Seduction Gone Wrong!

"Of course, you can use him! He is still not fully aware of his prowess, it is the perfect time for you to wrap your fingers around him!"

Heartsbane replied as if she was saying the most casual thing in the world.


Lyla's eyes went wide hearing the Heartsbane's plan.

"Yes! Seduce him! Entrap him in your love and he will become a great help for you to take revenge."

Lyla fell silent at her words, her thoughts in turmoil. No matter how she thought about it, the idea appeared ridiculous to her. Sure, she was taught how to seduce men as a part of her assassin training. But she was terrible at it and had never resorted to that method till now to complete her missions.

After all, she was able to kill them with just a touch, why go through the trouble of seducing them? That's why she never learned it properly and never wanted to make use of it.

"No! I-I can't!"

Lyla finally managed to say after thinking for a while. With her meagre amount of skills in seduction, she might have been able to turn someone like Allen into a puppet but if Heartsbane was telling the truth, then Raymond wasn't ordinary.

She would just be making a fool of herself and expose her identity if things went wrong.

And she couldn't afford to do that. She was locked in a dark cell for more than two years for failing her last mission. She could only imagine what kind of things she would be put through if she failed to assassinate someone in the Martial Minor realm.

"Heh! You think you're not skilled enough in seduction?"

"You! Are you reading my mind?"

Lyla reeled back in shock. Hearing a voice in your head was already driving her crazy, now even her thoughts were being read without her permission.

"Keke, what are you on about? I am a part of you. I know what you are thinking at any given time!"

Lyla dumbly nodded hearing the little girl's voice in front of her. She had no idea how to stop Heartsbane from reading her thoughts.

"Oh! Sweet Lyla! Are you really unaware of your own charms? You don't need to use your brain to make him fall for you! Just a wink and he will be at your feet!"


Lyla pursed her lips in doubt. It wouldn't be that simple right?

"Again! You're doubting yourself. I have seen plenty of men drooling just by looking at you from afar. Even if he is special, he is not perfect! He has flaws and one of them is his libido, and believe me he won't be able to resist your charms because of it!"


"Tch, stop butting like that! Don't you want to avenge your mother? Don't you want to kill those who have wronged you? Don't you want to end the fates of those who stole yours?"

Heartsbane's voice acted like a sweet poison that was slowly corroding Lyla's reasoning. Just the thought of killing her half-brother and father made her want to give up anything.

"Yeah, that's right! There is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Offer yourself to the strong one, it is a small price to pay for your freedom!"

With those last few words of Heartsbane, Lyla's reasoning collapsed.

'Yes! There is nothing wrong with this. I don't want to be a slave anymore!'

With her mind made up, Lyla clenched her fist harder and resolved herself to use her beauty and charm for the first time in her life.

"What do you want me to do?"

Lyla asked with her voice laced with newfound determination. No matter what it took, she was going to seduce Raymond and make him do her bidding.

Hearing her words the little girl's grin widened.

"Keke, good! Just follow my lead, you will have him wrapped in your fingers in no time!

"It's time for you to go! He is staying very close to you now, trying to wake you up. So don't get flustered! Just try to play it off as if you were having a fever."

"Okay." Lyla nodded.

For some reason she felt good that someone was looking after her when she was unconscious.

"Off you go!"

With a wave from the little girl's hand Lyla was gone from the dark space.


Lyla fluttered her eyes open when she felt something lightly tapping against her cheek.

"Hah! You are awake. How are you feeling now?"

Hearing Raymond's voice she turned around to see him looking at her with concern.

Raymond's handsome face, with a slight frown etched on it, came into view, illuminated by the golden sunlight streaming in through the window. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness mixed with anticipation at the thought of having him wrapped around her finger.

Her heart rate quickened and her cheeks flushed as she saw him checking her pulse without being attacked by Heartsbane.

Who had been so bold before? Bold enough to touch her so carelessly.

No one.

Not even those who had seen her from when she was just a kid. No one from her family wanted to get close to her.

But looking at Raymond's worried face, Lyla felt a strange delight that someone was actually caring for her without fearing for their life.

[Goddammit! He doesn't know I live inside your body! How is he supposed to know he will get poisoned by touching you?]

Hearing the frustrated voice of Heartsbane, Lyla quickly sobered up.

'So that wasn't just a dream?'

[Of course, it wasn't! And why does it feel like you are the one getting seduced by him when he is not even trying? Are you that desperate for some love?]


Lyla rubbed her forehead in pain hearing Heartsbane's voice in her head.

"What? Do you have a headache as well?"

Raymond asked, looking at her furiously rubbing her head, her face twisted in pain.

"Uh, no! I am fine, don't worry."

Lyla quickly replied, trying to suppress her emotions.

"Oh! That's good. I thought something was wron—"

[What are you doing? If he asks whether you have a headache, you need to go along with it. These men love helping helpless maidens who are at the brink of despair! Tell him you have a tumour growing in your head! Tell hi—]


Lyla's scream echoed through the room, a sharp reaction to the incessant voice that seemed to be rambling inside her head. The sound grated on her nerves, intensifying the pounding headache she'd been trying to ignore.

"Woah! Calm down, Sister Becca. He is just trying to ask if you are okay? You didn't have to yell at him!"

Jasmine spoke from the side with a scowl on her face. She didn't like it when someone yelled at her Master, only she was allowed to do it.

"I-I am sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you."

Lyla tried apologising looking at Raymond's blank face. Though slight twitching of his eyelids did show that he was not at all happy at her outburst.

[Great! It's day one and you already screwed up royally!]

"I am very h-hungry. Sorry it's my stomach doing the talk, I didn't mean to yell at you!" Lyla tried to bring the situation under her control.

"Hmm, well, I understand. Hunger can make you crazy sometimes!"

Raymond said, though he was not at all convinced that was the reason.

'I think she didn't like us barging into her room uninvited.'

"Is that so? Then I will bring something for you to eat, rest well Sister Becca."

Jasmine went down towards the ground floor in a hurry intending to get some warm food.

[Yes! This is the perfect time. That booby monster is away, start your game quickly!]

'What do you want me to do?'

[Simple! Just wink at him with a lopsided grin. He will be mesmerised by your beauty!]

Lyla bit her lips, unsure if she wanted to do it.

[What are you waiting for? Get him hooked on you quickly!]


So she did, at least she tried to wink at him with a lopsided grin. But looking at Raymond who took a step back seemingly creeped out by her, a nerve on her already throbbing forehead twitched.

'Arrghh! What am I doing listening to a little girl?'

[Hey! I am not little. I am older than your great grandma!]

"Uhm, Miss Becca. What are you doing?"

Raymond asked, feeling that she was acting different from how she was yesterday. With sweat covering her face and her cheeks flushed red that wink and grin looked very creepy.

'Is she mental?'

Raymond thought inwardly. After all, it has only been approximately two days since he knew her. So he wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be mental.

'No wonder she survived this long travelling alone! People don't want to mess with crazies!'

Thankfully, he didn't speak out loud or else Lyla would have died of embarrassment.

"It's my stomach! It's my stomach doing it! I didn't do anything."

'Yep! She is crazy!'

Raymond decided to stay away from her after she was cured of fever. He didn't want to deal with crazies.

'Need to warn Jasmine to stay away from her.'

"Sister Becca, here have this porridge."

Just as they were both locked in an awkward staredown contest, Jasmine entered the room with a bowl in her hand.

"I added special herbs to give you strength. You will be back to normal by evening if you drink this."

Jasmine sat by her side and quickly started feeding her from a spoon.

[Yeah, drink it. You are going to need that strength if you want to seduce that man!]

Lyla groaned inwardly looking at Raymond's deadpan face and hearing Heartsbane's voice.