Controlled Ignorance

Raymond heaved a sigh of relief after consoling Vivian.

'Sigh, what a mess…'

Dealing with a crying girl was more taxing than he had initially thought, even with his seemingly inexhaustible stamina, it was difficult.

Finally, by the time she had calmed down, Vivian was softly snoring against his chest.

Raymond gingerly pried himself off her clutches and looked around her room.

There was nothing of monumental value in her room— two chairs, one rocking armchair, a wooden table, and some other miscellaneous items.

Raymond quickly stashed everything away in his pendant and Vivian woke up in the meantime.

She seemed to be a light sleeper, judging by the way she woke up with the small commotion made by him while cleaning up her room.

"Uh… where did my stuff go?" Vivian rubbed her eyes and asked.

"It's in my storage artefact. You're coming with me." Raymond helped her to stand up and sent her bed into the pendant too. "There is no need to stay in this place where there is a chance of magical beasts attacking you in your sleep."

Raymond asserted when it became clear that Vivian was hesitating to go with him.

"B-but I am not allowed to stay in the village."

"That's enough! If anyone has a problem, they can take it up to me. I will deal with them." Raymond grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door.

"What's the point of having all this power if I can't take care of my people?"

"Ahh, that's not the point. This is supposed to be my punishment!" Vivian protested. She was not at all ready to face the nasty glare sent her way by the villagers.

"How long have you been living here in the wilderness anyway?" Raymond asked.

"Uhm, it has been 15 years already."

"Huh?" Raymond skidded to a halt and turned to her slowly.

"How old are you exactly?"

He knew elves lived longer than humans. Presumably, they had twice the amount of lifespan a normal human had… a total of 100 years.

So, that meant elves— without any cultivation— lived for 200 years.

"I am 41 years old," Vivian said calmly.

And Raymond was only 20. He blinked and scanned her whole body with his eyes.

Vivian suddenly covered her chest and fixed him with a nasty glare.

"Don't look at me like that! I am just 20 if we go by human standards!" She defended.

"Right…" Raymond nodded half heartedly. His mind was more occupied by the thoughts of how ignorant he had been these past few days.

Before, he was ignorant on purpose; carefully picking out the things he wanted to know and disregarding everything else to avoid unnecessary troubles.

However, ever since the time he had gone through a transformation back at the mountain, he had lost a fair bit of control over his ignorance.

This wouldn't do. He wanted to have complete control over his ignorance.

That was the only way he could have the inner peace he wanted.

Maybe the realisation of his powers was changing him somehow. The thought sobered him pretty quickly.

Raymond trudged towards the village with those thoughts plaguing his mind. First, he needed to make sure Vivian was well treated by Jasmine and Lyla instead of letting them deal with these things on their own.

If he didn't resolve any differences they had now, it would only come back to bite him in the future.

So, Raymond dragged a somewhat unwilling Vivian to his rented room amidst the curious stares of the villagers.

It was only a matter of time before they came knocking on his door. Until then, Raymond decided to have a talk with his wives.

-Knock! -Knock!

The door opened slightly before he could knock for the third time and Jasmine poked her head out.

"Oh, Master, come in."

She totally missed Vivian who was standing behind him and was pleasantly surprised when Vivian came in after Raymond.

"Huh?" Jasmine, who noticed Vivian, looked at her Master strangely. Though, her gaze did seem to be appreciating him in some way.

Jasmine never expected him to bring Vivian to their room so soon. Even if she and Lyla had given their consent to include Vivian in their family, she thought her master would take his time before bringing her home.

She liked her master more when he was decisive in matters like this. It wouldn't have taken her this long to become his official wife if he was like this before.

Raymond, completely unaware of Jasmine's glee, dragged his chair to the middle of the room and sat on it.

Lyla, who was meditating, opened her eyes and looked at him seriously as if she could guess he was about to say something important.

"Ahem! I have something to tell you guys. Vivi, come here!" Raymond beckoned for her to take a seat on his lap.

Vivian was hesitant at first but one glare from him made her flinch and settled her butt on his lap.

Raymond nicely wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. "As you can guess, Vivian will be living with us from now on. I hope you two will treat her like family."

"Of course, Master." Jasmine agreed. "We already told you we are okay with Vivi."

"Mm." Lyla nodded as well.

"Err— the thing is Vivi has a bad reputation among the villagers and elves in general…" Raymond retold what he had heard from Vivian.

Jasmine and Lyla just stared at her dumbly. How could someone believe that a statue could talk to them and proceed to break it?

Vivian shifted nervously in Raymond's embrace as she felt unsettled by their gazes.

"Uhm… I really heard the voice, you know. The WindGod was asking me to break its statue."

"Alright! You may or may not have heard the voice. That's something only you know." Raymond intervened. He didn't want to delve into what happened that day when he had seen for himself how much Vivian exaggerated things.

"What I want to talk about is the little hierarchy you guys seem to have established between yourselves."

"Master, there is nothing—"

Raymond raised his hands to stop Jasmine from giving excuses.

"I don't care what hierarchy you've going on between yourselves. To me, everyone is important. If I see you plotting something predatorial against each other, I will be merciless!" Raymond said coolly, with his elbow resting on the armrest and propping his chin with his fist.

"That goes for you too, Jasmine. I won't forgive you if you cross that line."

"I understand…"

Lyla felt her heart throbbing as he asserted his dominance. After that night in the Capital, he had been rather tame.

She had to admit, she missed this Raymond.

"Fufu~" Lyla snickered in a rare show of emotion and sauntered towards him from the bed.

Vivian shifted to the side as Lyla appeared in front of them. She took her allotted seat on his other thigh and hooked her arm around his neck.

"You don't have to worry about that, Darling~" Lyla smiled and ran her hand through his hair. "I will always keep my eyes on them and make sure they don't spoil your mood."

Raymond firmly grabbed her plump ass and made her settle on his lap comfortably.

"Hmph, what did you say, Lyla? You don't want your lessons anymore?" Jasmine huffed, though she was happy on the inside.

It honestly turned her on whenever he was rough with her. It didn't matter if it was in bed or public.

She wanted to be dominated by her master. It was like a trigger to her. She could barely think with her brain once he bossed her around.

"Uh, Darling… she is blackmailing me!" Lyla grumbled.

"Yes, it seems she needs a punishment. Don't you think, Lyla?"

"Mm." Lyla leaned towards him and kissed him furiously. All the scenes of their previous sessions were playing in her mind and making her hot and bothered.

[Tch! You get horny so easily.]

'Shut up!' Lyla was not going to let her innate spirit thwart her plans for the day as she groped his crotch.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Vivian sputtered.

She had just lost her virginity a few hours ago and now she felt like she was being dragged into something she was wholly unprepared for.

"Fufu~ don't worry, we will teach you how to please him in other ways than simply using your cat." Lyla giggled as she felt him harden in her hand. "I am sure Jasmine will be more than willing to show you."

"You bet!" Jasmine liked where this was going and quickly kneeled in front of Raymond.

She shot a dangerous glare towards Vivian who was still clueless. Jasmine shook her head. It seemed Vivian had a lot to learn before she could even get on the same level as Lyla.

Great. Another one she could dominate through her master.

Jasmine smirked to herself and pulled Vivian down from his lap.

"Gah!" Vivian yelped when she was abruptly dragged down.

This day couldn't get any better. Jasmine thought as she looked at Vivian who was asking to get bullied.

Poor Jasmine had no idea how much Vivian was compatible with Raymond.