
Toru after hearing Yuta's sudden question snap back to her desk, thanks to Yuta's controlling his voice and Toru being so close to him, only she heard what he said.

Partially the reason why no one was paying attention, even the usual noisy Kirishima included, was the presence of Mid Night. Yuta doesn't think that there is any explanation is needed.

Not knowing what the girl was thinking, Yuta prepared himself for the first rejection of his life. That was his philosophy, after all, try it but don't expect much.

But still he right now really wanted a quirk or power similar to mind reading. He could only imagine the uses of that kind of OP power.

Alas, his system is more interested in giving him more Combat Related Powers and goofy tricks at best.

Shaking his head, while glancing at the beautiful girl in the side eye, his Sharingan was surprisingly able to see the girl. Yuta smile.

'These boys have no idea what they are missing out on. Though asking her out was a surge of the decision I wouldn't mind following through with the idea. She really is a nice person and has a cheerful personality.

The maybe icing on the cake that she is freaking cute and beautiful. Not like sexy much but more like adorable.

But that's ain't the biggest merit here at all. The biggest merit has to be him being the only one being able to see the girl.

A smile spread across his face when he realized what he could do when the girl went hero mode.

Well more like going commando. But....


'Alright alright, control yourself. There is no way I can tell her suddenly that I can see her. That will cause problems on multiple levels.

Maybe I will tell her if our relationship works out in the end.

Shaking his head, Yuta covers his face with both of his hands, realizing that he is daydreaming.

The girl clearly hadn't even accepted his casual date offer and here he was planning his future with her.

"Bakka, Idiot. Focus on things which are more important right now," Yuta muttered to himself and to calm himself down he took a long breath in an let it out slowly.

Back to finding a name for himself.




Soon Midnight calls others to announce their hero names in front of the entire classroom.

She was even helping others to make minor adjustments to make them better.

Starting from Bakugo, who had a ridiculous name for himself and got rejected immediately by midnight to Izuku who chose his iconic hero name Duck... I mean Deku, the class had a lively environment.

And soon it was Yuta's turn.

He finally came up with a name after he pulled his mind out of the gutter.

It was surprising how much the name he chose represented him. It was right in front of him but he didn't see it.

"Yuta it's your turn, please come and announce it," Midnight walked up to Yuta in her usual sensual way while wearing that extra tight hero uniform of hers.

Yuta intentionally didn't look at her and only fixed his own eyes on hers. It's better not to think about naughty things just before he was about to announce his Hero Name.

"Hai," Yuta Said he quickly stood up and slowly moved towards the front of the class. Avoiding Mid Night.

He took the Chalk in his hand and started to write his Hero Name in both English and Japanese in the board before turning back to the Audience, in this case, his classmates.

"I am Dynamic the casual Hero," Yuta said with a smile.

[A reader suggested this name. Sorry I don't remember your name but I really like it so here you go, buddy]

Yuta has decided on a Hero Path for himself. A part which will represent himself.

He wish to follow what Saitama did but in his own fashion. For him right now the only way to get stronger is to follow the Hero Path according to the system. So he will do that but in his own way.

Mostly doing things which he felt like it while amassing multiple powers through the system by completing quests.

He planned to do Hero work for fun and not much out of some sort of righteous reason.

"Dynamic huh, that got a ring to it.

And it kind of suits you with that strange way of doing things of yours.

I like it," Midnight show thumps up while his other classmates cheer for him. This marks a start for him.

Though he still did not plan to become a Hero he wanted to get stronger. Strong enough that nothing can cause him any kind of trouble to him.

That was his goal for the time being.

MHA Hero Time Ch 45 : Enough Daring For Today

May 8

After eating something while also trying to stop Toru but failing spectacularly, Yuta dejectedly went back to the class.

Usually, the Hero Class Takes place only after the general studies and goes well past even 4 pm if a particular subject demands that.

Today was one of those days as by the end of the class instead of letting the poor kids out in freedom, the teachers decided to hold them captive for another half an hour.

Only half an hour later when Aizawa came to the class the students realized why they were holding back for this long.

"Here are all the internship forms delivered to you all," Aizawa said as all the students entered their class after another day of toil, only to see a bunch of papers stacked up in their respective seats.

But unlike usual, not everyone had many papers, some had more than the usual.

Yuta noticed that he was the only one with the highest number of papers on his desk. He too knew why.

This was an important part of their Hero Journey. Being able to work under a pro hero could be very enlightening. But that might be for others. For Yuta who hardly planned to be a typical hero. He just didn't want to bother with this.

"Is there an option to not take this Internship and get the free time of quiet and peace with my Playstation, Aizawa Sensei," Yuta with the earlier act of daring still fueling him, totally unbothered with others, giving him a strange look to him.

"NO," Aizawa said with much professional attitude. This was so seamless that Yuta even pondered whether someone has ever asked him a question like that.

"But if you don't plan to take any of the internships then you will by default work with our own Hero Staff here in UA," Aizawa saw through the plans of Yuta and some lazy assess in the class.

Pouting Yuta just went back to his stack of paper. Reaching all the names of the pro heroes and pondering who to choose as an internship teacher.

It's not like he knew many of them either, he ain't Izuku.

But thanks to the paper having much information about the Pro Hero themselves and what kind of agency they run, Yuta had an easier time.

While flipping through the names he saw a name which he wasn't actually expecting here in this list.


Yuta narrows his eyes, not knowing why that Emo bastard suddenly sent him an internship request.

He by instinct just wanted to put the paper down as if he wasn't even considering going there. But he calms himself down.

There is one thing which he has always told himself.

'Nothing in this world is completely black and white. Everything falls in the somewhat grey area.'

So with that in mind, Yuta ponder on the advantages and disadvantages of both choosing Nighteye.

The downside is pretty evident, that guy can see the future. Someone like him is a bane for a Reincarnator like him. Even though it's future, many of his past, present and even future actions are based on his knowledge of the anime.

That guy learning about any of this is a red alert. But there is also an upside, just not that evident.

He already knows that although he didn't plan to play Hero all the time in the future he wasn't planning to be the villain at all. So this might also reduce some of the other Hero and UA's vigilance towards him if NightEye sees that.

'Hmm, I gotta think about it.' Yuta wondered and put that paper on the side, making sure that it was separated from all the other papers.

Many of the students choose the agency they want to go to pretty quickly. But Yuta and a few more were still confused.

Good thing that they had time to submit these forms.




By the time Yuta was leaving UA. He finally heard a sound, the girl he had been looking for some time.

"Toru," Yuta immediately perk up.

"Hmm sorry I...I was just too much taken aback at your sudden...hmmmm" Toru said with a little huffing as she ran all the way from the main gate to the end of the road.

"Yeah sorry, I just said it out loud as soon as that came into my mind," Yuta laughed with a little embarrassment.

Yuta wanted to ask for an answer, any answer like a yes or a no. Not knowing the answer for him is worse than getting a rejection.

But he held his mouth from opening and decided that it was enough daring for one day.

"Hmm so about that..." Toru finally said as both of them were standing there without knowing what to do.

"Yeah," Yuta replied not showing what to say.

"Are you hmm okay with. You know you can't even see me," The last part of the sentence was nothing more than a whisper.

Yuta hearing this suddenly realized what was happening here, after all no matter how much Quirk are accepted in this world. An uncontrollable quirk like invisibility is still a problem in a teenagers life.

"Ah, well I really don't care about that. And actually... well maybe I will tell you later but I am positive that its your personality and character which I asked you out and not whether I can see you or not so please don't think about that." Yuta said, with reluctance.

He wanted to say that he could actually see the girl but stopped himself.

MHA Hero Time Ch 46 : Internship 1

May 9

Every boy's face suddenly got a surprise on his 10th birthday or Christmas as his parent out of the blue gifted him a PlayStation or an Xbox.

Yuta's face has far surpassed that level of happiness. Hell, others don't even have to see it. Others could practically feel the flowers shedding from him at this point, making the scene much more comedic to be honest.

Reason being...

"She accepted," Yuta chirped with a happy expression on his face.

'Someone really said it true, fortune favours and bold,' Yuta had a massive smile on his face, the kind which eve put All Might to Shame and that's All might.

But just like life, nothing is all peachy and Peaches.

Though she agrees there is just no enough time in hand in either of there hands to actually go out. This plan has to be delayed until they come back from there 1-week internship program.

And with Daring to work for him up to this point, Yuta just decided to attend a Night Eye internship.

"What possibly can go wrong right ?"

Wrong !

Murphy's law states that "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong".

And this was his life, what he was expecting.

"Tell me again why should I stamp on this paper again. What benefits do I get from taking you as an intern ?" Said the sickly-looking man with neatly combed hair and stylish glasses.

This was none other than Sir NightEye.

But to explain let revise here.




Only after 2 days since the students got their internship form, they had to leave. This was a pain in all the possible places where pain can be good and bad at the same time.

Yuta really wanted to just put all this shit out of the window and training in his Rokushiki, and if possible then go around the city which even after being a citizen of in his entire life he knew very little about, much to his dismay he was shut-in in most of the time if it's not about training and going to the gym and other self-defence class.

He had very little idea about what kind of place he should take a girl. He could ask his friend but... that makes only two people on the list.

Kirishima will most likely suggest something like a game parlour and Izuku who still hasn't grown up from his 10-year-old hero phase.


'Just leave the tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's Yuta,'

And that is what he was pondering over until he found his way towards Sir Night Eye's Hero Agency.

He pursed his lips after seeing the gloomy-looking building in front of him, reminded in of the big boring offices where he always dreaded to enter. Some elders used to say that there exists a creature inside who traps the souls of the office workers and makes them work until all there dreams and ambitions are crushed under the weight of spreadsheets and pending projects.

Shivering he slowly opens the door, only to notice a certain blond with funny eyes staring back at him.

But the things which stunned Yuta weren't the funny eyes but rather that the boy was half naked, only wearing his undies, If Yuta is any wiser than if he just completed wearing those the moment Yuta himself entered the office, meaning somehow his over thinking to save him from opening his day with seeing a Japanese d***.

Let's not go there.

"Hey, welcome how may I help you ?" Came the most robotic reply Yuta has ever gotten from a man.

"Hmm, I am looking for Sir Night Eye. Here for the Internship," Yuta on the first expression felt like he knew this person.

Just where.

"Oh, you are the rookie who won the first place in Sport Festival and fought those villains in the USJ. Sir were expecting you. I am Mirio by the way, a third year student" Said the boy with happy expression, and he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Yeah, I am Yuta. Just Yuta," Yuta said in daze.

Only now he realize who this person was, one of the big three.

And out of all the existence in the MHA universe, if there is a busted list of quirk then his name will surely be there. Though nothing like Kamui but the quirk very similar and any Naruto fan can tell what kind of Cheat Kamui was.

"We can talk leter, you should meet Sir Night Eye first. He should be in this office. Go," Mirio said as he shown the direction to Yuta.

Yuta just thanks him and animately went toward the direction Mirio pointed at.




Knock knock!

"Come in,"

"Hello, I'm...

"Yuta I know, come in," Sir Nighteye said interrupting Yuta.


Yuta just did what the older man did and waited until he completed what he was doing. Thankfully won't tickle girls half of his age, otherwise, Yuta didn't know how to react.

Shouldn't Japan have some kind of law against this? After all, if there is one country where something like this is supposed to happen the most then its there, the place where school girls are considered goddesses.

'How long is he gonna take ?' Yuta started to get impatient. There seemed to be an unlimited resource of paperwork on his table which was more important than a student looking for the internship.

it took a few minutes before the man even looks him.

"So who are you again,"

"What, you just said I am Yuta yourself." Yuta snap. What kind of bullshit is that.

"I know but I thought we were doing this proper and all. Well fine, tell me Yuta why did you choose my agency here," Night Eye said.

"Because you sent an internship form to me," Yuta calmed himself down and said.

"True but I am sure that I wasn't the only one, after all, you won the Sport Festival, you should have gotten many of those forms. Then why my Agency," Nighteye asked with curiosity.

"Becuase your form was at the top," Yuta replied with just plain tone, He already had a bad first impression of this guy.

He looked around and noticed that the man was surrounded by All Might images and posters all around, no doubt that he was a Fan Boy. Even bigger kind than Deku.

This is the kind of fans who even know what a certain celeb said in one interview out of countless the interviews which mostly get rushed under the Media Agency. But he will rememeber them.

Though Yuta didn't let his contempt for the fanboish showcase in his face it fueled his irritation on the side.

"Oh really, and here I thought UA sort there paper with Alphabetical order," Nighteye said.

'Bullshit, even if he One Above All I am not ready to agree that he knows something so minuscule, this is nothing but a pressure-building strategy.

So you wanna play like that huh, fine by me,'

"Really they do that, and here I thought they made an exception for me. Sigh, for a second I even thought that I am somewhat special," Yuta happy replied.

MHA Hero Time Ch 47 : Internship 2

May 10

The talk with Nighteye was interesting, to say the least. Neither of them was giving in here, while Nighteye was trying to put some pressure on Yuta, the boy himself was faking ignorance.

"Sigh," Ultimately the adult has to give in, after all his time is more important than the high school boy in front of him.

"Okay let's talk about your internship then, tell me why you want to be a Hero." Sir Nighteye asked.

Now Yuta knew what the man wanted to hear or even expected to hear. But Yuta didn't have any of it.

"Well its mostly safety," Yuta replied without a second thought.

This answer actually brings some sort of reaction in that stoic face of Nighteye. Usually, he doesn't meet people at all, and when he do then they are not fledgling heroes.

But he has his own share of encounters with them, he himself taught one of the big three in UA right now after all and even considers the boy worth enough to inherit All MIght's quirk.

So he has some idea of what kind of answer usually he is usually going to receive from a kid. But Yuta's answer left him confused.

"Please explain," Nighteye seemed a little interested now and asked.

"Well it's nothing special but I got my quirk quite late, like 15 years late. I am pretty sure that you know about that fact considering you should get some kind of report about me from UA or at least do some kind of back ground check, you are All Might's side kick after all.

So you can think for yourself what kind of life I live while growing up. If you have no idea when let me tell you its not pretty, being the only Quirkless person among a group of people with funky powers.

And though I do know another person who got his own quirk quite late, he too is a massive fan of All Might by the way, I can say that you two will go along if all those All Might Poster are any indication, anyway as I was saying unlike this friend of mine who always wanted to be a hero, I never desired to be one.

I trained hard from very early in my life to compensate for my lack of quirk, there was a constant notion in my brain that I needed to get stronger to survive, maybe it does that to someone who got thrown from a 2 story building by some bullies. Almost got stab. Burn and much more.

Anyways, to sum it up. I never desired to be a Hero in the first place, but I ended up being one just so that I can prevent others from experiencing the same as I have experienced over the years and at the same time get strong, becuase after all just having quirk doesn't make anyone a hero or powerful." Yuta said with a laid back attitude.

Those was his honest thoughts though, he really never planned to be a Hero. He joined UA because that was the only other way he could get stronger so he can protect himself, beside being a villain that is.

Hearing this Night Eye didn't say anything for a while. It felt like he was condoning everything which Yuta said and more.

'But if that's the case then why suddenly its feel like he was getting angry ?' Yuta pursed his lips and looked at the adult man with a suspicious look of his own. Not knowing what was going on in his mind.

"So you are telling me that All Might gave his quirk to some Quirkless Kid who didn't even want to be a Hero." Night Eye said with plain disdain on his tone.

Yuta at this time has to take a double take here.

'Hmm, the first part of the sentence seems accurate enough, if they are talking about Deku. Though I have no idea the guy will suddenly bring him into the conversation all of a sudden.

But the second part is...



I see what's going on here, this fucker thought that I got All Might's Quirk....

...I kind of did, but that a hush-hush thing and officially its still Deku who is the protagonist here.

But whatever, I understand what kind of situation I'm dealing here.

And shit, why didn't this almost 50-year-old fanboy just ask All Might who he gave his quirk too. And I too am not supposed to know anything about OFA or the relationship between All Might and Izuku, thus I can't explain to him either. My only hope is that the idiot figure it out himself.'

Suddenly Yuta felt a sudden degree of exhaustion coming to him.

"What Are you talking about," Yuta asked with his best, 'I am confused face,' giving every possible hint to the man that he wasn't supposed to bully her.

"Don't faint ignorance in front of me. I knew All Might before he even became famous. Its so much like you that he will give his power to someone just because he find them worthy and listening to his heart.

But, listen to me Yuta, Ghosh why you won't have a last name it's so hard to intimidate with others without using a person's entire name.

I do not approve of you having One For All." Night Eye said as he got closer slightly to Yuta and poked Yuta's forehead with his index finger.

"Is this some sort of new way to test students or something? First, make them nervous and put some pressure on them and when that's not working then try to make them confused.

And how the hell All Might come to this," Yuta asked with a confused face.

'How the hell the secret of OFA is still a secret when idiot's like him exist.' This was beyond Yuta.

"Sigh, its doesn't matter," Nighteye shook his head, maybe seeing that he got the wrong person here or thinking that the kid is not gonna spill any beans.

"Here is the stamp," Nighteye said as he got up from his place.

"I see what you will get if you join my agency...

"I am not joining your agency."

"Yeah yeah... I mean getting an internship under me. Just fill the gaps here would ya," Night Eye said with an exaggerated tone. Making Yuta's eyebrows twist in annoyance.

"I see what you get but I don't see what I will get in return for teaching you ?" Night Eye.

"You get to keep your reputation when I don't point out you as someone who accepts students for an internship but demands remuneration back once the students actually visit him," Yuta said.

He never intended to say that, but his annoyance level was so high right now that he couldn't help it anymore.

Nighteye hearing this finally shows some sort of emotion. Maybe realizing that he really was doing that but now that he planned to test the boy, he can't back down.

"Who's asking for money you brat? I just want to check out whether you are worth teaching." Nighteye said with zero facial deformation.

Yuta made a face in which that Kazuma Sato would be proud of.

"So what do you want me to do," Signing Yuta asked. Seems there is no escaping it one way or another.

But he was wondering why Night Eye had not seen his own future. If he did then he should have realized that he is not All Might Success....

'One minute, maybe the man did see my future, he must have seen me using OFA and mistook it, the man can only see glimpses of the future after all.

"Simple, You just have to take this stamp from my hand and that's it, you have 3 minutes," Nighteye said with a little smile creeping onto his face.

Yuta's thinking came to an end when he saw that test already has started.

MHA Hero Time Ch 48 : Internship 3

May 11

"Simple, You just have to take this stamp from my hand and that's it, you have 3 minutes," Nighteye said with a little smile creeping onto his face.

Yuta at this berated his damn luck, surely he could have gotten a better and easier time if he chose some other place for his internship, but ultimately he don't have the power to rewind time.

He waited for a few seconds just to observe Nighteye and also for the notification, he expected some sort of notification from the system at least but alas there was nothing.

"What! you are not even gonna try. It's a shame I aspected better from someone who won he UA sports festival. For was that just a fluke."

'Sigh seems like there is nothing.' Yuta pondered until he wasted at least 10 seconds before acting up.

"Soru," Yuta mutters, trying to use the technique. However, the technique wasn't even mastered by him yet.

"He will try to rush but will tumble and hit the wall," Nighteye looks at the wall and only whispered to himself.

And the next second, Yuta lost his balance after using the technique which he still hasn't mastered and tumble. Going straight for the wall.


"Ouch ouch ouch, I shouldn't use six styles in real combat yet," Yuta got up pouting, more embarrassed then disappointed on himself.

"Fine, we'll do this the old-fashioned way." Yuta muttered as lightning started to appear around him.

Now there was no blue lightning when All Might Used his quirk but for some reason, Night Eye felt a very familiar feeling from the power which Yuta was using.

He after all was All Might Side Kick for a long time and more than that he is a Fanboy. There is no way that he will mistake this power.

This almost makes him confirm his suspicion that Yuta was All Might's Successor. But he didn't have time to ponder over something like that right now as in front of his eyes Yuta became almost a blur.

Unlike Izuku who was hardly able to use 10% of OFA powers when he met Sir Nighteye, Yuta here can use up to 25%.

However becuase he still is not used to using that much power yet, Yuta refrains from going all out. He needs to first learn how much power has to be use to do various different things. Being able to jump around an office is also included.

Yuta was still using only 20%. That is what he was used to after all that training with Six Styles. After all, to use that technique, he also needs OFA.

Nighteye eyes scan all around him. He was tense, but thanks to his quirk he was able to track Yuta's movements as he boy was mostly copying Gran Torino, Yuta pretty much copied the exact training Deku went through to master OFA so there is no doubt he did some good old Gran Torino wall jumping as well.

Despite not knowing how Yuta learned this kind of fighting style, he wasn't aware that the kid had met Gran Torino yet but at least it didn't matter.

Nighteye was able to dodge all of his movements. His foresight showed him where the boy was about to be before he was even there. And thanks to that Nighteye was constantly avoiding Yuta.

But this was nothing like what happened with Izuku in the anime. even after having the ability to know what Izuku was about to do, it was hard to match the boy's movements.

Izuku was good but Yuta here was faster. Much much faster and more adap at using his body in various different ways. After all unlike Izuku who was a shut in Fanboy who only later started working out. Yuta drove his body to his absolute limit every day just so that he can survive in this cruel world.

"Got you know," Yuta suddenly appear near Nighteye, at the speed he was jumping around the place was so fast that he even put a dent in one of the walls he jumped from.

Nighteye snaps his hand out of the position just in time before Yuta grab the stamp.

'Sigh, this is harder than expected.' Night Eye grim.

He still was just a human who can see the future to some extent. If the opponent's speed is fast enough then it doesn't matter how far he sees in the future, he won't be able to dodge it.

But fortunately for him, Yuta still haven't controlled his movements at OFA 25%. So he can't just increase his OFA power here. Nor Yuta has master Shave so as long as his own stamina doesn't run out before 3 minutes, he will be fine.

"You have to do better than that if you want to get the stamp," Nighteye taunted.

Yuta hearing this just gritted his teeth. He was giving his best but Night Eyes bug-like ability is just too much.

Until there is a big power gap, there is hardly anyone who can beat this guy. He might look weak but that quirk gives him an insane advantage while fighting people around his level.

But Yuta didn't give up, he saw Nighteye struggling as well. If only he pressure him a little more then maybe he can get the stamp. And with that said, the blue lightning crackling around Yuta intensified and he continued his barrage of onslaughts against Nighteye.




"You lost, the time is up," Night Eye said as he looked at the clock. The given three minutes were over now.

Yuta was panting as he stood in front of Night Eye with an angry face. But he didn't say anything. He just stood there without saying anything.

"I have to say that I'm disappointed," Nighteye said with an expressionless face. Like nothing phase to him.

He was now pondering what to do. He was disappointed but that doesn't mean that he can send the kid back home.

It wasn't the recruitment in his agency or anything but an internship. He himself offers the chance to the boy to work with him. Pondering his attention went to the office itself. It was dirty.

Shoe prints are almost everywhere. He needs to ask someone to clean this...

Nighteye suddenly notices something. The shoe prints are everywhere but... his All Might Posters and other things related to All Might. There is not even a single dirt on them.

"Did this kid..." Nighteye looked at Yuta who was surprisingly staring right back at him.

But then he notices something in his hand.

"THE Stamp," Nighteye said with a strange look. He didn't even notice when the boy took it away. But it didn't matter, he had to do that in under three minutes. Nighteye was sure that he had to stamp until the three minutes were over.

"What's the meaning of this? Your time is already up. There is no point in getting the stamp right now." Nighteye said.

"Are you sure, I thought I still had 1 minute left," Yuta said and turned to the clock in the room.

Sensing something wrong, Nighteye did the same but he was stunned the next second.

"This, but..but... how," Nighteye almost staggered as he failed to comprehend what was going on.

He was sure that three minutes were done. But now the time is only passed by 2 minutes.

'Mangekyo Sharingan, this is the true power of Uchiha..


'Alright Alright, it's normal Sharingan but just give me a break already. Mangekyo sounds way cooler,'

"Your foresight is good, almost gave me some trouble there. But don't be too full of yourself, you might can see the strings of fate but today your opponent is also a puppeteer," Yuta said channelling all the Afro Energy he got from the last time.