
Chapter 411

Percy nodded, "yeah. Sorry."

"Okay so back to the quest," Thalia said bringing everyone back on

track, "you want us to go to camp Jupiter and ally ourselves with


Zeus nodded, "exactly. We will send them a message, telling them of

two people who will come to see them, but we will not mention who you


"Why not?" Percy asked, "if we just pop in there unannounced they

might get defencive. Why can't you just set up a meeting between us in

a neutral place that way both teams get an equal footing?"

Athena nodded, "a solid plan. You sure he's your son Poseidon?"

The sea god grumbled, "he get's it from his mother."

Athena chuckled, "as I was saying, sound plan Perseus. But the

ancient laws prevent us from doing so. We have set up the barrier

between the worlds, it would not do for us to break them down


"Why not?" Thalia asked, "you set them up."

"You will find Ms. Grace that there are some somethings only a

demigod can do," Poseidon said, "the ancient laws are clear on this

matter. We cannot interfere more than simply sending a message of


Percy and Thalia shared a look and they knew what the other was

thinking, 'lazy Gods.'

"So where is camp Jupiter?" Percy asked.

"San Francisco," Hermes spoke up for the first time.

Percy's eyes shot open, "what?!"

"I said it's in San Francisco-"

"-They are positioned right next to Mount Othrys?!" Percy asked


The God's looked suspicious. Zeus narrowed his eyes, "how do you

know that Perseus?"

'Because I committed suicide there during the trials of the Entities,'

Percy wanted to say, but instead, "I remembered Luke saying

something about Mount Othrys being reformed above mount

Tamalpais. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what he meant."

Zeus leaned back, he appeared satisfied with the answer, "well...yes.

We placed camp Jupiter there because we needed to keep Mount

Othrys in check. If it ever reformed we need the Romans to destroy it."

Thalia nodded, "okay. San Francisco. Got it. Let's go Percy."

The child of Poseidon nodded as he opened his inventory. Just then

Hermes spoke up, "wait. I think it would be best if you two started in the


Thalia glared at the God, "why?"

"Ah-,well the Romans are already a suspicious lot. It's best if you two

didn't suddenly drop in in the middle of the night or something."

Thalia reluctantly sighed, "okay. Fine. But we are leaving first thing

tomorrow morning."

The Gods dismissed them and Artemis took them back to camp. Percy

tired to talk to her again, but she left before he could get a word in.

"I don't think I can sleep tonight," Thalia sighed, "I can't believe it.

Jason. Alive."

Percy smiled, "I'm happy for you," he sat down on the Fist of Zeus as

Thalia sat down next to him.

Thalia smiled back, "yeah….what's up with you and Artemis anyway?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's totally in love with you."


"Yeah. Why else do you think she got pissed seeing us two kiss?"

"N-no way! She's just a friend!"

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "really?"

"Yes, really. And if you must know I am one of the few friends she has.

And she was pissed because now that I have you as my girlfriend she

thought I wouldn't want to be friends with her anymore."

"That's stupid, why would she think that?"

Percy shrugged, "I have no idea. I don't really think she has the best

personal experience with guys."

Thalia nodded in agreement before a smile broke out, "so...I'm your

girlfriend huh?"

Percy blushed. He didn't realised what he had just said. "Ah, well yeah.

I mean I realise we haven't really defined the relationship and all but-"

Thalia pushed Percy down on his back again as she climbed ontop of

him, "-Percy?"

Percy felt himself lost in those amazing eyes again. "Yeah?"

"Ask me properly."

"T-Thalia, would you-"

"-No. No stammering. Come on, I've seen you fight monsters and

international assassins just this week. Where's that courage of yours?"

Percy was getting more and more nervous. Finally he slammed down

Gamer's mind and felt the nerves being crushed away. Percy opened

his eyes and steadied his breath, "Thalia, would you be my girlfriend?"

Thalia smiled as she kissed him deeply. Percy ran one hand through

her hair while the other found it's place at her hip. A fire burned inside

Percy, it filled him up in ways he had never known. He had been alone

before, never had anyone he could call his own by choice. But now he

did. And he was happy.

They stayed like that through the night underneath the stars. The world

was dead to them. All they saw was each other.

Chapter 412:

The sun was slowly rising as its first rays hit Percy's face. The demigod

had spent the entire night on top of the Fist of Zeus, and it was not a

comfortable thing to experience. It was after all just a pile of rocks

stacked together. But there was one reason Percy didn't move away or

even sleep in her own place. And that reason was currently sleeping on

top of him.

Thalia and him had spent the better part of the night making out ontop

of the rocky structure. She was excited and a pretty good kisser. The

rocks were painful and uncomfortable, but Percy was distracted

enough to ignore all that. In the end he had gained three more levels in

the kissing skill;

Kissing, Lv- 12 (5%)

It is what it is. The higher level you are the better kisser you are.

And remember practise makes perfect.

Your level is kissing leaved the person feeling happy for the six


5% chance of turning them on.

The last part was new for Percy, but it kind of made sense. After the

intense make out session Thalia had laid down on Percy's chest and

fallen asleep. The son of Poseidon wanted to do the same, but for

some reason couldn't bring himself from looking away from Thalia.

She made him feel happy just be being there. He had spent the night

mostly looking at the stars or at her. Sleep hadn't come for him, but

Percy wasn't to bothered, thank you Gamer's mind. Time seemed to

flow past quickly as Percy spent the night thinking about the future and

his role in all of this.

Was he a hero? Well he did save people constantly so yeah, he was.

Was he a leader? The camp did look up to him, so yes, he was. But

most of all Percy saw himself as one thing, and one thing only, himself.

Despite all the titles he held, official and unofficial, he was still himself.

And the only thing he should be doing is whatever the hell he wants.

And right now he wanted to be there for Thalia.

Percy gentle shock her, "Thalia. Wake up."

The daughter of Zeus grumbled, "five more minutes."

Percy smiled, "you better wake up or I'm going to make you."

"Fuck off."

"You asked for it," Percy smiled as he summoned a blob of water over

Thalia's head and then let it loose drenching her head to toe.

"AH!" Thalia shrieked as she quickly got up, "PERCY JACKSON!"

Percy threw his head up and laughed hard falling off the stone

structure and hitting the ground. He rolled on the ground holding his

stomach in pain as Thalia growled angrily at him.

"You asked for this!" Thalia shouted as she sent a blast of lighting right

at Percy shocking him.

Defence- 296,376,730

"Damn that stung," Percy laughed as he got up. He snapped his fingers

drying Thalia off in a second.

Thalia huffed looking down to make sure she was fully dry, "asshole."

Percy smirked, "hey it's not my fault. You didn't want to wake up."

Thalia gave a similar smirk, "or maybe it's because pouring water on

me is the only way for you to get me wet."

Percy blushed, 'really? You want to go there? Well two can play it that

game.' Percy bent over, he was inches away from Thalia, "really?

Because you very pretty hot and heavy last night. And I distinctly

remembered feeling a wet spot along my thighs."

Thalia blushed. She gritted her teeth, "sh-shut up."

Percy smirked, he gave her a small peck on the lips, "I win. Now come

on. The sooner we tell Chiron about our quest the sooner we can find

your brother."

That last sentence sobered Thalia up as all the flirting and sleepiness

was pushed to the side, she was all business now.

The two quickly made way to the Big House where they saw Mr. D

sitting on the porch with a coke in hand.

"You know those are horrible for your digestive track," Percy


Mr. D snorted, "I'm a God. I don't care."

Thalia rolled her eyes at her divine half-brother, "where's Chiron Mr.


"Inside," Mr. D took a sip, "is this about the Roman camp thing?"

Percy and Thalia nodded. The God of wine sighed, "this is a stupid

mistake. I don't know what Hera was thinking."

"Do you know anything about the Roman camp that might be useful?"

Thalia asked.

Mr. D nodded, "yes, I know a lot."

Percy turned to Thalia, "you learn what you can from him. I'll find

Chiron and the other Head counselors. I'll meet you back in the War


Thalia nodded, "okay." Percy wanted to kiss her goodbye, but he

couldn't, Mr. D you cock blocking asshole. Percy took off at super

speed zooming across camp trying to find Chiron. He found his old

mentor in the Arena practising archery. Percy then went to call the

other head counselors.

Some were cooperative, like Charles from Hephaestus cabin and the

Stoll twins from the Hermes cabin. Some were…..not that much of a

morning person. Percy had to move at near mach 1 speed just to doge

Clarisse's spear.

Eventually they all met up in the war room with Percy and Thalia

standing side by side at the head.

"So that's what we have to do," Thalia concluded explaining to them

the task that they were given.

"A Roman camp?" Annabeth asked in amazement,


"Not really," Clarisse grumbled drinking from a mug of coffee,

"remember back in Boston when we wondered whether there could be

such a thing?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, but that was just speculation. This, this is real.

And the Gods want us to ally with them."

"Sigh, I see," Chiron looked saddened as he rubbed his temples

vigorously, "I never thought this day would come."

Lee Fletcher raised an eyebrow, "anything you would like to share


The half horse sighed, "I knew about the Roman camp. I remember the

war they waged on us."

"Of course," Annabeth said scratching her chin, "you are immortal, so it

would make sense."

"So do you know anything about them you think we should know?"

Percy asked.

"Yes….they hate Greeks," Chiron said with a depressed look, "unlike

the original Roman, who had a healthy respect for the Greek culture,

these Roman's are both afraid and distrustful of us."

"Great, so we are sending them off into a lair off people who hate them

and will do anything to kill them. Great. Just great."

"I have to agree with Lee on this one," Percy spoke up, "but we really

have no other choice in the matter."

"Okay then," Annabeth spoke up, "I get why you're going. You're

basically the only one who can get out of there alive if this goes South.

But why is Thalia going?"

"She's daddy's little girl," Travis snarked, "why do you think she's


Thalia narrowed her eyes, "actually, I'm going because I know one of

the Romans."

"Really?" Chiron asked in surprise, "who?"

"My brother, Jason," Thalia smiled saying that out loud, "he's alive."

"Thalia that's amazing!" Annabeth said hugging her friends, "but how?"

"It seems Hera took him away because he's a roman demigod and not

a greek one. And since we belonged to two different pantheons we

couldn't stay together."

"This is good news," Chiron said with a smile, "now we can-"

Suddenly the door slammed open as Leo ran into the room. He jumped

onto the war room table and pounced on top of Percy pushing him


"Of," Percy had the air knocked out of him as Leo stood on top of him

with his head lowered.

"Where were you master?! I want to go for my walk!" Leo said whining.

"Okay boy, just get off of me," Percy commented as Leo did just that.

Annabeth and the other's blinked, "hey Percy I have been meaning to

ask me about that dog….ah, whose is that?"

Chapter 413

"It's mine. Oh right, I never told you guys," Percy smiled scratching

Leo's ear "this is Leo. I have been taking care of him for the past few

days. You haven't seen him much because he basically spends time

sleeping or going out for training with me."

"Training?" Clarisse asked in surprise, "he goes into the ID's with you?"

Percy nodded, "yup. Why just yesterday he managed to take down a

Gergosa all on his own."

"Woah," Thalia said in amazement, "that is one powerful dog." She

then bent down scratching Leo behind the ear.

Percy smiled as Leo wagged his tail, "good woman. Pretty woman. I

like. Is she your mate master?"

"W-what?!" Percy asked blushing, "no Leo!"

"But she smells like you. And you smell like her."

"No Leo she's not!" Percy asked as he face palmed himself.

The rest of the war council looked at Percy with a worried look.

Annabeth spoke up, "ah, Percy...are you okay?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, I'm fine. It's just….look let's move on. Chiron

Thalia and I are leaving right away, that means I won't be able to train

the campers today."

Chiron nodded, "don't worry I'll take over."

They quickly discussed the rest of the arrangements and the couple

quickly got ready to leave. Percy left Leo in Annabeth's care. The dog

whined and begged to come with Percy but the demigod refused, it

was to dangerous, plus the Roman's might not care for a large demi

hellhound walking around in their camp.

Thalia and Percy meet up under Thalia's tree, which at this point

should really be renamed something else. Percy had changed into his

skin tight super fabric legging along with his goggles and Fric shoes,

they had both agreed to have Percy run the distance.

"You ready?" Percy asked put his goggles on.

Thalia dumbly nodded as she gave Percy her backpack to store away.

While he was doing that her eyes were drawn to Percy's leggings.

They were skin tight and gave a great view of Percy's muscular thighs.

Thalia couldn't help staring, they were so bloody firm! They had to be

considering at what speed Percy was know to travel at.

"Ah, Thalia? Are you okay?" Percy asked snapped Thalia's

concentration from his legs to him, "were you just staring at my


"What? No, I-ah, no. Not at all," Thalia shook her head vigorously.

Percy chuckled, "sure…..you do realise you can look right? That part of

the boyfriend/girlfriend deal. You get to stare at me and I get to stare at


Thalia smiled, "as if you wouldn't before."

"No I wouldn't!"

"Really? What about that time you gave that motivational speech?

Remember that? Your eyes were glued to my chest."

"No, they were glued to your hips," Percy shot back before he put both

hands over his mouth realising what he just said.

Thalia smirked, "well I don't blame you," she said looking at her own

behind, "they are very perky."

Percy sighed, "let's just get this over with."

Thalia laughed as Percy carried her like a bride and carefully put her

inside his inventory. He then took off at speeds just below Mach 1

running across country towards San Francisco.

He passed through New York and took the I-78 into Jersey city. Percy'

current max speed was 932 miles per hour, which is passed the speed

of sound. But Percy never crossed that threshold, he didn't want to

cause a sonic boom while running down a highway, that would damage

so many cars and tear up the roads.

So instead Percy maintained a constant speed of 700 miles per hours,

just below the speed of sound. So at this constant speed Percy

crossed Pennsylvania in half an hour.

He travelled for around five straight hours. Three times he ran out of

gas and was forced to stop at a Taco Bell or McDonalds to fill up his

stamina. That was why it took so long to reach here in the first place.

Percy eventually stopped in Orinda, the area just before the Caldecott

tunnel. He went into a nearby mall called the Orinda Theater Square. It

was a pretty okay place, not really a mall per say, more like a place

with a lot of streets and a movie theater which played only one movie.

Percy went into one of the abandoned streets and quickly changed his

clothes, switching his tights for a pair of jeans. He then quickly took

Thalia out of the inventory and carefully put her down.

The daughter of Zeus looked around in amazement, "I still can't get

used to this."

Percy nodded wiping away the sweat on his brow, "yeah, most can't."

"Are you okay?" Thalia asked looking him over, "you look exhausted."

Percy sighed as as he leaned on the street wall, "just ran for 5 hours

across the country, of course I look tired."

"Holy shit," Thalia said in surprise, "I-I'm sorry Percy. I didn't know. Shit,

what the hell was I thinking!"

Percy chuckled, "it's okay. Most people don't realise it. They think just

because I can do I should do it. The pain isn't really a big deal, what

really is a big deal is the boredom. Seriously five hours and all I had to

do to keep myself busy was look at the countryside pass by."

Thalia bent down touching Percy's forehead, "you're warm Percy."

"Running for five hours under the hot sun will do that."

"We need get you something to cool yourself off right now."

Percy nodded, "right. Food. Good idea. Can I have ice cream?"

Thalia helped Percy up and took him into a small local deli. Percy and

Thalia sat inside way in the back away from prying eyes. Percy

lowered his goggles and sighed as he felt his legs throb. There wasn't

any pain, just his legs spasming, it was like he was experiencing this

form a third person's view.

A young teenager came to take their orders. Thalia ordered a

cheeseburger while Percy asked for a steak and a three ice cream

cups. The blonde waitress was surprised at the early desert oder but

quickly went to get their order.

"So how are you feeling?" Thalia asked.

Percy sighed, "exhausted. But I think I'll get better once I have some

food in me."

Thalia nodded as she quickly looked around at the people around them

nervously. She looked fidgety, nervous.

"Relax Thalia," Percy assured her, "there's no need to get nervous."

Thalia nodded, "yeah I know. But… I'm going to see Jason again. It's

been so long...I don't even know what to say."

Percy smiled, "how about, 'hello, I'm your sister,'?"

Thalia rolled her eyes, "ha, ha. Very funny, True, but seriously, it's been

years. I died and came back Percy. Hell I don't even know whether he

remembers me!."

Percy smiled, "so tell me about him. What did he look like?"

Chapter 414

Thalia smiled, "he had, has, blonde hair, like our mom. But it was not

curly like her, it was more straightened out, like mine. He has this scar,

along his jaw. Haha, he got it when he tried to bite into a stapler. Idiot.

And he has dad's eyes, except they were more...stormy and mine are


"-Electric," Percy said with a smile. Thalia looked surprised, Percy just

responded with, "I am very good at paying attention when it comes to

things I like."

Thalia rolled her eyes, "so cheesy."

Percy chuckled, "yeah, but you liked it."

Thalia sighed, "so, what's the plan?"

Percy laid back and grumbled, "well after this I take you to Caldecott

tunnel, which is just a few miles south west of here. Then ...well I don't

know. Did Dionysus tell you something about the camp's entrance?"

Thalia nodded, "he did. He said that the entrance to the camp was on

one side of the four lanes right on one end of the tunnel."

"Thats….vague and confusing," Percy sighed, "okay. After lunch we'll

get a cab and go to the tunnel. And just to be safe we'll check all the

possible entrance points."

Thalia nodded, "are you okay Percy? You still sound tired."

Percy nodded, "I'm fine. In all honesty I can actually run some more,

but after 5 straight hours my brain is refusing to do something so

boeing again."

Thalia raised an eyebrow, "running near the speed of sound is boring

for you?"

Percy sighed, "it is when you realise that my brain is still need of

stimulation when running at high speeds. Plus the faster I go the longer

the trip seems, must be something to do with the fact that things get so

boring so easily, but either way I don't want to be doing that again any

time soon."

Thalia nodded, "right...so, ah, any idea how we are going to convince

the Romans to trust us?"

"I was actually hoping you can help with that."

"Me? How can….Jason. Right."

Percy nodded, "yeah, plus your a daughter of Zeus, and considering

that they named their camp, camp Jupiter, they must love your dad. So

maybe you can help bridge the gap between the camps."

Thalia formed, "I get that...but it's not going to be that simple."

Percy sighed, "it's going to be difficult, but at least we know we can rely

on them if nothing else. They are immensely loyal to the Gods, we can

count on them helping out in the fight against Kronos if nothing else."

Thalia nodded, "enemy of my enemy and all that."

Percy nodded as he looked around. The place they were was very

nice. The walls were daisy yellow and the wooden tables look locally

made. All in all it was a very homely and family friendly place to eat in.

The people around them were mostly family members, most brought

their kids along and they all looked so happy. Percy wanted this, the

last time he ever had a meal with his parents was a year ago and since

then…. Percy took a deep sigh, he should really spend more time with

his mom.

"Feeling envious?" Thalia asked with a smile.

Percy smirked, "very. But I suppose not having normal family meals is

part of the deal when it come to being a demigod."

Thalia smiled, "yeah. I know what you mean."

Percy then looked to the families around him and one in particular

stood out to him. It was a family of three, two mothers and a son who

looked like he had down syndrome. The two women sat on either side

of him as they helped serve the boy food.

Percy felt pity in his head, but also guilt. He had the power to make that

boy's life better. Down syndrome was an alignment right? Shouldn't his

healing powers technically be able to heal that?

"Stop staring Percy," Thalia said gaining his attention. Percy blinked as

he looked at his girlfriend, he didn't even realise he was staring until

she pointed it out.

"Sorry, it's just….sigh, guilt I suppose."

"Why? It's not like you can help him."

"No, I can," Percy said surprising Thalia.

"What do you...your healing powers...are you saying you can heal


Percy shrugged, "I think so."

"Then you have to at least try Percy," Thalia said looking at the boy and

his adoptive mothers, "they deserve that."

Percy sighed, "you're right but how? I mean I can't jus go up to them,

touch their kid and walk back can I?"

Thalia sighed, "you're right, the Mist would hide the golden glow your

power gives off but not you. If only you could go invisible."

Percy blinked, "that's it!" Thalia looked surprised when Percy got up,

"I'll be right back." Percy then walked away from his girlfriend walking

to the men's bathroom. After making sure he was alone Percy took out

the ring of invisibility he had gotten from Ares and slipped it on.

Percy then walked back outside and carefully went over to the kid with

down syndrome. His mother's were looking away at the moment,

currently looking at their menus. Percy knew there wouldn't be a more

perfect time to do this.

Percy reached down and touched the boy's forehead activating his


You are attempting to heal someone with several ailments! Please

chose one to heal;

Genetic disorder- Down Syndrome

Poor motor skills

Sub par thinking process

Percy grinned as he selected the genetic disorder first healing the

cause of all this. His hand flashed gold alerting Thalia to his process,

but none of the mortals noticed it.

Two more flashes of gold and Percy was done. He went into the

bathroom and put away the ring before walking back inside the


Percy sat in his seat, "any improvement?"

Thalia smiled, "look for yourself."

Percy did and saw that the kid was now eating properly, much to the

amazement of his mothers.

Percy grinned, it had worked. Sure they might not realise it now, but

they would in a few days time. Maybe one day one of them would

notice their kids better motor skills and ask a doctor about it. Then that

medical profession would tell them about the miracle that he witnessed

in their child.

Chapter 415

"You know," Thalia said smiling at him, "you should probably open up a

hospital or something. After all, there are plenty of people who could

use your help."

Percy smiled but didn't say anything. Soon the couple were served

their food. Percy did his best to maintain proper table eating habits,

after all he was in front of his girlfriend, so he couldn't just stuff his face

full of food like he wanted to.

Thalia on the other hand had no problem consuming her burger like

she hadn't eaten in days. Percy finished the steak in record time, the

meat was really tender, it fell apart in his mouth. Percy quickly finished

the rest of his food and after giving a big tip to their server they were


Percy and Thalia hailed a cab and went down the highway towards

Caldecott tunnel. They passed the first end of the tunnel without

incident, they didn't notice any obvious signs that there was a secret

door to a Roman camp hidden away somewhere.

When the cab opened up on the other side though Thalia immediately

spotted a pair of guards standing outside guarding what looked like a

maintenance hatch. Percy got the cab to pull over and after paying the

man healthy for stopping on a highway the two teens got out of the cab

and off of the road.

They approached the two guards, they were dressed like how one

would expect a roman to dress like. They had a roman helmet with a

red plume on top and chest piece over a purple shirt. They wore jeans

and white sneakers and on their sides was a spear and a sheathed

short sword, a Gladius if Percy remembered his Roman history

properly. As they drew closer Percy could see their names and titles;

Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, Daughter of Bellona

Lv- 18

Donny Dewin, Son of Pomona

Lv- 13

As Percy and Thalia approached the two guards they took notice. The

girl, Reyna, took notice of them first.

"Hault!" she said lowering her spear, "who are you and what do you

want?" The girl had long glossy black which was tied back in a single

braid with black eyes. Her skin was brown, not tanned like Percy's but

naturally brown. On her arm was a tattoo that Percy couldn't quite

make out, but over all she looked very imposing, well, as much as 12

year old can be.

Percy and Thalia raised their hands up and opened their plans. Percy

took the lead, "my name is Percy, and this is Thalia, we mean you no

harm. We just want to talk."

"Talk about what?"Reyna snarled.

"We are demigods," Thalia explained calmly, "and if we assume

correctly this is the entrance to camp Jupiter, yes?"

Reyna was about to open her mouth when Donny stepped up. "Relax

Rey," Donny said with a smile, "it's obvious these two are demigods,

else they wouldn't be able to see through the Mist otherwise." The guy

who spoke up had long straight blonde hair with blue eyes. He had that

laid back tone Percy often associated with himself, except this guy

didn't look like he had a serious bone in his body. And for some reason

Percy immediately wanted to punch the guy in the face.

Reyna snarled, "don't call me Rey. And they don't look like the normal

demigods Donny, look at them. Not a scratch or spot of mud on them, if

they really came from the Wolf House then they should at least have

muddy shoes or something!"

"Ah, are you even looking at my shoes?" Percy asked pointing to the

worn out edge to his Fric shoes, "do they look brand new to you?"

Reyna wanted to argue some more but Donny stopped in, "relax

newbie. Stop sneering at everything that moves, you children of

Bellona are all the same, so paranoid. It's obvious that they made it this

far unharmed because they are strong," Donny flashed a smile at

Thalia, "and beautiful too."

Percy felt his left eyebrow twitch as his eyes turned red for a split

second, 'calm down Percy. The last thing you need to become is this

super obsessive boyfriend that become jealous the moment a guys hits

on Thalia. She's a beautiful girl, she can handle herself….yeah.'

Thalia rolled her eyes, "okay since we have established that we are not

the enemy can you please allow us inside? We would really like to talk

to the one in charge, the-ah, the Praetor?"

Reyna lowered her spear, "fine," she glared, "but I'm going to be the

one who-"

"Ah not so fast new blood," Donny stepped in, "I'll take them inside.

You stay out here."


"-Look Rey you're new here, okay? And I am your superior, so what

does that mean?"

Reyna looked like she wanted to argue but kept silent, "it means I obey

you sir."

Donny nodded, "right. So stay out here and I'll take our new friends

and make sure their comfortable," he smiled at Thalia again.

'One more chance,' Percy told himself, 'I'll give him one more chance

before I throw him into Hades. Yeah…. That sounds reasonable.'

Thalia was disgusted but she hide it well, "so...can we go?"

Donny opened the maintenance door he was just guarding, "after you

my lady."

Thalia nodded at Reyna and walked in followed by Donny who closed

the door behind him.

Percy grumbled and turned to Reyna, "is he always such a dick?"

Reyna grumbled as well, "yes. All the time. You would think that's

impossible, but no, he's always a dick."

Percy nodded to the girl and threw open the door walking in and

catching up to Thalia and Donny. Donny was explaining his position

and rank in Camp Jupiter to Thalia in hopes that he could impress her.

It seems he was a he was an officer in a high position in the 3rd

Cohort. It seemed he had gotten caught pranking one of the Praetors

and was punished with gaurd duty with the new blood officer, Reyna.

Donny kept boasting about himself and Thalia was forced to smile and

nod along. Percy wanted to shut Donny up, but the more the man kept

talking the more information he was giving them to use for later.

Chapter 416

Percy noticed that the tunnel was was a lot like a maintenance tunnel,

it was about the size of a school corridor more or less. There were

pipes running along the walls with wires and pressure meters built in.

The ground was concertet, but slowly it turned mosaic. Percy noticed

that the pipes and wires had stopped running and the walls were now

covered with Roman paintings and the such. The walls were lined up

with torches that gave off no smoke and the tunnel was growing bigger

and bigger.

Just then something caught Percy's eye. It was a blue triangle etched

into the side of the tunnel, it was a delta symbol. This was an entrance

to the Labyrinth!

Percy was surprised to discover this, but it did make sense, after all

there was one Labyrinth entrance inside Camp Half-Blood, hence there

should be on in Camp Jupiter as well.

Percy quickly approached the delta symbol and;


You have spotted the entrance to the Labyrinth: Dungeon Lv-20

Do you wish to enter?



Do you wish to fast travel to another known Labyrinth location?


Percy smiled, with this he didn't have to run across the country to reach

Camp Jupiter, a five minute walk through this and he would be back in

Camp Half-Blood in no time.

Percy dismissed the box and quickly caught up to Thalia and Donny.

They had quickly reached the end of the tunnel and the small dark

corridor had opened up to sun light and open space.

The area before them was huge, Percy had a hard time believing they

were anywhere near the San Francisco area anymore. There were Oak

trees everywhere along with golden fields around them. The entire area

was inside a bowl shaped valley, they right now stood on the edge of

the valley looking down at it all.

Percy could see a light blue river cut across the from of the valley in a

semi circle before it moved inland getting collected into a lake forming

what looked like a giant 'G' shaped structure. Percy saw the path

before them lead down into the valley and towards a military base of

sorts. The base was guarded with tall wooden walls and gates with

sentry towers on all four corners.

Behind that military base was a city in the far distance along with a

small hill to the side where a bunch of temples were located. Over all

the Camp was very impressive, not as great as Half-Blood, but


Donny smiled, "welcome to Camp Jupiter new recruits. Impressive isn't


Thalia was just as amazed as Percy, "it's...it's beautiful."

Donny girned, "I know. Come on, I'll give you a private tour," he then

tried to move closer to Thalia but Percy got between them.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Percy said putting his arm around

Donny's back and dragged the boy forward.

"W-wha-" Donny stammered out by the time he realised what was

happening Percy had already taken him out of the tunnel exit and down

the valley road towards the military encampment.

Thalia chuckled, 'guess even Percy can get jealous,' the daughter of

Zeus told herself. If she was being honest it kind of felt nice having

Percy feel jealous, it reminded her that he was in fact human and not

some perfect being that fell out of the heavens.

Donny was stuck with Percy as the son of Poseidon dragged the

Roman down. "Dude! What gives?" Donny hissed out under his breath,

"you totally just cock blocked me!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "really? I'm so sorry."

Donny huffed as he shrugged Percy's hand off of his shoulders, "it's

fine. Just...could you tell me something about Thalia?"

Percy was really trying to pull in his temper. His left eye was twitching

like crazy, a small part of him was amused by all of this, but it was a

very small part.

"Why? Do you like Thalia?"

Donny nodded, "yeah, she's hot!"

Percy wanted to say something but by that time Thalia caught up to

them and Donny shut his mouth. They quickly reached the river that

Percy saw before and just beyond its banks was the entrance to the

military encampment.

Donny stopped at the banks, "this is Little Timber, the river that flows

around the camp. We basically use it for everything we need, drinking

water, fishing, some we use for our baths. It's supposed to be a

reminder of the original Timber back in Rome, but I say it's better."

Thalia nodded, "right, so how do we get across?"

"Well usually new recruits have to walk across the water. It's kind of an

initiation thing. New blood have to bath in the waters of Little Timber

and emerge reborn as a Roman. But I don't really think you can afford

to get that jacket wet so you can just use that bridge over there."

Donny pointed to the side and sure enough there was a bridge there.

He turned to Thalia, "I'll take you. You know if you want to get into a

good Cohort you're going to need a good recommendation letter, if you

want I can-"

"-No thanks," Percy but in again, "we got this."

"Dude! We talked about this!" Donny hissed out again while Percy

ignored him.

The son of Poseidon carried Thalia with both arms like a bride and he

jumped clearing the river and landing on the other side with the grace

of a ballet dancer. Percy let Thalia go and turned to Donny, "see you


Thalia snickered as the Donny looked at Percy in shock. His mouth

was hanging open, he couldn't believe what he just saw. That Percy kid

had cleared at least 13 feet of water in one leap and had reached a

max height of 24 feet! That was some Olympic level shit right there!

Percy and Thalia ignored Donny after that and turned to the large

wooden doors of the encampment. They reached the door and

knocked, just then the shutter in the center opened up and a young

teen was seen on the other side.

Chapter 417

"What do you want?"

"We need to get into camp," Thalia explained.


"Because we are demigods and we are on an important mission from

the Gods."

The eyes behind the door rolled, "yeah, haven't heard that one before.

Look if you're a fresh blood then just say so, I don't have time for this,

'quest from the Gods bull shit'. And where's your gaurd? He's supposed

to be with you right now. It's tradition."

"Look can you please just open the door?" Thalia asked nicely, "it's

really important that we speak to your Praetor. We really are on an

important mission."

"Look kid for the last time wait until you gaurd gets here and then you

can enter and see the Praetor or whatever, okay?"

"Do we have to?" Percy whined, "Donny is kind of a dick."

The person behind the door chuckled, "yeah, I know. But those are the

rules man. Sorry."

Percy and Thalia sighed and waited for Donny to show up. The

Legionnaire was quickly crossing the cold waters of the Little Timber

and quickly caught up to Percy and Thalia. He huffed from the strain of

the walk, the current was really strong and the armour was weighing

him down.

"Y-You jumped across," Donny said panting in disbelief, "how did you

do that?"

Percy shrugged, "I have great legs."

"Yeah you do." Thalia replied checkley.

Percy blushed but ignored it, he turned to the person behind the door,

"dude, our gaurd in here, open up."

The man nodded and he stepped back opening the large wooden

doors. The figure behind the door stepped forward, he looked around

15 with black hair and black eyes. He stood off to one while Donny

stood on the other. The spread thier hands open in welcome and said

together with a smile, "Welcome to Camp Jupiter."

Percy and Thalia smiled at sight before them. The encampment was

filled with life. The building there were ether armories or barracks.

There were several people walking around wearing a purple shirt with

the name of the camp printed on, with the words, 'SPQR' written below.

Everything looked normal, until Percy spotted a ghost.

It was a legitimate, I shit you not, translucent, wall walking, pale as fuck

kind of ghost. There were so many of them Percy wondered how he

didn't notice all of them before. Each one looked like a human. Some

were normal enough, there was a child walking around playing with his

ball. There was even a ghost that was covered from head to toe with

blood, but he was playing a merry tune on a harp acting like everything

was normal.

"Ah, why are there Ghosts here?" Percy finally asked.

"They are called Lares," Donny explained, "they are basically house


"So does that mean they are smaller than real gods but bigger than

apartment Gods?"

Donny rolled his eyes, "they are the spirits of our ancestors, most of

them are harmless."

Percy nodded, "they aren't so bad, right The-" Percy turned to his

girlfriend and saw her scared stiff by the ghosts. She was growing paler

and paler by the second. Percy quickly wrapped his hand around her

own giving Thalia a reassuring squeeze, "it's okay Thalia. They're


"Thanks," Thalia muttered as she drew closer to Percy. Just then a

Lares popped out of nowhere screening Thalia into grabbing Percy's

jacket with her other hand and pressing up to him all the while keeping

an eye out on a ghost that just passed them. "This is so creepy!"

Donny looked at the way Thalia held onto Percy and he felt liked of

betrayed, after all the guy promised not to cock block him and here he

was holding onto his, potential, girl!

"You know if you want I can help you with them," Donny said with a

smile, "I'm great with Lares."

Percy nodded, "thanks, but I think we'll manage. Right?" Percy asked

Thalia giving her another reassuring squeeze.

Thalia finally managed to calm down, "yeah-yeah. They aren't so

tough. Quick question, are they weak to godly weapons?"

Donny nodded, "yeah."


Percy smiled at Thalia and then turned to Danny, "right, now where is

this Praetor of yours? We still have a quest to complete."

Donny and the gaurd raised an eyebrow, "why are you so curious to

meet the Praetors? Usually new recruits take a bath and a shower

before anything else. Heck most of us don't even get to meet the

Praetors unless we are in trouble or because we are being rewarded."

Percy nodded, "sure. But when did we ever say we came here to join


Donny looked surprised, "what do you mean?"

"We told you Donny," Thalia spoke up, "we have a quest sent from the

Gods. We need to meet up with the Praetor."

"Wait...if you guys aren't here to join up with the Legion...they why are

you here?"

"We are from another camp," Percy explained, "we came here at the

request, well more like deman really, of the Gods. We need to speak

with the Praetor, so can you please get her for me?"

"Who are you guys?"

Just as Percy and Thalia were about to answer one of the Lares

screeched out, "Graecus!" It was the ghost of the boy from before, and

he was pointing right at them. Percy and Thalia turned to see all the

Lares suddenly get spooked as they all went through the wall of the

nearby buildings hiding away.

"What did that thing just call us?" thalia asked.

"Graecus," Donny muttered in a defensive tone, "it means Greek."

Percy nodded, "huh, I wonder how it knew."

"What?" Donny and the gourd asked.

"Yeah," Thalia said, "we are Greek. Didn't we tell you that?"

"What?!" Donny and the other gaurd shouted this time as they leveled

their spears at Thalia and Percy.

"Put your hands up!" Donny shouted.

Percy and Thalia did just as they asked decided not to escalate the


"Look just bring us to the Praetor and we'll explain everything to him or

her," Percy said slowly.

Donny turned to the gaurd, "get Julia and Rob, I'll hold them off." The

man nodded as he turned away running into camp.

Soon however a crowd came and all of them had their weapons

leveled at Percy and Thalia. They were all Roman soldiers by the look

of it. While most didn't have armour on they did look very fierce in the

way they stood together shields locked and spears lowered.

"Who the fuck are you two," Donny asked, "why are you here?"

"We told you Donny," Percy said, "we are on a mission from the Gods."

"Why would the gods ever trust you sneaky Greeks?!" a voice from the

crowd shouted out.

"Woah there!" Percy cried out, "that's a lot of hostility! You don't even

know us man! Why do you think we are sneaky?"

"Because you're Greek!" The same voice shouted.

"That's racist," Percy crossed his arms.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is. You think I'm sneaky because I'm a Greek!"

"Because You are!"

"Okay fine, let's say I was black. Would you say that I am good at Jazz

and liked watermelons?"

"No! That's racist!"


"Percy shut up!" Thalia roared at her boyfriend, "you are so not


Percy gulped, "sorry."

"You two tricked me," Donny growled out, "I brought the two of you

here, right to the doorsteps of my camp. I'm such a idiot!"

"Donny we mean you no harm," Thalia tried to calm him down.

"Shut up Geek Bitch!" Donny roared out, "don't you realise what this

means for me?! I'm already on thin ice! I could lose my rank for this!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "apologize Donny."

The roman looked surprised, "w-what?"

"I said apologize. You Romans do know how to do that right? Or did

your culture exchange common manners for the extra lessons in spear


Donny and the other blanched for a second. "S-shut up!" Donny


"I will when you apologize," Percy repeated himself.

"I owe that Greek Bitch nothing! She seduced me into-"


A lighting bolt zipped across the air hitting Donny on the chest sending

him flying back. The Romans behind him were pushed onto their backs

form the force of the attack. And on the other side was Thalia with

electricity running across her hands and a look of anger on her face.

Chapter 418

"Who the fuck are you calling a bitch?" Thalia grumbled out.

Donny groaned out, "w-what the hell?"

"Oh stop acting. I barely hit you with enough energy to shock a mouse,

let alone a human being," Thalia rolled out.

Percy and the Roman demigods blinked. "Thalia, I'm not going to lie,

that was so scary," Percy said as the other Roman demigods nodded.

"W-who are you?" Donny finally got up and managed to ask.

"I am Thalia Grace. Protector of camp Half-Blood. I am the daughter of

Zeus, or in your case, Jupiter, you know that guy whose names you

have splattered across your t-shirt," suddenly the cloudless sky filled

with the sound of thunder rumbling, "now. What exactly did you call


"N-nothing. Sorry," Donny immediately back away, "please don't kill


Percy smiled, "and that is why you don't mess with the daughter of

Zeus, ah, I mean Jupiter."

"Wait, did you say your name was Grace?" a soft voice called out from

the crowd of Roman demigods. Slowly a figure moved from the back to

the front, pushing past people before finally standing next to Donny.

Percy and Thalia gasped. The person who stood before them was

around 12 or 13. He had blond hair and a very handsome looking face.

On his jawline was a small scar, the kind one get when biting into a

stapler. He wore the purple camp Jupiter t-shirt along with a pair of

jeans. His eyes were blue, the same shade as Thalia. Percy didn't

even need to look at his title to know who he was, but he did anyway;

Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter

Lv- 14

"Jason!" Thalia shouted out as she charged towards him. The Roman

demigods readied their weapons in case she was attacking again, but

to their surprise Jason simply walked up to the girl.

Jason didn't know what he was doing, it just felt right. He said nothing

as he met Thalia halfway. She immediately enveloped him in a hug

holding him close. Jason smelt like oak with the hint of ozone that all

children of Zeus had. Thalia held her brother close as she cried tears of


"I thought I lost you forever Jason," Thalia said as she sniffed, "Gods

how I have missed you."

"W-who are you?" Jason asked.

Thalia broke the hug, "you don't remember me?"

Jason shook his head, "n-no. Should I?"

"Then why did you come forward?"

"You had the same last name as me," Jason said rubbing the back of

his neck, "I can't explain it, but it just felt like….like I had to come


Thalia nodded smiling, "it makes sence. You were only a baby when

Hera took you, I mean, Juno. When Juno took you away. But nothing?

You don't remember anything?"

Jason shut his eyes in concentration, "I do remember something. I

remember….chocolate chips. With..with-"

"-With three layers of fudge on top," Thalia completed, "that was your

favorite flavour. I used to sneak you some when mom wasn't looking."

"Mom?" Jason asked, "you mean...our mom?"

Thalia nodded again, the tears came back, "yes Jason… our mom. I'm

your sister. My name is-"

"Thalia," Jason said as a look of remembrance came across his face,

"you're Thalia. You're my sister."

The daughter of Zeus couldn't hold it much longer as she grabbed

Jason in another hug. This time however the action was answered with

a hug from Jason. The siblings held each other as warm tears rolled

down their face. At last, they were whole again.

"What in the name of Mars is going on over here!" A loud and

bumptious voice called out causing everyone to look away from the

touching sister-brother reunion.

Percy saw the Romans open a path through which two new demigods

arrived. They both had a golden set of armor on and a purple cloak

over it. Each had a Gladius on the side and their chests were

decorated with medals.

The first woman was a older teen, probably 17 if not 18. She had

golden blonde hair with warm brown eyes. She also had a very curvy

figure, her chest threatened to pop out of her chest piece and her hips

were wide enough to draw the eyes of every boy there. Even Percy

looked for a second before he reminded himself he had a girlfriend who

could throw lighting bolts out of her hand. 'Curse you Goblin's Growth!'

The second person was a man, 16 years old with the beginnings of a

beard on his chin. He had long brown hair and black eyes and a very

square jaw. He looked like the kind of person who Percy would expect

in a Mr. Muscle pageant. He was covered head to toe with muscles,

the big rippling kind that some girls found repelling. On his back was a

lone spear that looked imposing to some, but ridiculous to Percy, after

all if the shaft was so big how could he use it properly? He would have

to waste so much energy just to make sure the spear doesn't go flying

off somewhere every time he spun it around.

Julia Roberts, Praetor of Camp Jupiter

Lv- 17

Robbert Bigwheel, Son of Mars

Lv- 21

'These two must be the praetors,' Percy realised as he stepped in front

of Thalia and Jason, "hi Praetors. My name is Percy Jackson, and we

have a lot to talk about."

Rob narrowed his eyes, "okay Percy, tell me something, why the fuck

does everyone think you're a Greek?"

"It's because I am," Percy repled, "we both are actually," pointed to

Thalia who had now broken her hug, but Jason stood by his sister's

side, "we came at the request of the Gods."

Julia narrowed her eyes, "and what proof do you have of this?"

Percy scratched his head, "ah,... I don't really have… oh, I know! I

swear on the Styx that we were sent by the Gods on a quest to find

camp Jupiter."

Chapter 419

Suddenly the clear blue sky rumbled with the sound of thunder

indicating that the deal was done.

"You idiot!" Thalia yelled hitting Percy across the back of the head,

"don't use the Styx as a type of polygraph! It's an ancient promise

between a man and the Gods, not a lie detector test!"

Julia nodded, "she is right. That was a very foolish thing to do."

Rob huffed, "no wonder everyone thinks you're a Greek."

Percy threw his hands up, "I can never win."

Julia sighed, "okay fine, so you were sent by the Gods. You say that

you are Greek but I find that hard to believe. You two look 16, much

older than any normal demigod. Your scent must have attracted many

monsters to your location, how have you survived?"

"That's because we have a camp of our own," Thalia spoke up

addressing Julia's question, "it's called camp Half-Blood, and it is the

Greek demigod camp site."

The gasp went through the crowd of Romans as they all began to talk

in low whispers. Jason on the other hand was confused.

"Thalia?" Jason asked his sister, "what do you mean Greek Camp?

Aren't you a daughter of Jupiter?"

Thalia shook her head, "no Jason, I'm not. I'm a daughter of Zeus, the

Greek version of Jupiter."

"Legionnaire Jason," Julia said startling the son of Jupiter.

"Yes Praetor Julia," Jason stood at attention.

"Do you know this woman?" she pointed at Thalia.

"Yes ma'am, she is my sister."

Julia raised an eyebrow, "do you mean through your father?"

Jason shook his head, "no ma'am, through our mother. Thalia is my

true sister."

"They are here to kill us all!" someone from the crowd yelled out.

"Let's kill them before they attack us!"

"Are you crazy?! She's the daughter of Jupiter! He'll kill us!"

"She's a Greek! Jupiter won't mind if we take out the trash!"

"Wow," Percy said looking at all the commotion around them, "so much

racism, so little time."

"We are not racist," Rob said, "we are just stating the facts. And the

facts is that you Greek and sly, scheming little pieces of-"

"Robbert!" Julia hissed, "do not insult our guests."

Robert bleached, "b-but Julia! They aren't our guests! They are


"Yeah Praetor Julia!" someone from the crowd yelled out, "they are

probably waiting for us to lower our gaurd and then plan on invading


"We need to get rid of them before they try anything!"

"Yeah! Kill the Greeks!"

"Kill the Greeks!"

"Kill the Greeks!"

Percy was pissed off. He was about to step in when suddenly Julia

spoke up.

"Silence!" She yelled with a loud angry voice, "do you not remember

the message the Gods sent us last night? Juno herself appeared

before us and told us to expect guests soon that would help us win this

war with the Titans!"

Percy was impressed, not only was Julia a looker she also seemed to

know how to control the camp. She was so unlike most of the girls he

knew. Something told Percy that if there was anyone in this camp that

he could trust it would be her…..and that has nothing to do with her

huge tits, no, nothing at all.

"And you think we need the help of these Greeks?" Rob spat out, "do

you really think the Roman legion is that weak?"

Percy rolled his eyes, 'I think Rob might be compensating for

something, why else would a guy need so many muscles and such a

huge spear. Hehe, oh that's a good one. I should remember that.'

Percy chuckled under his breath while Thalia stepped up, "look we

mean you no harm. We come under a banner of peace, nothing else.

We have no alternative plans or schemes. Look I was given this quest

personally by Zeus, I mean Jupiter. Kronos, ah...wait, who is the

Roman equivalent of Kronos?"

"Saturn," Percy and Julia supplied at once.

Thalia nodded, "right, Saturn. He's alive and he's growing stronger day

by day. The Gods want us to join forces so that we can fight him


The Romans began to speak among themselves as Jason looked at

his sister in amazement. She was so confident and reassuring, if she

was a Roman Jason was sure she would have been a Praetor.

"How do we know you are telling the truth?" Rob asked with narrowed


Percy sighed, "dude why would we be lying to you?"

"Because your-"

"-And I swear to the Gods if you say it's because we are Greek I will

kick you ass," Percy snapped narrowing his eyes at the Praetor.

Rob glared back, "please, as if you can. Weak ass Greek, no muscles,

no armour, nothing. What type of demigod are you?"

Percy raised an eyebrow, "a pretty good one considering I don't have

to wear armour. Also who the hell wants to look like you? Personally I

think you look like a peice of shit that Hercules popped out that

somehow grew muscles."

Rob was furious while a few Roman laughed at Percy's comment,

"silence!" Rob roared out.

"Percy do you have to piss off everyone we meet?" Thalia huffed in


"It's not my fault the racist asshole is being an asshole," Percy replied

with a shrug.

"I am not a racist!" Rob shouted.

"Dude I have already been through this argument with one of your...ah,

legionaries? Yeah, one of your Legionaries. So just shut up and accept

what you are, a weak, muscles bound idiot that is obviously

overcompensating for something below the waist."

"WHAT?! I'm not compensating for anything!"

"That giant spear strapped on your back says otherwise."

A lot more Romans laughed this time while a few forand.

"Oh my Gods Percy shut up!" Thalia hissed, "we are on thin ice as it


"Right, sorry," Percy fell in on himself, he may be able to fight 30 foot

zombies but Thalia still scared the shit out of him.

Julia snickered at the last comment as well, "I have to say Greek boy

you must have pretty big stones to outright insult the leader of the

enemy camp you are currently standing in the middle of."

Chapter 420

Percy shrugged, "well I don't see it like that. I think of it more as a camp

that is yet to become our ally. And the insulting is just my way of

showing friendship."

Julia smiled, "I see…..very well, come with us. We shall discuss what

to do with you and your….proposal."

"What?!" Rob shouted, "Julia you can't be serious! We can't allow them

into the camp!"

Julia sighed, "it is not our decision to make Robbert. The Gods have

asked us to consider their request, would you fight against the decision

of the Gods?"

Rob looked like he wanted to argue but didn't. He looked away in anger

but remained silent.

"That's what I thought," she turned to Percy and Thalia, "follow me. Oh

and you as well Legionnaire Jason."

Jason gulped but nodded. The Praetors lead the Greek demigods

further into camp while a small group of roman soldiers handed back,

walking a few paces behind just in case.

Julia and Rob lead the group with Percy just behind them and Thalia

and Jason at last as the two siblings started to catch up. Percy looked

around at the sights. Every building here was beautifully created. Say

what you will about the Romans, but at least they knew how to build.

They saw a building advertising for chariots, a shop that repaired

togas, another one which sold togas. Then there was a bakery by the

side and even a stable which was filled with….were those unicorns?

"What's that over there?" Percy asked pointing to a large building to the

side. It was large with white collars on the front and marble steps

leading up to the entrance. It was draped with flags with an eagle swon

on and the words SPQR written on top.

"That's the barracks for the first cohort," Julia explained, "every cohort

has a barrack and a symbol to represent them."

"The First cohort is the best of the best, so it is obvious that I came

from the cohort. We only take in the best fighters," Rob explained

inflating his chest with pride, "and as such our symbol is the Eagle."

"The second cohort has the bear, the third has the wolf, the fourth has

a horse and the fifth has the prairie dog," Julia explained as the group

took a left at a T crossing.

"Prairie dog? Why does the 5th have something so lame?" Percy

asked, "why not.. I don't know? A tiger or even a lion? Why a prairie


"Their symbol was a lion," Julia explained "but after certain...difficult

circumstances they chose to to change it."

"Huh, more like forced to change it," Rob said, "stupid fifth cohort. Lost

the camp's treasure in a quest gone wrong. Fucking losers the lot of


Thalia turned to Jason, "which cohort are you Jason?"

The blonde haired kid blushed, "f-fifth cohort."

"Ha!" Rob laughed, "no wonder you're related to a greek boy! Fifth

cohort is filled with nothing but Greeks and losers."

Jason flinched as Percy and Thalia narrowed their eyes in anger. Julia

looked at them from the corner of her eye. They looked like they were

going to do something, but luckily cooler heads prevailed.

"So what does a cohort do?" Percy asked holding in his anger.

"It is a group of the army," Julia explained as she took them further into

the camp, "each legionnaire is assigned a cohort and then they are

trained in said chorot." Julia then went on to further explain the working

and dealings of the cohort.

The small group soon arrived at a two story wedge of white marble with

a columned patio like and old fashioned bank. Roman guards stood out

in the front and over the dorray was a large purple banner with the

words, 'SPQR' written on it with gold.

They entered the building and Percy was again enchanted by the

sights before him. On the ceiling was a mosaic painting of Romulus

and Remus underneath a giant wolf. If Percy remember his Roman

history right that wolf was Lupa. The floor was polished marble and

along the walls was a glass display filled with medals and awards.

In the center of the room was a huge desk filled with paperwork and

scroll and on the other side was two chairs with two different

workstations. One station had papers neatly arranged and organized

while the other was complete chaos.

Julia sat down in the organized area, Percy figured her for the serious

type while Rob just looked like he liked to punch things and didn't really

seem like the kind to sit behind a desk.

"So," Julia began, "explain."

"What do you want to know?" Percy asked.


For the next ten minutes Percy and Thalia took turns explaining all they

knew to Julia and Rob. They told them about the civil war, about how

the Gods separated them using the Mist and about how each God had

two forms, one Roman and one Greek.

At the end of the explanation Julia spoke up, "you want to join forces.


Thalia answered, "it would be easier to fight the Titans with a

coordinated attack force rather than doing it separately."

"Okay, reasonable answer," Julia nodded, "but why do you want to?"

Thalia looked at Jason, "so that I can protect my brother."

"You believe that he is in danger?"

"As long as he is a child of Ze-Jupiter, he is a child of the prophecy and

he is in danger."

"You speak of the great prophecy," Julia asked an Thalia nodded. "Do

you believe that we cannot protect one of our own?"

"No, but I'm his sister, I don't care if your are capable or not. I will

always believe that he will be the safest with me."

Julia nodded, "understandable. Alright….we are going to call a meeting

of the senate. We shall consider your demands there." Julia then wrote

down something on a piece of paper which suddenly disappeared in a

flash of gold.

"What happened to the paper?" Thalia asked.

"It was sent to all the members of the senate," Julia explained, "we

should be hearing back from them soon. If we are lucky we can have

the meeting in an hours time."

"A senate?" Percy asked.

"Yeah senate," Rob spoke, "we aren't the leaders of the Roman camp,

just the military base. It is the senate that makes decisions on what

camp Jupiter can or shouldn't do."

Percy was impressed, "damn, you guys basically have an entire

system government planned out. I'm impressed."

"Of course you are," Rob huffed, "after all you are a Greek. What is the

governmental body you serve? A dictator?"

"Well we don't really have a governmental system per say," Thalia

explained, "we just have the heads councillors and Chiron to lead us."

"You don't have any proper leader?" Julia asked in shock, "your battle

strategy must be in ruins."

Percy shrugged, "we manage."

"Well we don't have an official leader," Thalia explained, "but we do

have someone we all listen to."

"You?" Jason asked.

Thalia chuckled, "no little brother."

Jason was confused, "then who?"

Thalia looked at Percy, "him."

"Him?!" Jason asked in surprise.

Percy chuckled, "why do you sound so surprised little dude?"

"It's just- I mean, you're not- well, not exactly," Jason took a deep

breath and calmed himself down, "what I mean is that you don't exactly

feel the type."