The Slave Market

Albert was not sure what the matter was, but looking at the grave face of his master, he nodded at once.

He pressed the bell and soon two men entered the room. They stood at the door like a stone statue.

"This gentleman is our VIP guest. Show him all the slaves we had and follow his orders." The man saluted and started walking when Tyrone followed them.

They took him to an underground prison. Tyrone could see so many men and women living in small prisons like cattle. All of them were weak so their bones could be seen. They have various marks of whips on their body.

His heart shuddered at the thought of Cassey being treated like that.

The man pressed the bell and everyone came out of their prison. They stood in a line. Tyrone checked each other. They all looked soulless, their eyes were dead.

They had no desire to be saved.