Ronald Clover

Jasmine was at a loss for words peering into the invitation letter in her master's hands. It took a while to regain her composure and ask:

"So, are you going to accept it, Master?"

"Hmm," Taking his time to think, Raymond answered her question: "Since we were planning on going, we might as well accept this and get the best seats to watch the celebrations."

"Yay!" Jasmine chirped happily. "Does that mean we will be going in the morning?" A nod from her master added to her excitement.

Raymond wasn't all that excited to attend from the beginning. But thinking about it, he might take this chance to get Scarlett somewhere private and somehow resolve this whole mess.


Lyla opened the door to the bathroom and exited, drying her wet hair with a towel. The sight of happy Jasmine and thoughtful Raymond piqued her curiosity.

"Lyla, guess what?" Jasmine said excitedly. "Master is invited as the guest of honour for the Phoenix Festival celebration!"

"Really?" Lyla frowned.

She would be directly under the emperor's watchful eyes if she went with them openly now that Ray was going to be a guest.

Raymond guessed what might be going through her head.

"Do you have any ways of hiding yourself?" He asked Lyla.

With a hint of a smile on her lips, Lyla replied. "Yes, I do. I can merge with your shadow and completely suppress my aura."

"Then that's what you will do." Raymond nodded. "You can hide in Jasmine's shadow and keep an eye on her."

"Okay." Lyla nodded.

Even though Jasmine wanted to protest, she quickly understood that it was for the best. Her master was stronger than Lyla, so he didn't need Lyla's protection. Moreover, since he was the guest, all eyes would be on him. There was always a possibility of someone spotting Lyla hiding in his shadow.


Next day…

The Phoenix Festival was finally here.

Raymond couldn't wait for the day to end and get out of the empire.

Opening the window of his room, Raymond was met with a bustling street below. Commoners moved in throngs towards the Flaming Nest Coliseum, located inside the Imperial Palace Grounds. Today was the only day of the year when commoners were allowed inside the inner city.

"Master, let's go!" Jasmine's energetic voice rang out in the room, taking Raymond's attention away from the window. He turned and saw his two girls dressed in meticulously sewn luxurious attires that they had brought yesterday.

Even though it pained him to do so, Raymond had them buy a few pairs of dresses since they would be on a long journey after today. He had also spent several gold coins to procure the necessities required for their new venture.

"Master, how do I look?" Jasmine asked, twirling the hem of her long silken white skirt. She was wearing a blouse of white, accentuated with embroidered silvery flowers.

Contrary to Jasmine, Lyla was wearing simple yet carefully tailored black trousers that didn't hinder her movements. Her light blue tunic was inlaid with intrinsic designs that added to her mysterious vibe. A long sabre was strapped to her waist, it was her long time partner, made of Darkmoon metal.

Raymond was somehow convinced by Jasmine to buy some new clothes for himself and brought a few pairs of tunics and trousers. He even went so far as to buy several robes made of tough beast hides that couldn't be destroyed easily. He was wearing a dress similar to Lyla's except that it didn't have any designs on it. It was plain and simple but it did make him look a bit more handsome than usual.

"You look beautiful, Jasmine." Since compliments were free Raymond didn't hold back from giving it. "You too, Lyla."

Jasmine beamed with pride whereas Lyla lowered her head shyly. She blushed since it was the first time she got some compliments from her darling.

Raymond led them out of the room and Lyla quickly merged into Jasmine's shadow, completely erasing her presence. No one would be able to tell that a Martial King was hiding under her feet.

"Ara~ Ara~ you two look fantastic!"

As soon as they reached the ground floor, the inn lady showered them with praises from the counter. Jasmine had developed a good relationship with the middle aged lady, hence she received some extra compliments.

"Come here, young'uns. It's great that you have dressed up neatly but you shouldn't forget to wear something red." The inn lady kindly reminded them. It was customary to display some red on their body for the day of the festival.

She gave a red striped headband to Raymond which he neatly tied around his biceps instead of his head. Jasmine received a red ribbon and interlocked it to her braided hair. Jasmine convinced the inn lady to give her an extra ribbon and kept it away for Lyla.

She latched onto Raymond's arms as they headed outside the inn. Raymond grew confident that he wouldn't need Jasmine's help to navigate his way through the streets to reach the coliseum. All he had to do was follow the general direction of the mass movement and he would reach it. As such, he strode with his chest puffed up in confidence.

However, Raymond was doused with cold reality when he realised the Imperial Guard standing outside the inn was waiting for him.

"Aah! You must be Mr.Ray," the guard instantly recognised Jasmine since he had met her yesterday while delivering the invitation letter. "My name is Lark. I am here on behalf of Her Highness Scarlett." The guard extended his hand for a shake. Since Ray was a commoner, judging by the name, he didn't have any reservations and tried to build a friendship with the princess' friend.

"Nice to meet you," Raymond shook the offered hand. "Please lead the way, we will be right behind." He added with a smile.

It had to be said, this guard was really something. Wearing that golden armour seemed to have a deterring effect on people as they hurriedly made way for their company and they walked towards the inner city unobstructed.

There was a sea of red at the entrance to the inner city. Thousands of locals and tourists alike dressed in red and crimson garments filled the entryways trying to get in as quickly as possible to look for a seat in the stands of their liking.

If they arrived late then they could only blame their tardiness and take leftover seats that were far from the centre of the Coliseum.

Lark took them to a relatively small gate by the side which was reserved for only nobles and guests. After showing the invitation, Raymond was let in without a hitch.

Raymond instantly noticed the difference between the two sides of the city. The inner city had wider streets and side platforms for pedestrians whereas only the main roads in the outer city had this type of arrangement. There were also sky-high buildings and meticulously built mansions.


Just as Raymond was admiring the beautiful view of the inner city, a carriage driven by four horses came to a sudden halt in front of them.

Raymond scoffed looking at the four leaf clover drawn on the door. This was his family's carriage.

The door opened and a young boy around 13 leaped off the carriage. He had neatly combed black hair and glistening brown eyes just like the rest of Clovers. He was around 5 ft tall and yet to hit his growth spurt.


The boy cried out happily as he rushed towards Jasmine. He gave a quick hug to her before asking in a sad voice:

"Where were you all these days? I have been looking for you!" Ronald's sad voice made Jasmine hesitate. She couldn't possibly tell her little brother that she had left the family.

Raymond took a long look at the boy beside Jasmine. He was thinking hard to recall the name of his uncle's son.

'Ahh! His name is Ronald, I think?'

Raymond wasn't sure. He vaguely remembered playing with this guy when he was just a little kid barely able to walk. Raymond had stopped playing with him when his mother had warned him to stay away.

'Tch, if it wasn't for that bitch I wouldn't have become a stranger in my brother's eyes.'

His aunt Rachel Wagner was the only woman Raymond had ever cursed in his life. And Raymond thought he still hadn't cursed her enough.

"Eh? Who is this guy?" Ronald narrowed his eyes at Raymond. His gaze shifted between Jasmine and Raymond for a while.

"Sister, don't tell me you found yourself a man!" As if coming to a realisation Ronald shouted.

"Is that why you left the family? Is this evil guy trying to take you away?" Ronald shot a death glare towards Raymond.

"Who are you calling evil, eh?" Raymond grabbed Ronald's head and started shaking him crazily. "Is that how you greet your big brother?"

"You! How dare you touch our Young Master?" Ronald's two guards from the carriage rushed towards Raymond, only to get kicked away by him.


They crashed into a nearby wall and tried to get up on shaky legs.

"What the?!" Ronald's jaws nearly hit the floor. "Who are you? How can you kick those two Martial Sages like that?" He asked, flabbergasted, his head still in Raymond's clutches.

"Ohh, you want to know?" Raymond asked with a smirk. Who knew bullying his young cousin was so satisfying?

"Here, let me show you," Raymond lifted his leg, and just as he was trying to lightly kick Ronald, Jasmine stopped him.

"Master! Stop messing with him. He is your brother!"

"Bah! I know." Raymond shot back. "And that makes it even more worth it."

"You!" Ronald was struck speechless by this evil guy. Then the wheels in his head turned due to Raymond continuously shaking it.

"You're Raymond?!" He asked in a hushed voice.