
-Munch! -Munch!

"Lyla, what do you want to eat?" Jasmine asked Lyla while she munched on a crunchy honey biscuit.

As if answering her question, shadows wrapped around Jasmine's feet as they led her towards the roasted corn stall like a puppet.

"Kyaa!" Jasmine was disoriented for a second before she regained her balance. A few people looked at her strangely but she ignored them and placed the copper coin on the counter.

"One roasted golden corn, please!" Jasmine shouted, gaining the attention of the stall owner. "Ohh, and don't forget to add extra butter!"

"Missy, one copper coin isn't going to cut it! It's 5 coppers for one!" The vendor stretched his five fingers towards Jasmine.

"Hmph, you're trying to rip me off, mister!" Jasmine all but snarled. "There is no way it's that costly."

"Listen, missy! Don't waste my time," the vendor said irritably. "Move if you're not going to buy!"

"Fine, I will take one." Jasmine relented. It was a waste of time negotiating with these stall owners during the festival. All of them were in cahoots to raise the price of their products.

"Oops! It slipped." Jasmine tried to sound innocent as she purposefully dropped the corn that disappeared into her shadows before touching the ground.

"Well, there is no refund. It's your loss," the vendor said mockingly. "How about another one?"

"No thanks. I would rather not buy from you again," Jasmine huffed. "I have never dropped food like this before. There must be something wrong with your stall!"

The vendor's lips twitched in anger. "You! You're saying my stall is cursed? Missy, don't go accusing me of something like that!"

"Woah! What's that?" Before he could further bicker with Jasmine, his attention was shifted to a ball of red light that was heading in his direction.

"See? I told you! Your stall is cursed. Now it's even attracting weird things!" Jasmine jumped at the first chance she got to make it even with the guy who had charged her extra money. "Everyone run, this stall is cursed!"

The stall owner grimaced as his customers eyed him suspiciously. Some even started slowly backing away from the place.

"You guys, she is lying! My stall is not cursed!" However, his desperate cry turned into a maniacal glee as he saw the light hovering above Jasmine. "Hahaha! Serves you right, you stupid girl. You're the one who is cursed!"

"Shut up! There must be some mistake." Jasmine paled as the light kept shining brighter and brighter as it hovered above her head.

A golden brown light shot out from the tip of her fingers as she tried to control the ball of light but it deftly avoided her projectile and shone even more brightly in response.

She tried to run but the light kept following wherever she went.

"Master! Please save me. Someone is trying to attack!" She started running towards the Coliseum where her master was. People gave her a wide berth as she moved swiftly through the lineup of stalls.

"Jasmine, we need to find Ray. That's a blood crystal.'s here for me." Lyla said urgently though her voice was sullen and depressed. She felt the magical pull tugging at her core by the crystal's magic. She could already guess that her father was there, looking for her.

"What? Don't tell me someone found out about you!" Jasmine's eyebrows disappeared into her hairline.

'It's not because of me, right?'

Jasmine prayed in her heart as she ran towards her master.

"It's my father. He is here."

[Damn! When did he make the blood crystal for you?]

'I don't know!' Lyla replied to Heartsbane. She didn't remember her father taking her blood for anything before. 'I think he did it long before I could remember anything.'

[Fucking bastard!]

"Don't worry, Lyla. I will try to control the crystal, you go hide somewhere. I will stall for time until master is here," Jasmine suggested and Lyla agreed reluctantly. She could take care of her father if she was alone but with Jasmine here, she didn't want to risk it.

"Stop right there, young lady!" A majestic voice spread throughout the surroundings as Jasmine found herself rooted to the ground.

But the effect quickly vanished as Lyla took control of her feet and she started running again. Blood crystal was a step too late to follow her from its momentary pause which was enough for Jasmine to hit it with her gravity-defying light.

A flick of her hand sent the crystal afloat higher into the sky. Jasmine breathed evenly as she made her way towards the Coliseum, none aware of the shadow that broke off from her body.


Anvil Brownheart, who was following the blood crystal on his father's orders, frowned as the crystal flew higher instead of chasing after its target.

"Was that wind manipulation?" He mused, keeping his eyes on Jasmine who was quickly heading towards the Coliseum where the emperor and his entourage were preparing to storm out.

"Unlikely, considering her cultivation. She shouldn't be able to push it up that far with wind manipulation," A refined voice reached his ears from the side. "That crystal is a magical artefact, you know?"

"Who the fuck are you?" Anvil was startled by the sudden arrival of someone by his side. Quickly composing himself, he scrutinised the man that had just spoken.

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Ray." Anvil scowled at the name. "I work for the mercenary guild."

"Tch, take your hand back, you filth!" Anvil swatted the proffered arm to the side and spat in disgust. "Be mindful of who you're talking to!"

He chased after Jasmine who was about to reach the entry gate without even sparing the sideway glance to a commoner he had met.

Why would he? He was a future duke. He didn't have time to entertain some trash in the Martial Minor realm.

"That girl is quick on her feet!"

The ground beneath him shifted as a thin block of earth broke off from the ground. Anvil guided the carpet of mud and flew to catch up with Jasmine.


"Man…what an asshole! I just wanted to ask him where he brought that sword." Raymond thought aloud. It was a really cool looking sword, he could tell even if the blade was covered in the sheath.

He had parted ways with Scarlett as soon as he saw the assembled guards. He needed to make sure that his girls were safe.

"Lyla said she wanted to be the one to end the life of her father. Well, at least I can do that much for her." Raymond was really tempted to kill Cyril Denver on the spot. Alas, he couldn't deny Lyla from getting her revenge.

"Oh, it's getting interesting now." Raymond chirped as he saw the Imperial Guards blocking the gate as they inched closer to Jasmine.

"Who are you? Where is Lyla?" A man donned in black robes thundered furiously as he cut his path through the swarm of guards followed by the emperor.

It was Duke Denver. A man who could put professional drama actors to shame with his acting. Raymond was thoroughly impressed by the heartwrenching performance he had given in front of the emperor.

He too would have believed him if he didn't know the truth.

"Tsk, tsk, this Jasmine is spending too much time annoying me instead of training. I need to put her through my routine or else she won't be able to stand against her opponents."

Raymond made a mental note to himself. Jasmine was quickly surrounded by the guards from three sides and this sword carrying asshole was approaching her from behind.

He had deliberately not helped Jasmine as soon as he arrived instead he had opted to watch. She had really jinxed it by making ridiculous plans about revealing Lyla to the emperor. In the end, her plans had come to fruition without her direct involvement.

"I hope she has learned her lesson…" Raymond didn't want to put her through any more danger so he called for his weapon.

With a thought, an exquisitely crafted pair of brown leather footwear appeared in his hands. He quickly removed his old and hardened leather slipper and donned his new footwear.

Raymond breathed out and pulled his right hand holding the old slipper back like notching an arrow, and took aim.

-Slipper Shot-


"Hahahaha! Where are you going to run now? Eh? Give up, you're surrounded!" Anvil laughed as he eyed Jasmine, barely managing to conceal his lust. It was a pity that such a beautiful girl was going to be executed. If he had his way, he would have loved to take her home and punish her in his own way.

"Listen to him, young lady! Cooperate with us and you may be allowed to live." His father's figure towered over the girl as he unleashed his aura.

"W-what do you want?" Jasmine stammered. "I don't know any Lyla. You're asking the wrong person, my lord."

"Hmm, then why did the blood crystal lead to you? Duke Denver, is she one of your daughters? She does have that blonde hair like you!" Anvil observed.

"Don't spout nonsense, Anvil!" His father rebuked him. "Blood crystals are unique to each person."

"Quickly restrain her! We need to interrogate her. There must be a reason as to why the crystal followed her."

"Yes, father!" Anvil was quick to react to his father's orders and jumped towards Jasmine. He was a Martial Greatsage, he didn't have to fear a girl so far beneath him in strength.


World stilled for a second followed by an ear-splitting shrill.


Anvil's vision blackened for a second in mid-air as he was sent flying towards Duke Denver at breakneck speed.


The back of his head throbbed in pain as he collided with the clueless Denver's gut who was circulating his mana to attack Jasmine.

The only thing he heard before completely blacking out was Jasmine's cheerful voice.

"Master, you're here!"