Dream Come True

Raymond looked up at the sky, hoping to see the world beyond, but all he saw was the vast blue sky that seemed endless.

'A Demigod, huh?'

The realisation of what he'd heard from Ronan was slowly sinking into his mind.

Subconsciously, his chest puffed up in pride, and his gait resembled that of a king as he walked the streets of Mist Village.

Raymond's head was filled with thoughts of Vivian and how he had unknowingly appointed her as his Apostle.

Does that mean he had enslaved her in a way?

Raymond clicked his tongue; she still had her freedom. Even her attitude towards others was also the same, with him being the exception.

He had seen how she had acted with his wives when he was no longer around her.

She was still the haughty elf he had met in the guild a few days ago.

Isn't that how Jasmine and Lyla were with him?

They showered him with their love and affection when they were alone.

They had promised themselves to him, and this affectionate side of theirs was only reserved for him.

So, if he thought along those lines, it was the same with Vivian too.

'Will she show affection or devotion?'

Raymond mused as he went to his room.

Today was already late, and he was feeling sleepy. Tomorrow, he would see for himself what kind of feelings Vivian had towards him.

Whether it was affection or devotion, he would have to accept it.

If her life was bound to him forever, the least he could do was accept her feelings and protect her from harm.


It was a new day, and Raymond woke up with a fresh mindset. Lyla was curled up at his side, and Jasmine was sitting on the floor— cross-legged and deep in meditation.

Raymond slowly pulled himself away from Lyla's clutches and got out of bed.

"Master, where are you going?" Jasmine opened her eyes and looked at her master who was getting ready to head out.

"Er— I am going to meet Vivian."

"Huh? But why so early?" Jasmine tilted her head.


Raymond sat down in front of her with a sigh and explained to her in detail what happened in the forest and about his chat with Ronan.

"So, you're a Demigod?" Jasmine poked at his biceps. "Are you really that strong?"

"Well, what do you think?"

"I think if it's you… then it might be true…" Jasmine nodded sagely.

There was a moment of comfortable silence between them before Jasmine opened her mouth:

"Master, do you think you can bestow that Flesh element to others?"

"Why? Do you want it too?" Raymond gave her a wry smile.

"En. It wouldn't hurt to have an extra element."

"But your life will be bound to mine if I do that!" Raymond pointed out.

"Hehe, do you think I would live if something happens to you in the future?"

Raymond just shook his head helplessly and refrained from rebuking her. No matter what he told her, it was highly unlikely that she would listen.

"Fine, I accept you as my student."

Raymond drew his mana towards his glabella and tried retracing the steps he had taken with Vivian.


But nothing changed. There were no monumental changes that signalled Jasmine being his Apostle.

"I appoint you as my Apostle." Raymond tried again with a different set of words.

Still, there was no change.

"I think there can only be one Apostle per Demigod…" Raymond guessed. Now that he thought about it, he did recall Ronan mentioning the Apostles in singular form.

A shadow cast over Jasmine's eyes as she dipped her head and started sulking.

"Haha, don't worry. How about being my first wife instead?" Raymond offered nervously, hoping that it would cheer her up.

"Eh? I am not already?" Jasmine looked up at him and blinked.

"Cough! Yes–yes, you are, Jasmine." Raymond suddenly turned serious. "But I haven't said it out loud, have I?"

Jasmine nodded with a thoughtful look on her face. Though, her hands were turning clammy, and her heart was tingling with excitement.

"Ahem," Raymond cleared his throat. " I, Raymond T. Clover, with heavens— scratch that, with my late father Thomas V. Clover as a witness from above, accept you, Jasmine, as my first wife and bestow you with my family name. From now on, you shall be known as Jasmine Clover!"

Jasmine's eyes widened when she heard that. That was not what she had in mind when she asked him about being his wife.

It was the highest honour for a maid to be accepted as a wife and to be given her master's family name.

Her eyes reddened instantly and became misty.

"Masterrrr!" She jumped into his arms and clung to him tightly. "I love you, I love you!" She started peppering his face with kisses as tears rolled down her cheeks.

In her most private moments, she had been silly and thought that her master only considered her as a maid and put up with her because she was young and good looking.

She had been annoying him whenever she had time from a young age to see if he would snap and leave her. Instead, she was left speechless when he turned it into a competition and annoyed her just as much in return.

They were almost like siblings who fought all the time but still cared about each other.

Jasmine had never imagined being intimate with him romantically until she saw him train like there was no tomorrow.

He was the most handsome when he was serious and dedicated, Jasmine would admit that much in her heart but never vocalise it.

If he went back to training like that again after hearing about her praises, she wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Somehow, over time, that attraction had turned into an obsession. There was no man better than Raymond Clover in her eyes by the time she realised her obsession.

Her obsession was so much so that she was ready to blow herself up with Allen Clover when he threatened to kill her master.

If she belonged to anyone in body and soul, then it was Raymond, who treated her as his equal instead of treating her like a lowly maid.

No matter how much she annoyed him and teased him, he never pushed her away, let alone punish her.

Jasmine would agree that she had taken some liberties with him because of how forgiving he was towards her.

That's exactly why she loved him so much. He did not treat her like a servant.

He would not stay angry at her for long.

He valued her presence in his life and depended on her whenever he needed something. He was everything a maid like her could ask for.

That's why she jumped on him as soon as he came back from training.

However, everything changed when she realised how strong he had become, and Sasha started to eye him like a candy. Sasha was stronger and more useful than her.

And then there was Lyla, who came out of nowhere and wormed her way into his heart. Jasmine was angry at first, thinking she would be replaced by Lyla.

She had gone berserk when she first found them together and threatened to kill her if she tried to usurp her position. Thankfully, Lyla had no intention of doing that.

But her insecurity was still there, hidden behind her mask of mischievousness. She was in the end, a slave— freed from her chains and brought to the Clover family by Master Thomas.

It was purely by luck that she became Raymond's maid. If it was anyone else, she dreaded to think what might have happened to her by now.

She was really spoiled by him. But no amount of doting and spoiling she had received from both Raymond and his father would make her this happy.

Her master, no, her dearest Raymond had taken her as his first wife, and she couldn't ask for anything more in her life.

In the FireBorn empire, the first wife of any lord or powerful cultivator was treated with the utmost respect. No one would point their finger at her for being with Raymond from now on.

She felt happy and silly at the same time. Silly, for waiting this long for him to acknowledge her instead of asking him straight up and happy, for finally making him say those words she wanted to hear for a long time.

After all, to her, it would only be satisfying if he took the initiative.

"Tch, what are you? A dog? Stop licking my face!" Raymond rebuked.

"Master, don't ruin my moment!" Jasmine rapped her little fist on his chest indignantly.

He couldn't let her have a moment of happiness in peace, could he?

Jasmine really felt like tearing him a new one. But she was too happy to stay angry at him for more than a second.

"Master…" Jasmine locked her eyes with him, leaned closer, and kissed his lips.

Raymond wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her even closer.

"Jasmine, about Vivian—"

"Shhh!" Jasmine shushed him by pressing a finger against his lips.

"Do what you want, master. I don't care anymore!" Jasmine said, and her shoulders relaxed as if a huge burden had been lifted off of her.

"Vivi is a good girl. I don't mind being her sister! I will always respect your decision whatever it may be…"

"What are you two doing?" Lyla woke up from all the yelling Jasmine was doing and asked.

[Playing house.] Heartsbane deadpanned.

"..." Lyla.