Chapter 7: The Lost Girl!

Mar 31, 2024

The summer camp, which is held every once in a decade, is meant for Professor Oak to teach the kids themselves.

The summer camp is always held only for Kanto Region's kids, but this time, he sent out invitations to all of the regions, including Kanto, Hoenn, Johto, Sinnoh, Alola, etc.

Some regions accepted, but some did not because of certain circumstances, but those who accepted have already come.

The summer camp has a lot of things like a battle area where Professor Oak's assistant No. 1 stands and gives Pokémon temporarily to the kids for them to experience fighting.

It also has a cafeteria, ten large rooms for groups to stay, and all members must stay with their own group.

They also have classrooms where assistants of Professor Oak and Oak himself teach the kids.

The summer camp is always held only for three weeks, so all the kids try to learn all they could in three weeks before heading back home.


As Ash and I searched every corner of the summer camp, we asked a lot of kids there if they had the same number as our teams, but they all denied by showing their piece of paper.

As we searched a little more, we officially searched all of the kids that were in the Pokémon summer camp, and we both decided to ask Professor Oak for help.

Then we both headed to the room Professor Oak is staying in, knocking on the door. Professor Oak welcomed us with open arms.

"So, why were you both looking for me?" Professor Oak said with a confused face but still with his usual smile.

"We have searched every corner of the summer camp in search of our third member, but we have found no one. Please, can you help us?" Before I could say anything, Ash took the lead and explained what happened.

"Hm, so that's the case. I had tracking chips in that small card of yours in case somebody got lost in the forest, but I didn't think I'd have to use it so soon," Professor Oak said as he turned to his PC and started to locate the third card holder of our team.


After 5 minutes, Professor Oak turned to us as he sighed and said, "It seems the card of the third member is right here. The third card of your team is here, and it seems that a kid from the Kalos region has gotten lost in the forest."

"So, it seems our third member is 'her,' huh? I should be the one to rescue her and increase my impression on her. That way, I will finally find our third member while getting to imprint an impression that she will remember for the rest of her life," I thought with a sly smile hidden beneath my face as I looked at Professor Oak.

"Professor Oak! Can I go to rescue her?" I asked for his permission because if I don't, then I'm sure as hell that he will tell my mother about it, and my mother... will probably kill me.

I thought with sweat leaking from my back as I looked at Professor Oak with a serious face.

"No can do, Izana! That will be too dangerous!" Professor Oak instantly denied without any hesitation.

'Sigh! It seems he won't agree. Tch, Okay then, I guess I need to take a risk,' I thought as I told Ash to follow me as we both left Professor Oak's room and walked toward our team's room.

After some time, we finally arrived at the team's room, and as soon as I entered the room, I pretended to realize something and said with urgency evident in my tone.

"Shit! I forgot something back in Professor Oak's room. I need to get it back. Ash, you can rest; I'll go and retrieve the thing I left in Professor Oak's room," I said as I acted like I was really in a hurry and without giving him time to react or question what, I left by running.

After I got out of the room, I didn't go to Oak's room but instead headed toward the forest as I called out Charmander while still running, as red streaks of light shimmered around it followed by Charmander coming out of it.

"Charmander! We're going to save someone, and for it, I need your help. Help me scare off the nearby Pokémon," I said while still running as Charmander nodded its head, and then we both started to run at full speed.

We both encountered some Grass and Bug type Pokémon, but Charmander scared them away as we continued for some time.

We both searched for some time in the forest, but we didn't find anyone, so we were just about to start our search one more time when we both slipped off a small cliff, and we both got covered in mud and I had some small cuts.

After we stood up after falling from the cliff, we both started to look around to see if we would find anyone, and we weren't disappointed as we heard a cry from nearby.

"Hic, hic! Mom... hic... dad..." We heard the cry of a young girl as we both looked at each other before we followed the sound, and we arrived in front of a huge tree where a young girl with long, honey-brown hair was sitting, crying, and muttering her parents' names.

As we got near her silently, I stepped on a dry branch tree, making a tic sound as she looked at us.

"Uh, ahahahaa, ah, you must be the lost youngling from another region, right?" I said with an awkward laugh as I walked near her.

When I got in front of her, she looked at me closely as she had a tinge of redness on her cheeks from seeing someone so handsome, so close to her.

"Y-yes, hic!" She said with a tinge of redness on her cheeks but still crying.

"Okay okay! Then come, let's get out of here before Professor Oak actually comes here himself," I said, trying to lighten up the mood by joking, but it was all for nothing as she didn't stop crying.

"Sigh! Don't cry! Here, wipe your tears," I said as I handed her a handkerchief that I prepared for situations like this.

As she wiped off the tears, she tried to stand up but only nearly fell on the ground. Fortunately, I was near her and caught her on time.

I then looked at her left to see a swollen foot. Sighing, I asked her for the handkerchief and then wrapped it around the swollen part then I bent down.

"Here, sit on my back! I'll carry you to the summer camp!" I said as she hesitated.

"Don't think so much! Just hop on my back," I said as she finally nodded her head and started to walk toward the summer camp.

Oh, and before I started walking, I had my Charmander become my temporary bodyguard who scared off the Pokémon that were trying to get near us.

While still walking, we both didn't talk, so it created an awkward silence, and so, to break that ice, I started a conversation.

"So, what's your name?" I asked while still walking, while carrying her in a piggyback ride.

"My name is Serena."

Chapter 8: End Of The Pokémon Summer Camp!

Apr 01, 2024

As I carried her on my back on my way to the summer camp location, we talked for some time more as we properly introduced ourselves and got to know each other, even though I already knew a lot about her. But I can't say that because if I did, she'll probably think I'm some creepy stalker, and that's something that I don't ever want as that would be like an insult to me.

After a little while, we both finally reached the summer camp's location, and after reaching there, what I did first was to send her to the infirmary as soon as possible, and then I headed to Professor Oak's room.

As I knocked on the door, "Come in," said Professor Oak from the inside, and I opened the door and walked near the desk where he was sitting.

"So, you've returned, huh!" He said with a knowing smile.

"Uh... yeah," I said as I scratched the back of my head.

"Aren't you angry that I didn't heed your words and instead went to look for the lost girl on my own?" I said with questions marks appearing above my head.

"Haha, I already knew that you would go to find the girl yourself, but I didn't stop you because I want you to have experience exploring the forest without anyone's protection, with only your Pokémon and yourself," he said with his usual smile etched on his face.

"Oh, and one more thing. Can you please not tell about this to my Mom?" I said with a pleading expression.

I am kind of scared of my new mom because unlike my original mother, she is anything but kind when I make some mistakes, and I've been living with her for the past 5 years, and I know how many mistakes or things that I've done that earned me a beating.

Urgh, it is shameful of me to be scared of her because of my age and my past life's memory and that I'm older than her mentally. You would be in the same shoes as me if you were here as well. Even if you're the richest person in the world, you would still be scared of her.

"Hahaha, you're really scared of your mother, huh! Okay, don't worry, I won't tell her about it. You can trust me," he said as he gives me a thumbs up, and I sighed in relief, then I left Professor's room and headed back to my team's room.

Well, I can't call it a room because it is more like a one-story house with 3 rooms and a bathroom.

When I entered the house, I was met with the sight of Ash sleeping peacefully on the couch with small drool leaking out from the left of his mouth.

'It's already 5 PM in the evening. I should wake him up and get ourselves dinner at the cafeteria,' I thought as I walked near Ash.

And yes, Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all the things you'll get and will have to eat in the cafeteria.

"Hey, wake up! It's time for dinner," I said as I shook him up, but he didn't wake up even with that, so I came up with a mischievous plan.

To wake him up by throwing a bucket filled with water toward him.

Thinking of my great plan, I walked to the bathroom and filled a bucket with water as I took the bucket with me.

The bucket would be heavy for a kid like me if I didn't do a lot of exercise and increase my strength.

Throwing the bucket filled with water toward Ash, I shouted, "Wake up, idiot! It's already time for dinner."

When the water splashed on him, he instantly stood up, looking fresh, and then started to shout at me, "Why did you have to do that?"

In response to that, I just shrugged it off and laughed as I calmed him down, and then we both headed to the cafeteria and ate dinner, and after that, Professor Oak came into the cafeteria after all the kids had eaten their dinner.

"Ahem! Today, we won't do anything, but from tomorrow, we will start to teach you about different kinds of Pokémon, and we will also tell you how to raise a Pokémon, and you all will also have a chance to battle each other with temporary Pokémon that we will lend you," Professor Oak said as the kids started to discuss it with their friends.


Time really passed a lot faster if you're having fun, and that's what happened.

In the first week of us being here, we were taught about different types of Pokémon and also about how to raise Pokémon.

In the second week, we explored the forest ourselves because Professor Oak allowed it in the name of getting experience.

In the last week, we were taught how to effectively battle other trainers.

I also fought with a lot of kids there with my Charmeleon, as my Charmeleon also evolved that day after fighting a lot of kids and winning against them.

But, in actuality, it was because he was already on the verge of evolving when I first met him, but because of his insecurities and his fear of humans, it was delayed. After meeting me and experiencing human warmth and training, he finally evolved into a Charmeleon. He was a little bigger than an average Charmeleon with his fire a lot bigger.

And in these weeks, I also improved my relationships with Serena as we became really good friends, and Ash was also included.

And on the last day of summer camp, before we separated our ways, we also exchanged numbers and added each other on Vchat.

Vchat was an app similar to WhatsApp that was popular in my previous life.

And as we reached Pallet Town, I was the first to depart from the bus and came back home with a Charmeleon.

I also showed it to my mother who was very happy with it.

Chapter 9: The Long Awaited Journy Finally Starts!

Apr 01, 2024

"Iza-Chan! We need to talk right now," my mother said with a serious face as she came into my room.

"Uh, about what? Mother?" I asked her with a confused face as I hadn't seen her this serious since the time she found out I won a Pokémon at the age of 5.

"Come down to the kitchen," she didn't respond to my question and instead ordered me to come down with her.

"Uh, okay?" I said, still confused about what she wanted to talk about, but I complied with her words as I followed her to the kitchen where we took the seats completely opposite to one another.

"So, what's this all about?" I tried to ask for the reason regarding the "Serious talk," but all I met was silence as she took a deep breath.

"From tomorrow, you're joining the 'Advanced Pokémon Trainer School,'" she dropped the bomb as I previously told her that I didn't want to go to school but instead, I wanted to be homeschooled.

"B-but didn't you agree when I previously told you about homeschooling?" I stuttered my words as I was surprised.

The reason I didn't want to go to school here was that I didn't want to waste so many years of my life being surrounded by kids all day long.

And I'm sure you will agree with me because even though I may look like a kid right now, I do have the mind of an adult so, it's hard, really hard.

"I did agree at that time because I thought it was some passing thoughts, but it seems I was wrong as you are still hell-bent on that. And you have no say in this matter. YOU. ARE. GOING. TO. SCHOOL. FROM. TOMORROW! Is that clear?" She said with a terrifying voice that made me gulp my saliva.

Man, how did my kind mother change into this terrifying creature? That's a mystery that I'll never know.

"Y-yes, Ma'am," I said, accepting my defeat as I stood up since that was all that serious talk was about and headed back to my room.



In the morning, I woke up at 5 AM today since I knew I wouldn't get the time to exercise if I woke up at my usual time since I had school that I needed to go to.

And then I spent 3 hours exercising, and when it was 7 AM in the morning, I took a short shower and dressed in my school clothes.

The school clothes consisted of a white shirt with a black tie and black pants with leather black shoes.

And when I was ready, I headed down to get my morning breakfast.

When I entered the kitchen, my mother, who was busy placing the breakfast at my table, stopped her work and then appraised me from head to toe.

"Wow! It looks amazing on you! Iza-chan!" She said with the brightest smile as she looked at me.

"Thank you, mom!" I thanked her as I sat on my chair and started to eat my breakfast.

And after 15 minutes, I finished eating my breakfast as a horn sounded from outside, indicating that the bus that led children to the hell hole known as school had arrived.

I quickly packed my lunch in my backpack, and then after bidding saying goodbye to mother, I went to the bus.


It took us 20 minutes to reach the school. The school was a huge mansion-like with a lot of classrooms.


After some time, I finally reached the class as I opened the door of the classroom and entered when the teacher called me in.

"Ah, you must be the new student. Please introduce yourself." The teacher was a middle-aged man with glasses on his face.

He looked like a strict teacher with his presence that literally screamed "Discipline."

"Ah, my name is Izana Kurokawa. I'm 5 years old, and I'm from Pallet Town." I gave a quick and short introduction as the teacher told me to sit at the available seat, and one available was at the back of the classroom near the window.


Just like that, time passed quickly as days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years as 12 years quickly passed, and tomorrow, I will officially be 18 years old, the age that most of the kids leave on their journey with their Pokémon.

In these 12 years, it was hell for me as I had to go to school for the second time in my existence as I had to go there every morning at 8 AM and could only come home at 2 PM in the afternoon.

During this time, I did not meet any recognizable character from the anime except for Ash, who also goes to the same school as me, coincidentally after the day I was admitted to Pokémon Trainer School.

My time during the school was kinda fun as I made some friends other than Ash, and I also met Gary there as he also happened to study there.

And during these 12 years, my Charmeleon also evolved into a Charizard when I was 13 years old.


Anyway, let's end this flashback session and focus on where am I.

Right now, I'm in front of Professor Oak in his lab along with the other 3 trainers, Gary, Green, and a no-name kid.

"Ahem, now that you all are officially trainers! I'll give you the Pokédex and 6 Pokéballs for you to capture Pokémon," he said as Gary, Green, and the no-name had already chosen their partners.

Green chose Bulbasaur as her starter, and Gary chose Squirtle like in the anime, and the no-name chose Charmander.

The reason I did not choose was that I already have a fully evolved starter Pokémon with me.

And as Professor Oak said that, he gave all of us 6 Pokéballs and the Pokédex, and after that, we all headed out.

The no-name trainer with Charmander left ahead of us because we don't know him well.

"Izana! Do you want to have a battle with me?" Gary said with enthusiasm evident in his tone as I flatly refused him.

"No, I don't want to traumatize you on the first day of you being a trainer. That would be bullying to battle a Squirtle with my Charizard." I don't want to sound arrogant, but the Charizard I had with me has crossed 40 levels if we compare it to the Pokémon games that I've played in my previous life.

"Sigh! Okay then! But be ready, I will be the one to defeat you in the future," Gary said as he did his farewell in his old Gary style as he left with his cheerleader team.

"Then, I'll also go now! Okay? Green?" I said with a smile as I turned toward her.

I've been friends with Green when I befriended Ash and Gary so, she was one of my close friends.

And as I walked away from Professor Oak's laboratory, I first headed to my home to bid her farewell and then headed to Route 1.

Chapter 10: Securing a date for tonight!

Apr 02, 2024

As I walked through Route 1, I encountered many familiar Pokémon like Rattata and Pidgey, but I didn't stop to catch them as I had no use for Normal or Flying types. My Charizard alone was a Flying/Fire type, so I continued walking through Route 1.

"Man, should I just travel on the back of my Charizard? That would be a lot easier than walking through the Kanto region... but I'm on a journey right now, not in some game where I have to become the champion as soon as possible. I should just enjoy the journey," I muttered to myself as I continued through the grassy area of Route 1.

As I looked at the sky, the bright and clear sky began to cloud over as clouds emerged and blocked the sunlight.

"Man, even though Ash and I started our journey 8 years late, it seems the plot still follows him. He should have already started his journey and reached Route 1 by now," I said, recalling the events of the first episode.

"I should just set up a tent as I know the rain will start anytime now," I said, bending my knees and opening my bag to retrieve a tent. I started to set it up under a large tree.

"I'm really thankful that the technology here is so advanced compared to my previous world. They've already made spatial bags; otherwise, I would have had trouble and gotten heavily wet in the upcoming heavy rainfall," I muttered as I completed setting up my tent. The rainfall also started as rain poured from the sky, and I entered the tent, shutting the entrance from the inside.

BOOM! CRASH! (Sound effect of thunder crashing down while raining heavily.)

The sound of thundering accompanied the heavy rain pouring down from the sky. As the rain continued relentlessly, I grew bored waiting for it to stop and eventually fell asleep inside the tent.

After two hours, the rainfall finally ceased, and I was woken up by the sound of Pidgey and Spearow chirping. I emerged from the tent to see a huge rainbow in the sky.

"Will Ho-oh pass by here like in the series?" I wondered as I waited, and sure enough, a large bird in golden color flew by, emitting its distinctive cry.


As Ho-oh started to fade in the sky, a rainbow-colored feather slowly fell to the ground. I rushed to catch it before it touched the ground, examining it closely in my hands.

"So, this is the feather of Ho-oh, the feather that represents the beginning of a journey, huh?" I remarked, raising an eyebrow as I inspected the feather.

"Well, it seems I have luck like Ash to get a feather of Ho-oh!" I exclaimed as I placed it in my backpack and continued my journey to Viridian City.

From there on, I didn't stop for sightseeing and continued my journey peacefully. Finally, after eight hours of traveling (with short breaks here and there), I arrived in Viridian City at 5 PM.

Viridian City was a bustling town filled with a vibrant atmosphere and colorful, huge buildings. Surrounded by lush greenery, it was a welcoming sight.

As I was about to enter the city, I halted in my tracks upon hearing a whistle and a lady's voice.

WHISTLE SOUND! (Sound effect!)

"STOP right there, show me your identification card," a policewoman with long sky-blue hair, wearing a police uniform, demanded as she approached me.

"Uh, does a Pokédex count as an identification card for trainers?" I inquired, unsure of the entry requirements for Viridian City.

"Yes, it can be counted as a form of identification card for trainers," she confirmed, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I retrieved my Pokédex, a square device that could be folded like a book, and it spoke in its emotionless tone.

"I am Dexter! A Pokédex programmed by Professor Oak. This Pokédex is for Pokémon Trainer Izana Kurokawa. He is from Pallet Town, and my job is to provide him with information regarding Pokémon. If stolen or lost, I cannot be replaced," the Pokédex announced.

"Since you've shown your identification card, you can go!" the policewoman said with a light blush, and I seized the opportunity to ask her out.

"Okay! And, are you free tonight? Because I am tonight!" I proposed, taking her hand and kissing it like a gentleman.

"Yeah! I'm free tonight. We could meet up if you want," she accepted, and we exchanged numbers and added each other on Vchat.

After bidding her farewell, I proceeded towards the heart of Viridian City, where the Pokémon Center awaited. After a short walk, I arrived at the spacious building with modern designs, adorned with the iconic Pokémon Center logo.

Entering the Pokémon Center, I was greeted by a receptionist with pink hair, wearing a nurse's uniform. After registering for the upcoming Indigo League, I booked a room for myself and headed to Room No. 46, where I slept, waiting for the night to come as i drifted into the dream world.

Chapter 11: Date With Jenny [1]

Apr 02, 2024

I slept in the rented room in the viridian city for some time before waking up at 6PM.

And as I woke up, I headed to the interconnected bathroom where I freshened up as I just woke up and after that, I dressed up in a black trouser with sneakers and a black hoodie in my upper part.

And after dressing up, I look at my phone's Vchat interface where I saw a message from officer jenny.


[Officer Jenny]

[Officer jenny: So, Where we should meet up?]

In response to that message, I wrote my own message as I sent her the location.

[Izana: The park near the pokemon Centre. That's where we should meet up.]

And after sending that message, I heard another Ding as a message from her came as soon as I sent her message.

[Officer jenny: Okay then let's meet there 10 minute later there at the park.]

Seeing this, I smiled as I thought, 'Oh, She's even more eager than me huh! Guess I should show her my skills when it comes to hooking up with girls.'

I thought with a smile as I wore my sneakers shoes and then headed downstairs as I went near a wending machine as I took out a coffee from there.

(A/N: You should also buy me a coffee like he buoyed his own coffee.)

And as I drank the coffee, I walked slowly to the park that was just a 5 minute walk away from the Pokémon Centre.


After five minute, I finally arrived at the meeting location as I saw Officer jenny sitting on a bench with a handbag on her hands.

She was wearing a dark blue blouse with slim black pants with a pair of black ankle boots.

She was also wearing a leather jacket as it became kinda cold when the sun started to go down with night coming in.

As soon as I saw her, I walked toward her with a smile on my face as I greeted her, "Hey jenny! Good to see you again and you look really charming In that dress"

I said with a smile on my face as I saw her blush a little hearing my compliment as I came forward and sat next to her.

"Likewise and you also look very handsome in that dress!" She also complimented me after analysing my dress.

"Then, let's start our little nighttime date! Shall we?" I said with a wink as I saw her nodding her head with a small blush on her face as we started the date by strolling through the park, enjoying nature in the night.

"Today, the nature seems to be even more beautiful than ever, it must be because I have a partner to enjoy with." I cheekily complimented her as I saw her blushing.

You must be wondering why does she look like a girl in her teens having her first date right? Not to be narcissistic but it must be because I'm well dressed and quite handsome.

You know, which girl wouldn't like it when a handsome guy complimented her? And she also seemed to be inexperienced in this field and that's the reason.

"Ugh! It seems I'm really hungry! How about we have a candle light dinner?" I said as u heard my stomach rumble a little as I haven't eaten anything today beside the coffee that I drank a while ago.

"Okay! Which restaurant should we go to then?" She said with a thoughtful look.

"You can choose! It's my first time here so I don't a lot about things here." I said as it was true because I haven't come to Viridian City for more than 3 or 4 years because the last time I came here was with my mom and that was to shopping, not to eat.

"Hm! Then how about going to the famous restaurant "Starry bistro"? That restaurant has gained popularity a few months ago saying that their food is the best in Viridian City." She suggested as i happily accepted as I was really hungry and had no time to be picky.

The starry bistro restaurant was a 4-story building with all of them being owned by the owner of the restaurant.

When we entered the restaurant, we were greeted by a beautiful female waitress as I booked a seat for us in the second floor where most of the couple come to have candle light dinner and then we headed to the second floor where our seat was near the windows.

And as we sat on it, a waiter came forward to take our order as I told him to bring a delicious meal and then our dinner date officially started as the lights were turned off and the couples in the second floor started to lighten up the large room with candles as we did the same.

After that, we engage in a conversation where we got to know about our past's as she told me about her life experiences and shared fun story as we got closer during that time that we forgot the time.

After some time, the waiter that took our order came with a dedicate dish as we started to slowly eat while we continued our conversation.

"So, how was life in the Pokémon police department?" I said as I shifted my gaze from the food to jenny while listening to her.

"It was kinda boring as all I had to do was patrol at night for any thievery and in day time, stay In the police station with fellow Jennys...." She said as she started to talk about her life in police department as I heed her no attention, I just pretend that I listened to all of her story's, problem and we got closer during that time because women like it when you pay full attention when they talk.

And as we ate the dish, we both payed the bill by dividing it 50-50. I did said to her that I'll pay but as she insisted on it, i gave in and let her pay.

After we got out of the restaurant, we both headed to a nearby motel to experience intimacy moments with each other.

While going there, jenny seemed to be nervous as it must be her first time but I was completely fine as I had sleep with a lot of women in my previous life.

And after 15 minute of walking, we finally arrived at a motel as we booked a room there and got inside the room as we both headed to the bathroom.

Thankfully, there were 2 bathroom so, we took a shower separately while I was excited to lose my virginity for the second time.

Chapter 12: Date With Jenny [2] [R-18]

Apr 05, 2024

(3rd POV)


After 15 minutes of showering, Izana was the first to get out of the bathroom as he came out of the bathroom, wearing only a white towel that covered his little brother.

Not seeing jenny, he simply walked toward the King sized bed and then sat on it, patiently waiting for jenny to come out.

He didn't need to wait for long as jenny came out of the shower only wearing a towel that covered her most private part like her chest and her little sister.

Both of them didn't said anything as Izana took the lead and walked near her and then hold her chin as he made her look him in the eyes.

"Can I?" He said as she meekly nodded as his handsome face was too close.

Since jenny agreed, izana didn't hold himself back like a beta male and then took the lead by bringing his lips closer toward her lips as he started to kiss her.

For a few second, it was pure kiss but it didn't last long as izana invaded her mouth with his tongue as they both started a battle of tounge.

Jenny wasn't that experienced regarding these type of things as she was mostly busy with her job as a police officer so, izana could easily dominate her during the kiss.

They keep kissing each other for a few minute before they both broke the kiss as Bridge of saliva formed between their mouth.

As jenny and izana both keep looking at their face, jenny felt something poke her stomach as she saw his 8 inch dick that was filled lines of nerves, showing how horny he was.

"Holy fuck!" She muttered seeing izana's big dick and wondered if it could even fit in her pussy.

Then izana took off the towel that was covering him, he displayed his Greek god type boy with 6 pac on it as jenny look at it with a lustful expression.

Then izana grabbed jenny towel and lightly took it off, revealing her busty body.

She had a E cup breast and coupled with her big ass, it look so Seductive that could entice any man if they weren't straight.

"Uh, will you start now? My dick is starting to itch in pain now!" Izana said as his ripped dick filled with nerves started to wiggle a little.

"Oh, sorry for that! I was just so shocked by your duck's size" Jenny said as she quickly kneeled. She then grab his dick as she licked the tip of his dick as pre-cum was coming out of I.

Then she opened her mouth as she took his dick inside her mouth and then started to move her head forward and backward. She couldn't take all of his dick inside as his dick was really big and she could only take 2/3rd of his dick.

Izana moan softly as it was his first blow job since coming to this world and giving it was a beauty only added to his pleasure.


She move her head backward and forward with great control as to not touch his dick with her teeth as it might harm him. Then, she started to use her tounge to wrap his dick insides while still moving her head back on Forth.


She keep doing it for 5 minute straight but she took it out from time to time to breathe air as it would be really hard for a normal human to not breather for so long.

As izana started to reach climax, he started to pat her head a little before grabbing it softly as to not hurt her as he shove his dick inside her mouth with great strength as his whole dick was inside her mouth for the first time and then cummed inside her mouth.

"Ahh! I'm Cumming! Drink it all!" He screamed I delightment in releasing his cum.

When she heard izana's words, she compiled as she took all of the semen that dropped from izana's dick, she gulped as she swallowed all of the cum and squirted a load of juices that dripped out of her pussy.

"Hoh, it seems you're ready for the main course!" Izana said before carrying her in a princess style.

She was quite weak in her legs so, Izana carried her in princess style as he walked toward the King sized bed and threw her lightly to the bed.

He then positioned her into M style and then rubbed his dick on her wet pussy.

He continued to do as jenny itched from not having it inside her pussy.

"Do you want it inside?" Izana said with a smirk on his face as jenny meekly nodded.

"Say it out loud! I can't hear you." He said with a evil smirk as jenny shouted without any hesitation.

"Yes, I want that huge dick inside of me!" She said with a red face as she became embarrassed of herself.

"Haha! Since you say so, then here I come." Izana said as he shoved his 8 inch dick inside her pussy but it stopped with only half of his dick inside as he felt some kind of a blocking. It was her hymen so, izana then shoved the other half of his dick with a little force as he shove his dick inside her womb, breaking her hymen.

"Ahh~" The moment izana broke her hymen, she screamed in pain.

Seeing this, izana then take his lips forward toeard her lips and started to kiss her and invaded her tounge as she let him dominate her completely.

They both kissed each other for some time before they broke the kiss as jenny said, "You can start now! I don't feel much pain now."

Getting her approval, he slowly started to his hips as jenny moan in pleasure.

As I started to move faster, jenny started to moan loudly. Then, I grabbed both of her E cup breast with both of my hands and started to mold it before I started to suck on her nipples.

"Ahhh~ ahhh~ ahh~ oh, god! It feels so good." She moan even louder as I move even faster with my mouth sucking on her nipple and even biting it lightly.

~Pah~~Pah~ ~Pah~~Pah~~Pah~~Pah~

Sounds of flesh colliding started to come from it as Izana fuck her like an anime in heat.

He continued to fuck her before he felt he was reaching his limit as he said, "I'm about to cum!"

Saying this, he cummed deep inside her wombs as i released a huge amount of semen deep inside her womb as pshe also have an organism and released a load of juices.

He continued to fuck her like an anime in heat for a few more hours with some breathing time of course before they both slept, cuddling with each other.

Chapter 13: Team Rocket!

Apr 06, 2024

In the morning, when I woke up, I found myself alone in the king-sized bed with a small paper containing some words written on it.

It was from Jenny; she wrote, "I'm sorry, but I have to leave early because I need to go to work now. Thanks for everything!"

Reading this, I felt a pang of sadness that she left like this, but since I couldn't do anything, I just shrugged it off and then took a long shower as my body reeked of sex and love juices.

After thirty minutes, I emerged from the bathroom with a satisfied smile, wearing clothes that consisted of a white and red cap with a Poké Ball symbol that my mother had personally sewn for me. I also wore a white jacket with red collar and cuffs, black pants, and white sneakers.

After dressing, I left the motel and headed to a relatively popular restaurant called "Hekrosm Restaurant."

Ignoring the strange name, I ordered an avocado egg toast and ate it.

With plenty of morning left, I made my way to an empty park in Viridian City to train my Charizard. Even though Charizard was powerful enough to rival even an Elite Four Pokémon, it was still my habit to train him daily.

However, I avoided training Charizard in any powerful Fire-type moves that could potentially burn down the entire park. Instead, I focused on physical training to strengthen his body.

For the next three hours, I trained Charizard's physical endurance while also engaging in intense workouts myself to motivate him.

After training, I recalled Charizard into his Poké Ball and headed towards the Pokémon Center.

On my way, I observed many ordinary people with Pokémon that could be useful for everyday life, and I smiled at the sight before continuing on my way.

Upon arriving at the Pokémon Center, I was greeted by Nurse Joy at the counter. Since my Pokémon were uninjured, I found a corner with benches/chairs and sat down.

Lost in my thoughts, I was brought back to reality by the shouts of an annoying trainer with a Pikachu. It was none other than Ash Ketchum, the future champion who defeated the Champion of the Galaxy region, Leon.

"Please help!" exclaimed a trainer with spiky black hair, holding a heavily injured Pikachu.

Nurse Joy immediately took Pikachu for treatment, and Ash looked down, visibly guilty.

I approached Ash and greeted him, surprised by my sudden appearance. We engaged in conversation, and I tried to console him over Pikachu's condition.

After Ash called Professor Oak to inform him of his arrival in Viridian City, I also spoke with the professor briefly before ending the call.

As Nurse Joy attended to Ash and Pikachu, the lights suddenly went out, and the attention shifted to two individuals.

One male and one female, both dressed in white uniforms with a red "R" emblem, appeared.

Jessie: "Prepare for trouble!"

James: "Make it double!"

Jessie: "To protect the world from devastation!"

James: "To unite all peoples within our nation!"

Jessie: "To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

James: "To extend our reach to the stars above!"

Jessie: "Jessie!"

James: "James!"

Jessie: "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

James: "Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

Meowth: "Meowth! That's right!"

At the end of their introduction, a talking Meowth chimed in.

I didn't interfere with their introductions; I was curious to hear it in real life. As for Ash and Nurse Joy, I wasn't sure how they felt about it.

Chapter 14: Misty! The Plot Falls Apart!

Apr 06, 2024

"Hahaha, hand over all of your Pokémon right now!" James said with a laugh, playfully surveying the people inside the Pokémon Center.

'Oh no! I didn't want to interfere with the plot too much because it's fun to watch it happen in real life, but now I really need to get away quickly. Otherwise, they might be on my trail or give up on Ash because they might not see his Pikachu.'

With that thought, I tried to quietly walk away from the Pokémon Center. But when I was near the door leading outside, I heard Jessie speaking.

"You! Where are you going, twerp?" Jessie said, drawing everyone's attention to me. I thought, 'Oh, shoot.'

"I'm not going outside! I'm just checking what's happening out there," I said with a sigh as I retrieved a Poké Ball from my belt.

"Go!" I said softly as I threw Charizard's Poké Ball into the air. Streaks of red light emitted from the Poké Ball, forming Charizard.

"Ghrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr," Charizard roared as it emerged from its Poké Ball, leaving Team Rocket and Nurse Joy speechless.

"You see? I was just about to continue my journey and had no plans to interfere. But now I have to," I said with a sigh as I approached Charizard and patted him on the shoulder.

"Charizard! You know what to do?" I asked, and Charizard nodded.

"You think a Charizard is enough to stop us?" Jessie retorted as she and James both released their Pokémon.

An Ekans and a Koffing materialized from their Poké Balls, both Pokémon shouting in their own language.

"Charizard! Do it now," I commanded as Charizard inhaled deeply and unleashed a burst of fire towards the two Pokémon.

"Ekans/Coffing! Dodge it!" They both exclaimed simultaneously, but it was too late. Charizard's Flamethrower hit them before they could dodge, sending the Poison-type Pokémon flying back to their owners.

"Team Rocket will surely return to settle this grudge!" they shouted before being propelled into the sky like shooting stars.

After that, I recalled Charizard into its Poké Ball, and Nurse Joy approached me, lightly bowing.

"Thank you for your help!" she said, but I shrugged it off.

"No need to bow, and it's what I should do (even though I tried to run away). Besides, I destroyed the ceiling," I said, gesturing towards the hole created by Charizard's Flamethrower.

"No, no! You don't have to worry about that. We can still fix it. But if they really managed to steal the Pokémon..." Nurse Joy trailed off, concern evident in her voice, before going to call someone to repair the hole.

Afterwards, Ash approached me, eyes filled with admiration. "Wow, Izana, you're so strong! Battle me!" he exclaimed, but I declined. "No! You're still too weak to challenge me."

Disappointed, Ash nodded, and I walked outside the Pokémon Center, grabbing my bag that I had left on a chair.

Then, I headed to a Poké Puff store and bought some for Charizard. After calling him out and letting him eat, I purchased some necessities from the Poké Mart before continuing my journey towards Viridian Forest.

As I made my way through the forest, enjoying the scenery, I suddenly heard a loud scream coming from the left side.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh," the scream seemed to come from a woman.

Curious, I walked towards the source of the scream, calling Charizard out in case of danger. After a few minutes, we arrived at the scene—an empty area covered by bushes with a young woman with short orange hair lying on the ground, a Caterpie nearby.

"Oh no! It seems the plot has been messed up already. I should just enjoy my life here without caring about the plot from now on," I thought with determination as I looked at Misty.

"Uh, what happened... miss?" I asked, making a confused face, as only I knew her name and she didn't know me. Saying it now would make me seem like a creepy stalker, so I refrained.

"Ahhh! Please help me get rid of this creepy bug!" Misty exclaimed.

"Uh, okay!" I said, looking at Charizard, who also glanced at me. We communicated with only our eyes, and he nodded before intimidating the Caterpie, scaring it away.

"Phew! Thanks for saving me! My name is Misty..." she said, surprised by my appearance, as she had been so focused on the Caterpie that she hadn't even looked at my face. Now, with a tinge of redness on her face, she noticed me.

"No need to mention it! I'm Izana Kurokawa!" I said with a chuckle, used to these kinds of reactions.

"So, what were you doing here if you're so scared of Bug-type Pokémon?" I asked her, genuinely confused this time.

"Uh, I'm heading back to my hometown, Cerulean City, and I need to go through here," she said with a heavy sigh.

"If you're this scared of Bug-type Pokémon, I think it will take you a lot of time to get out of here. How about you come with me? I'm also heading towards Pewter City and can drop you there," I suggested with a small smile.

Because of my handsome face and my kindness in saving her, she didn't hesitate to agree, and we both walked towards the exit of Viridian Forest.