Death Of Elion

"Why. Is. She. Tired?" Elion uttered each word with hatred. He had a sinking feeling that something was wrong.

"Man, do you want me to spell it out for you?" Raymond asked, looking at Elion as if he had grown a second head.

Wasn't it obvious?

"You! I am going to kill you!" Elion screamed and dashed towards Raymond.


Raymond leisurely raised his hand and gave a tight slap across Elion's face which sent him spiralling into a nearby house.


The gathered crowd let out an audible gasp when they saw Elion getting slapped. Arlo decided to take advantage of their awe and momentary shock.

"Wonderful, My Lord! You took care of that barbarian so easily! As expected of our Lord!" He shouted, garnering the attention of not only his friends but even the people from the village who were slowly following the blood trail left behind by Elion in his madness and slowly converging on this spot.

Most of the villagers were scared for their lives when they witnessed the mangled corpses of the people. They guessed that some magical beast had infiltrated their village and was wreaking havoc.

The bodies were so brutalised that they were beyond recognition. The villagers became mad with rage as soon as they realised that some of the corpses belonged to their parents and children with the help of the clothes on their bodies.

They were hellbent on seeing the beast die a painful death. Among the villagers were also those who had gone to Elion and complained about Vivian that day. They had no idea it was Elion who was responsible for this massacre.

"Who was that, Arlo?" Raymond asked. "Is he mad?"

"Ahem. My Lord, that guy you just punched is the Village Protector," said Arlo.

"Village Protector?" Raymond mused. "Why was he trying to kill me? Is it because of Vivian?"

Before Arlo could answer, a bestial roar tore through the air as Elion launched himself out of the wreckage and headed straight for Raymond's head.

-Gale Slash-

"Take this, you basta—"

-Tight Slap-

"Nah… you take this!" Raymond, again, evaded his attack and gave him a tight slap across the face. However, this time, he didn't let Elion fly away.

Instead, he grabbed him by the ankle and slammed him into the ground like a wet cloth.

"Kek! Who are you!?" Elion coughed up blood as he balanced himself. "How dare you touch this Celestial Lord?"

Raymond cringed at the guy calling himself a Celestial Lord. This guy's naming sense was even worse than his own.

"I am Ray," answered Raymond. "Nice to meet you, Village Protector."

"Tch! What am I supposed to do with your name?" Elion spat. "Tell me your cultivation level!"

"Demigod," Raymond said flatly and the rest of the villagers had a hard time deciding who was more delusional between Raymond and Elion and started whispering amongst each other while pointing fingers towards Raymond.

"I knew it! These elves are assholes!" Raymond braked. "It's clearly him who is mad! Don't point your fingers at me!"

"Hmph. Another trash who thinks he is a God! No matter, I will take care of you quickly and take my wife back with me," said Elion and took out a sword from his spatial ring.

Raymond's eyes sparkled instantly when he saw the spatial ring.

"Come at me! Another trash who wants to gift his money to me. No matter, I will take care of you quickly and go back to making love with Vivian!"

"Argh! You dare!" Elion saw red, poured all of his mana into his sword, and slashed it at Raymond.

"Too slow, Turtle!" Raymond scoffed and grabbed his sword. With a practised ease, he thought of his pendant and sent it inside, making the sword disappear from Elion's hand.


The crowd that was watching the events unfold exclaimed simultaneously. They clearly saw the sword vanishing.

"What did he do?" One of them asked.

"Hah. That was nothing! Our Lord can make mountains disappear, making this sword disappear is just a cantrip for him." Arlo chirped in and decided to turn this fight into an advertisement for Raymond.

"What? Don't tell me… is this the guy who blew up that mountain?"

"Haha! That's right. That was just the beginning of our Lord's miracle! If you want to learn more about him, how about joining our Cult?" Arlo asked, taking out a banner from his ring and handing it to the villager.

"No! I don't want to associate with you people! Your so-called Lord is about to end Lord Barhwak's life. Do you know what that means?" The villager took a step back and said: "The whole WhisperMoon forest will be in an uproar and the Elves will not let this slide! You guys are done for!"

"Hmph, what an idiot. It's your loss," Arlo decided to wait for a while before approaching others with his offer.

It was still early to turn them into devotees, it seemed. He was sure, after witnessing Raymond's might for themselves, they would come around.

"ARGH!" Elion's body buckled against Raymond's knee that was planted in his stomach and he was sent crashing into several houses.

Now, Raymond could've easily killed Elion with one shot, but Raymond decided to test how much strength he needed to finish off someone in the Martial Greatsage realm.

That was why he was slowly increasing the power behind his attack each time.

"You! What are you?" Elion touched his forehead which had blood streaming down like a waterfall. Raymond had just delivered a chop on his head and his head started gushing with blood.

"A Demigod," Raymond repeated. "Now, I will send you to the real God. Tell him I said 'Hi', okay?"

Elion felt like his life was flashing before his eyes as Raymond's fist of death inched closer to his nose. He saw his childhood, playing near the World Tree and taking lessons from his father. He saw his teenage years, where he was fully focused on cultivating and improving himself.

Elion couldn't actually point out a timeframe when everything had gone wrong. How did he end up like this? Why did he become a slave to a mere elixir?

Sadly, those questions were meant to be unanswered as an unstoppable fist made contact with his face and Elion was no more.



The villagers screamed in horror as Elion's head exploded like a watermelon, spraying bits and pieces of his brain everywhere, and most of them ran from the spot. Only a few braver ones remained with furious scowls on their faces. They were the same ones who had complained about Vivian.

Raymond quickly escaped the net of gore and came out with his clothes devoid of any bloodstains.

"You just killed our Village Protector, Human!" They said in a chorus of angry outbursts. "You will pay for this!"

"What nonsense! Our Lord was clearly defending himself! Lord Barhwak attacked him first," Arlo bellowed and pointed at his fellow merchants and friends. "We saw everything from the beginning."

"Who cares about that? He is a human! He must have done something wrong, oh I remember, aren't you the one who is sheltering Vivian?" a middle aged elven lady pointed out. "Lord Barhwak must've come here to punish you for breaking the law. Instead of complying with him, you took his life!"

"Your Lord Barhawk was mad. He was not here to punish anyone according to the law! He killed your son in front of us before coming here! Does that mean your son was a criminal too?" Arlo had enough of their bullshit and decided to speak the truth.

He was being considerate and wanted to break the news slowly, but looking at their attitude, they didn't deserve his pity.

"What? Y-you're lying!" the woman screamed, not willing to believe Arlo.

"Is that so…? Ives!" Arlo called his servant. "Bring the body of that man from the hall!"

"Yes, Master Arlo," the servant ran towards the half destroyed hall in a hurry.

"Ahh, I just wanted to sleep. Why the hell are you guys gathered here and screaming like strangled chickens?" Raymond yawned as he took out the spatial ring from Elion's finger. Finally, he could sleep since his little brother had calmed down after all the commotion from Elion.

Thankfully, he was wearing an oversized robe that hid his boner.

"You!" Raymond called out to the middle aged woman and the rest of the villagers who were driven by justice. "If you want to complain, go do it somewhere where I can't hear them! Don't disturb me!"

"Hmph. Clearly an overconfident guy! Just because he destroyed a mountain and defeated our Lord Barhawk, he thinks he is untouchable!" A young man scoffed. "Wait till Lord Barhawk's father knows about this. He will make a meat paste out of you!"

Raymond disappeared from his spot and appeared in front of the young man, startling him greatly.

Before the young man could scream, Raymond grabbed him by the collar and asked:

"Ohh! Where is this Lord Barhawk's father right now?" asked Raymond with an amicable smile on his face.

"H-He is in the Inner Sanctum!" the young man stuttered.

"Is it there?" Raymond pointed towards the general direction of the Inner Sanctum and asked him.

"Yeah, just a bit right side from where you are pointing," the young man thought that Raymond was going to run away in the opposite direction to save himself.

Alas, he was destined to be disappointed and thoroughly dumbfounded.

"Ohh, I got it…" Raymond lifted the guy from his collars. "Let's see what he has to say about this."


"What— Argh!!" The young man could do nothing but scream as he felt his head spinning when Raymond jumped into the air, leaving behind a crater where he was standing.