guarded by one of these guards at any given moment.

Both of them were Martial Emperors and served the emperor faithfully.

It was no joking matter to keep Martial Emperors as guards. But the empire had managed to do it, by specially grooming extremely talented commoner kids and instilling loyalty in them from a young age.

This was also one of the reasons why the Phoenix festival was so important for the Imperial Family.

Not only was the festival a symbol of their prestige and wealth, but it was also an occasion where they might find their next candidate to become the Imperial Guardian.

The Imperial Family would activate the Heaven's Door to help the commoners, who had come of age this year, to sense their mana core. If they find any exceptional talents then they would be groomed by the Imperial Family to become future pillars of the empire.

"What is the third prince doing? Is he ready to head out to collect the taxes?"

The emperor enquired only to raise his eyebrows when he saw Tim's grimace.

"Your Majesty, uhm how to say this…"

"Don't waste my time, tell me what it is."

"His Highness is being his usual self and spending his time in the library."

Tim quickly bowed his head and didn't dare to look at the emperor.

"What? That brat! Go to the library immediately and haul his ass back to work. That is an order. If he refuses, beat him unconscious and drag him out of the library."

The emperor thundered furiously. He needed that tax money collected as soon as possible before the festival.

"Understood, Your Majesty."

Tim quickly bowed and hurried off to carry out the orders.