
"Mother, please understand! I need to be there!" Scarlett pleaded to her mother who was hearing none of it.

"No, Scarlett. Trust your father, he will deal with this matter." Clara pressed on, not willing to let her daughter anywhere near the crowd. "Let the adults handle this matter."

"I am an adult too!" Scarlett rebuked. "Why can't I go there?" She was really unlucky. Just as she and Ray had come down to take a look at what was happening, Ray disappeared on his own, leaving her behind.

Not only that, she just had to run into her mother who, for the life of her, wouldn't let her go anywhere near danger.

"Don't argue with your mother! You're to stay here with me and wait for your father." Clara was not backing down. Already she could feel the ground shaking. As someone with an affinity to Earth and having reached the realm of Martial Kings, she could feel the vibrations in the ground far more clearly than Scarlett.

"Fine!" Scarlett huffed in frustration. Her mother was more stubborn than her. If she tried to argue further, her mother wouldn't hesitate to knock her out to keep her quiet.

Clara rolled her eyes at her daughter who was pacing around the room fretting and rubbing her temples in deep thinking.

"Calm down, sweetie. Your father will be fine." Scarlett nodded but her mind was running haywire. Why was Ray in such a hurry? There is no way he was involved in what was happening, right?

Her face paled as she imagined a scenario where her father was fighting Ray. It was nightmarish for her. Two of the men she liked the most were fighting against each other. She didn't know if she could keep her sanity if something happened to one of them, though she knew the outcome of such a battle, that didn't make her any happy.


Scarlett didn't know how much time had passed as she paced around in worry. Her frowns deepened as the sound of lightning echoed outside the Coliseum.

"What was that? Mother, we can't wait here, let's go!" Scarlett was about to run out.

"Wait, Scarlett! That's a Heavenly Lightning! Dear God, who wronged you? Why are you so angry?" Clara despaired as she poked her head out of the window and looked up at the sky to find the five different colours of light flickering among the clouds.

"Please be safe, Elmer." She prayed, clasping her hands together tightly.

Scarlett heard her mother and bolted out of the room, her heart settling with dread. She ignored her mother's protesting calls and ran towards the outside of the Coliseum.

The entry gate was empty and she could see her father's back facing her. She ran with all her might. Her instincts screamed at her to reach her father before it was too late.

"No! This can't be happening!" She let out a gut wrenching shriek as she saw him— the man of her dreams coming towards her father with lightning wrapped around his body.


A few moments earlier…


With a swooshing sound, Lyla's domain disappeared. Raymond smirked looking at Lyla standing next to the corpse of Cyril Denver. He already knew that she had killed Cyril as he looked at the clouds churning in the sky and gathering towards one spot— that is above his head.

"ROB!" Elmer thundered furiously. No one had made a mockery of his authority like this before. "Guards! Restrain those two! I want them brought to me on their knees!" He pointed towards Ray and Jasmine.

"As you command, Your Majesty!" The chorus reply of guards sounded out as Rob, the Imperial Guardian flew towards Lyla at breakneck speed.

"Die, you wretch!"


Before he could reach her though, a knee was slammed into the side of his head, blasting it off like watermelon. His headless body rolled on the ground before coming to a rest before the gathered guards.


They took a collective breath. That was the Martial Emperor who lost his life in the blink of an eye.


Raymond landed beside Lyla dusting off his knee.

"Are you done?" He asked Lyla who quickly nodded her head and went to stand beside Jasmine. She would protect her sister when her man took care of the emperor and his men.

"Jasmine, don't worry. As long as Ray is here we don't have to be scared of anyone." She squeezed Jasmine's hand lightly to comfort her.

Jasmine gulped, her hands trembling in trepidation. This was the first time she had seen her master taking a human life so easily. Her master was a man now, the same boy she had grown up with was no more. It finally dawned upon her how much he had tolerated her childishness.

She felt so stupid.

-Clink! -Clank!

Her inner turmoil was put to rest as the sound of metal clashing reached her ears.

The guards hurriedly took a step back in fear. They did not want their heads to be squashed like melons.

"Unbelievable! We are the proud warriors of this empire! We do not cower in fear." One of the Guard Captains roared. "Charge!"

However, Raymond was quicker as he appeared in front of that Captain and lifted him off by the neck.


A white streak of lightning fell right on Raymond's head as he tightened his grip around the Captain's neck.


The Captain struggled to break free as the lightning raked his body, charring him black.

"Anyone else want to show their bravery?" Raymond raised his eyebrow as he gently laid down the body of the Captain. Enemy or not, he was a soldier who was only following orders.

"W-we will not back off! We will fight!"


One of the guards said only to flinch in horror as Raymond took the burnt of another lightning bolt. This one, golden in colour.

Raymond glared at Elmer who was eyeing him just as furiously.


Another lightning fell. This one, thicker and orange in colour.

"Preposterous! How dare you break your word? You vowed in the name of Heavens! You will die, you imbecile!" Elmer spat. "No matter how strong you are, you cannot go against the forces that are far beyond your comprehension! The very force that governs our land! You have mocked it and now you will be hunted down like a beast!"


A blue bolt clashed with Raymond who let out a roar of fury towards the sky. His mana infused cry produced shockwaves that seemed to rip apart the space. The clouds were shredded like a sheep caught between a storm of swords.


The blue lightning wrapped itself around his body, erratically slithering and trying to burn him to death. His mana surged into action as a single drop of it gathered between his eyebrows.

Instantly, the lightning froze like time had stopped. With a low sizzle, it coiled around Raymond's torso and loosely hung by his neck like a pet snake.


Eastern Domain, WhisperMoon Forest…

In the depths of a million mile forest stood a gigantic tree known as the magnificent World Tree, a marvel of nature that reached towards the heavens with its widespread branches and shimmering foliage.

Its massive trunk, adorned with intricate carvings depicting ancient tales and symbols of elven heritage, hummed in reverence as the runes etched on its surface shone brilliantly.

Deep within the heart of the tree lies a sacred chamber, which was occupied by two people. One, a wrinkly old man, and another one a breathtaking beauty.

"He's done it! The Will of the World is breaking free from the tyranny of Heaven." The bewitching voice of the beauty echoed in the otherwise empty chamber.

"I can feel it," She shivered and her pointy ears— proof of her elven ancestry— twitched in anticipation. "The world is bending to his will. The rules are changing. This is a great opportunity for us!"

"It could be a great calamity too," the old man butted in rather rudely. "He is cursed! He brings death with him!"

"Hmph, only to those who oppose him! We can change our fortune if we align ourselves with him!" The elven beauty rebuked.

"Do what you want, Priestess!" The old man relented. "You're our leader. I will respect your decision."

A crystal orb placed in the corner of the chamber shone brightly attracting their gazes. With a thought, the orb flew towards her hand. The priestess held it gently as the black smoke inside the orb swirled crazily.

Light flickered inside the orb showing glimpses of a bare-chested man standing in the middle of the crowd with lightning wrapped around his body.

"Hahaha, he is a madman. I like him!" The old man laughed. "Hmmm, meeting him again wouldn't be so bad, I guess." He scratched his chin, lost in thought. "At the very least, I should be able to collect the money I am owed for divining his future!"


"What can you do now? Eh? Your so-called heavens can't do anything!"

"You've become a sinner yourself by siding with her. I hope you understand the gravity of this situation you're in. The world will not let you live. I will not rest until you're punished!"

"If you're going to be a pain in the ass, it's best I end you here and now!" Raymond quickened his footsteps as he approached the emperor.

"No! This can't be happening!" Scarlett screamed as she dashed towards her father. Ray was getting closer to her father with a challenging look in his eyes.

Just as Raymond was about to punch Elmer, Scarlett managed to get between them. Raymond stopped his fist, barely an inch away from her nose.

"Don't hurt my father, please!" She pleaded. Her heart broke at the words she was saying. "You were going to leave the empire, right? Just leave, don't hurt my father."


Elmer staggered back before falling on his butt. He pointed his trembling finger towards Raymond as spoke in a voice mixed with fear and anger:

"No matter where you go, my men will hunt you down—"

"Father, be quiet!" Scarlett screamed in desperation. Why was he looking for death?

"So? This is your choice, then?" Raymond questioned as she grasped his fist tightly.

"I…I don't want to hurt my fath—"

"I understand, Scarlett." Raymond snorted as he pulled his hand away from her. "You will forever remain as Scarlett Phoenix unless you break free from your shackles. Take this as advice from a friend, freedom is not always given to you, sometimes you need to take it by force."

"Goodbye, Scarlett." Raymond turned around as he walked back to his girls. "Lyla, Jasmine, let's go." He looked towards the emperor one last time before leaving.

"As for you, send whoever you want! I will send them back to you in pieces. Be sure to pick them up!"


"Y-you! I will send the Lord Protector. He will bring you to justice."

"Father! He is already gone!" Scarlett choked back a sob as she helped her father get up. She would not cry in front of her father. That was her bottom line. It would break his heart if she cried in his presence.

"I-I know, Scarlett. I know." Elmer grasped his daughter's hand with a tremble.

[End of Volume One: Far From Home.]