
Chapter 451

The steam built up inside the bathroom fogging everything up, but

Percy could still see, it must be because the water was a part of him.

Percy sighed, he had so many crinkles in his back that were finally

beginning to loosen up, Jason once told him about how great Roman

bath's felt, and Percy remembered once in history class the teacher

mentioned that the Roman bath process was one of the best in the

world. Maybe after this trip Percy should give it a try.

Just then the bathroom door swung open and Percy felt Thalia walk in.

'Wait….she does know that I'm in here, right?'

"Morning Thalia," Percy called out as he manipulated the steam to fog

up the already frosted glass, "what-ah, what are you doing?"

"Hmm, morning," Thalia grumbles out as she grabbed a spare brush

from the rack and druze put some paste on it, "and what does it look

like I'm doing? I'm brushing my teeth."

"Right….ah, do you have to do it now?"

"When else am I supposed to do it? Or would you rather I have bad

breath for the rest of the day?" Thalia mumbled as she started to brush

her teeth.

"Ah...could you like go out for a second?"

Thalia groaned as she spat out the paste in her mouth. She turned,

"what's the big deal- ah...Percy….are you taking a shower right now?"



"So…...would you like steps out for a second?"

Thalia nodded, she put her brush down and turned around. She walked

out and slammed the door behind her. Percy finally walked out of the

bath and dried himself off. He quickly put on a spare set of clothes and

went out.

Thalia didn't say a word to him. She entered the bathroom and closed

the door. Percy could hear the shower turn on, 'guesse we are just

going to pretend this never happened.'

Percy went upstairs to the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of cereal.

He sat made one bowl of Thalia too and set them aside on the counter

while he cleaned up the dishes from yesterday's cooking.


You have obtained a new skill!

Dishwashing, Lv- 1 (90%)

You can now wash dishes, congratulations.

Dishes end up 40% clean.

Percy closed the box and quickly put the dishes and utensils away.

Just then Thalia came back up and walked into the kitchen.

"Had a nice bath?" Percy asked her.

Thaila said nothing as she dumbly nodded.

Percy pointed to the bowls of cereals, "breakfast is served."

Thalia again nodded as she took one bowl while Percy took another.

They started to eat standing up on the kitchen counter as Percy tried to

figure out what was wrong with Thalia.

"You okay?" Percy asked, "you seem tense."

Thalia nodded.

'Okay what is going on?!' Percy needed to know. He activated his

Empathic powers and reached out to Thalia. Suddenly Percy was

overcome with an overwhelming sense of embarrassment and love.

The love Percy figured was directed at him, but the embarrassment…..

Of course, she was embarrassed about the 'incident'.

Percy chuckled as he smiled at Thalia. She looked confused but Percy

said nothing as he continued to eat his cereal. Percy then chuckled

again and this time Thalia featureless mask dropped a little and a look

of embarrassment came on her face.

"So….did you like what you saw?" Percy asked with a cheeky grin.

Thalia mumbled something under her breath.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said, I couldn't see anything," Thalia finally admitted as just the hint

of red came on her cheeks.

"Do you want to?" Percy asked bluntly surprising Thalia.

"Ah-well, I mean-" Thalia's face turned red as a tomato.

Percy couldn't hold it in anymore as he started laughing hard, "Oh


Thalia glared at him, "shut up Percy!"

Percy took one look at her and smirked, "you're trying to look angry, but

all I see you trying to look cutter" Percy chuckled again as Thalia grew

redder. Thalia smacked him up the head as a small smile came on her


After a breakfast filled with Percy's laughter, Percy and Thalia sat down

on the couch and cuddled close. Percy turned on the TV and the two

were right now seeing a documentary about the ancient farming

techniques of Greece, kind of ironic but it seemed right.

Just then the show's host, some british tool, held up the picture of a red

berry. It was called the 'Gift of life,' by the ancient Athens and to struck

an uncanny resemblance to the berries Percy got from his enchanted


It seems that the 'Gift of life' was a very rare and holly berry that the

Athens used to sacrifice to Athena. Percy immediately opened his

inventory and pulled out the only remaining berry he had left.

Thalia looked at the red berry and then at the TV where the host was

holding up a scroll depicting the same berry, "where did you get it?"

"In one of my ID's," Percy informed her. 'Maybe I should eat this

now….no, I have a better idea.' Percy then presented the berry to his

girlfriend, "here Thalia, eat this."

Thalia took the berry and looked at it, "why?"

"It will increase your mana," Percy informed her.

Thalia nodded as she eat it whole. She waited for sometime before her

eyes suddenly popped wide open as the taste and boost of mana hit


"This-this is amazing! The taste alone is incredible, add to that the

surge of power I'm feeling….Percy how long does this last?"

"It's permanent," Percy told her with a smile.

Thalia blinked, "pe-permanent? Really? Dude we need to get more of


Percy chuckled, "yeah that's not possible. It takes a whole year for one

berry to mature."

Thalia sighed, "I see….fine, are you really okay with giving it to me?"

Percy nodded, "you need the extra mana," Percy then turned to the

front of the ship and felt Waverider inform him that they nearly reached

their destination. Percy got up, "we are almost there."

Thalia blinked, "that was fast."

Percy nodded, "I know. Have you been putting all of your mana into the

marble skin spell like I asked?"

Thalia nodded, "yeah. I did it whenever I could. It should be able to

atleast take a punch from you."

Percy nodded, "good. Now let's get ready."

Chapter 452

Thalia and Percy quickly put on their equipment as they stood at the

front of the ship where Waverider still stood tall and unwavering. Percy

grabbed the shaft of the trident and pulled it out of its stationary

position, tracking control of the boat himself.

Percy could tell that they were just a few more miles away the Glacier,

he could already see Alaska in the near horizon. The coastline was a

broken and jared. Percy could see the glaciers were half melted as

little pieces of ice floated on the water. The Trident Mobile slowly

entered a bay of sorts before moving inwards.

Soon they meet with a large collection of glaciers that covered the

land, but luckily Percy managed to spot a way through the glaciers in

the form of a small water canal. He carefully directed the boat into the

water way, there was just enough space for the boat to scrape by.

Thalia and Percy looked around, two giant ice glaciers surrounded

them on both sides. The temperature was several degrees sub-zero.

Thalia and Percy took to wearing the coats she bought for them. It was

warm and fuzzy, but bother demigods were keenly aware of just how

cold it was.

"Blockage up ahead," Thalia said pointing forward. Percy looked and

saw a giant layer of ice in front of their path. It was big, probably a

piece of ice that broke off the side of one of these glaciers.

"Not a problem," Percy said as he quickly broke the ice using his ice

control freeing up their path.

Soon the boat exited the small canal and in front of them was was a

valley of sorts. The area was clear of any nearby glaciers so Percy and

Thalia got a great view of Hubbard Glacier.

The mass of ice stood in the center of the watery valley with two tall

mountain peaks by it's side. The Glacier itself looked like a tower or

sorts, it was huge, bigger than any monster or building Percy had ever

seen. It vastness was only outmatched by it's beauty.

"It's amazing," Thalia said looking at it all, "I can't even comprehend

how something like this could be made."

Percy let out a warm breath and saw his breath had fogged up, "it's

pretty cold up here. You okay?"

Thalia nodded, "yeah, the coats are actually working."

Percy nodded as he brought the Trident Mobile closer to the glacier.

Percy anchored the boat away from the glacier, he didn't want any

random falling pieces of ice hitting and destroying the boat.

"Why did you stop here?" Thalia asked, "the glacier is still a mile away."

Percy nodded, "yeah, I didn't want to damage the boat," he looked up,

"I think Alcyoneus is probably on the top of that," he pointed to the


Thalia blushed from the cold, "h-how are we going to get there?"

"I'll take us," Percy said, "I can probably go fast enough to run up the

side of the glacier."

"Can you get enough traction on the icy cliff?"

"Shouldn't be a problem."

Thalia lowered her head, "...okay..."

Percy knew that tone, it was the tone Thalia used when she was

putting on a brave face but inside she was scared. "Thalia," Percy

turned to her, "what's wrong?"

The daughter of Zeus looked at him, "y-you promise not to laugh?"

Percy nodded, "yeah."

Thalia sighed, "I-I'm afraid of heights."

Percy blinked, 'oh yeah, she is.' Percy remembered reading about that

in his bio, but he never mentioned it because then he would have to

explain how he knew. Percy smiled, "okay. And?"

Thalia was surprised, "Percy, you don't' find it even a little bit ironic that

the daughter of Zeus, the god of the sky, is afraid of heights?"

Percy chuckled, "you want to know what one of my greatest fears is


Thalia looked at him, "losing your friends."

Percy nodded, "right. But another one is something I never told

anyone. I didn't because...well it seemed silly. One of my greatest

fears, is drowning."

Thalia blinked, "but you're the son of Poseidon! Can't you breathe


Percy nodded, "I can. But I was always afraid," Percy looked down,

"actually this summer I almost did drown."

Thalia looked shocked, "how?!"

"There was monster I fought, a foul thing by the name Janai'ngo. It

could nullify my powers, it took my ability to control water and breath

underwater. I was forced to face my greatest fear alone down there,"

Percy looked at Thalia, "but Thalia you don't have to. I'll be with you. If

you feel like you can't do this then we can turn around right now."

Thalia looked at Percy with a vacant look. Suddenly Thala chuckled,

"you know I can't do that Percy. This is something I have to do."

Percy nodded, "okay…..if you're sure."

Thalia nodded, "yeah. And beside you need someone there to watch

your back."

Percy smiled, "and I wouldn't have anyone else."

Thalia nodded as Percy opened up his inventory and put her inside.

Percy then turned Waverider back into its pen form and took off. He

began at around 50 miles an hour. He hardened the water below his

feet so that he wouldn't sink in. But soon the faster he got the less and

less he needed it. Soon he was running at around 300 miles an hour

as he approached the glacier.

Percy reached the mountain of ice and put one foot on the ice and

kicked up. At super speed everything seemed to go in slow motion.

Percy found himself being pushed up a little before his foot slipped off

the ice. Before he lost all his forward momentum Percy pressed his

other foot on the ice and kicked up.

He did this again and again as he slowly climbed the glacier. Pieces of

ice fell down and threatened to crush Percy, but with his Ice control

powers Percy was easily able to move them aside clearing a straight

path to the top.

Chapter 453

Percy grabbed the ledge and pulled himself forward. He rolled on the

ice and quickly got up, his hand went to Waverider as he surveyed the


The winds were harsh up here, luckily though since it was summer

there was no snowfall blocking his view. The top of the glacier was flat,

un naturally so. In the center of the surface was a roman encampment,

nearly exactly like the one in camp Jupiter. Percy stayed near the ledge

and activated his 8.0 Eyesight.

Percy saw a Principa near the very center of the camp with several

barracks and other buildings near the ends. There were even

watchtowers on each corner, but they were all empty. Hanging around

the wall was the banner of Camp Jupiter, except instead of being royal

purple, it was faded to icy blue.

Percy opened his inventory and carefully pulled out Thalia. He set her

away from the edge, but the demigoddess still managed to look at the

height at which they stood.

Thalia became pale. "Are you okay?" Percy asked her.

Thalia gulped and nodded, "I'm fine," she looked away from the edge,

"I just need to focus on something else."

Percy nodded as he turned to the encampment, "I think we will find

Alcyoneus in there."

Thalia was surprised, "that thing looks just like the military

encampment in Camp Jupiter."

Percy nodded, "yeah. The old Fifth Cohort probably built it."

"I don't' see any signs of life," Thalia said looking around, "think they

are all dead?"

Percy nodded, "most definitely. If I was to guess Alcyoneus probably

killed them all."

Thalia nodded as she and Percy took out their weapons. Thalia

activated her spear and Percy had Waverider on his right while Riptide

was on his left. "Can you, I don't know? Sense the Golden Eagle? They

Senators did say that it was imbued with my dad's powers, can you feel

it out or something?"

Percy formed in thinking before nodding his head, "yeah, I can. But….

if Alcyoneus really is in there than he could possible scene me when I

try to sense for the Eagle."

Thalia nodded, "right. So we just walk in?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. But first..." Percy trailed off as he closed his eyes

and channeled his mana into the jewel that was embedded into his

skull. Percy opened his eyes and saw his servants standing before him


"Master," they said at once. Thalia was freaking out that the sight of

Craig, she almost attacked him but Percy told her to stand down,

assuring her that he was one their side.

"Get up guys," Percy said as they all stood up straight.

"Great! Where in Hades are we now?!" Alecto cursed looking around

before she spotted the Roman encampment, "is that a Roman-"

"-Encampment, yes, yes it is," Percy said, "listen, this might be one of

the biggest and deadliest battles we will ever fight. I need you all on

your A-game."

"Great," Timmy, the Goblin King rolled his eyes, "who did you piss off

this time?"

"I didn't do anything, this is a mission from the Olympians more than

anything else. Oh and before we continue, Timmy could do something

about this wind?"

The Goblin King nodded as he flicked his wrist turning the harsh icy

wind into a gentle breeze.

"How did he do that?" Thalia asked.

"Timmy can control the wind," Percy informed her.

"Cool," Thalia said looking amazed.

The Goblin King smiled, "and who might you be beautiful?"

"Back off Timmy," Percy narrowed his eyes, "she's mine."

"And who is she?" Marica asked as everyone servant there finally

realised they had no idea who this mysterious girl was.

"Oh, right. Never introduced you guys," Percy scratched his neck, "well

first, Thalia," he turned to her, "these are my...well servants? They were

my enemies but are now basically bound to me."

Thalia nodded as she looked at them all, "Annabeth told me about

them...damn, I didn't realise you had such powerful backup. I kind of

feel useless now."

Percy held her hand, "no your not. They are great and all but nothing

compared to you."

"You still haven't told us who exactly she is," Marcia reminded

Percy with a glare in her eyes.

"Right," Percy nodded, "this is Thalia Grace. She's ah, she's my


"Oh," Marica said in a surprised tone, "you have finally chosen a

mate. Good, it is about time."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "you are taking this quite well given your

obsession with me."

"What obsesion?" Thalia asked.

"Oh, right. Well Marica here has been trying to sleep with me ever

since I killed her," Percy said in a casual tone.

"What?!" Thalia roared out, "but she's a wolf!"

"Well I don't always look like this. Maybe you and I should get

acquainted." Marica said with a wink.

Thalia blushed as Percy blinked, "what?!"

The wolf shrugged, "I'm a demon from hell, did you really think I

was only interested in men?"

"Wait!" Alecto shrieked out, "I remember now! You're Thalia Grace! The

daughter of Zeus! You're supposed to be dead!"

Thalia shrugged, "shit happened."

"Okay that is enough introductions for now," Percy into their

conversations, "we have a job to do."

The servants and Thalia all nodded in agreement. "What's the plan

boss?" Zed asked.

"You guys have one mission," Percy stated, "protect Thalia and distract

the giant."

"Giant?" Alecto asked, "what giant?"

"Alcyoneus," Thalia told her.


"Keep it down!" Percy hissed, "do you want him to hear us?!"

Alecto bowed her head, "sorry master. It's just that….are you sure?"

Percy nodded, "yeah, I am. Why? What do you know about him?"

The former Fury of Hades shuddered, "he is considered as the bane of

Hades. He is a reflection of the God, he had his powers, but at the

same time he is his opposite. He can control rocks and minerals.

Everything below the Earth is his to control, metal, stones anything and

everything. He can also control shades, but he lacks the power to bring

them up from the Underworld since Hades still rules over that. He is

invincible in his homeland, to kill him you would have to take him

across the country.

Chapter 454

"He is incredibly good in battle, he once took on both Hades and

Hercules. His main choice of weapon is a bow staff and his skin if

made out of metal."

Percy blinked, "metal?"

Alecto nodded, "yes. In fact he is a very unique Giant, his body is made

of precious metal, his heart is said to be made out of raw diamond and

his bones of platinum. He also had rubies, emeralds and other

precious stone embedded all….along…..his body….ah, master, why

are you drooling?"

Thalia and the servants looked at him and sure enough the son of

Poseidon's mouth was open and drooling.

"Oh, ah, sorry," Percy said closing his mouth wiping away the drool.

'Just think all that gold and precious metal...I could use that, plus the

pirate treasure to build the Greek Haven. Hmm, this just keep getting

better and better.'

"Right," Thalia said looking at Percy, "you sure you're alright?"

Percy nodded, "yeah. Let's do this!" Percy and the others stood in a

line. "I'll first use my mana sence to find out where the Golden Eagle is.

You guys then go in there and distract him while I use my super speed

to search for the Eagle. Hold out for as long as you can, I'll come back

the moment I found the Eagle."

Thalia and the others nodded. Percy closed his eyes and sent out a

wave of mana. Suddenly Percy's senses were assaulted by something

that was coming right at them.

Percy opened his eyes;

Warning! A wave of Shadows is coming your way!

"Get down!"

Percy tackled Thalia to the ground as all the other servants, save

Timmy, got down quickly enough to avoid what looked like a blade of

shadow. The Goblin King was cut in half by the blade of shadow and

turned back into smoke returning to Percy's jewel.

Percy cursed as he looked up to see what had attacked them. His eyes

went wide with surprise and astonishment as standing before them

was what Percy assumed the giant Alcyoneus.

The thing was huge, at least 40 foot tall. He had golden skin and

armour made out of platinum, just as Alecto said. His hair was was

rusted copper, twined with precious stones and gems. On his right

hand was an Iron staff as big as a totem pole.

The biggest surprise however wasn't his metal body, but his legs. They

were reptilian in nature. With the red hind legs of what looked like a

dragon Alcyoneus stood above them with a smirk on his lips, "and who

might you be?"

Percy and the others got up slowly. Percy uncapped both his weapons

turning them into swords, "well you see we just moved in into the

glacier next door and we just wanted to come and say hi to our


Thalia gulped as she readied her spear and stood behind Percy. The

other servants got ready as well, Craig and Zed took out their weapons

while Alecto and Marcia took to the sky circling Alcyoneus over head.

The giant scoffed, "you talk in the face of death? Truly you must be

either mad, a fool, brave or all three."

"I usually find it's a little bit of all," Percy told him as the giant began

spinning his giant metal pole.

"So have the Romans finally come to avenge their fallen comrades?"

Alcyoneus asked.

"Well, kind of," Percy admitted, "we're not Roman."

"Oh?" a look of genuine surprise came over Alcyoneus's face.

"Greek," Percy answered the giant's unasked question.

"Well be whatever you are," the giant had both hand on his pole, "you

die now."

"Not bloody like-"


A lighting bolt exploded out of Thalia's hands and into Alcyoneus

sending him flying backwards. Percy turned to look at his girlfriend who

just shrugged, "you talk too much."

"I know, it's what I do," Percy turned to the groaning form of Alcyoneus

and he finally got a read on the Giant;

Alcyoneus, Bane of Pluto


HP:X/X (He can never die as long as he remains inside the state of



Race- Giant







Alcyoneus is the son of Gaea and Tartarus. He is the Giant

equivalent of Hades and is born to destroy him. Alcyoneus died

during the first Giant war back was brought back thanks to his

mother who manipulated a daughter of Pluto, Hazel Levesque,

into recreating the Giant piece by piece. He is undefeatable in his

home state of Alaska and is currently waiting for the day that his

mother calls for him, so that he and his brothers can join forces

and destroy Olympus

Likes: Eggnog, his mother, killing children of Pluto

Dislikes: Everything he doesn't like, including his brothers.

He is curious as to why Percy is here

He is feeling angry

Percy turned to Thalia, "you got this?"

Thalia nodded, "I got this. Find the Eagle."

Percy nodded and turned to his servants, "your first mission is to

protect her, the second is to beat the shit out of Alcyoneus."

The servants nodded and Percy took off in a blur towards the Roman

encampment. He reached there in seconds and immediately started

strip searching the area. What Percy found was amazing.

There was tons and tons of imperial gold here. Swords, shields,

armour, there was even a solid gold chariot in the corner.

'I am so going to loot every single thing in this camp,' Percy told himself

as he tore himself away from the imperial gold treasure. Percy sent out

a wave of mana and suddenly he felt the presence of something similar

to Thalia's mana.

Percy was drawn to the broken Principia, he walked passed the broken

door and looked inside. The floor was littered with scroll and books.

There were skeletons everywhere, the remains of the fallen members

of the 5th cohort. It looked liked this was where they made a last stand

against Alcyoneus. Each had died with a weapon in hand.

Chapter 455

Percy turned to look deeper into the building and in the very back was

the fallen body of a skeleton holding up a still standing imperial Gold

Eagle. Even after all this time the roman skeleton hadn't allowed the

Eagle to fall over, he held it up with his remains.

The 12th Legion's Eagle- Attributed towards Jupiter,

Imbued with the powers of Jupiter himself, this staff has the

ability to channel enormous amounts of lighting. The power is

activated by saying the phrase, 'Twelfth Legion Fulminata'. They

Eagles attack will ignore all members belonging to the Roman

army but will kill a monster in it's path. Only a roman soldier can

wield this symbol of great power.

Attack- 1,000,000


You have leveled up a skill!

Observe Lv-13 (0%)

By Observing a target one will get information about said object

-Max HP,MP, stats, info, their emotions, likes/dislikes and will give

their opinion of you.

The Eagle had it's wings spread open with it's head looking down at

Percy. It was almost if the Eagle was judging him. Judging him to be

worthy, or not.

Below the Eagle were the words SPQR, the Roman code. Percy

approached the Eagle and wrapped his hands around the golden rod.

Percy tried to move it, but the skeleton underneath didn't seem to want

to let it go.

"Don't' worry," Percy spoke out loud, "I promise to return it to Camp

Jupiter. I won't let Alcyoneus get his hands on it. You can relax now,

everything's going to find."

Percy pulled and almost as if the skeleton had agreed to his terms the

golden Eagle slid right out. Percy held the Eagle up, it was heavy, but

not much of a problem for Percy. It's mana was similar to Thalia's,

except far more powerful.


Percy's eyes shot open, 'Thalia!' Percy turned around and zoomed


A few moments ago;

Percy had just left for the Roman camp. Thalia twirled her spear as

Alcyoneus slowly got back up. He spat out gob of what looked like oil.

"So, a daughter of Zeus," Alcyoneus narrowed his eyes, "my brother

will love it if I gave you to him. He would take great pleasure causing

you pain."

"If," Thalia said with narrowed eyes.

The Giant chuckled, "I don't think that will be a problem."

Zed charged first as he engaged the giant in one-on-one combat. The

giant blade struck the iron pole of Alcyoneus as the two exchanged

blows. Each attack of Zed was filled with his unnatural strength, but

Alcyoneus was a Giant, he held his own easily, sometimes even

managing to push Zed back.

Alecto swooped down from the air and swiped her claws along

Alcyoneus's bac. Marica followed that up by sending a wave of

darkness at Alcyoneus's legs knocking him off balance and to the


Seeing his chance Zed jumped on top of Alcyoneus, but the Giant

grabbed the red armoured man and threw him aside. Thalia gathered

her mana again as she sent a blast of electricity toward Alcyoneus.

The giant saw the thunder as he grabbed Marcia and pulled the demon

in the path of the attack. Thalia watched in horror as her attacked burnt

away at the demon's back. Thalia stopped the attack but by that time

the damage was already done. Alcyoneus closed his hand into a fist,

destroying Marcia's body turning it into smoke.

"You all really should work on your co-ordination," Alcyoneus grinned.

Just then Craig and Zed hit Alcyoneus in the back of the leg knocking

him back down.

Thalia saw her chance as she jumped on top of the giant and thrusted

her spear into the giant's chest.

"ARGH!" the Giant cried out in pain, but Thalia wasn't done with him.

She called forth lighting from the skies as the clear blue sky suddenly

was filled with dark thunder clouds. A lightning bolt came down and

smashed into the giant's body pushing him deeper into the ice beneath


"Fucking bitch!" Alcyoneus roared as he got back up from the attack

and hit Thalia with his giant hands sending her skidding across the ice

plain till she stopped right near the edge.

"Get him!" Zed roared as the few remaining servants all ganged up on

the giant. Alcyoneus ragged as he fought off Zed and Craig at the

same time. Alecto knew she was basically useless in a fight so she

went to Thalia's side to make sure she's okay.

"Shit," Thalia cursed as she held her side, "I think I bruised a rib."

"It's going to be fine," Alecto assured her, "we need to get you the fuck

out of here. Get on my back, I'll fly you to where Percy is."

Thalia played at the thought of flying, "n-no. No, I don't want to."

"But you can't stay here!" Alecto protested, "the Giant will kill you! We

need to get away from him!"

"No!" Thalia snapped, "I don't want to fly!"

Alecto blinked in surprise just as Zed cried out in pain. Alecto and

Thalia turned to see Alcyoneus ripe off Zed's left arm leaving the great

sword user single handed. No blood came out of the maimed limb, just


Craig managed to get a good hit in, but the moment his sword hit the

giant's skin it run out. It was like trying to hit a solid metal pole.

Alcyoneus growled at the damned knight as he swung at the Knight's

chest sending him flying to the side.

Zed then tried to charge Alcyoneus, but the giant had lost his temper.

"Enough of this!" Alcyoneus roared as a spike made out of solid

shadows came out of the ground and pierced Zed turning him into

smoke. Alcyoneus then turned to Craig and did the same destroying

him with a flick of his wrist.

"I am getting you out of here whether you like it or not!" Alecto yelled

out as she grabbed Thalia and began flapping her wings.

"No!" Thalia screamed out as she looked down suddenly realising that

she wasn't just a few feet off the glacier but hundreds of feet above sea

level. Thalia felt queasy, all he will to resist went away as she focused

on just not puking her lunch out.

Chapter 456

Alecto managed to get far away and high enough from Alcyoneus for

the giant to not be able to reach out and physically attack them. But

doing so only served to further irritate the giant.

"Where do you think you're going?!" Alcyoneus roared out as he sent a

beam of shadows that ripped through Alecto's wings.

Thalia felt her stomach drop as she found herself free falling to the

ground. Thalia saw the ground fast approaching. Suddenly shadowy

spikes started to grow right below her, they would surely impale her the

moment she got to the ground, if the fall didn't snap her neck.

Thalia opened her mouth and emptied her lungs calling out to the one

person she knew she could rely on, "PERCY!"

The ground was 40 feet away, with the spikes being 3 feet long.

35 feet. The spikes grew a little bigger.

20 feet and the shadow spikes were bigger still.

15 feet and Thalia could feel the tips of the spike prick her belly.

And just as they pierced her skin a blur of speed came upon her. It

jumped up and grabbed her, carrying her far away.

Percy at the gates of the Roman camp with Alcyoneus growling at

them in anger. Percy looked down at Thalia, "are you okay?"

Thalia held her stomach in pain, "I think he got me."

Percy lifted her jacket and found 5 small cuts on Thalia's abdomen, "it's

not that bad." Percy turned and glared at the giant, "I'm going to make

him hurt for that."

Percy stood up tall and Thalia noticed that on his right hand was the

golden Eagle they came here for. It looked so majestic and powerful,

Thalia didn't know why, but she felt drawn to it.

"You found the Eagle," Thalia stated.

Percy nodded, "yeah. Speaking off, could you look after this for me? I

need to talk to our host," Percy imbedded the Eagle in the snow and

walked off.

Thalia wrapped her hands around the staff and immediately felt her

father's power flow into her. It was like she had somehow gotten a

boost just by touching this thing.

Percy took out his blades again as he began walking towards the giant.

Alcyoneus narrowed his eyes as he too started to run. Percy slowly

increased his speed as he activated Speed Demon. Alcyoneus was

surprised at the speed at which the male demigod was coming at him,

but it was nothing to be worried about.

"AHHHH!" Percy cried out as he jumped up and brought both his

blades down on the giant. Alcyoneus raised his pole just in time to stop

both attack, but the resulting clash had Percy's weapons cut halfway

through the iron pole before stopping.

Percy used his core muscles and pulled himself up. He hovered his

feet above the iron pole and activated his Body from;

Body Form Activated: Left and Right Legs

Percy kicked the pole hard bending it so hard it snapped in Alcyoneus's

face and knocking him backwards.

Percy landed on his feet and deactivated his strengthening perk.

Alcyoneus was slowly getting back up but Percy was on him already.

Percy readied his blade as he launched an attack he had rarely ever

needed to use these days. His finishing move.

"Stardust wave!" Percy yelled out as he blades moved like two silvery


Alcyoneus raised his hands up to block the attack, but Percy didn't'

care. Riptide and Waverider started tearing into Alcyoneus's skin as

more and more blood spilled to the ground.

Soon whole chunks of the arm was being cut off as Percy kept his

attack going. If he stopped he would lose the combo streak. Percy

thrusted Waverider into Alcyoneus's arm and felt his blade hit bone.

Percy twisted his sword before pulling it out causing unimaginable pain

to the giant.

"ENOUGH!" Alcyoneus roared as a blast of shadow sent Percy and his

blades flying back.

Percy groaned as he picked himself up. He quickly tired to calculate

how much damage his last attack caused;

Stardust Wave-

35 x 130 Vit = 4,550

4,550 + 80 = 4,630% Bonus

Attack - 100,000 + 250 = 100,250 Attack

Sword Mastery bonus of 80% = 180,450

180,450 with the 4,630% bonus = 8,354,835 Attack!

Percy smiled at the answer. It was just a few attack points shy of

Zeus's own Lightning bolt. But Percy needed so much time to do even

this much damage, he was powerful, but not powerful enough. The

reason how he knew this is because Alcyoneus was still fucking


The Giant groaned as he held his bleeding hands. Piece of his skin

was falling off onto the ground. He looked weakened, maybe Percy

could take him alive right now.

"Give up Alcyoneus," Percy called out, "come peacefully and I won't kill


Alcyoneus huffed, "you would think I would betray my mother so

easily? Fool! I am her eldest and her favorite! She revived me before

all my other brothers! The only way you can walk away from this is by

killing me!"

Percy narrowed his eyes, "let's see about that."

Alcyoneus roared his battle cry as he charged Percy empty handed.

Percy charged ahead, he knew he couldn't use Stardust Wave anytime

soon, the cooling period for his attack was every 2 second for each

strike he made, meaning he needed a minute to recharge. But in battle

a minute could mean the difference between life and death.

Percy didn't have any other sword techniques to incapacitate

Alcyoneus with, he threw Riptide and Waverider to the side. He then

released his strength seals all that once;

Seal Release: Layer 6, Time: 44 hours.

STR- 69,120 (+20)= 69,140

Percy activated his super speed and dashed forward. The giant and

the demigod bother drew back their fists and launched them forward.

The fists meet in mid air resulting in an explosion of power. Percy

winced, he had just hit something made out of metal, from the torn

pieces of skin Percy could tell that even his muscles were metal, they

were made out of silver buy the looks of things.

Chapter 457

Percy and Alcyoneus were thrown back by the resulting backlash of

energy. Percy rolled head over heels but managed to stabilize himself.

Alcyoneus however got to his feet first. The giant threw his arms

around in a wide arc causing several large shadow spikes to pop out in

front of Percy.

Percy moved and managed to avoid getting pierced by the spikes

thanks to his improved reflexes. He back flipped, but the moment his

foot landed on the ground a ball of shadows spread around him

collapsing into him.

The shadow was skin tight, they were restricting the demigod's

movement. Percy knew he would suffocate if he let this go on. So

Percy began to channel his Earthquake powers as the vibrations

increased and increased before Percy let the explode out of his body.

The shadows were ripped away. Percy looked up to try and find

Alcyoneus, but instead he saw a fist coming towards him.

The blow shock Percy to the core. Alcyoneus buried his fist deep into

Percy's abdomen sending the demigod flying backwards. Percy flew

like a bullet launched out of the barrel of a gun as he went across the

frozen top of the Glacier and into the roman encampment.

Thalia watched her boyfriend destroy the walls of the roman camp as

he tore through the buildings inside the camp. She turned to

Alcyoneus, the Giant was weak and panting, the effects of Percy's

attack was still clearly seen on his face.

'I need to buy Percy some time!' Thalia realised as she got up and

grabbed the Roman Eagle. She felt the power of thunder roll into her.

Her blue eyes sparked with yellow electricity as Thalia felt herself being

empowered by the Eagle.

"Hey shit stain!" Thalia called out. Alcyoneus turned and watched wide

eyes as Thalia aimed the Eagle at him, "eat this!"

Thalia channeled her lightning powers through the Eagle which then

multiplied it a hundred times over before shooting it out at the Giant.

Thalia didn't know how she did that, but it just felt right.

The lighting bolt collided with Alcyoneus sending a loud boom as the

electricity coursed through Alcyoneus's entire body. Thalia kept the

stream of lighting going, she couldn't afford to stop.

"NOOO!" Alcyoneus yelled as he fell down to his feet in pain. Thalia

could feel the leftover electricity being channeled into the ice below, but

that just gave her a slight boost in her powers.

The lighting stream continued, steam rolled off of Alcyoneus's skin, the

lightning was heating up the giant's metal body.

"ENOUGH!" the Giant roared out as suddenly a huge layer of darkness

covered Alcyoneus's skin. Thalia looked at this in wide eyes as the

giant became covered in what looked like black paint.

Slowly the giant stood up as he pushed back at Thalia's lighting. It

seemed that it no longer hurt him.

Thalia stopped the stream of lighting putting the Eagle down as she

collapsed to her knees. She was panting, she had spent energy she

didn't have on that last attack, and all it seemed to do was make him

stronger somehow.

Alcyoneus approached her, the black ink like substance was covering

his entire body. "I am not going to give you to Porphyrion. No, you

don't deserve that kindness. I will keep you by my side for

eternity. I will make you mine in every way, and you will beg for


Thalia shivered, he was using that bloodlust thing that she

remembered Percy using. Somehow in this blackned form Alcyoneus

seemed to be radiating power he didn't have before. It was like

everything he was was amplified by 1,000%.

Thalia tried to stand up, she wouldn't just let him take her down without

a fight. She slowly stood up with the help of the Eagle, but the moment

she did Alcyoneus slapped her aside with his mighty hands throwing he

to the side of the glacier.

Thalia got up and was greeted to the sight of the fatal drop that laid

before her. Her fear of height kicked in again, she was paralyzed

beyond belief.

"And now daughter of Zeus," Alcyoneus growled, "you will be mine."

The giant turned Thalia around as he tore off her coat. He tried to

reach for her jacket when Thalia sent a lighting bolt right at him.

The giant chuckled, completely unfazed by the attack, "you cannot

harm me while in this form. Your magic is useless!"

"Yeah, but mine isn't!" Percy spreaded in a flash of speed as he sent a

punch into Alcyoneus's face knocking a few of his platinum teeth out

and sending him skidding across the glacier top.

Percy turned to Thalia, "you okay?" he took off his coat and gave it her.

"I'm tired," Thalia admitted as she wrapped the coat around herself,

she really couldn't take the cold.

Percy nodded as he turned to the giant, "shit, not this again."

The black skinned giant slowly got up as he shook his head trying to

gain back his senses. "You have seen this black thing before?" Thalia


Percy nodded, "yeah. It's called Haki, or will power. Argo had it, and he

used it to neutralize any magical attack I threw at him."

"How are you going to defeat this guy?" Thalia asked.

"Simple," Percy said as he zipped up his leather jacket, "I just won't

use any magic."

Alcyoneus finally managed to clear his head, "how did you-"

Percy launched himself at Alcyoneus and punched the giant in the gut

send him stumbling back. Percy then jumped on top of the giant and

started to wail on him sending punch after punch right into the giant's


Chapter 458

The icy ground beneath them cracked as each punch of Percy's

pushed Alcyoneus deeper and deeper into the ice.

More and more of the ground around them broke apart. Every shock

wave Percy sent through his punches broke the ice underneath as a

crack grew bigger and bigger in the middle of the ice.

Suddenly the entire glacier rumbled. Percy stopped, 'if I keep this up I

might destroy the entire glacier with Thalia on it!'

That moment hesitation was all Alcyoneus needed. The giant's haki

coated hands punched into Percy throwing him off of the giat and onto

the icy ground around them.

Percy's HP- 6,550/11,550 (+1000) = 7,550

That last attack cost Percy almost half his HP. Percy realised why this

was happening, the haki probably bypassed the marble skin defence

and instead hurt Percy directly. One more punch like that and it will be

Percy's life.

Percy quickly got up, he could see pieces of the ice around the glacier

were breaking off, his strength had caused all that.

Suddenly however Percy felt Alcyoneus grab Percy by the throat and

pull him up. Percy looked at the giant and the giant looked at him,

"who are you? No normal demigod has that much power or is so

fast. Are you a child of Hercules?"

Percy grinned, "my name is Percy Jackson," he sent a kick to

Alcyoneus jaw knocking him back. Percy freed himself of the monster's

loose grip and dropped to the ground. "And I am the son of Poseidon,"

he then sent an Earthquake charged punched right into Alcyoneus's


The giant open his mouth causing oil to spill out of it as the punch sent

him flying back. Percy didn't know whether his Earthquake power did

anything to help, but he hoped he did.

Percy turned around and zoomed back to Thalia, "you hurt?"

Thalia nodded, "broke rib, and I think I tore something."

Percy nodded as he pressed his hand up against Thalia's temple.

Slowly began helping all of Thalia's wounds, mending the ribs and

fixing the muscles tears. She was beaten up badly, he felt like he

needed to say something, but Percy knew she wouldn't want his

sympathy, pity or guilt. Thalia was not someone who liked that sort of


Percy suddenly felt a sense of danger wash over him;

Warning! Alcyoneus behi-

Percy turned around just in time to see Alcyoneus try to take a swing at

him. Percy instantly turned his body in smoke and waited for the fist to

pass through, but for some reason Alcyoneus was able to touch to

touch him as the giant smashed Percy throwing him over the cliff.

"PERCY!" Thalia cried out as without a second through she dived over

the cliff after him.

Percy's body returned to normal. His head was spinning, that last blow

had rocked his brain;

Percy's HP- 1,550/11,550 (+1000) = 2,550

Percy squinted, he saw the sky above him, the wind blowing past him.

'I'm falling,' Percy realised.

The son of Poseidon didn't know if he could even survive this fall. He

was away from the US, away from his father's influence from the sea.

Would his father's protection even work?

Percy knew he had to try something and just as he started to think of

what to do he saw a black dot coming towards him. Percy activated his

8.0 Eyesight and recognized the blue streaked hair immediately.

"Thalia?" Percy asked in surprise, 'what is she doing?!'

Thalia fell down faster and faster, she begged the wind to reduce the

speed of Percy fall while increasing her own. For a second Thalia felt

like an idiot, the wind wouldn't answer her, it never had before. She had

always been to afraid to even try and control it due to her fear of

height. But now...now that the one who she cared about was in danger,

now that the only person who promised to help her was in risk of

dieing, all of that seemed unimportant.

Thalia still felt the fear, but her love for Percy tore through that emotion.

Suddenly as if to answer the call the winds moved. Thalia felt herself

speeding up as she caught up to Percy and grabbed him.

"I've got you!" Thalia yelled.

"Who's got you?!" Percy asked.

Thalia closed her eyes and for the first time ever she felt a connection

to the air around her. It was like she had been blind her whole life,

living in a room of darkness and finally she got the courage to turn on

the lights.

The height didn't scare her anymore, no, instead the feeling of

happiness took over. The winds around Thalia picked her and Percy up

and launched them both up.

Thalia was flying higher and higher, soaring through the sky. She

danced like a leaf in the breeze, twisting and turning, letting herself be

guided by her powers.

The reason she was so afraid before was because she was afraid she

would lose control and die. But now...now she knew that her powers

would never fail her, not as long as she had a person to save with


Percy was amazed, "T-Thalia, you're flying?!"

Thalia smiled, "yeah, I guess I am."

"Holy Shit!" Percy said looking down as Thalia zoomed past the

Glacier. Percy could see Alcyoneus standing below looking just as

surprised as Percy was.

Thalia stopped and hovered, she was constantly bombarded with

waves of wind, but managed to stay in a stable position. Percy turned

to her, "drop me down and then get as far away as you can. I'll lead

Alcyoneus away, grab the Eagle and go back to the boat. And no

matter what happens don't come back for me. Got it?"

"I'll let you fight him Percy," Thalia tightened her grip on him, "but you

better come back alive. Or else I will go into the Underworld and bring

you back."

Percy smiled, "good. Now," Percy then did something he never even

tried before. He activated his Body Form perk which increased his

strength over 10 times over;

Body Form Activated: Full Body

STR- 69,120 (+20)= 69,140 X 10 = 691,400

His muscles felt like they were being sucked out through a straw. The

power was almost too painful to have. Percy could feel his muscles

spasm, they were trying to grow bigger to compensate for the huge

surge of energy that flowed through them.

"Percy are you okay?" Thalia asked.

"I'm fine," Percy gurnted, "this just needs a little getting used to."

"Don't you dare lie to me Jackson," Thalia yelled, "if you can't handle

this then we are leaving right now and-"

"-Thalia!" Percy yelled out, "I'm fine. I promise."

Thalia looked into Percy's eyes and saw the determination in them.

She sighed, "fine."

Chapter 459

Percy nodded as Thalia lowered him down. The son of Poseidon fell

through the air and landed on the glacier cracking the ice.

Alcyoneus growled, "so you came back for more."

Percy was already sweating, even if technically speaking he could

keep this mode up for a long time his body was still reacting oddly to

the combination of the two perks. Percy didn't have anytime to waste.

"You're coming with me to Olympus Alcyoneus," Percy said.

"Not bloody likely," the giant growled out. Percy could feel the

bloodlust in the Giant's voice, but such meager levels of the stuff was

nothing to Percy. Janai'ngo had more bloodlust in one tentacle than

Alcyoneus had in his whole body.

Percy activated Speed Demon and vanished into a blur of speed.

Alcyoneus's eyes widened, 'he's faster than before!' The Giant realised

as suddenly a black blur moved towards Alcyoneus.

The giant raised both hands to try and block the attack, but the

moment Percy's fist impacted Alcyoneus's own the Giant knew he

made a mistake. He should have dodged.

The strongest recorded punch in the world by a human weighed in at a

force of 5,000 Newtons. This was done by the best mortal boxer in the

world with 20 points of strength.

Percy had 691,400 points of strength, his punch carried with it a force

34,570 times greater than that of the strongest human punch.

Alcyoneus was hit with a total off 172,850,000 Newtons.

The punch hit Alcyoneus in the gut ripping apart his metal abdomen

and tearing into his platinum ribcage. The shock wave that came out of

the Giant's body was enough to cause several cracks in the ice

destroying the surrounding area.

Alcyoneus felt everything in slow motion. He felt the pain. He felt his

body being lifted off of the ground. He felt Percy's punch push his body

across the sky so fast that it resulted in breaking the sound barrier.

Percy was nearly blown back by the sonic boom Alcyoneus's body

caused as it was sent across the sky. Percy stayed his ground and saw

the Giant flying off of the Hubbard Glacier and into one of the nearby

mountains. Percy activated his Speed Demon perk and took off. He ran

down the side of the glacier, he increased his speed slowly until he too

broke the sound barrier for the first time.

The resulting sonic boom shack the icy glacier even more as more and

more pieces of ice fell off and into the water below. It was a good thing

Percy put the Trident Mobile so far away, else the resulting waves

caused by the falling ice would have capsized the boat.

Percy ran over the water around the glacier and towards the mountain

into which Alcyoneus had crashed. Percy climbed the mountain without

a second thought and quickly found Alcyoneus embedded deeply into

the side of the rocky surface.

The giant looked sick. His Haki armour around his stomach where

Percy had hit him had been broken off.

Percy didn't stop to chat. He just launched himself at Alcyoneus again

throwing a fist at the giant's face.

At the very last second the giant dodged the attack, and what's more

he did it with his eyes closed. Percy snarled as he continued the attack

in a flurry of speed, but not one managed to land a solid blow on the


Alcyoneus suddenly melted into his own shadow and disappeared.

'Shadow travel,' Percy realised as he turned around to find the Giant.

Warning! Shadow-

Percy didn't read the rest, he didn't need to. He took off right as a large

amount of shadowy spikes spread where he just was. Percy quickly

sent a wave of mana out and felt Alcyoneus at the top of the mountain.

Percy turned and ran up. He saw the giant standing at the mountain's

peak. Alcyoneus raised his hands, they were filled with two balls of

shadows. The Giant brought them together and sent it down at Percy.

The two balls of shadows combined into one before mixing in with the

ground below. Suddenly the surface of the mountain started to rumble

as a great big explosions of black mud broke through the ground and

flowed down.

Percy knew he couldn't touch the the mud, if Alcyoneus's power were

anything like Bianca's then it would mean he could control the black

mud. So Percy stopped, put all his strength into his legs and sprang

forward like a jacked up kangaroo.

Percy cleared the mountain top with a single bound as he quickly

began falling towards Alcyoneus. The giant growled, he lifted both of

his hands up and coated them with a gloves made of gold that came

out of the ground.

Percy lowered his fist and fell down faster and faster. Alcyoneus

readied himself as he adjusted his foot and drew back a fist.



The both hit each other with everything they got as the resulting

explotion from their fist's that leveled the top of the mountain.

Rocks and snow flew outwards like lava spewing out of a volcano. The

top of the mountain was covered with dirt flying everywhere observing

the area. Thalia was panicking, she flew over to the mountain, she

need to see what was happening.

As the last of the stones fell down and the dust settled, Thalia saw that

the entire top of the mountain was leveled down. It looked like

someone had taken a blade and had crudely cut off the top half of the


Thalia commanded the winds to clear the dirt and the rocks revealing

the flat surface of the mountain. Thalia gasped, Alcyoneus stood tall

with Percy bound at his feet.

"You fought well," Alcyoneus managed to say. His jaw was broken

along with his right hand. The Haki armour was completely gone now,

just slivers of it existed along different parts of the Giant's body, but the

rest were blown off. Oil spilled all over the place but the giant still stood


Percy was also injured from the attack. His right arm was broke in half

and his ankle was twisted and cuts were present all over his body.

Chapter 460

Percy tried to get up, but he was chained down. The chains were black,

just like Alcyoneus's skin was. Percy struggled to break them, but even

with his strength they still put up a challenge, "what are these?!"

"Chains infused with my will," the Giant spat out, it sounded like he

also had a collapsed lung. "You will find they are nearly impossible to

break," Alcyoneus's blood lust was gone. He was weakened, but Percy

could tell that the Giant was already starting to regenerate at an

amazing pace.

"Haki," Percy muttered, "I didn't realise you could infuse it with objects."

The Giant nodded, "you can do a lot with the breath of man."

"Why do you call it that?"

The Giant sighed, "it matters not. You will be dead in a few seconds."

"No," Percy got on his two feet, "I won't."

Alcyoneus bleached at the sight before him. Percy was trying to break

free, he flexed and strained his arms pushing the chains to their very


"Stop," Alcyoneus said, "it won't work!" Percy said nothing as he

focused on only breaking the chains of haki. "STOP!" Alcyoneus

shouted again, "I said stop!"

Percy's arms began to move from his side, the chains of black were

slowly starting to groan.

"No," Alcyoneus said as he stook a step back, "this can't be!"

Percy slowly stretched the chains more and more. They were barely

hanging on. Slowly Percy felt something stir in him, it was that will

power he felt before in the illusionary world. The world where he almost

died. He felt the will to live burn in him again, flowing through his veins,

empowering him to do the impossible.

"NO!" Alcyoneus roared as he summoned a sword made of diamonds

and infused it with his Haki turning it black. He then slashed it down at

Percy, cutting through the demigod's jacket, skin and the chains that

held him.

"NO!" Thalia screamed.

Blood flew out of Percy coating the black jacket with blood. The slash

began at his left shoulder and ended near his right lateral muscle. The

son of Poseidon felt pain, for the first time ever he felt pain.

Warning! Blood lose status active! Lose 100 HP per second!

Percy blinked away as he tried to push past the pain and get up. Just

then Alcyoneus appeared over him, "how are you still not dead?!"

The giant grabbed Percy by the head and lifted him up, "HOW?!"

Percy struggled against Alcyoneus's grip around his neck. He felt pain

every time his blood exited his wound. It felt like tiny pieces of glass

were twisting and turning inside of him, Percy groaned in pain as the

giant squeezed him harder.

"I will make sure you will never see the light of day again," Alcyoneus

said with narrowed eyes. He waved his hand over the ground and a

hole was created that lead down to deep within the mountain.

The giant dropped Percy inside the hole and covered it up. Percy fell

and fell. He could tell how far he was falling. '20 feet. 30 feet. 40 feet.

50 feet. 80 feet.'

Suddenly the ground came and hit Percy. The demigod wasn't hurt by

the rocks beneath him due to Marble skin, but a wave pain came from

the wound he got from Alcyoneus.

Percy groaned as he looked up. The hole he came in from was closed

now. He was effectively buried 80 feet underneath a mountain. Percy

got up, he had around 10 feet of movement. He looked to the cut on

his chest, it wasn't to deep.

Percy gathered the moisture in the air, there was very little, mostly all

the water came from soft soil Percy was standing on. Percy ran the

gathered water over his wound. There was little of it, but he managed

to seal the wound up enough to stop the bleeding status.

Percy looked around, 'how the hell am I going to get out of here?'


"NO!" Thalia roared as she saw Alcyoneus close the hole. She flew

over and sent a blast of lightning at the giant's back.

"ARGH!" the monster roared and turned back. He narrowed his eyes at

the daughter of Zeus. Alcyoneus dug into the ground and pulled out a

large boulder. He then threw it at Thalia who skillfully dodged it.

"Give him back!" Thalia roared as she sent another stream of lighting.

Alcyoneus brought up a boulder just in time to block the lightning bolt.

The rock exploded in his hands but the Giant was unfazed.

Thalia watched in amazement as all the damage Alcyoneus received

during Percy's battle healed itself in front of her eyes. 'Shit! I forgot that

he's unbeatable in his home state! I need to get him out of Alaska.'

Lucky Thalia read the map several times before they got here and

knew that the border to Canada was just a mere ten miles away. She

needed to trick him into following her.

"Look at you!" Thalia yelled, "you nearly got killed by a demigod!"

The giant growled, "shut your mouth girl!" Alcyoneus reached into the

ground and threw another boulder at Thalia.

This time instead of just dodging the attack Thalia used her new found

connection with the wind to spin the boulder around like a slingshot

and throw it right back at Alcyoneus.

The giant broke the boulder with his hands, "enough!" He roared, "you

will soon meet the same fate as your boyfriend!"

"As if you can even catch me!" Thalia goaded him.

Alcyoneus roared as he jumped up from the ground and threw himself

at Thalia. He was inches away when Thalia summoned a burst of

lighting from the clouds that blasted Alcyoneus back. The giant crashed

into the side of the mountain but quickly picked himself up.

"You will pay for that you bitch! I will make you my whore and-"


Rocks came tumbling down from the side of the building. Alcyoneus

paled, 't-that came from inside the mountain. No-no! It's not possible!'


More rocks broke off as pieces of the mountain as cracks began to

form on the side of it. Thalia watched from a distance and could see a

huge chunk of the mountain being broken off.


Slowly the broken piece of the mountain was raised off the ground by

six feet before it slowly started moving forward.

Alcyoneus and Thalia watched in horror and amazement as the huge

chunk of mountain was brought further and further outside. Slowly the

battered up figure of Percy stood at the edge of the mountain with 80

feet of stone over his head.

"Alcyoneus! You forgot this!" Percy roared as he strained every

muscle in his body lifting the top of the mountain and sliding it down the

side of the mountain.

The giant was frighted , the demigod had just broken free out of the

heart of a mountain by punching through it! The giant saw the huge

mountain top coming towards him and knew he had to move.

He jumped up trying to get away, but Thalia met him mid air. "No you

don't!" Thalia roared as she commanded the winds to push him back

down to the ground. The giant tired to move again but Thalia sent

another blast of lightning at him pinning him to the ground.

Percy pushed the mountain down as Alcyoneus suddenly found himself

being rolled underneath the massive stone structure.

Percy let go of the stone and watched as it slid down the mountain and

crash into water below sinking into the freezing sea.

Alcyoneus's mangled body remained behind near the foot of the

mountain, surprisingly still in one peace, but broken in several places.

Percy took control of the snow around him as he lifted them up in the

form of two giant hands mirroring his own movements. Percy then

smashed both the fits into Alcyoneus stirring form.

Just then Thalia sent another blast of lightning at Alcyoneus zapping

him unconscious. Percy zoomed forward and cleared all the snow off

the giant's body. Finally Alcyoneus was knocked out.

Percy took out Waverider, he wasn't going to take any chances. He

quickly cut off Alcyoneus's limbs and then threw him into his inventory.

Percy then took the precious metal limbs and stored them away as


Thalia floated down to the ground and grabbed Percy in a tight hug,

"are you okay?!"

Percy nodded, "I'm fine." He finally let go of Body form and resealed

his strength. His muscles finally stopped throbbing, he felt he shit

strength levels go back to normal.

"I thought I lost you," Thalia said with tears in her eyes as she hugged

him tighter.

Percy felt a jolt of pain coming from the wound on his chest. Percy

flinched and immediately Thalia backed away.

"Oh my gods! You're bleeding!" Thalia yelled out.

Percy groaned, "yeah. He used something that bypassed my marble

skin defence. But I'm alright, it's not life threatening, the jacket took

most of the attack. I already healed some of it, I won't be bleeding to

death anytime soon."

"How can we heal the rest of you?" Thalia asked desperately.

"The water," Percy groaned. Thalia nodded as she helped him into the

freezing cold water.

"Percy's it's freezing, are you sure-"

"It's okay," Percy said as he slowly immersed himself into the water, "I

can barely feel it."

Thalia nodded as she watched Percy disappear into the cold water.

The demigoddess sat down by the banks of the water pulling her jacket

closer. She waited patiently for her beloved to come back up.

The wind blew across her face and Thalia waited, and waited.