Chapter 380

"Thanks Will," Percy said walking in dragging Thalia along with him

before she started a fight.

The large man blinked at Percy;s and Thalia's retreating form, "how did

that kid know my name?"

Thalia turned to Percy, "I could have taken him."

"I know, so could I, but we didn't come here to fight. We came here to

have a good time," Percy said as the two walked down a corridor which

said 'Platinum passes here.'

They walked down the corridor and after another check point they

walked out onto the concert hall. It was packed, people filled almost all

the seats. The lights were bright and colorful, the people were abuzz

with excitement.

"I'm surprised Green Day is still so popular."

Thalia huffed, "what did you expect? They are awesome beyond belief,

of course they would still have fans."

Percy smiled as the two tried to find their seats It seemed platinum

passes gave to them front row seats center stage. Percy and Thalia

quickly found their seats, but there was a small problem, they were

currently occupied by two busty beauties. Percy was stunned for a

second, they both had blonde hair and wore tight leather pants with a

choker around their necks. Thier breasts looked obviously fake, but

Percy didn't mind. After all Santa was fake and he still liked opening his

gifts on christmas morning.

"Hey!" Thalia shouted snapping Percy out of his boob filled dream,

"those are our seats!"

The two blondes look at Thalia and huffed. The one with a red blouse

spoke up "get lost kid."

"I said those are out seats bitch!"

"What did you call my friend?!" the other one, with a black shirt,

shouted getting up and personal with Thalia.

"I called her a bitch! And you are too, now get of our seats!"

"Listen here you little brat I worked hard to get these seats! So just fuck


"Showing your tits to the security guys isn't considered working hard!"

Thalia shot back. By now everyone around them began to look the fight

brewing up, some even had their phones out set to record the fight.

"Why you little-"

"-Woah, let's cool it down people," Percy said walking between Thalia

and the blonde leather wearing bimbo, "let's not say something you'll


The blonde sneered, "and who are you? Her boyfriend?"

"And if I am?" Percy asked with a smile causing Thalia to blush.

The blonde looked Percy over, "at least she has good taste."

Percy chuckled, "thanks, but she is right. These are our seats," Percy

showed her his tickets, "see."

The blonde woman satched the ticket and was about to tear it when

suddenly the ticket was gone from her hands, "what the- where is it?"

"You mean this?" Percy asked waving the ticket in his hand, "it really is

rude to steal something which isn't your you know."

The two blonde women looked down at them, "look kid why don't you

just leave. I'll even make it worth your time," the woman said giving

Percy a suggestive wink.

Percy gulped and slammed his Gamer's mind down, 'curse you

Goblin's growth!' "Tempting, but I doubt my girlfriend here would be

persuaded the same way."

Thalia growled, "right. So get lost bimbos."

The two looked pissed beyond belief, "make us."

Percy sighed, "she said get lost." He poured a little bit of blood lust into

his voice startling them both, "we asked you nicely, but apparently

when you two got those implants installed the doctor also

removed your brain and your sense of dignity. So I'll say this

simply so that even you can understand. Fuck off."

Percy had began increasing his blood lust slowly the more he spoke

until everyone who heard him began covering in their seats. Percy's

voice sounded like a tiger about to jump in for the kill, and the two

bimbos didn't want to be next.

You have succeeded in using Enslavement! You can now scare

them into fulling your request.

"W-what do you want us to do?" One of them asked.

"I want you to leave," Percy growled out.

The two turned and ran without saying as thing. Percy directed Thalia

to her seat before sitting down himself. He then turned around and saw

several people look at him with fear in their eyes. "What?"

They immediately turned away and began looking into their phones.

"Percy you have got to teach me how to do that," Thalia said, "you

sounded scarier than a Hellhound!"

Percy smiled, "thanks Thalia."

"Welcome, boyfriend dearest," Thalia said with a smile, "why did you

call me your girlfriend anyway?"

Percy shrugged, "if I had said I was just your cousin they would have

hit on me even more."

Thalia laughed, "you're not that handsome."

"So I am a little handsome?"

Thalia blushed, "ah...let's move on to another topic, yes?"

Percy was smiling but inside he was wondering what just happened, 'it

must have been the enslavement skill Ophidian gave me. That means I

managed the scare them so much that they listened to what I was

saying. So to invoke the skill I needed to be scary to the person who I

was trying to scare. Hm….. this could be very useful in the future.'

The two demigods then chatted away the time. Soon the lights went

down and a man walked on stage. He had black hair and black eyes

with eyeliner underneath them.

"Ladies and gentlemen are you ready to rock?!" he shouted.

"Yeah!" everyone shouted as the got off their seat. Thalia did so as well

and Percy followed suit.

"Then without further adieu, let's get this fucking show on the road!"

The lights exploded revealing the rest of the stage. There was a man in

guitar, a man on bass and one on drums. The lead was singing, and

the moment he began everyone lost their shit.

The first song was called American Idiot and Thalia kept yelling, 'I love

you!' at the top of her voice.

Percy watched and listened throwing his hands up and waving that

band. He let the music reach him and he quickly realised he was a fan

of the punk genre. The music was fast paced and very entertaining to

listen to. Percy smiled and enjoyed as for the first time in a long time

he did something a normal teenager was supposed to do.

Chapter 381

Percy watched the players with interest, he saw how they played, how

they smiled enjoying the music they were playing. He listened to crowd

roar in happiness, Thalia was probably the loudest.

Just then, something happened drawing Percy attention away from the

music and fun;


You have learnt new skills through watching someone via your

photographic reflexes!

Singing, Lv- 18 (80%)

Your ability to sing.

Your singing voice- 4/10

20% chance of people liking what you sing. +10% bonus if they

know you.

Musical instruments;

Different instruments that produce music

Drums, Lv- 20

You can play the drums!

Efficiency- 70%

Uniqueness- 30%

Fun- 60% chance of people loving your playing

Bass, Lv- 23

You can play the Bass!

Efficiency- 60%

Uniqueness- 70%

Fun- 40% chance of people loving your playing

Guitar, Lv- 25

You can play the guitar!

Efficiency- 80%

Uniqueness- 30%

Fun- 80% chance of people loving your playing

You have learned to play a song!

Songs you know!

American Idiot!

Percy was amazed at all he gained from his photographic reflexes. He

had only been watching them all play for a few minutes and yet he had

absorbed their skills and patterns. Hell he even learned the song they

were singing!

Percy could clearly remember how to play each and every instrument.

He knew what to do, but he didn't know how he knew that. He didn't

know what made music sound the way it did, all he knew is that if he

pressed his finger on the string and then strike it a certain sound will be

produced. This was an amazing skill he needed to develop.

Percy closed the boxes and returned his attention to the concert. The

song was over now and new one began. This one was called Holiday

and it blew everyone's mind the moment they started playing.

Percy looked over to Thalia and saw e having a great time. She looked

so happy Percy wondered when she ever had fun. Suddenly he got an


"Hey Thalia!" Percy yelled above the music getting her attention.


"Why don't you give them a light show?!"

"What?!" Thalia shouted in surprise.

"Come one, electrify the place!" Percy said with a smile.

Thalia looked at him with amazement in her eyes, "you're crazy!"

"I know!"

Thalia grinned and closed her eyes concentrating. She then opened

them and Percy felt her mana roar out of her. Suddenly a blast of

lightning exploded outwards hitting the roof surprising everyone there.

The band member stopped playing and everyone was surprised.

"FUCK YEAH!" Someone from the back yelled. Everyone then

screamed in agreement as the band continued, more energized than


"I'm surprised they didn't know it was me," Thalia said with a smile.

"Mist," Percy simply replied. He had used the Mist to hide their

presence to all, making it seem like an unplanned stage lighting


The songs kept coming and people kept wanting more. Percy felt

relaxed, he had nothing to worry about, no prophecies looming over his

head. No camp to train. No people to fight. No levels to gain.

He was happy.

In the end he leanred a shit load of songs from just watching the band.

And pretty soon everything closed down. People started to move, but

Percy and Thalia knew their night wasn't over.

"So where exactly is the after party?" Thalia asked as they made their

way to the exit.

"A few blocks from here," Percy told her, "but it's also starts only in a

hour, so we have plenty of time to kill."

Thalia smiled, "sweet, what do you want to do?"

Percy shrugged, "I'm good for anything. Didn't you say you were

hungry before we left?"

Thalia blinked and then held her stomach, "yeah. I must have forgotten

in all the excitement. Oh, and speak of the devil, my hunger just came


"Okay then, first stop, food," Percy said with a smile as they left the

concert walking around New York.

They stopped by a pizza joint along they way and both got several

slices. They walked and sat down on a bench at a local park and

began eating while talking.

"So did you have fun?" Percy asked.

Thalia rolled her eyes, "you were with me the whole time. Did I look like

I wasn't having fun."

Percy chuckled as he ate his pizza, "you're right. Stupid question."

"So did you have fun?"

Percy nodded, "surprisingly yeah. I never was much for music, but I

definitely enjoyed it."

Thalia smiled as she finished her food, "nice. It's so good to finally get

out of camp."

Percy nodded, "I know what you mean. All that training, all the fighting.

I sometime forget to have fun."

Thalia chuckled, "dude you are Mr. Serious, I wouldn't believe you

know how to have fun if I didn't see you today."

Percy blinked, "what are you talking about? I'm a fun guy!"

"Ah, no you're not."

"Yes I am."

"What was the last fun thing you did? And don't say go to the concert, it

doesn't count."

Percy nodded, "fair enough… well let's see. I played with my dog


Thalia shrugged, "cute, but not really fun."

"Ah… I traveled halfway across the country two weeks ago."

"You think running for three hours is fun?"

"Guess not…. Oh, I went sailing with pirates!"

Thalia shrugged, "cool, but that was for a quest. You didn't chose to do

it, it just happened."

Percy sighed, "well I'm out of ideas."

Thalia smiled, "relax sea head, it's not too bad. You have me, now, I'll

make sure you learn to live a little and not just waste away at camp."

"My hero, Thalia Grace the fun police."

Thalia laughed, "well it is what I'm best at."

Percy smiled as the two went into a comfortable silence. "Thanks

Thalia," Percy said after some time, "this was fun."

Thalia smiled, "yeah, it was. And thank you for helping me with the

mana thing."

Percy waved it away, "not a problem."

Thalia nodded, "oh and Percy… I was wondering whether I could ask

you something."

Percy nodded, "shoot."

"Yesterday, when you went into those trials, you came out...kind of

different. You seem more...calm? Less childish? I don't know,


Percy nodded, "yeah….that took a lot out of me."

"What happened? If-you know, if you don't mind sharing."

Chapter 382

Percy sighed, "why not. It would at least help to talk to someone."

Percy then began to explain to Thalia everything that happens in that

illusionary world. Her dying, his mother being killed. Him turned mortal

and then sacrificing himself to destroy Kronos.

"So I died?" Thalia asked when he was done.

Percy nodded, "yeah. You died. I held you in my arms as you said my


"So… is that why you suddenly wanted to train me? Why the first thing

you gave me was a spell to protect myself."

Percy nodded "yeah. I know it was an illusion, it wasn't real. But….. but

it felt real. That week I spent alone…. It was the worst time of my life. I

realise now that I have to make sure nothing is left to chance. That's

why I'm even training Nico and Bianca, and not just you. I won't let the

demigods be defenseless without me."

Percy looked down in sorrow when Thalia put a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and she spoke, "relax Percy, nothing is going to happen

to me."

"How are you so sure?"

Thalia's smiled as she gave him a kiss on the check, "because you

promised me you will help me save the world."

Percy blushed red at the contact, "y-yeah I guess I did."

The two then got up and quickly walked towards the party. They were a

few blocks away when they heard two very familiar and annoying


"You two!"

Percy and Thalia turned around to see the two blonde chicks from

before, only this time they weren't alone. Next to them were two

seriously buff looking guys with tight shirts and veins going along their


Percy and Thalia rolled their eyes as the daughter of Zeus spoke up,

"oh it's you two again. What do you want now?"

"They are the ones who kicked us out of the concert!" one of the

bimbos complained to her boyfriend, a guy with too much hair gel on

his head and a tight pink shirt.

"These kids ran you out? Come one babe stop jokeing," the guy said.

"We aren't!" the other one said, "those two embarssed us!"

"Well you were sitting in our seats," Percy said making them even


"You little shit!" the first girl said as she turned to her boyfriend,

"sweetie could you please teach them a lesson?"

The boy sighed, "honey they are just little kids. It wouldn't be fair."

"But sweetie they have two platinum passes!" the girls shred, and I

want those passes!"

"Yeah so do I!" the other blonde yelled at her boyfriend, "get them

before they do!"

Percy sighed and turned to Thalia, "let me handle this."

"You sure?" Thalia asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Percy said nodding, "it's been a long time since I got into a

straight up fist fight."

Percy walked forward and so did the other buff guys. The looked down

at Percy and the pink shirted one sighed, "look little man, I don't want

to hurt you. So be a good little kid and give me those passes and I

won't hurt you."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "little? I wasn't so little when your girlfriend

offered to ride in in the bathroom in exchange for tickets."

"What?!" the man yelled turning to his girlfriend. Thalia snickered as

the blonde bimbo tried to calm her boyfriend down.

"Just give me the damn tickets!" the other guy yelled out.

"I don't' want to," Percy replied cleaning his ears of wax.

The man grabbed Percy's collar and pulled him up, "listen brat I am

trying to be nice. Okay? So just give me-" Percy lifted his leg straight

up hitting the man between the legs.

The roided out muscle builder went stiff for a second. He let go of

Percy's shirt and then promptly fell sideways holding his testicles in his


"Jakey!" the girl shouted rushing to her boyfriend's side.

The pink shirted man now lookied piss, "did you just hurt my bro?!"

The man charged forward and threw a punch. Percy caught it with his

superior reflexes and with his strength bent the arm sideways locking

the man's elbow.

"Say uncle," Percy said putting pressure on the man's elbow.

"Fuck off!" e cursed. Percy then lifted his leg and pressed it down on

the man's back applying more pressure.

"Say uncle!"

"Stop! Please!"

"Say uncle fucker!"

"Uncle! Uncle!"

Percy smiled and let go of the man's arm. The pink shirted idiot subbed

his shoulder as he tried to get up when suddenly Percy's foot came

crashing into his head knocking the man unconscious.

"Johnny!" the other bimbo said as she rushed to her boyfriend. She

looked pissed as she turned to Percy pulling out her cell phone, "I'm

going to call the cops!"

Thalia laughed, "yeah, you do that." The demigoddess then sent a

small bolt of electricity at the mobile phone short circuiting it.

Percy and Thalia left the four adult behind walking towards the after

party, "you sure it was a good idea using your powers?" Percy asked.

Thalia nodded, "it won't be a problem. The Mist will hide it. And even if

it didn't who would believe her? They would just chalk it up to seeing

things while drunk."

Percy nodded and the two quickly arrive at their destination. The place

looked like a local pub but was surrounded by people trying to get in.

Percy and Thalia had to wait in line for 10 minutes before they

managed to get in.

Inside was filled with people all drinking, dancing and having a good

time. Most were dressed up like Thalia and Percy, leather jackets and

jeans. However most had their hair dyed and a piercing or two.

"What exactly are we supposed to do?" Percy asked.

"There," Thalia said pointing at the band standing on the center of the

room. There wasn't any fancy lights or any fancy sound systems. They

were just playing, and people were just having a good time.

Chapter 383

Thalia and Percy managed to push through and reach the front as they

sang along to the songs the band played. The magic and the energy of

the concert was easily captured in the small place. Everyone was hear

to listen to music and have a good time.

The band eventually stopped playing and instead began to talk and

interact with the fans. Immediately everyone tried to get a chance to

talk to them, but Percy wasn't interested.

Thalia had gone off on her own to try and get one of the band member

to autograph her bracelet. Yes, you heard that right. The daughter of

Zeus wants to get a mortal to sign the shield of Aegis. Just let that sink

in for a second…..okay? Okay.

Percy went to the side of the room towards the bar. Of course he didn't

order anything alcoholic, he was planning to run back to camp and he

didn't want to risk not being in a proper state of mind.

He got a glass of coke and sat down in a comfy chair next to a group of

punkish looking people all sitting around smoking cigarettes.

"So did you guys hear about the hostage thing yesterday?" asked a tall

thin woman with bright green hair.

"You mean the one in the Bronx that the police tried to stop?" another

one said picking Percy's interest, 'are they talking about me?'

The girl, whose name Percy knew to be Cassie, shook her head, "no.

That's just a cover up story man. I know somebody whose uncle's

daughter was held up in the KFC. And she swears that the police didn't

actually save her."

"Really Cassie?" one of the other girls asked rolling her eyes and

taking a drag out of her smoke, "what do you think happened this time?

Aliens? Monsters?"

"No, a superhero," Cassie said with a big smile.

Percy almost spat out his drink in super, 'superhero?! I'm a fucking


"Okay who gave Cassie weed?" a man complained.

"I'm serious guys!" Cassie insisted, "the guy who saved them was a

superhero! He had yellow helmet, a black leather jacket and a pair

jeans on. From what everyone is saying he just appeared out of

nowhere, took down the bad guys in the blink of an eye and then beat

up five armed thugs!"

Percy was surprised so much detail of his fight got around so fast.

Maybe next time he shouldn't have made such a scene.

"Did anyone other than your uncle's daughter seen the dude?"

"Yeah, the 8 other hostages there plus the cops!"

"Cassie if the cops knew why wouldn't they tell people? Like wouldn't

they want the public to know someone else did this?"

"Why would they? It would make them look incompetent!" Cassie

shouted back, "this guy, this…. Phantom, is probably the first ever

superhero in the world guys. And he showed up here!"

Her friends laughed or rolled their eyes at the girl, but Percy was

serious. 'Okay, I am definitely not doing the whole superhero things

again. Too much attention. Plus, Phantom? Really? Such a lame ass

superhero name.'

Percy then drank the rest of his coke and set out to find Thalia. He

walked all over the place, but he couldn't find her anywhere. 'Shit, don't

tell me I lost her,' Percy told himself as he tried to find the band

members, maybe they saw.

Percy quickly found them in the back. They were surprisingly laid back

for a bunch of world famous musicians. Percy have expected them to

be knee deep in drugs and strippers but all four members just sat down

with a cigar in their hands and a beer in front of them.

Perc tired to approach them, but a security guy stepped in front of him,

"you can't go in there kid."

"I just want to ask them something I promise I won't be long," Percy


"No kid," the man said as he tried to push back, only Percy didn't

budge an inch. The gaurd looked stunned as he tried to put more and

more pressure on Percy, but the demigod didn't move an inch, "what

are you?"

Percy shrugged, "a Green Day fan."

"Hey Nick what are you doing?" Mike Dirnt, the bass player of the band


"I'm just getting rid of this kid sir."

"What does he want?"

"Ah, he said he want's to ask you all something."

Mike turned to his band members and they all shrugged. He turned to

Nick, "let him through."

The body gaurd nodded and turned to Percy, "it's your lucky day kid."

"Gee, thanks," Percy replied as he walked passed the man and

towards the band member, "ah, hello."

"Sup?" Billie Joe, the singer of the band asked. He had eyeliner under

his eyes and gel was used to spike his head.

"Ah, I was just wondering wether you guys saw a girl, about my height,

blue highlights, probably asked you to sign her bracelet?"

"And if we did?" Mike asked.

"Ah, could you tell me?"

"Depends," Billie Joe took a drag from his cigarette, "what do we get in


Percy raised an eyebrow, "what do you want?"

The band members looked at each other and shrugged. Billie Joe

looked at him, "tell me a story."

Percy looked surprised, "a story? You want a story?"

They nodded, "yeah….why what did you think we wanted? Money?

Neah kid, tell us a story"

Percy shrugged and sat down. He wondered for a second what story to

tell them, when he got an idea. "This story starts in a school, it was a

boarding school for the specially gifted. Everyone here was special in

someway, some were thieves, some were fighters and some…..some

didn't belong. And in that school there was a boy, and very special boy,

and his name was Peter Johnson. And he was the son of Poseidon."

Percy then began to tell them his story, of how he found out he was a

demigod, how he went to camp and how he saved his mom's life. He

never gave details, over anything important, like his Gaming powers.

But he did tell them the highlights.

By the end of the story all the band members were on the edge of their

seats. They were excited, their beer untouched, their cigars un

dragged. Percy had them between their fingers.

Chapter 384

"-and so the boy lived in camp. He had saved his family and the Gods

forgave him for bringing back the dead. And all was well."

Billie Joe was the first to speak, "woah."

"That was the best story ever," said Mike, "you should totally be a

storyteller man."

Percy smiled, "thanks."

"Wait," Jason, the lead guitarist said, "what happened to Luke?"

Percy shrugged, "I don't know," Percy hadn't told the whole story, he

never mentioned Luke joined forces with the bad guys. That just


"You can't just leave us hangin like that!" Jason shouted, "what

happened next?!"

"I don't know," Percy simply replied.

"Come one man! You're killing us!"

"Hey, you said one story. And I told you the story."

The band member sighed as Mike spoke up,"yeah, your right. A deal's

a deal. I think that girl you mentioned went to the bar. I think she got

roped into a drinking game with some college kids."

"What?!" Percy shouted.

"Relax man, I'm sure she's fine."

Percy started to panic, "oh I am in so much to shit. Her dad is going to

kill me if he found out I let this happened!"

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that? No, just my cousin."

"Then it'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen?"

And image of Percy getting zapped by a large thunder cloud came into

mind. Percy gulped and stood up fast, "okay, I really have to go. It was

nice talking to you guys!"

"Wait," Billie Joe called out causing Percy to stop, "here take this. Think

of it as a thank you from us for an awesome story."

The singer took off a chain he was wearing and threw it to Percy. It was

a skull with red eyes with crossbone behind it. Percy smiled and tucked

it into his pocket, "thanks."

The band waved him away and the demigod quickly ran towards the

bar. He searched for minutes and then suddenly, "drink up losers!"

Percy recognized Thalia's voice.

He ran to the source, there was a large group of people before him, but

Percy managed to squeeze through. He found Thalia standing in front

of a beer pong table with half of her cups gone. Her opponent on the

other hand, a blonde dude with a beanie, had no cups. He fished his

last cup of beer and promptly fell backwards.

"Fuck yeah!" Thalia yelled out, "the lightning queen rules!"

Percy stepped forward out of the crowd, "Thalia what the hell are you


The daughter of Zeus turned to Percy and smiled, "Peercy! What's up

dude?!" Percy could see the redness in her face and the slur in her


Percy sighed, "you're drunk."

"No man! I'm good!" Thalia said taking a beer cup and chugging it

down in one swing before burping, "see?"

"Okay, that's it, I'm taking you home," Percy walked up to Thalia but

just then a couple of college guys stepped in front of Percy blocking his


"Nah ha little dude," a tall guy with with a tight shirt said, "little miss is

staying with us."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you guys do know she's underage right?"

The guys looked surprised and turned to Thalia, "how old are you?"

Thalia burped again as she put her head on the table, "I don't know.

How old did I say I was?"

"Ah, 21?"

"Then I'm 21!"

The guys shrugged before turning to Percy, "good enough for me."

Percy sighed, "look she's obviously lying. Let me just take her home-"

"-Oh yeah? What are you her boyfriend?" the biggest one asked

sneering at him, "do you even know her?"

"She literally said my name."

"Yeah? So? Percy is a very common name."

Percy sighed, "I really don't have time for this."

"Yeah then fuck-"


Percy smashed the man's head into the plastic table breaking it in half.

Beer and cups flee everywhere as Thalia shot up straight with her eyes

widened in surprise. Percy then turned to the others, "move or I'll do

the same to you."

The immediately walked away and Percy grabbed Thalia and helped

the girl outside. He took her into an alleyway and by that time she was

already asleep. Percy carefully put her inside his inventory and took off

for camp.

Once back at camp he walked towards the Zeus cabin and quickly

entered it. He opened his inventory and gently took Thalia out and put

her in bed. Percy took off her shoes and socks along with her heavy

jacket. He then slide a blanket on top of her causing the girl to smile at

the warmth.

Percy nodded in satisfaction and slowly turned to walk away when

Thalia suddenly spoke up, "Percy?"

The son of Poseidon stopped and bent down towards Thalia, "yeah


"Humm, don't call me sparky."

Percy laughed, "whatever you say sparky."

Thalia smiled, "thanks for today. I had fun."

Percy smiled, "me too. I...I had fun."

Thalia giggled, "I loved the way you talked down to those two bimbos.

You were such a great boyfriend."

Percy smiled, "thanks sparky."



Thalia grabbed Percy's jacket and pulled him close. She grabbed his

lips in hers as she shoved her tongue down her throat. Percy struggled

for a bit in surprise but eventually gave in, 'fuck it. I want this,' he

leaned into the kiss.

Thier tongues wrestled for dominance with Percy being the more

skilled of the two. Thalia tasted like beer and pine wood, but Percy

loved it etherway. He reached behind and ran his fingers through her

hair holding her face as he deepened the kiss.

They kept close for as long as possible, breaking only to take deep

breaths to begin again. Thalia was more sloppy, her motor skills were

off because of the beer. Percy's mouth was covered with her saliva, but

he didn't care as he simply kissed her back harder.

It felt like a second, but minutes passed. Finally Thalia broke it, she

moved back as the two stared at each other. She smiled, "you taste


Percy then blinked as Thalia closed her eyes going to sleep with a

smile on her face. The son of Poseidon slowly got up and walked out.

His face was red and his body was hot. He felt his stomach roll around

with a sense of giddiness.

Percy closed the door to the Zeus cabin and turned away. He looked

up at the sky as he slid to the ground with his back flat on the door.

"What the fuck just happened?"

Chapter 385

Percy sat down in front of the beach cleaning Waverider with a wet

stone. He didn't know whether a weapon like this needed to be

maintained, but he rather not risk it going dull on him.


You have maintained your weapon! 5% bonus!

Plus there was the 5% bonus.

Percy closed and pushed the box away. He then put his weapon away

and looked out at the sea. Leo was out playing in the water, the dog

was clearly enjoying himself.

Percy sighed, 'okay I have to at least address what happened last


Percy had been a wreck. Last night he kissed her….well she kissed

him first but that's not the point. He had no idea why he did that. It just

felt….right. It felt like everything in the world just fades away and the

only thing that counted was Thalia and him.

'Dad is so going to kill me. Really? A daughter of Zeus? The only way I

could have chosen someone worse to kiss is if I kissed a daughter of


Percy hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night. How could he? He just

kissed someone, like an actual person he cared for! The first person he

kissed was a demon from hell, the second was an older girl after he

saved her from the mafia and the third was the queen of the

Underworld! This was the first time he ever kissed someone

who….who he liked.

He hadn't seen Thalia in the morning, she must have been hungover or

something. Thalia was a great friend, and maybe yes, he did want to

be closer with her. But they had just started to get along and

now….Percy was afraid he had gone and screwed it up.

Percy grumbled and got up, 'if only I could seal away my own feelings.

Sigh, what was it Love said? 'Love comes in many forms and in many

sources. Do not try to stick to only one path. Look at all, and open your

eyes to the feeling of others. After all, you have plenty of love to go

around?' Yeah right. It doesn't matter what I want, what matters is what

she wants. I mean…. Does she want me?'


'I think she does. I mean why else would she kiss me?'


'And she did kiss me first, so she made the first move, not me, so I

should be-'


"What?!" Percy yelled back turning to see his demigod trainees fight off

a Legion zombie. It was the third one they fought in a row, after Percy

took care of the Damned Knight that showed up.

"We need your help!" John yelled as several demigods attacked the

legion zombie keeping it distracted as they lead it towards the sea.

Percy sighed as he got up, "fine….lazy bums. Can't even fight a giant


They demigods moved away and Percy approached the monster. The

monster spotted the demigods moving away and it constantly tried to

attack them by swinging it's big arms around.

Percy sighed and turned around to Leo who was playing in the still

waters, "Leo, sick him."

The dog whined, "you want me to do what?!"

"Just bite him, or scratch him. I promise you won't get hurt."

"Bu-But master!" Leo whined even louder looking sad and scared.

Percy narrowed his eyes, 'puppy dog eyes? Really?' Percy almost

wanted to apologize to Leo for even suggesting the idea, but instead

he quickly slammed down Gamer's mind and crushed all the sympathy

he had. "Do it."

"You are heartless."

Percy smiled as the dog charged ahead. The black and white dog was

much faster now, and he managed to bite into the Legion Zombies leg

before the monster took note of him.

"GRA!" The monster said shaking his foot throwing Leo off of him.

"Master!" Leo barked as he ran away from the zombies giant foot.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry. I got you," Percy didn't even blink as he

released all of his strength seals;

Seal Release: Layer 6, Time: 12 hours.

Percy felt power flow into hims as his strength increased over and over

from 1.5 to 69,120;

STR- 69,120 (+20)= 69,140

Percy activated his Speed Demon powers and launched himself right

at the Legion Zombie barreling through it like a bullet tearing through

the monster chest in one clean shot.

Percy landed on the other side and immediately activated his strength

seals again. After some testing Percy realised that the time he had left

over from each strenght release would be added to each new seal.

Hence he took to the habit of constantly only using this power only

when he really needed it, similar to Body Form.

Percy turned around to see the disintegrating form of the Legion

zombie as a message box popped up.


Your companion: Leo, leveled up!



HP: 550/550


Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)

Exp- 1,300/1,400








Percy closed the box and turned to the exhausted looking demigods

and one pissied off looking Leo. "Alright everyone, let's line up!"

They groaned but complied as everyone quickly lined up and Percy

took them out of the ID and into the real world.

Everyone then quickly went their own way as some wanted to sleep

while others were hungry from such a workout.

John approached Percy with an irritated look in his eye, "what

happened out there Percy? You were distracted today. We almost got


Percy sighed, "yeah I know. But relax, I would never allow anything to

happen to you guys. But I figured you all needed experience fighting in

a real life or death situation. You can't always expect me to show up at

the last moment."

John sighed, "yes, I suppose you are-"

"You son of a squirrel!" Leo barked as he tackled Percy and began to

bite into his arms, "you nearly got me killed!"

"Relax Leo!" Percy said flicking the dog's nose stunning him. Percy

pushed the dog off of him and got up, "it was to make you stronger boy.

Don't tell me you can't feel yourself becoming stronger?"

Leo grumbled and looked down, "I do feel a little bigger," he

commented. Leo was now around 1 feet and 4 inches big. He was the

size of a normal age dog, but something told Percy he wasn't going to

stay like that for long.

Chapter 386

The three began walking back to the Mess Hall as Percy started talking

to John about how his life was at the military. Percy was genuinely

interested to know about his brother, after all the man couldn't be

cooler even if he tried. He was a freaking naval officer who fought in

world war 2, and was the son of Poseidon. The only way he could be

even cooler was if he had somehow killed Hitler and fuked his wife.

Percy and John sat down at the Poseidon table today as the two

brothers continued to talk about their respective lives. Just then Percy

noticed Thalia walk in from the corner of his eyes. She looked sleepy

with bags under her eyes and a hand held up to her head.

'Yup, definitely a hang over,' Percy told himself as he sighed, 'maybe

she doesn't remember last night.'

Percy took off a piece of meat from his plate and gave it to Leo, who

snarfed it down in seconds. The dog then began to whine and beg for

more food and Percy gave in, after all who was he to talk about

restraint when it came to food?

'He still acts like a dog,' Percy realised seeing Leo behave so well

mannered, 'maybe I can eventually get the wolf out of him, but for now

he's just a big dog.'

Percy noticed Annabeth walk into the Mess Hall in the corner of his

eyes. 'Might as well give it to her now.'

Percy got up and walked towards Annabeth, "we need to talk."

Annabeth blinked, "what about?"

Percy pulled her to the side of the Mess Hall, he looked around,

everyone was focused on their own food or conversation. Good. Percy

opened his inventory and pulled out Argo's personal journal that he had

been reading last night, "I need you to decipher this."

Annabeth took the leather bound book and opened it up. She read a

few pages, skimming through each of them. "Percy this thing has

codes and encryptions I can't even begin to understand."

Percy nodded, "I know. But you're the smartest person I know

belonging to a cabin filled with geniuses, I'm sure you, and a couple of

your siblings you trust, can figure this out."

Annabeth could hear the warning in Percy's voice, he was nervous

about something. "Where did you get this book?"

Percy looked at her, "it's Argo's personal book Annabeth."

Annabeth's eyes widened as she looked at the thing in her arm. Percy

told her about the island's underground base. About how Argo was

using science to decrypt and understand the supernatural. And like

Percy, Annabeth also felt drawn to that forbidden knowledge.

"Are you sure you want me to decode this?" Annabeth asked, "you

might not even get anything useful out of it."

Percy nodded, "yeah. I'm sure. Anything Argo could have written down

in there could be of importance. You find out what that is, and we just

might find our trump card in this war."

Annabeth nodded, "okay. If you're sure."

"And I hope this goes without saying, but make sure you carefully

chose who help you," Percy warned her, "you know how tempting the

knowledge in this book is."

Annabeth nodded, "I'll make sure not to pick anyone who is too

obsessive or compulsive. Don't' want to accidentally creates another


Percy nodded and just then he saw Thalia come towards him, 'shit!

Shit! Shit!' Percy started to panic, he activated his super speed and

zoomed away before the daughter of Zeus could even say a word to


Annabeth blinked, "ah...you're welcome?"

Percy ran to the Poseidon cabin and dropped down on his bed. He was

mentally exhausted. He screamed into his pillow muffling his voice.

'Why did I run? Why? I should have stayed there and talked to her like

an adult! Fucking hell. And I forgot Leo, great. Just great.'

Percy turned around and stared up at the ceiling, he knew he should

probably study or train, but right now he wasn't in the mood. It felt like

nothing was going right for him. He knew it was whining, he knew he

was acting like a kid who was confused.

'Honestly after everything I have been through one would think I would

be mature right now.' Percy sighed, and slowly time passed.

Just then a misty cloud started to form in front of Percy. The son of

Poseidon was startled and immediately got up. He looked at the cloud

and slowly a rainbow formed, 'an Iris message,' Percy realised.

An image in the rainbow came up and Percy saw a man with black hair

and grey eyes. The demigod's eyes immediately lite up in recognition,


Edward Neak, the son of Hermes who stole the chains of Hephaestus.

Percy remembered the rich Boston native and his fun party going

persona. Only now none of the fun was in Ed's face, in fact the

demigod looked scared beyond belief.

"Oh thank the Gods I reached you in time Percy," Edward sighed with a

sigh, "you wouldn't believe how nervous I have been."

"Ed what's wrong?" Percy got up quickly, "you look scared."

"I am," the man admitted, "Percy, I need your help."

Percy nodded, "name it man."

"Percy things have been going….bad. There's this crime family, the

Fanico family. They are a big deal in Boston and a few days ago-"

"-Don Fanico was found dead in the docks. Yeah, I know," Percy

nodded remembering the incident he read in Kate's file two days ago.

Edward looked startled, "how do you know that?! It isn't even on the


"My mom has a friend in the police department," Percy replied, "I

managed to sneak in a pick on one of her case files."

"Was it detective Beckett?" Edward asked.

Percy nodded, "yeah, how did you know?"

"She questioned me a few hours ago about the murders. Damn she

was hot."

Percy narrowed her eyes, "why did she question you? Ed….what's

going on?"

Edward rubbed his temples and sighed, "okay, this is why I called you.

Look Percy right now I'm… I'm in deep inside the Abyss. Last week I

heard from Biggy that an illegal auction was happening in New York

and the thing up for bide would be a game changer for everyone."

Chapter 387

Percy raised an eyebrow, "what sort game changer?"

"The ability to hide a demigod's scent in all the ways possible. It would

efficiently make a demigod a mortal in terms of scent, meaning we

could hide in plain sight."

"What?!" Percy shouted.

"I know, I checked out the product just this morning. Percy….it's real."

"B-but….this could change everything," Percy realised the implications

of this immediately. The only reason demigods didn't have more of an

impact in the world was because the moment one steps outside camp

there was a high chance of them getting killed by a monster. But if they

had this….it would essentially make camp a thing of the past.

Demigods could protect themselves.

Edward nodded, "right. I am planning on mass producing them, but

that's not all they were selling. It seems that somehow these people

managed to get hold of a pair of my dad's sneakers and were now

sealing them. There is also a ton of other items up for sale, dangerous

items. I needed a way in, and so I approached Don Fanico to introduce

me to one of his Abyss contacts to find out more about the items being

sold. He did, and now he's dead."

"Does the people of Abyss think you killed him?"

Edward shook his head, "no, they know it's not my style. But that's not

why I called Percy. You see the Don was assassinated by someone,

someone who is trying to kill the people who are interested in the scent


"Ed, is someone trying to kill you?"

The son of Hermes nodded, "his codename is 'The Agent,' he's-"

"-The best assassin in the world," Percy said with narrowed eyes.

"Yes, how did you know that?"

"I have a friend named Elsa, she told me about him," Percy recalled

that time they were in Argo's base. Elsa was telling him how ruthless

he was, she mentioned that the only other person she saw being that

ruthless was 'the Agent.'

Edward nodded, "right, well yeah. So the world's best assassin is now

trying to kill me."

"Okay, I got it. You are in danger and need my help. Where are you? I'll

bring you back to camp, you can hide here until this all blows over."

Edward shock his head, "no Percy. I need to do this. I need to be in

that auction, I need to obtain my dad's shoes and those scent

destroyers. There is also another item I need which I would rather not

talk about, but it's important Percy, and unavoidable."

Percy sighed, "God's you are stubborn. Fine, so I assume you want me

to come and be your bodyguard for the evening?"

Ed nodded, "yes, please. You managed to fight off a demon from hell

when you were 12, you are the strongest demigod I know. I need your

help. Help me Percy Jackson, you are my only hope."

Percy chuckled, "don't' go all Star Wars on me Ed, you know I can't

resist that. Fine I'll be there. Where are you?"

"The Plaza hotel in Manhattan. Do you know where it is?"

Percy raised a questioning eyebrow, "dude….I'm a New Yorker, of

course I know where it is. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Ed nodded, "right. Please hurry."


Quest Alert!

Saving Edward Neak. Don't let him die.



10 points

Abyss card


Edward's death

Destruction of scent destroyers



Percy pressed yes and cleared the rainbow. Just then the door was

thrown open by John and Leo.

"Great timing," Percy said as he got up turning to his brother, "I have to

go for a few hours John, think you can take care of Leo for me?"

John nodded, "no problem Percy. Where are you going?"

"A friend of mine in New York is in trouble. An assassin is trying to kill

him. I'm not going to let that happen," Percy turned to Leo, "sorry boy,

but I don't think they allow dogs."

Leo whined, "fine…..but you are feeding me bacon when you get


Perch chuckled, "deal."

"Percy maybe you shouldn't go alone," John said, "this is an assassin

we are talking about."

Percy rolled his eyes, "dude, we literally fought a 30 foot tall zombie an

hour ago. I think I got this John."

The soldier nodded, "pride is the death of most great soldiers Percy. I

have seen plenty of people die because of their hubris, and I will not let

you go down the same path."

Percy turned serious, "look John, I promise I will be fine. I have been

training myself to face Titans, I doubt a human could harm me."

"That's not the point Percy," John repeated himself, "look just talk to

Chiron, if he thinks it's okay for you to alone, then fine. But just promise

me that either way you will be carefull."

Percy nodded, "I promise John, I'll be carefull."

The soldier nodded and Percy quickly left after saying goodbye to Leo

as well. Percy walked out of the cabin and towards the Big House, he

actually just wanted to leave right away, but he did promise John he

would talk to Chiron.

Percy walked into the Big House and walked inside. He found the

centaur in question sitting down by the fireplace while reading a book.

"Chiron, I need to talk to you," Percy said as he walked up to his


"Ah Percy. Nice to see you again, you have been quite busy with the

demigod training I hear. Why, you have basically taken over my role in


"Yeah," Percy rubbed his head sheepishly, "sorry about that. I just kind

of… you know."

Chiron chuckled, "it's quite alright Percy. It's warms my heart to see you

find your place in this world."

"Yeah, I know. I just didn't want it seem like I stole your job or


"Relax Percy, I have had plenty to do to consume my time. Why just

last week I was teaching little Decker how to use his powers."

Chapter 388

Percy raised an eyebrow, "Decker?"

"The child of Pan, Percy Decker. I call him Decker so as to not confuse

him with you."

Percy shrugged, "well if the kid's okay with it…..anyway I didn't just

come here to chat Chiron."

The centaur nodded, "I figured that was the case. Sit, tell me what you


Percy nodded and sat down on the chair in front of Chiron, "you

remember Edward Neak."

Chiron looked started, "h-how do you know that name?"

"Luke, Grover and I meet him when we went to save my mom last

summer. Edward had stolen the chain of Hephaestus and along the

way we kind of became friends."

"I see..." Chiron sighed, "Edward was… he was a rebellious child. Not

unlike Luke in fact. He ran away due to the way the unclaimed were

treated…. I tried to bring him back, but he refused."

Percy nodded, "well you will be pleased to know that he is safe. He

made a company called Half-Blood Inc., don't ask why he named it

that, he just did. He became super rich in Boston Chiron, he's a good


Chiron sighed, "that's good, I'm sad that he is no longer with us, but if

he is safe then that's good enough for me. Now, what does Edward

have to do with this meeting?"

"He's in trouble. An assassin is trying to kill him."

"What?!" Chiron yelled.

"Relax, that's why I'm going to help him," Percy said trying to calm the

centaur down, "he called me a few minutes ago and said he needed

my help."

"Where is he?"

"At the Plaza."

"Then go there and bring him back to camp. Now."

"But Chiron-"

"-I don't care Percy. He is in danger, bring him back to camp. I don't

care even if you have to kidnap him, throw him into your inventory and

bring him back."

"Chiron it's not that simple. Ed is trying to retrieve a pair of Herme's

sneakers and a something else he believes can help all the demigods

in camp."

"What can be so important that-"

"A device that hides the scent of a demigod," Percy cut off the centaur

leaving Chiron stunned at the claim.


Percy nodded, "I know, I had the same reaction. I didn't believe him at

first, but Ed insisted it was real. He checked it out himself. He wants to

mass produce them for the demigods in camp."

Chiron sighed, "that boy….even after all these years he still cares so

much for the demigods in camp. Fine…..go. But take someone with


"Chiron no. anyone who comes with me will just hold me back."

"Percy it is too dangerous to go alone!"

"What's too dangerous to go alone?" a new third voice asked.

Percy turned around and saw Thalia standing there on the stairs.

"Thalia? What are you doing here?" Chiron asked as Percy shut his

mouth afraid to ask anything.

"I had a very bad headache," Thalia said walking over to the two. 'Must

have gone to the Meb bay for a hangover cure,' Percy realised.

"So what is too dangerous?" Thalia asked again.

Chiron sighed, "Percy here is going to go fight an assassin, alone."

"It's not like I haven't' done anything like this before. Hell my first day

here was spent fighting of the minotaur Chiron." Percy replied back.

"That may be the case, but I do not want you going alone," Chiron

turned to Thalia with a look of thinking on his face.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! Please don't tell me he's thinking what I think he's


"Thalia why don't you-"

"-I'll do it," Thalia cut in, "it'll be fun."

"But-" Percy tried to object.

"Good, so it is decided, you two will go on this quest," Chiron said

beaming, "hmm, maybe you should involve a third person, just to be


Thalia nodded, "right, we'll take….Michael. He should be free right


Chiron nodded, "good. Alright then you two, go on. No need to keep

Edward waiting."

Percy gawked as Chiron and Thalia essentially decided his mission for

him. Percy sighed, 'looks like I can't avoid this forever.'

Percy got up, "I'll call Michael," he turned to Thalia, "get your


The daughter of Zeus nodded but before she could say anything Percy

was gone in a blur of speed.

After explaining to Michael what was going on, Percy got the son of

Apollo to agree to join up. He and Michael walked up to Thalia's tree

and saw Thalia standing under it waiting for them.

"So how are we going to New York?" Michael asked.

"I'll take us," Percy turned to Thalia, "did Chiron tell you what the

mission is about."

She nodded, "yeah. Son of Hermes, assassin, auction, something

called the Abyss and danger. Is that it?"

Percy nodded, "that's it," he opened his inventory, "who wants to go


"Me!" Michael shouted gleefully, "I haven't done it before!"

Percy nodded, "close your eyes," the son of Apollo did so and Percy

picked him up and put him into the inventory. He turned to Thalia, "your


The daughter of Zeus nodded and closed her eyes. Percy lifted her up

and the moment he did flashbacks to last night's played in his head. He

resisted the feeling of want he had as he put her into the inventory.

'I really need to get things together. It's like I can't even be around her

without acting like one of those hopeless romantic assholes in


Percy sighed as he put on his goggles and activated his helmet. He

took of at speeds just below mach 1 and reached New York in minutes.

He quickly entered Manhattan and found the Plaza hotel in seconds.

After all a giant hotel near Central Park that looked like a castle wasn't

exactly hard to find.

Percy stopped near an empty alley and quickly took off his goggles. He

put them away and took out Michael and Thalia.

Thalia looked around in wonder while Michael blinked still not believing

what had just happened.

"Waoh," he said, "it's like I was in camp one second and here the next.

It's like teleporting."

Chapter 389

"Yeah, except I am the one who teleports you," Percy said with a smile

while avoiding eye contact with Thalia, "right….let's get to work."

The three came out of the alley and walked a block to reach the Plaza.

They quickly entered the lobby and Percy was amazed at everything

he saw. The inside was a mix of olden designs and modern technology.

There were painting hang up on the wall and fancy golden lighting

filling the lobby. The entire place screamed expensive and it gave off

an aura of class.

"Which is his room?" Thalia asked.

"Ah...I don't know," Percy turned to the reception desk, "but maybe we

could ask."

Percy walked up to the desk and standing behind greeting him with a

smile was a woman who looked asian in origin. She smiled, "welcome

to the Plaza sir, how may I help you?"

"Ah, we came to see a guest, one Mr. Edward Neak," Percy said

flashing his best smile.

"Ah, I see, and what is your business with Mr. Neak?"

"He is expecting us."

"Well then just give me a moment and I will call him," the woman, Linda

Parks, said with a smile. Percy nodded at her and walked back to his

friends letting his fake smile drop.

"What did she say?" Thalia asked.

"She said she'll check," Percy looked around. He could feel something

was different. He first thought it was just because he was at an

expensive place, but now….

Suddenly in the corner of his eye Percy spotted a man walking into an

elevator. He wore round rimmed glasses and looked very thin and frail,

but one look at his level and Percy knew it was an act.

Dominique Franchise, Lv-32

Slave trader

Percy's eyes popped open at the tiles but before he could observe the

man the elevator doors closed. Percy looked around frantically now,

'level 31, 21, 32, 24, 28, 19, every guest here is….is not a normal


"Percy?" Michael asked, "what's wrong man? You look like you saw a


Percy turned to Thalia and Michael, "be carefull. From now on stay on


"Why?" Thalia asked reaching for her can of mace, "is something


"Every single person here is at least as strong as me," Percy said, "I

might be just a little bit stronger, but they are definitely not someone

you want to push around."

"Everyone?" Michael asked in fear, "even the reception lady?"

Percy shook his head, "no, the staff are human enough. But the

guests….I think they are all part of Abyss."

Thalia and Michael looked scared but remained calm.

"Sir?" the receptionist called out.

Percy turned and put on his fake smile again, "right. Did you get a hold

of Ed?"

The woman nodded, "yes sir. Please go to the 8th floor, he is in room


Percy smiled at her again and the three questers were off. They

reached the 8th floor quickly and now stood in front of room 801. Percy

knocked on it and after a few seconds it flung open.

"Percy, thank the gods," Ed smiled, "damn dude, you have grown."

Percy smiled, a real one this time, "thanks Ed. Nice to see you again."

The two hug and Percy realised he was now a few inches shorter than

Ed, guessed Goblin's growth really was good for something.

Ed broke the hug and turned to Michael and Thalia, "and who are

these two?"

"Ed, I would like you to meet Thalia and Michael," Percy introduced,

"guys, this is Edward Neak, son of Hermes."

"Hey man, Michael, son of Apollo," the archer shock the billionaires


"Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus," Thalia shook his as Edward smiled.

"My pleasure little lady," he said bring Thalia's hand up to his lips and

gave it a little kiss, "I must admit the punk rock look is really working."

Thalia blushed as she pulled back her hand. Percy scowled, shotting

Ed a dirty look. He didn't know why, but he felt angry and….. Jealous?

Percy shook his head and slammed down Gamer's mind.

"Maybe we can continue this inside," Percy grumbled out.

"Right, please come in," Ed moved aside letting the three questers

inside. The room was small but comfortable for a single person. There

was a big flat screen TV on the wall and Ed's bag was left open on the

bed. Percy saw that other than clothes Ed had also brought plenty of

books and files along with him, guess even Ed had a thing for


"Okay Ed, what's the plan?" Percy asked.

"So," Edward began, "the plan is this. The auction is tonight, I'm

attending and so are you."

"How are we going to get in?"

"Simple, you three are my bodyguards," Ed said, "that reminds me, we

need to get you guys appropriate clothes. The event is black tie, so…."

Percy nodded, "right. So what? We go in, stick with you until the party

ends and if the Agent shows up, kill him?"

"Well maybe not kill, but yeah, don't let me die," Edward nodded, "right,

so now let's go and get you all suited up!" Edward smiled as he

grabbed his coat and began to walk out.

Just then Percy interrupted, "where do you think you are going?"

Edward looked confused, "ah….I'm going to help you guys shop?"

"Oh hell no! I still remember last time Ed!" Percy all but screamed, "we

stayed in that shop for an hour!"

Ed shrugged, "it was to get you a good suit, and what happened to that


"I still have it," Percy said grumbling, "though I probably outgrew it."

"And that's why we need to get you a new one."


"-Oh relax Percy," Michael said with a smile, "what's the worse that

could happen?"

Percy grumbled, "fine."

Michael smiled as he put an arm around Edward's leading the man

outside, "by the way, you are going to pay for this right?"

Two hours later;

Percy grumbled as he took a sip of his coffee mug. They had in this

tailor store for the past two hours. They first spent one hour picking out

what material to make the clothes out of and the next hour getting their

sizes taken.

This would have been so much easier if they had just bought a ready

made store suit, but noooo, Edward had to have them wearing

handmade clothes.

Sometimes Percy wondered whether Ed was actually just a shopaholic

and loved to play dress up by using them as models. The theory

actually fit with the way the son of Hermes acted, plus Percy wouldn't

be surprised if it was true.