
Chapter 221

Immediately everyone else vacated, eager to go home, leaving only

me and he Hokage in the office. Sarutobi then looked to me and

sighed, "I have to say Yami, you have a way of surprising me every

time I see you."

I shrugged, "such is life."

"Over a six months ago you were a chunin, now you're an S level


"Wait what?"

He put down the bingo book, it looked like this months' edition. I picked

it up and turned to the bookmarked page.

Name: Yami

Age: 13

Affiliation: Konoha

Rank: Tokubetsu jonin

Threat level- S

Physical features: Has black spiky hair coming down till his

shoulders and black eyes. Wears the common garb of Konoha


Elemental affinity: Fire, Scorch (claims), Swift

Known jutsus: High ranking fire jutsus, high ranking wind jutsus,

enhanced chakra strength, the flying thunder God jutsu, Nova ball

(unknown), Mystical palm healing technique, summoning

technique (Phoenix)

Prefered jutsus: Scorch release: Dragon's breath, Flying Thunder

God jutsu

Yami, no last name, is an orphan from Konoha. He's known to

have incredible speed and strength. He mainly uses his daggers,

which look handmade and also an Uchiha Gunbai. His main focus

is on a quick victory, he chooses not to kill if he can help it.

Notable Acts: Has killed the Fourth Mizukage, Jinchuuriki of the



40 million (Iwa) Dead or Alive

5 million (Kumo) Alive

10 million (Sound) Dead or Alive

I blinked, "well this is flattering. Wait, why does it mention my age


The Hokage blinked, "did you honestly forget?"

I blinked, "wait...was it my birthday?"

"Yes...three weeks ago...Naruto was angry that you missed it, but he

understood you had an important mission," the Hokage sighed.

I nodded, "right, thanks for explaining it to him. is kind

of cool huh?"

"You don't understand the gravity of the situation here Yami," the

Hokage said going into his serious mode, "you're now a target, and a

big one. That goal you had for yourself? Becoming a new icon that

others would think twice about messing with? Well congratulations, you

have achieved it. People are comparing you to the Fourth, claiming

how you're his second coming."

I groaned, "fuck me."

"Yes, some want exactly that," the man smiled seeing my confused

look, "your popularity has made you famous with Kouchis, I suggest to

take to wearing your mask and hood once more, it'll be safer for you

that way."

I grumbled, "fuck me! That's just what I need! Bloody fan girls!"

"Yes well, such is the bane of all competent shinobis," the man smiled,

"but in all seriousness Yami, I'm proud of the man you turned out today.

When I heard what you did, fighting off Yagura to allow civilians to

escape...honestly your dream of a united world is becoming more and

more of a reality everyday."

"Oh please, you never believed in that dream," I scoffed.

"True...but after seeing what you can do? After knowing the kind of

person you are….I honestly can't think otherwise," the man smiled, "I

suspect Naruto might have a competitor for this hat."

I shook my head, "in all honesty? No way, I would rather die than put

on that hat and be stuck as a paper pusher. No offense old man, but

your job sucks."

He groaned, "you could at least sugar coat it a little."

"That was sugar coating it."

"Ha, maybe you're right," the man laughed, "maybe this is a useless

and thankless job. But….that doesn't change the fact Yami, the way

things are going, you're far more qualified to become Hokage than

most ninjas I know. It's going to be a long time before Naruto ever even


I blinked, "a-are you serious?"

The man nodded, "you're the perfect candidate...which is why it's all

the more sadder than you don't wish for the hat."

I chuckled, "yeah...I guess that is a twist...lord Hokage, there is another

matter I wish to discuss with you."

"What is it?" the man asked, his glare now serious.

"Alone sir," I motioned to the 'hidden' ANBU, "this could be a potential

S rank secret, maybe higher."

"Is it about your parentage?" he asked in wonder.

"No's something else," I replied.

"Right..." the man made several handsets causing the ANBU to leave

and sval sound blocking seals go up, from what I could tell they were

all S rank and above.

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" he asked.

"Yagura isn't dead, I managed to capture him alive and am holding him

in my status seal," I told the man.

Tick tock, that way the sound of his pipe hitting the floor as his jaw

hanged open in shock. "N-no way," he blinked, "I think I'm having a


I formed the horse seal activating the mystical palm healing jutsu, "er,

you're joking right?"

"I hope," he sighed rubbing his nose, "Yami, what the hell were you

thinking?! I understand gaining a Biju for ourselves is a great boost in

power, but we are just forming an alliance with Kiri! An extremely fragile

one at that! A stunt like this will-"

"-He under a genjutsu cast on him by someone with a Mangekyou

sharingan," I cut the old man off.

His eyes widened, "w-what?"

"I was about to kill him, really, I was. But just then I felt the presences

of a secondary chakra signature running around his mind, altering it. It

felt like the chakra signature Itachi used when he tried to cast his

genjutsu on me."

"But why would Itachi put the Mizukage under control?" the Hokage


"It wasn't Itachi," I shook my head, "it was someone else. I know

Itachi's chakra, that wasn't it."

Chapter 222

"Are you telling me there's another Uchiha alive out there? One with

the Mangekyou sharingan?" the Third looked serious now.

I nodded, "yes sir. And if my guess is correct, this genjutsu is the

reason why Yagura acted so...cruelly, ordering the death of bloodline

clans leading to the civil war. He is….under this Uchiha's influence. So

you see, I thought this could be useful...or if Kiri found this out,

potentially deadly."

"You….you did the right thing Yami," Sarutobi grumbled, "and you're

sure he won't be able to escape your storage space?"

"No sir. It's impossible. Only I can release him," I nodded.

"Then keep him with you until we can put him away in a prison he can't

break out off," he grumbled, "so much damn paper work! I'll have

reassign the entire sealing corps to this as well as put several Yamakas

to the process of wiping the genjutsus from his mind. Damn it Yami! If

you're going to give me this much work you could at least help by doing

some of the god damn paper work!"

I chuckled, "you could just use shadow clones you know."

The man stopped, his eyes widening to a comical degree, "w-what?!"

I sighed, "how the hell do they consider you the Professor when you

can't even think of such a stupidly simple solution?"

"Shadow Clone jutsu!" he ignored me and cried out, summoning five

clones of himself, "divided the work and get to it!"

"But we don't want to," one grumbled.


"-And if you force us we'll just dispel," another snorted.

The Hokage grumbled, "fine! I'll do some with you! Is that enough?"

The clones shrugged and began to work, the Hokage himself looking

tired. He turned to me and nodded, "thank you for that, this will make

things so much easier Yami."

I shrugged, "it's the way lord Hokage, have you found anything

about my past? My parents? Anything?" I was genuinely curious, did

the game mechanics change the real world in any way?

"I'm sorry Yami, btu I could not find anything," the Hokage sighed, "I

had one of my best investigating teams on it, but they couldn't find out

anything, except for the fact that you were brought to the orphanage by

a chunin named To Akuma the day after the Kyuubi attack. He was in

charge of gathering the dead children of the shinobis that died that day.

"However, he found you in the wreckage of a building in the South side

which is popular for...the more adult situations of a ninja's life. So as far

as we can tell, you were a child of a shinobi, but we couldn't track down

who's or how they died. But...seeing as your eyes speak for

themselves, I suppose at least one of your parents were an Uchiha."

"The south side?" I groaned, "that's...the red light district."

The Hokage nodded, "yes, it would seem so."

"So...chances are my mother was a prostitute and my father was an

Uchiha that knocked her up," I clicked my teeth, "damn."

"I understand this is difficult for you Yami, but no one will ever judge

you for the actions of your parents. We only care about one thing, the

man you are today," the man smiled, "and from what I see, you're

origins are far outshined by your actions."

I sighed, "yeah...thanks...I guess that's a good thing huh? If my mom

had brought me to the Uchiha clan I would be dead right now, I guess

she did the right thing," it was a lie, I know, but I had to act the part,

keep up appearances.

"Have you told anyone?" I asked.

"I've spoken to the elders about this," Sarutobi continued, "they

were...furious that I let you go on the Kiri mission."

"What did you do?" I asked.

The man smiled, "nothing. The moment news arrived of your defeating

a jinchuriki all on your own they shut up. They objected before, since

you were one of the few last Uchiha remaining your safety was their

top priority. But now, since you have proven even a biju isn't a match

for you, they're far more open about this."

I groaned, "I'm surprised Danzo of all people didn't object."

"Oh he had concerns at first," Hiruzen nodded, "but after the Yagura

incident he backed down. He actually suggested I give you the full rank

of jounin and assign a genin team to you."

I blinked, "please don't! The last thing I need is baby sitting duty!"

The Hokage chuckled, "don't worry, I wasn't planning on it. After all, if

you do have a genin team that means you can't take any of the high

risk missions that are beginning to obtain."

"Oh hell yes," I grinned at the idea of B and A ranked missions, "when

do I begin?"

"A month from now," he replied, "after all, I'm sure you have things to

do. Naruto is missing his older brother and I'm sure Sasuke would love

to be told that he isn't alone anymore."

"So I have permission to tell him?" I asked surprised.

The Hokage nodded, "yes, and not just him," he took out a form, it was

a copy of my ninja papers, except in this one I had a last name, 'Yami


I sighed, "damn."

"What's wrong? Do you not want people to know?" the old man asked.

"It's not that it's just...all this time I worked hard and fought for my

position and place. I didn't even know I was an Uchiha until these eyes

popped up after I became a tokubetsu jonin. Now when people find out

they'll think it's destiny that I became so powerful, after all an Uchiha is

a genius, so why isn't a surprise that he became powerful?"

Chapter 223

"I see...well, I understand why you would feel anguish over this Yami,

but trust me, people will know the difference. The people who matter.

They will know that you didn't gain your title and status because you're

an Uchiha, but because you worked for it."

I sighed, "that may be sir, but I'm not going to call myself an Uchiha," I

pushed the papers away, "I've been just Yami all my life, and now that I

made something off myself, now I get a name? Fuck that. It's like a

man abandoning his son, but coming back once the son's makes

himself rich by hard work. So if it's all the same to you, I'll keep my

name how it is."

The Hokage nodded, "that's reasonable Yami," he took the form and

put it away, "very well, as per your request I'll keep your official name

out of the papers. But, make no mistake, as far as Konoha is

concerned, you are an Uchiha. You may use your eyes and reveal your

true origins as per your discretion, but be warned, once you tell people,

they will treat you differently Yami."

I shrugged, "I can deal with that. Thank you lord Hokage, this means a

lot to me."

The old man smiled, "you're welcome. Now, I'm sure you're exhausted,

go on, go home. We'll speak again after your month long break is


I nodded, "right," I then activated the seal I kept in my bedroom and

flushed away, appearing inside my room which was exactly how I left it.

I opened my senses and found Naruto in his room and Misu in her's,

which was my work room that had been remodeled into serving as the

older woman's bedroom. I quickly took off my jacket and clothes,

slipping into something more comfortable before hitting the bed. I was

asleep almost immediately, damn it felt good to be home.

The Next Day:

"Of course I'm going dattebayo!" came a loud scream through the

house that woke me up.

I grumbled as I woke up and rubbed my eyes, it was around 7 in the

morning. Who the fucks wakes up at seven in the morning and is so

goddamn chirpy?!

"Naruto! You need to eat breakfast first!" Misu cried out, "you know

Kakashi is always late anyway! And you can't start your day without a

proper meal!"

"But grandma!"

"No buts!"

I groaned, 'Uzumakis, all loud and fucking annoying. And a fucking pain

in the ass! I so need to buy myself a new apartment.'

"Fine! But if I'm late I'm blaming you!" Naruto cried out.

"Will you both shut up!" I threw open the door, "I'm trying to fucking

sleep here!"

"Yami?!" Misu gassed.

Naruto turned form his chair and gasped, his eyes going wide, "Yami!

You're back! When did you come home?!"

"Last night," I yawned, "I see some things never change. How have

you two been?"

"I'm great!" Naruto cheered, "my team and I saved a princess!"

I blinked, "say what now?"

Naruto chuckled as he began to explain his mission to Snow. It went

exactly the same as the movie, they came, they saw, they kicked some

ass. And now the land was called the Land of Spring, which was nice.

IT seems along the way Sasuke gained his sharingan, which was nice,

I didn't want to think because he never faced Haku and Zabuza his

growth was stunted.

So now we sat together, eating the breakfast Misu had made, Naruto

winding up his story. "So Naruto, where are you going now?" I asked.

"Eh? Oh, I'm going to meet Kakashi sensei and the others! We're going

to have a team meeting at 8!"

I nodded, "I see. Mind if I tag along?"

"Sure! But, don't you have anything to do?" he blinked.

"No, I have some time off," I winked.

"Cool!" Naruto grinned, "then let's do it!"

"So what have you been doing for the past four months Yami?" Misu


I winked, "sorry grandma, but that's a secret."

"Oh come on! Can't you tell us anything?!" Naruto whined.

"Well I can tell you that it had something to do with Kiri, but that's it," I

grinned seeing him groan. I put the chopsticks away and got up,

"anyway, give me a moment and I'll be with you."

I quickly changed and Naruto and I left, saying goodbye to Misu. We

then took off on the roofs, rushing towards training field seven. Well,

rushing for Naruto, for me this was like a slow jog.

"We did it!" Naruto cried out as we reached the training field, only see

Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi there waiting for us.

"You're late idiot!" Sakura cried out.

"What?!" Naruto gasped, "b-but Kakashi sensei is on time?! How?!"

"Well when it's important I don't show up late," Kakashi replied with a


"Important?! What's so important?!" Naruto asked.

"I'll tell you, wait for a moment," he waved Naruto down before turning

to me and nodding, "hello Yami, I'm glad to see you back home."

"Kakashi," I nodded, "how have you been?"

"Good, can't complain. I heard what you did in Kiri, I have to say, I was

very impressed, not many ninjas can survive an attacked from a biju,

let alone defeat one."

I shrugged, "it was a combination of luck and skill honestly."

"Hm, from what I heard you came out of that fight with only a broken

hand and tattered armour. Other than that you didn't have a scratch on


I nodded, "yeah. I ended up losing my battle cloak though, which was

kind of disappointing."

"Wait, what happened Kakashi sensei?" Sakura asked, "what did Yami

have to face?"

Chapter 224

"Sorry Sakura, but that's classified," Kakashi replied.

"Yeah, that's what Yami said too," Naruto huffed, "he wouldn't even tell

me what he did!"

"Well...I suppose I could tell you one thing," Kakashi replied, gaining all

three genin's attention, "you see Yami over there fought and won

against a Kage level opponent."

"What?! A kage level enemy?!" Naruto cried out, "like jiji?!"

Kakashi nodded, "yes, like the Hokage."

"How did you get so strong?" Sasuke asked me.

I shrugged, "I told you, training, planning and skill. You can do it too,

you just have to train smart instead of hard."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and grunted, turning back to Kakashi while

Naruto spoke, "just you watch Yami! Soon I'll get strong enough to beat

you too! I'll become a jonin too!"

"Well first you'll have to become a chunin Naruto," I chuckled.

"Alright, enough chit chat," Kakashi spoke before Naruto could reply,

"it's time for some training. Yami, you want to stick around and watch?"

I shrugged, "sure, why not. I'll just be over there if you need me."

"Right, now, Naruto, let's work on your taijutsu..."

I walked away and sat down under the shade of a tree. I watched them

train for a while, focusing on taijutsu today. After a moment I decided to

work on myself instead of just wasting time.

I opened my inventory and took out the jutsu scroll I gained as a

reward for the Kiri quest;


You have learnt a new jutsu!

Water Release: Water Clone, C rank

User creates clones by using water as a medium, the clones

possess one-tenth of the user's power and cannot go too far from

the original.

CP- 500

Range- 50 feet

Hm, the range limit thing is surprising, but I'm glad I have a second

clone jutsu, could be useful. I then took out the one I've been most

excited for, the recipe scroll.


You have obtained a recipe scroll! Would you like to learn it?!


I pressed yes and;


The scroll is based on the chakra natures you control! You have

three options to chose from!

Chakra blade types available:












Okay, so I have three choices now, that's good, I don't think I could pick

just one.

My first choice is Wind, since obviously it would help cutting things.

Then would be Scorch, which is slowly becoming my favorite nature

release and, why not go with my most powerful release?

Power. It's impossible to create jutsus for it, but it's still powerful and I

can still use it.


Are you sure these are your choices?


I selected yes and the menu disappeared as the knowledge to make

the three chakra blades entered into my head.

Hm, so that's how, I'll have to introduce the chakra natures during the

process of smelting along with oiling it up with a condensed oil mixed

with my own chakra. Hm, I could use this. Maybe it's time I made

myself a weapon.


Quest Alert!

Create yourself a weapon!


A new weapon!

2, 000 EXP!


Waste of chakra ore

Do you accept?


I said yes and closed the menu. I then opened my inventory and

looked through it, finding two skill scrolls inside. Both were +10. I

looked over my skills and decided to use one on my chakra enhanced

strength skill;

Chakra enhanced strength, Lv- 26 (0%)

Channel chakra into different parts of your body and unleash it

with pinpoint accuracy to cause a large amount of damage.

CP cost- 80 per minute


I saved the second scroll for later, never know when you could need it

in cases of emergencies. I then took out the last reward I gained from

the quest, a piece of armour.

It was several black plates tied together with an elastic chain mail that

seemed to be able to stretch like cloth. The plates were metal from

what I could tell and when I slipped it on, the bands seemed to stretch

open before locking back into place, grabbing my limb in a vice.

The forearm were vambracers with a hidden pocket for a kunai on the

under arm. There were plates around the bicep and a demon's head on

the shoulder stretching outwards with two horns and an oni smile.

The part covering my palms were fingerless with a metal plate on the

back of my hand and soft pads on my palms. There were

reinforcements around my wrist to prevent it from getting hurt and

metal caps over the knuckles.

There were several hidden pockets along the arm, enough space for

scrolls and weapons along with a real of wire hidden behind the

demon's head.

Right arm plated armour, S rank

Armour crafted by a legendary smith whose name is lost to time.

The armour is covered with armour that is virtually unbreakable

and cloth that can't be cut by normal kunai. The entire piece of

made of a special chakra metal that gets strengthened when

supplied with chakra.

Durability- 10,000/10,000

Bonus- 100 CP to double durability

Hidden abilities- ? (Self discovery)

I raised an eyebrow at that last one, self discovery? Meaning I had to

figure it out? What a load of crap. Fine, at least it had cool stats, that's

enough for me I guess. Plus, it does look pretty cool. Hm, I wonder

what will happen if I punch someone with this?

I then spent the rest of the morning just watching them train, intent on

just wasting away time. But at around noon though I decided enough

was enough and I needed to get back to work. I said goodbye to team

seven and walked back into town.

Chapter 225

I went over to my editor's publishing office and entered his office.

Baroma greeted me eagerly, closing all the curtains and doors to give

us some privacy.

"It's been a long time since I saw you last," he said as we sat down at

his table, the covers of my book framed and hanging on his wall.

"Long term mission," I shrugged, "how are the sales going?"

He smiled, "couldn't be better. The Potter books have been selling like

crazy! I'll admit I was skeptical at first, I only released the first book. But

people began eating it up! Two months later I published the second

one! However I'm keeping the third one with myself for now, build the

tension up."

I nodded, "good. Sell it in like half a year or something, and when

you're done tell me, I have the fourth book ready."

He blinked, "already?"

I nodded, "yes, already," as well as the fifth, sixth and seventh. After all

I just didn't spend all my time in Kiri fighting and sleeping.

"Well that's good I suppose," he nodded, "by the way, a toy company in

Hono called, they were asking if it was possible to license your Justice


I blinked, "really? They took long enough."

"Yes well it's rare to see a book do so well. They had to be sure before

they took that risk. So what do you say?"

"What are their terms?"


It was a long boring meeting, I had to change the terms a lot though, so

eventually I managed to make myself a nice cozy profit. When that was

done Baroma continued to the next topic, "so, have you brought me

something? Or is this a social call?"

I smiled, I took out three books, one black, one green and one blue and

placed it on his table. The man picked it up eagerly and looked them


"The Dark Knight, The Man of Steel and the King of Atlantis? Are these

stand alone books?"

I nodded, "yes. In the Batman one he's going to face an enemy that is

smarter and far more dangerous than ever before. Probably my best


"That's quite a boast," the man sad looking through the pages, "the

Joker? Are you sure about the name?"

"Yes, I am," I nodded.

"Fine, I've learnt by now to trust your gut. Now, what about the other


"The Man of Steel is about Superman facing against humanity. Lex

Luthor has finally had enough and is planning of destroying him."

"Anything interesting happens in it?"

I smiled, "yes, something interesting," I introduced Doomsday in this

book, meaning the Death of Superman arc begins now.

"And this last one?"

"About Aquaman, it's about him gaining his throne back from his

younger brother who plans war with the land walkers," I shrugged, "I'm

also in the process of writing a Hawkgirl story, a Martian Manhunter

and Green Lantern story."

"Meaning it's almost done but you're going to rewrite them several

times before you're satisfied."

I smiled, "yup."

"Honestly Yami this is amazing. Your turn out rate is beyond anyone

else I know. How do you do it?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I'm a ninja. I have my tricks," having an army of shadow

clones at my disposal made my writing rate sooo much quicker.

Grinding for the win!

We spoke a little further before I left his office. I then spent the

afternoon and evening in the library catching up with Misa. She was so

happy to see me again, afraid I would have forgotten about her or

something sheesh, as if I would ever do that.

I learnt a few genjutsus for myself, since I can be more open with the

Sharingan now I might as well use them. I also picked up a few Earth

Release jutsus, though they were far less impressive that I thought;

Earth Release: Rock Pillar Spears, C rank

This technique lets the user create a few rock pillars that will

protrude from the ground to skew the target.

CP cost- 500

DMG- 300

Earth Release: Rock Pillar Prison, D rank

A technique that makes use of the rock terrain by creating

multiple rock pillars that emerge from beneath the target and trap


CP cost- 100

Durability- 50/50

Earth Release: Flying Thrown Stones, D rank

After slamming his hands on the ground, user sends a multitude

of rocks from the ground to fly at the target.

CP cost- 200 for 20 stones

DMG- 50 per stone

Earth Release: Earth and Stone Bamboo Shoot, C rank

This technique condenses the soil and rock in the area to sprout

out in the form of four large spikes which attack the target from

four separate directions in an attempt to skewer the opponent

making it harder to evade.

CP cost- 800

DMG- 500

Durability- 1,000/1,000

I then spent the evening watching a movie, it was actually the one

staring that princess chic Naruto saved. Not bad, but not great either.

Honestly, I could write a better script. Hm, maybe I should? I'm sure

there's lots of money to be had, plus I could use the ideas from my

home world to make the story, I could rich! Er, richer.

It was late now, well past midnight, I had caught the last show. And as I

walked through the quiet and darkened streets of Konoha I felt

someone approach me. They tried their hardest to hide their chakra,

but it was almost half assed in their attempt.

I took a turn into the public park which was still open, I felt the person

following me keep to the shadows. I stopped at the children's park and

sat down on a swing set, pushing myself gently, "I can sense you, you

might as well show yourself."

Chapter 226

"I wasn't hiding," came the person's reply as a figure creeped out from

the shadows. I blinked, I honestly wasn't expecting Danzo of all people

to show up before me. I narrowed my eyes and studied him, back then

I didn't have the time, but now I did.

Danzo Shimura, The Root

Lv- 86

REP- 56

His chakra structure was like a maze, so many different parts from one

man. I could sense something pleasant coming from his right arm, like

a fresh breeze, but punctured through it was the scent of something

else, something powerful.

I felt that scent before, twice, in myself and in Itachi. The scent of the

sharingan. Sasuke's chakra pathways haven't yet been affected by it,

but Danzo's has. And from what I can tell, he had,


"Ah, Danzo, I was wondering when you were going to show up."

"Your sensory powers are astounding," Danzo commented as he

stepped ten feet before me, "most jounins can't detect me."

"Most jounins aren't me," I replied, "so, what can I do for you oh great

elder of Konoha?"

"You have a mouth on you, not a trait a ninja should have," Danzo


"A ninja is only silent when he faces an enemy," I glared at him, "are

you my enemy?"

Danzo was silent for a moment before he spoke, "that depends. As

long as you are loyal to this village, then we are allies."

I sighed, "well that's kind of silly of you...why are you here?"

"To ask you a question," he replied, "tell me, what does being a ninja

mean to you?"

I blinked, "why are you asking me that?"

"Humor an old man, please," he said dispassionately.

I sighed, " me a ninja is someone with power. The power to

change the world, whether through a death or through saving a life. A

ninja is the best that man can be...or the worst."

"Yes, but what do you think a ninja should be?"

"A ninja should be a hero," I told him, "it's an idealistic view I know, but

if no one believes that it can be done, then it will never be done."

"But you believe that a ninja can be a saviour?"

I nodded, "yes, I know it. If a ninja fights for what's right, if he fights for

the people, then the world will be a better place for it."

"Tell me Yami, who do you fight for? Konoha, or yourself?"

I shrugged, "I fight for those that can't defend themselves. I find fighting

for yourself kind of a boring idea, it's...stupid honestly. And pointless."

"And how far would you be willing to go to save the people?" he asked.

I narrowed my eyes, "what's your point?"

"I am aware that you have the Sanbi locked away in your status seals,"

Danzo said bluntly, "while Sarutobi believes your story of brainwashing,

I find it...a waste of time."

"So what's your idea?" I asked.

"To remove the Sanbi from Yagura and seal it away in one of our own,"

Danzo replied, "that way Konoha will have true power, power to

strengthen its borders and protect it's people. With two bjus on our

side, we will be invisible."


Quest Alert!

Give the Sanbi to Danzo!


5,000 EXP!



-40 REP with Danzo

Do you accept?


"I see..." I narrowed my eyes. The man was fucking crazy! I knew he

was bad based on the manga but this was just ridiculous! He needed

to be stopped, and...maybe it's time I do it.


Quest Alert!

Kill Danzo!


Danzo's remains



Do you accept?


Hmm...if I'm serious about this...then the best time to do it is right now.

He's alone, I can't sense anyone with genin level chakra 200 feet from

here, meaning none of his Root members followed him.

I need to get him alone and since this is going to make a lot of noise I

need a place to fight. Maybe I can flash him outside of the city,, the desert around Suna sounds like a good

place...yes...yes I remember that cave that my team rested in during

our courier mission, I hide a marker there. But I'll have to use chakra to

get there and the moment he knows, he'll attack me, I need to be at


And there's also the matter of his eyes, those ten eyes on his hand and

the one in his right socket. Out of all of them, the one in his socket is

the most valuable, it belonged to Shisui and has some sort of super

genjutsu inside it.

One of the rewards for the quest is Danzo's corpse, meaning I can

harvest it. Which also means those ten eyes, Shisui's one eye and the

Hashirama cells in his body could be useful. I'll have to research more,

try and figure out how to make them useful but...yes….I can use this.

I need a plan, a plan to make sure Danzo can't escape death using

Izanagi, which will allow him to escape death while taking away an

Uchiha eye. I'll have to first remove the eyes from his possession,

starting with Shisui's.

I stared at the man, he didn't' seem bothered, I suspect he thinks I'm

debating mentally if I should follow him or not. He doesn't realise in

actuality I'm planning on trying to kill him.

Five minutes later I had a plan, I selected yes for the quest to kill

Danzo and no for the quest to give him the Sanbi.

I stood up from the swing and sighed, "if I do am I going to

explain to the Hokage about the Sanbi disappearance?"

Chapter 227

Danzo's face relaxed, "I'll help you cover the escape. You can simply

claim that while you slept the Sanbi reached out to the Kyuubi and

using its influence managed to gain enough power to break out of your

seal and escape. It will be difficult, but I'll vouch for your claim."

I nodded, "yeah...yeah that might work...fine. I'll give you the Sanbi, but

under on condition."

Lie successful!

Danzo nodded, "what is that?"

"I want to be the new host for the biju."

Danzo opened his one visible eye, "what?"

"You want me to trust you? Then this is the only way. I'm putting my

faith in you and giving the Sanbi over for the sake of the village. And in

return I want you to trust that I won't abuse that power. Make me the

protector for the village, Naruto isn't nearly ready enough for that role,

so allow me to take his place."

Danzo was silent for a minute before speaking, "you care for the boy


"Yes...he's my brother."

"Very well," he nodded, "the Sanbi will be sealed into you. I'll perform

the ritual myself, you have my word that it will be done. We'll have to

keep your status a secret from Sarutobi."

I shrugged, "won't be a problem, I can control it with my Sharingan if

need be."

Danzo nodded, "understood."

"I see from your lack of surprise you know?"

"I do, yes. I was surprised when Hiruzen first told me but...I'm glad you

were not lost to Itachi's blade. A powerful shinobi like you is invaluable."

I smiled, "thanks. Now, shall I show you where I kept the beast?"

"It is not on you?" Danzo asked surprised.

"No, if people knew they would come after it, and they would be

merciless," I got off the swing and lead them man away, "come, I'll

show you where it's kept."

He looked unsure, but followed me anyway. We walked across the

park, the same way Naruto and I first did when we first came here.

Soon the stone fire statue was seen, I stopped before it and looked

down the blue Konoha leaf shined brightly, Danzo walked up to me, the

plan was going perfectly.

"Where is it?" Danzo asked.

"In there," I pointed at the fire stone.

"You sealed the body inside the Will of Fire?" Danzo asked,


I shrugged, "I do what I can, now," I held out my hand, "it's hidden

behind an invisible seal of my own design, I'll show you it's matrix."

Danzo groaned, "can't you just unseal the body?"

"I could but then you still would not be able to see the body," I


"Can't you remove the invisibility seal?" he asked.

"It's linked in with the chakra suppression seals," I told him, "I had to

sneak the body out of Mist after all, I had to take every precaution."

Lie successful!

"I see...very well," Danzo held out his hand.

I smiled, I took it gently into my own and then pressed the blue glowing

leaf opening the natural dungeon menu. I selected the first level option

and we both were hit by a flash of light.

"W-what was that?" Danzo asked as he looked around, "where are


I moved, I tightened my hold on his free left hand, Danzo tried to move

away, but I was on him. My left hand flew into his right socket, the

fingers were covered with wind chakra, allowing it to cut through the

bandages and sink into his eye lids.

I made sure not to hurt the eye, Danzo tried to move away, but my

finger closed in around the eyeball and a tiny amount of wind chakra

was applied to the optic nerve, cutting it. I pulled the eyeball out and let

Danzo go, allowing the man to leap away.

"ARGH!" he cried holding his bleeding socket. I was delicate not to

harm the eye, but everything else around it was fair play.

I looked at the eyeball in my hand, it was unmistakably a sharingan, I

opened the inventory and threw it inside. I then turned to the man, he

growled, "what are you doing?!"

I didn't speak, I was focused on the task ahead. I moved through hand

seals, Danzo's remaining eye widened in shock, I'm guessing he

recognized this pattern. Immediately his right hand came out, he

removed the metal gauntlets sealing it and the bandages around it, but

just as the last strip was coming off, I vanished from his sight.

'Swift Release: Speed up times 1,000!' I wasn't taking any chances, I

wanted that arm! I took out a chakra trench knife and channeled wind

chakra into it. I swung at his shoulder, where I could clearly see the

arm had been grafted onto his body.


The knife cut through it like butter. Blood sprayed out, but it moved

slowly, so very slowly.


You gained a critical strike! DMG is multiplied by 5!

500 X 5 = 2,500

Danzo: 98,500/100,000


Danzo has gained bleeding status!

-100 HP every second!

Good, that meant he would die in around fifteen minutes even if I did

nothing. I'm guessing his HP is so low because he's so old. I expected

more from a level 89 threat. Oh well.

I grabbed the arm and put it inside my inventory. I then slapped a

Flying Thunder God seal on his lower right back, that way even if he

detected it, he wouldn't be able to remove it physically, since he lacked

an arm. I then moved away and cut off the Swift Release, allowing time

to restart as normal.

Chapter 228

"GRAH!" Danzo cried out as he fell to his knees holding his stump of a

hand. His visible eye widened, "you bastard! I'll have your head for


"How?" I asked as I formed a shadow clone with 500 CP that began to

form a Rasen Nova blast in my hand, "how are you going to kill me?

When you're going to die here? Alone...and with no one around to hear

your screams?"

"Y-you bastard!" he cried out, "if you kill me then the entirety of Konoha

will suffer! Without me leading the darkness it's enemies will come for


I snorted, "I doubt that."

"You'll see!" he roared, "I'm the only thing keeping them at bay! My


"-Are obsolete," I cut him off, "they're useless to the highest degree.

The moment I kill you those emotionless bastards will die off one by

one, without no one to lead them, the snake will die."

"You've doomed us all," he growled.

"Maybe...but with people like you who so love war, peace will never be

an option" I told him as I handed the Rasen Nova Blast over to my

clone, "you're like a cancer Danzo, you need to be cut out."

"As if I'll let you!" he cried out as he got to his feet. The clone flashed

away, I moved back as it appeared behind Danzo using the anchor

seal and smashed the ball into his back, causing a big explosion that

shattered the ground and covered the area in a flash of bright blue



I waited until the dust cleared before walking towards the center of the

crater. I looked around and found nothing, not even his ashes. Did he

manage to escape? No, he was crippled with no sharingan eyes to use

the Izanagi with, he was trapped like a rat, I know it.


Quest Completed!

Kill Danzo!


Danzo's remains


You have gained +100,000 EXP from killing Danzo!

Yami, Protector of Hono

Level- 54 (48,400/100,700)

HP- 14,750/14,750 (+20)

SP- 7,250/7,250

CP- 14,225/14,225


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% LIGHTNING- 100% WATER- 100% EARTH-


SCORCH- 100% SWIFT- 100% WOOD- 100% LAVA- 100% BOIL-


POWER- 100%

Allegiance- Konoha

STR- 165 (+5)

VIT- 110

DEX- 110

INT- 110 (+2)

CHA- 330

CC- 250

LUC- 102 (+5)

Points- 21

Nice. That confirms it, he's dead. The fallout from this won't be that

bad, maybe a couple of Root members will try to kill me, but I can take

care of them. And if it gets really bad, I can just talk to Sarutobi about it.

I then turned to the forest, slowly several Rattatas and Meowth's the

locals of this dungeon came out to see what caused the explosion. I

sighed, I couldn't leave until I deal with them. Great.

I took out a kunai and in around an hour of lasly killing pokemon, I

gained around 1,000 EXP before I was able to leave this stupid


I found myself in the park again and I immediately took off, leaving no

trace I was ever there. I came home and immediately made several

clones to set up booby traps everywhere, if someone tried to sneak in,

who wasn't an Uzumaki or me, they would be captured, bound and

seal away like a mummy.

And if they managed to get out of that, then he lethal options would

kick in. They wouldn't be able to make it past that without making some

noise, which will hopefully alert someone who is here who is being

targeted, like Naruto, or Sakura is she came over.

With that done I returned to my room, I wanted to begin dissecting

Danzo's arm and begin experimenting with the sharingan eyes, but I

can't, I need a lab for that and I need to b medically savvy for that.

Damn it, looks like it's time to get my own place.

The Next Morning:

Naruto and I were eating breakfast, Misu had already left for the day,

she not had a job at the academy teaching seals to the youngsters

there. Nothing too advanced, like the Uzumaki seals, but rather basic


Misu insisted on getting a job, she refused to be a moocher for the rest

of her life. So the old woman got one, I was honestly amazed someone

at her age could still work, but then again she was an Uzumaki, that

meant something.

"So what are you going to do today Yami?" Naruto asked as we

washed the dishes.

I shrugged, "well, I suppose it's time I get myself my own place. This

place is getting a bit too crowded for me. I need my work space back."

"W-wah?! You're moving out!" Naruto cried out.

I nodded, "yup. But don't worry, I spoke to the landlord, I'll just be

moving into the apartment below you, so I won't' be that far."

"Oh thank god! I thought you were going to move somewhere fancy

now that you're a jounin!" Naruto sighed dramatically.

I chuckled, "no way in hell. Anyway, why don't you go ahead Naruto. If

you need anything I'll be here moving or in the hospital."

"Oh? Why? Are you sick?" NAruto blinked as he strapped his stuff


"No no, I'm just trying to pick up a few more advanced medical

techniques," like body modifications, "anyway, I'll see you later."

"Right, bye Yami!" Naruto cried out as he ran out the door, slamming it

shut behind him.

I smiled, hyperactive kid. After washing everything up I went downstairs

to the land lord and spoke to him for over an hour, finally settling in on

a price to buy off the apartment below my present one.

The paperwork would take a few days, but he handed me the keys

already, knowing I was good for the cash.

Chapter 229

I then began the process of moving out. I used a hundred clones, each

with only 10 CP, to move all my stuff out and set up my new place. I

layered my new apartment will security seals as well, liking them with

the seals in Naruto's place, to warn me if the Root tried to go in there,

thinking I still lived with him.

One of the major factors for me deciding to move out is because of

Naruto and Misu, I didn't want them getting involved with me and the

Root. That would make things needlessly complicated.

Since this was my place, and I wasn't eager to have more roommates,

I decided to change it up a bit. I planned to knock down a wall using an

Earth jutsu and connect two bed rooms together, making it larger. I

would use this or my lab.

I also planned on layer the walls of my lab with layers upon layers of

seals, making it almost unreachable. I even designed a seal that would

make the Byakugan's sight hazy while peering into this room, not a full

solution, but a solution nonetheless.

If I was going to use this room to experiment with Danzo's arm and

eyes I need complete privacy, hopefully I'll get it now.

I left the clones instructions, though at this point it was kind of pointless

since they already knew what I was planning to do. I then left my new

apartment and made my way to the hospital, intent on asking the head

doctor there for some help. I needed more knowledge, hopefully he

can spare some time for me.

But just then I felt it, a monstrous chakra princess, sealed away, but

definitely there. There was bits of it leaking out...damn, it wasn't as

powerful as the Sanbi, but it was still much larger than any Jonin I

know. Maybe Kisame could beat it wasn't him.

Wait, the chunin exams, Gaara! Fuck! He's here?! Now?!

I walked towards the chakra signature, I didn't run, I didn't want

people's attention drawn to me. Gaara had already entered Konoha, he

was slowly walking inside before stopping near the heart of the town. I

walked over to their signatures, I could feel two more near him and a

fourth suddenly rushing in.

I walked over and quickly found them. I leaped onto a roof top and

spied down at the scene before me. Kankuro had Konohamaru in his

hands, holding him up as Naruto, Sakura and Konohamaru friends

watched in anger.

"Let go of me!" Konohamaru cried out.

"Hey fat ass! Let go of the kid!" Naruto cried out, only to have Sakura

immediately hit him up the head and whisper to him to remain silent.

"You're annoying," the puppeteer snorted, "I hate midget kids,

especially little ones that are rude, makes me want to kill them."

"I'm not involved in this," Temari sighed as she stepped away from her


"You need to learn some manners kid," Kankuro snorted as he raised

his fist to punch a flinching Konohamaru.

"Hey! Stop it!" Naruto cried out as he ran to stop him, only for a stone

to come flying out and hit the Suna ninja in the hand.

"What the-who threw that?!" everyone turned to see Sasuke in a tree,

tossing a pebble in his hand lazily.

"What is a Suna ninja doing in our village?" he asked.

Temari blushed a little while Sakura sighed, "thank God."

"Hey Teme! Stop showing off!" NAruto cried out in anger.

"Boss!" Konohamaru ran and hide behind Naruto, "why didn't you save


"I-I was going to!"

"Liar!" he cried out.

"Hey punk!" Kankuro cried out, "get down here! I hate people like you

the most!"

"Kankuro stop it!" Temari cried out, "you're making a scene!"

"Not until I teach him a lesson!" the puppet boy said as h took out the

giant bandage covered puppet he had on his back.

Sasuke was about to leap down and fight when a new voice called out

from behind him, "Kankuro, stop it."

And the sand ninjas went still with fear. Everyone turned and standing

upside down on a tree branch was Gaara, looking unimpressed by all

of this. He locked eyes with his brother, "you're an embarrassment to

our village."

"B-but Gaara! They started it!"

"Losing control of yourself in a fight, how pathetic," the sand jinchuuriki



"-Shut up, or I'll kill you," Gaara leaked out Killing intent so powerful

everyone shivered. It was comparable to the amount Itachi himself

leaks out, so it was impressive for a human, but a jinchuriki? He was

nothing compared to the Sanbi.

Gaara turned to Sasuke, "I apologize for the trouble my brother caused

you," he then vanished in a swirl of sand and appeared next to his

siblings, "come, it's time to go. We didn't come here to play."

"Hey wait, why are you all here?" Sakura asked, "you're from Suna

right? I understand we're allies and all, but why are you in our village?"

"Shesh, are you clueless?" Temari rolled her eyes as she held up a

pass, "we're here for the chunin exams, duh."

"W-what?! The Chunin exams are happening?!" Naruto sounded


"You didn't know?" Temari sounded surprised.

"No! Yes! I finally have a chance to catch up to Yami!" Naruto cheered.

"Hey Boss, who's Yami?" Konohamaru asked innocently.

"Yami's my brother!" Naruto smiled, "he's the coolest ninja ever! He's

my age but he's already a jounin!"

"Woah! That's so cool!" Konohamaru said as he and his corps had their

eyes wide and glowing.

"Are you talking about Yami the second Flash?" Gaara asked with

serious eyes.

"What's it to you?" Sasuke asked as he landed before Gaara, "why

does it interest you."

"I heard rumours about him," Gara glare turned deadly, "he would be

worthy to prove my existence."

Chapter 230

"Prove your existence? What does that mean?" Naruto blinked.

"It means he wants to kill him to prove he's stronger," Kankuro smiled.

"No way!" Naruto cried out, "Yami's a jonin! There's not way black eyes

over there can kill him!"

"We will see," Gaara replied.

"You can't do it anyway," Sasuke stepped in, "he's jonin, there's no

reason he would agree to fight you."

"That is true," Gaara's eyes then landed on Naruto, "you said you were

his brother yes?"

Naruto gulped, "y-yeah."

"Then you will serve as bait," Gaara nodded.

"W-what?! Gaara! You can't do that!" Temari cried out.

"Shut up," he snapped, "or I'll kill you," the blond haired girl nodded as

she stepped away. Gaara then turned to Naruto, "now, come with me,

lead me to your brother."

"Like hell I will!" Naruto cried out, "you'll have to go through my dead


"Well...if you insist," Gaara stepped forward, time for me to step in.

"Now is that any way to treat your allies?" I called out as I revealed

myself to them, sitting on the edge of the roof, my legs swinging about


"Yami!" Naruto cheered.

"He's Yami?" Temari's eyes widened, "is this village filled with dreamy


"How long have you been there?" Gaara asked.

I shrugged, "long enough to gather what was going on," I turned to the

leaf ninjas, "stand down you guys, I'll take care of this."

"We're not leaving you alone with them," Sasuke replied, "we stick


I smiled "wow, I'm surprised to hear you say that, I'm touched Sasuke,

really I am. But that wasn't a request, it was an order. You can't fight

him, not right now, leave," I turned to the Suna ninjas, "and that goes

double for you. If you start a fight in this village I'll make sure all three

of you get disqualified, is that understood?" I said leaking out a bit of

killing intent that matched Gaara's.

Temari gulped, "y-yes sir." Kankaro nodding furiously the same way.

Sasuke growled, "fine," he looked at the redhead, "what's your name?"

"Gaara of the desert," Gaara replied, "and yours?"

"Sasuke Uchiha," Sasuke announced.

"I see...very well, I'll remember that."

"Hey! What about me?! Do you want to know my name as well?!"

Naruto asked excitedly.

Gaara spared him one look, "no."

Naruto looked crushed, "oh man, Konohamaru, am I not cool?"

"No boss," the little kid replied honestly, further depressing Naruto.

Gaara then turned to me, "and you are Yami, the Flash."

I smiled, "oh, I'm a lot more than that Gaara. Now scram," I motioned

with my hand. The boy glared at me one last time before leaving with

his siblings. I then turned around and spotted three ninjas, all wearing

sound headbands watching us, they flinched when they released I had

caught them, "I don't like repeating myself."

They vanished immediately.

"Woah! Who were those guys?!" Naruto asked.

I leaped and landed before them, "Sound ninjas, annoying really."

"Sound? I don't remember that village," Sakura replied.

"It's a new one," I shrugged, "very new. Now," I turned to Sasuke, "don't

even think about fighting him head on."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because you will die," I replied, "I doubt even I can beat him head on,

unless I go all out from the gate."

"S-seriously?! He's that powerful?!" Naruto cried out.

I nodded, "yes, he is. Now, don't you have a jonin sensei to go bug?"

"Oh, right!" Naruto chuckled, "hey wait a moment! The chunin exams

are here! That's what she said right?! Do you think we can join in?!"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Why don't you ask your sensei?"

"Right! Come on Sakura! Teme! We need to let Kakashi sensei let us


"Do you think we're ready?" Sakura asked.

"We won't know unless we try," Sasuke replied.

We sent the Konohamaru corps on their way and went to training

ground seven, I walked with them, just to make sure Gaara didn't come

back and try to kidnap Naruto again. That would be bad, very bad. I

guess the hospital would have to wait.

We arrived at the bridge leading into training field seven and were

forced to wait as Kakashi hadn't yet arrived.

So they began to talk instead. Sasuke turned to me, "how strong is


I raised an eyebrow, "if I had to guess? Maybe high chunin, definitely

low jonin."

"And me?"

"Low chunin," his level was 38, "sorry."

Sasuke clicked his teeth, "I need to train more."

I shrugged, "yeah, you do."

Sasuke and I spoke some more about how to properly track someone

using their chakra, he was ashamed he didn't notice Gaara

beforehand, so he asked me for advice. In the one hour make, Kakashi

finally arrived.

"Yo," he greeted us.

"You're late!" Naruto cried out.

"Sorry, I got lost on the road of life," Kakashi shrugged, he then noticed

me, "Yami? Here again I see. Don't you have something better to do?"

I shrugged, "not really, no."

"Right...well, anyway I know this is sudden but I have nominated all

three of you for the upcoming chunin exams," he took out three forms

and handed them out.

"Yes!" Naruto cheered, "finally! Now it's my turn!"

"Where are they happening?" Sasuke asked.

"Right here in Konoha," Kakashi explains as he began to go into the

details, the genins taking in the information like sponges. When he was

done he smiled, "well? Are you interested?"

"Damn right I am!" Naruto cheered, "Yami's already a jounin! If I don'

catch up fast he'll leave me in the dust!"

"Being a chunin will help me become stronger," Sasuke's simple reply.

"I-I think so," Sakura said, not sounding sure, something Kakashi and I


"Well...the exam is in tomorrow at 4 pm in the Academy at room 301.

The particulars are on the paper, if you feel you aren't ready, don't

show up. Good luck," and with that he vanished, leaving us alone.