
Chapter 251


Anyway, back to work. I returned back to the Natural Dungeon and

continued working. I had two paths left, the Naraka path and the Outer

path. The Outer path was difficult to use to say the least. It proceeded

over life and death itself!

I didn't really know what to do with it though, I mean...could I really

revive people from the dead? Should be possible right?

Outer path, S rank

The user is able to revive the dead, transmit chakra to receivers, as

well as manifest chakra chains.


You have gained a new jutsu!

Demonic Chakra chains, S rank

The user is able to manifest chakra chains which bind and restrict the

power of anyone they touch and cause a great deal of pain.

Note: They can only be used on those that are chakra slaves.

CP cost- 500 per second

Durability: Indestructible


Outer Path- Samsara of Heavenly Life, SS rank

This reincarnation ninjutsu used through the Outer Path, which can

infuse new life into the bodies of those who have died in exchange for

the user's own life.

CP cost- Everything

Yeah...I am so not ready for those. And I'm definitely not going to use

the reviving one. No way if fucking hell!

But I did unlock the path, so for now that's enough. And then came the

last path, Naraka Path;

Naraka path, S rank

Summons the King of Hell which aides in the path. It has two main

functions, Revive and Destroy.

CP cost of summon- 5,000

Hm, okay, now I'm interested. I went through the hand seals in my

head for the 'King of Hell,' and I slammed them into the ground.

Suddenly there was a ring of red fire, blood red, like the colour of my


Out of the ring of flames came a gant figure, he wore a royal high collar

with a black raised head ornament displayed like the rising sun, giving

him a black halo. The creature's zipper slowly opened up, showing the

King's face. He had a crown with the kanji for Hell on it, red skin and

eyes with red hued Rinnegans.

King of Hell, SS rank,

A chakra construct that is the visual representation for the doors of

Hell, falsely named, 'The King of Hell'.


Naraka path:

Interrogation- is capable of discerning whether an individual is lying or


Revival- is capable of full healing any person placed inside his mouth,

even if they are at the doors of death. CP cost- 5,000 Limit- 1 at a time.

Outer path: Aides in 'Samsara of Heavenly life' jutsu.

I grinned, yeah, I can totally use this.

I grew older with my time in the Natural dungeon, growing taller and

stronger. I now stood at 5 feet 4 inches, not bad for a thirteen year old.

When I finally left the dungeon, it was time to see the Hokage once

more, since technically, today was the last day of my vacation time.

The Next Day:

"The informant you captured was very useful Yami," the Hokage said

as he pushed a folder to me. I picked it up and looked it over as the old

man continued, "he gave us information on all of Orochimaru's bases

and operations. It seems he wasn't just a mole like we suspected, but

rather his right hand man."

"Well then it's a good thing I didn't roast him alive," I snorted as I saw

the Land of Rice, now the Land of Sound, was dotted with several

bases and highlighted markers, "damn, that's a lot."

"And a lot of potential enemies," he smiled, "since you did technically

kill their Kage."

I shrugged, "if he can get killed by a Jounin, he deserves to die."

The man sighed, "migh isn't everything Yami."

"I know that lord Hokage, but when dealing with people who care for

nothing but power, might is everything."

"Well said," the man smiled, "now, the threat of Oto trying to gain

vengeance is too high, especially during the chunin exams. Your first

mission will be a B rank, during the tournament I want you to be on

standby, incase Oto tries to pull something."

I nodded, "sounds good. And the second mission?"

"That far more difficult," the Hokage put down his pipe and took

off his hat.

I blinked, "damn, you're taking off your hat. It's that serious?"

"Indeed...because I cannot in good concious order you to do this, not

as your Kage. I can only request you, whether you accept it or

not...that's wholly up to you," the man aged before me, he looked far

too old for my liking.

I sighed, "enough with the drama old man, tell me the mission."

"Otot, before Orochimaru took over, was known as the Land of Rice. It

had several ninja clans present in it, none off note, but they were many,

and they often raged war against themselves. The way Orochimaru

gained the daimyo's ear to establish a ninja village, is by promising to

end the blood shed, and he did...only now the people faced a new

threat, him.

Chapter 252

"Your mission will be to infiltrate Oto and begin dismantling each of

Orochimaru's bases, one by one. You will free the people suffering

under his men and establish a real ninja village in it's place. A proper

Oto. That is, if you choose to accept the mission."


Quest Alert!

Stay alert for the chunin exams!


50,000 EXP

3 Great balls


Total destruction of Konoha.

-40 REP

Do you accept?



Quest Alert!

Save Oto!

Number of Orochimaru's bases destroyed: 0/165


1,000,000 EXP




Attack on Konoha, potential destruction

Do you accept?


I narrowed my eyes, "something isn't right...what's the catch?"

The Hokage sighed, "the mission will take three years to

complete...until that is done, you are not permitted to return to Konoha.

No exceptions."

I winded my eyes, "t-three years? But I can do it one! I mean if all I

have to do is destroy a couple of bases-"

"Then yes, one year would be more than enough. But I'm not asking

you to just destroy everyone that comes in your'm asking

you to do what you do best...inspire them to better than their previous


"What are you talking about old man?" I growled, "I don't inspire

people, what the hell-"

"-Before you came Anko was a broken shell, now she is finally getting a

chance to be happy. Sasuke was consumed by vengeance, but even

before you revealed your true identity, your influence on him was

unmistakable. Yagura would be dead in a ditch somewhere, you saved

him, allowing us to try and save him. You saved nine hundred men,

when someone else would have let them die for their country.

"You see the best parts of people...that they themselves don't want to

see. The people of Oto have been shown their worst fears in need to make them think otherwise. I don't want you

to just break Oto and rebuild it...I want you to heal it...heal it from what

Orochimaru did to it."

"Why do you care so damn much?!" I slammed my hands on the table,

he didn't flinch, "you're the Hokage of Konoha! Why do you care about


"Because...I am the reason they had to suffer Orochimaru...if I could...I

would fix it myself but...I'm far too old. I'm nearing 70 years Yami, I

can't spend time outside this village like I once could. So...I'm turning to

the one man who I know who would want to save the people

there ...the one person who wants to save the world, not destroy it.

So..I have no one else to turn too."

I looked at the quest options and I sighed, I grinned, flashing the man a

happy chuckled, "alright old man, no need to flattr me so much! You got

yourself a deal!" I accepted the quests.

Hiruzen looked surprised, "y-you do?"

I nodded, "hell yeah. You're right, I wouldn't let a land suffer, and

besides, three years by myself in another land? Should be fun!"

The Hokage sighed before leaning back, relief flooding over him. He

smiled, "thank you Yami, thank you for doing this. I know it is a selfish

thing to ask of you..but I couldn't let his actions on this Earth remain a

stain as it is."

I shrugged, "it's fine...but ah, you're going to have to deal with Naruto

and Sasuke and explain to them why I'm gone."

The man chuckled, "fine, agreed. Now, let's discuss the people you'll

be bringing with you on the mission to Oto."

I raised an eyebrow, "it'll be faster if I just went alone."

"You are the second last Uchiha, the Second coming of the Yellow

Flash, the wielder of the Scorch Release and a very unique form of

chakra control. There's no way in hell I'll be able to send you alone

without the council objecting. I'll have to send a minimum of three

people along with you."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, "fucking politics. Fine. Anyone in mind?"

The man nodded, "a few, yes. But I have to approach them first before

I can confirm anything, after all, they'll be in the same boat as you, I

can't just order them to do something so selfish."

I shrugged, "I'm sure they'll understand. Anyway...I was wondering,

since I'm going to b gone for sometime, could I maybe get some help

from the village about something?"

Hiruzen nodded, "of course, just ask away."

I've been waiting for this moment for some time now. Before I figured I'll

casually mention it after a mission or two and get it, but now since

Hiruzen owes me… "I was wondering if there were any ninjas in the

village that could use Wood Release."

The Hokage looked suprised, "Wood Release? Why is that?"

"Well," I made several hand seals ending with the snake on, "Wood

Release: Thundering Growth," I targeted my chakra at the potted plant

near Hiruzen's side and the Hokage watched with wide eyes as the

small tree slowly grew bigger and bigger, finally now fully grown.

His eyes snapped back to me, "you….are such a headache," he

sighed, "why can't I just retire already?!"

Chapter 253: Journey of the Best

Five days later:

"Wood Release: Wood Clone!" I cried out ending with the snake hand

seal. My body's cells split apart as a wooden mannequin that looked

exactly like me stepped away, slowly turning into a more realistic

version of myself. Soon the clone looked identical.


You gained a new skill!

Wood Release: Wood Clone, B rank

A clone that is created by using chakra to alter the user's own

cells into vegetation. They have the ability to travel far from the

user and are able to communicate with the original. They don't

disappear when hit and takes the damage to a certain degree.

CP- 1,000 per clone

Durability- 500/500

I grinned, "not bad huh Yamato sensei?"

Yamato smiled as he nodded, "very true Yami. You managed to pick it

quite easily. In fact, it's almost instantaneous, one could even say

you're a prodigy."

I snorted, "please, I'm no such thing, Wood Release: Great forest

jutsu!" I called out, turning the wood clone into a large redwood tree

that grew until it was thirty feet tall and 5 foot thick around the trunk,

"I'm just quick is all."

"But still, your unique chakra control abilities is something of note,"

Yamato nodded, "to think you can not only perform the Wood Release

but also Scorch, just what is your limit Yami?"

I shrugged, "as far as I know? Nothing. But ah, don't tell anyone okay?"

Yamato chuckled, "fine, I promise." Just then we heard shouting in the

distance, and a firework light up the sky, "ah, that's right, today is the

chunin exam finals is it not?"

I blinked, "it is? Well what are we waiting for? Come on man! We don't

have all day!" I took off, leaping through the trees surrounded training

field 3 as Yamato and I entered the streets of Konoha.

"Wait up Yami," Yamato chuckled, "not everyone has your speed."

"Hey! It's my fault you're so slow!" I chuckled, "besides, I have a job to

do man! I can't afford to wait."

"Humph, I'm your sensei, one would think you would show me some


"Oh please, you've been my sensei for four days," I rolled my eyes as

we finally reached the stadium, "come on Yamato sensei! We need to

get good seats!"

"Alright already," the now newly commissioned jonin sighed as we ran

in, finding out spot with the jounins who stood near the back,

overlooking everyone else.

I approached Asama first, "hey Asama, how's things?"

"Oh, Yami, surprised to see you kid," he grinned, "dad said you were


"We finished early," I shrugged.

"As if," Yamato snorted.

Kurenai raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"I mean I literally have nothing more to teach him," Yamato grumbled,

"Yami here is a sponge when it comes to ninjutsu."

I shrugged, "it's not me, you know how it is with Uchiha and ninjutsu," I

replied with a shrug.

"Uchiha?" Kurenai blinked in surprise, "what are you talking about?"

I blinked, "she doesn't know?" i asked Asuma.

The man shrugged, "she's the rookie jounin, plus she doesn't like


"It's useless garbage," Kurenai snorted.

"Oh come now Kurenai, you're a ninja, surely you realise all information

is somewhat valuable," I activated my eyes, meeting her matching red

pupils causing her to gasp in shock, "if you did, then you wouldn't be


Asuma chuckled, "he's got you there Kurenai," the woman shot him a

glare and looked away, Asuma noticed this and immediately gulped,

"shit..ah, sorry."

I chuckled, "you're in the dog house tonight."

"W-what?! Why would you think that?!" Kurenai gasped.

I raised an eyebrow, "what? Is the fact that you two are seeing each

other supposed to be a secret or something?"

Kurenai blushed red, Asuma's eyes widening in fear, pink touching his

cheek. "W-who told you?!" Kurenai cried out.

I rolled my eyes, "nobody needed to, it was written all over your face," I

looked at the arena, "now, who's supposed to coming out first?"

Asuma cleared his throat and began to speak, "the first match is

between Sasuke and Tenten."

"Isn't that Kakashi sempai's student? Is he going up against Gai's


Kurenai cleared her throat and nodded, "yes, it should be a decent

enough match. By the way, where is Gai?"


I flinched, "why did you have to ask?"

We all turned and there he was, standing at the edge of the area,

almost ready to jump down in excitement. He had three flags on his

back, one with each of his students' name. "THIS IS THE PROUDEST



Asuma chuckled, "he never changes."

"Welcome one and all to the chunin exams!" I looked over and saw

Genma standing in the middles of the ring with a mic, "I'm going to be

the proctor for this event! So get ready to see the very best that the

ninja world has to offer!"

I sighed, "I don't' want to say this, but Kumo did a much better job."

"Their entire country is just one giant stage," Yamato shrugged, "of

course things like a tournament would be extremely well done."

"Now! For the first match! Sasuke Uchiha and Tenten Higurashi!" I saw

Tenten leap onto stage, closely followed by Sasuke who now wore his

black uniform, his level now 40.

"Huh, he's not late," I hummed and turned around to address the

recently arrived Kakashi, "I thought he was going to pick up your


"W-hat?! Kakashi sempai! When did you get here?" Yamato asked in

shock, which was just a testament to Kakashi's skill in stealth.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, "chakra sensitives are no fun," he pouted

before replying, "and Sasuke insisted that we arrived early, he wanted

to impress a certain someone."

Chapter 254

I smiled, "always has a chip on his shoulder," I took a deep breath and

cried out, "COME SASUKE! KICK HER ASS!" Sasuke looked over

and I saw him smirk, giving me a node.

"Woah there!" Asuma yelled, "you can't just tell him to kick her ass!"

I raised an eyebrow, "why not? I it because she's a girl? Isn't that a little

sexist Asuma?" Que the glare from Kurenai aimed at a nervous Asuma

who gulped in fear.



"Shut up Gai sensei!" Tenten roared, "you're embarrassing me!"


I sighed, "this is so going to be a drag."

The match began and we watched as Sasuke took out a kunai and

threw it at Tenten. The girl easily dogged, unfurling her sealing scroll

and begin her attack, only for the kunai Sasuke threw to suddenly do a

90 degree turn and come at Tenten from the back.

The girl however noticed it, she deflected the kunai and launched a

rain of steel on Sasuke from her scrolls. However, instead of moving

like any sane person, Sasuke began to go through hand seals, ending

with the dog seal to summon a wall of Earth that blocked the weapons.

He then ran along hr side and breathed out a fireball that Tenten

dodged before they began to fight, each one showing off, which was

the main purpose of this exam.

It was kind of boring though, it was obvious Tenten was weaker,

Sasuke ended up beating her in five minutes. He just dodged until she

she out of weapons in her scroll, and when she reached to get another

one, he managed to kick her with a well place hit to the gut.

"Winner! Sasuke Uchiha!" Genma cheered, the Uchiha turned to me

and waited. I nodded and gave him a thumbs up, satisfied, he helped

Tenten to her feet before the two talked for a while.

I was surprised, "did...did Sasuke just help her up?"

"Why do you sound so surprised?" Kakashi asked.

"Sasuke doesn't help people up," I told him, "he has many good

qualities, but he's a bit of a dick when it comes to other people."

" are a very good influence on him," Kakashi replied.

Asuma nodded, "it's only natural. You're the only remaining family

member and he sees how strong you are and how you behave towards

others. It's only natural that he want's to be like you."

I was silent as I let that sink in. Did I really make that much difference?

Hm...I hope so. And since there's no Orochimaru to tempt him, Sasuke

may not end up leaving the village, though it is ironic that I am going to,

if not for joining Orochimaru, but to destroy every last trace of him.

The next match came, and it was between Kiba and Zaku, a sound

ninja that looked very nervous to be here. Very nervous indeed.

The Sound ninja was smart and skilled, but Kiba and Akamaru were

much better, after all two heads were better than one. While Zaku used

his own jutsu to mobilise Kiba, Akamaru, which he forgot about, used

this distraction to hit him with a Fang Passing Fang jutsu.

Then the next match came up, and it was a tough one. Neji vs Lee.

"GO MY YOUTHFUL STUDENTS!" Gai cheered heartily, seemingly

unaffected by the fact his students now faced each other, "SHOW


"HI GAI SENSEI!" Lee gave a thumbs up, while Neji just ignored him


The match was...quick to say the least. Lee took off his weights before

he even entered the ring. He unlocked the first gate from the get go

and attacked Neji with everything h had. But the Hyuga played it smart.

Le was faster and possibly stronger, but Neji was a genius for a

reason. He showed off his skills by revealing he knew the juken,

surprising the Hyuuga head, who sat just a few rows below.

Lee's attacks were useless against him after that. In the ten minute

mark Neji managed to get a strike at Lee's left knee, locking it in place.

At the twelve minute mark his left hand and at the twenty minute mark

Lee was knocked unconscious, though Neji looked much worse for


Gai however didn't seem sad, he was proud, he congratulated Neji,

who ignored him, and took Lee to the medical wing where healers

quickly began their work.

The next match was the one I was excited for. Naruto vs Temari. The

sand kunoichi and NAruto walked into the arena, Naruto looking

excited while the girl looked bored.

"You should just give up now organe boy," Temari snorted, "there's no

way you're going to win."

"Why you little," Naruto growled.

"Hey Naruto!" I cried out.

"What?!" Naruto cried back.

"Reverse the sexyness!" I cried back.

Naruto blinked, "that's brilliant! Thanks Yami!"

"Hey! No helping!" Gemma cried out.

"Get bent Genma! We're ninjas! You want fair and square talk to the


Chapter 255

This caused a great deal of the people to laugh, Genma looked at the

Kage box where Sarutobi and the real Kazekage, Rasa, sat and

watched. The Hokage waved it off, chuckling a bit, Genma sighed,

"fine! Begin!"

"You're dead beat!" Temari cried out as she took out her fan and

spread it out, "I'll blow you away!"

"Reverse Harem jutsu!" Naruto cried out as he exploded in a poff of


"What kind of jutsu is that?" Temari snorted as she waved her fan,

blowing the smoke away, "you can't just make up a jutsu you useless

brat. That's-HOLY SHIT!"

"~Hey beautiful," came the chorus of ten beautiful full grown naked

men, each handsome and perfect in everyway. They were ripped and

covered in baby oil, and at the lead was a figure that kind of looked a

lot like me, only much older.

"WHAT KIND OF JUTSU IS THAT?!" Kurenai cried out.

"The ultimate jutsu!" I cheered, "feast your eyes on the S rank kinjutsu!

Reverse harem jutsu!"

"GOD DAMN THAT'S HOT!" I heard Sakura cheer out.

"W-what is going on?" Temari's face turned red as her eyes pulled

down to the whips of smoke around the doppelgangers' wangs, "w-


"Chance!" my doople ganger cried out as he charge the still stunned

Temari and punched her in the gut. The others then dropped their

hinges and dog piled the Suna ninja, throwing her fan away and

grabbed every limb and pulling them apart.

"Give up!" Naruto cried out as his clones held Temari apart, her hands

unable to form a single hand seal and her weapon far away. And for

good measure Naruto had a kunai against her throat.

"Damnit! I can't believe I feel for that!" Temari cried out, "fine! I give up!"

"W-winner, Naruto Uzumaki," Genma said blinking in disbelief, "did that

really just happen?"

"Hell yeah!" Naruto cried out as he let go of Temari and dismissed his

clones, "that's the way to do it! Thanks Yami!"

I gave him a thumbs up, "anytime little bro!"

"Hey! I'm older than you!" Naruto cried out, but let it go as he went

back to wherever the contestants were waiting.

"And now for the final round of the first stage! Gaara and Kankuro!"

"I forfeit" Kankaro cried out, much to the people's boos. But I

understood, if I had to fight Gaara at level 37 I would be scared too.

"What?" Genma sighed, "fine. Then we move on to the next round!

Since we have an odd number of people Gaara automatically moves to

the finals. The next match will be between Sasuke Uchiha and Kiba


The two boys came into the arena and began their fight. It was

somewhat flashy, but Sasuke managed to beat him by stabbing Kiba in

the foot with a kunai and paralysing Akamaru. Smart and efficient.

Then came the canon match of Naruto and Neji, and it went exactly

like canon. Neji went on and on about destiny and fate, honestly it

began to get a little borning.

Naruto even got his ass kick the same way, being shoved into the

ground with all his tenketsu points closed. "Oh for god's sake Naruto!" I

cried out, "please do us all a favour as shut this bastard's mouth up

about this destiny crap! Destiny can kiss my ass!"

Neji glared, but Naruto heard me, as they began the fight once again,

this time again, some of Kurama's red chakra came pouring out,

allowing Naruto to beat Neji and obtain victory.

We then gained a twenty minute break, during this time I decided to

pay the contestants a little visit.

I found Naruto and Sasuke at the break room, standing next to a

vending machine and glaring at each other.

"I'm going to beat you Naruto," Sasuke swore, "and when I do, I'll be

one step closer to being Yami's equal."

"Tough luck," Naruto glared right back, "if anyone's going to bet Yami,

it's me. I'm going to get stronger than him and when I do I'll be


Sasuke smirked, "we'll see about that."

"Well this is a little creepy," I spoke up alerting them both to my

preakness, "I for one would have prefered I was being discussed

between two hot young busty redheads rather than thirteen year old

boys, but oh well, can't win them all."

Sasuke looked over and glared, "I meant what I said. As of right now I

have two dreams Yami. Killing Itachi and defeating you."

I smiled, "okay..but remember, how you get there is far more important

than just getting there."

"Hey! That's no fair! I'm going to get stronger than you too!" Naruto

cried out.

I smirked, "alright, that's fine by me kiddo. Now, make sure you put on

a good show today you two, I'll be sure to keep an eye on you both," I

then left them, leaving both boys determined.

Chapter 256

At the end of the break I saw Naruto and Sasuke walk onto the arena. I

turned to Kakashi, "who do you think is going to win?"

"Honestly? If you had asked me two months ago I would say it was

Sasuke, but's a toss up. You?"

I smiled, "I think it doesn't matter. Because right now, those two are

going to give it all they got."


Naruto and Sasuke charged at each other. It was a brutal battle,

Naruto used his clones to charge at Sasuke from all sides, using the

Disturbance style, the taijutsu style I taught him to overwhelm Sasuke

from sheer numbers alone.

Sasuke threw off fireballs after fire balls, forcing Naruto back. It was

only when Sasuke took breaks that Naruto was able to use his wind

jutsu to fight back, since fire cancels out wind.

The match lasted for half an hour, half an hour of blood, sweat and

growls. Sasuke however managed to gain the upper hand in the very

last moment. He beat off Naruto's clones and hit Naruto up the head

with enough force to knock him unconscious, though Sasuke looked

ready to drop down dead, he was that depleted from chakra and low on


"I'll be right back," Kakashi explained as he went down and grabbed an

unconscious Naruto who was taken to the sick bay. Sasuke quickly

took a solder pill and sighed as his energy came back to him.

He then looked at the stands and his eyes landed on me. I smirked,

"not bad, little cousin."

Sasuke snorted, "I'm older than you."

"Cosin?" Kakashi asked, now back to his position next to me.

"Didn't you hear?" Asuma chuckled, "Yami here is an Uchiha."

"What?" Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Yup," I activated my eyes and looked at Kakashi who gasped in


"But how?"

I shrugged, "I was an orphan remember? Parents probably died during

the Kyuubi attack."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Lord Hokage ordered it a state secret."

"Sasuke knows?" Kakashi asked.

I nodded, "yup."

"...Good," Kakashi replied, looking back to the arena, though I knew his

thoughts were about me.

"And now the final round for the chunin exams!" Genma announced,

"Sasuke Uchiha and Gaara of the Desert!"

Gaara calmly walked into the arena, an air of death following behind

him, "I'll kill you to prove my existence."

"Bring it," Sasuke smirked as he readied himself.

"Is he ready for Gaara?" I asked Kakashi.

"Yes, if he's smart about it," Kakashi replied.

"I highly doubt a chunin is ready to fight a jinchuriki," I snorted.

"What?!" Kurenai snapped, "that Gaara boy is a jinchuriki?!"

I nodded, "yeah, the one tailed racoon," I snorted, "the weakest one,

but still, very dangerous."

"Protector!" Kakashi called out leaping onto the arena, "my student

hereby forfeit this match!"

"What?! What the hell are you doing Kakashi?!" Sasuke roared.

"Saving your life," Kakashi replied.

"No! You will not ruin this for me! I need to prove myself!" Sasuke


"Sasuke!" I called out gaining his attention, "you can't beat him!"

The boy's eyes widened in shock, he growled and turned and walked

away, "fine!"

"No," Gaara replied simply as sand exploded out of his gourd and

rushed at Sasuke, moving around Kakashi to grab Sasuke's ankle in a


"Stop this!"Gemma cried out, "they forfeited the match!"

"No," Gaara growled, "this will not end until I have your blood!" He

squeezed the sand around Sasuke's ankle.

"ARGH!" Sasuke cried out, only instead of blood, it burst into water, as

'Sasuke's' entire body splashed away.

"W-what?!" Gaara cried out.

"Yoohoo!" I cheered, gaining everyone's attention to Sasuke and I

standing on a wall, far away from Gaara, "that wasn't very nice! You

could have killed someone kid!"

"You," Gaara growled.

"That's enough," Kakashi stepped in as Gaara took back his sand, "we

already forfeited this match. Genma."

"Right, winner by forfeit, Gaara!" Genma announced.

"But mother craved for his blood!" Gaara roared, "I must have it!"

"Gaara!" there came a new shout louder than the rest. We turned and

saw the Kazekage looked down in disgust, "that's enough boy. Stop

making a fool of yourself."

"I...yes father," Gaara vanished in a swirl of sand, leaving a confused


"You didn't have to save me," Sasuke said immediately, "I could have

handled myself."

"I'm sure you could have," I replied, "but that was about more than just

you Sasuke. If Gaara had succeeded in hurting a leaf ninja, it could

mean war between our villages. And that's something we really don't

need right now."

Sasuke grunted, but took off, obviously he needed to let off a little

steam. Just then Naruto came charging out of the stadium, "ah man!

Did I miss it?! Dammit! Who won?! Was it Sasuke?!"

That night:

"It's not fair! I was so close to beating Sasuke!" Naruto grumbled as he

kicked a stone.

"Relax, I'm sure you'll get him next time," I shrugged, "besides, what

you have to focus on now is making sure you get stronger."

"Yeah...yeah that's right! Just you watch Yami! Next time I'll kick his

ass!" Naruto grinned.

Chapter 257

"Good, I look forward to it...hey listen, there's something I needed to

talk to you about Naruto," I motioned to a seat on the park bench, we

sat down.

"What's up Yami? You sound serious."

I nodded "I see, I recently got a very high rank mission."

"Sweet! A mission?! What is it?! An A rank?!"

I smirked, "actually, it's an S rank."

"So cool! What's it about?!"

"Sorry Naruto, but I can't say," I shrugged, "classified. But...I can tell

you that I will be gone for a while because of this mission."

"How long?" Naruto asked, his voice now lower.

"Three years."

"Three years?!" Naruto gasped, "b-but that's crazy!"

I shrugged, "I know, but that's just how the world is Naruto. If I don't go

under if not thousands of people are going to get hurt."

Naruto looked down, "'re going to be gone a long time huh?"

I nodded, "yeah..but hey, think of it like this, now you'll have time to

train and impress me, so that next time we meet, you show me what

you really got."

Naruto smiled, "yeah….hell yeah! Believe it! I'll be a kick ass ninja

Yami! Just you wait!"

I grinned, "good, now let's get some ramen, you may not have won, but

you still deserve a treat!"

"Hell yeah!"

A few minutes later:

"I thought I would find you here," I smiled at Sasuke.

"What do you want?" he asked as he looked out at the village from

ontop the Hokage tower's roof.

"To talk," I replied as I sat down next to him, "this place really is

beautiful at night isn't it?"

" is," Sasuke nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't let you fight Gaara Sasuke, but you aren't ready to

fight someone like him, hell, if I'm not careful, even I would have died


"Was he really that powerful?" Sasuke asked.

I sighed, "yes...he is. He has a power inside him, not unlike our eyes,

that makes him much more powerful that anyone else we know. You

know off the Kyuubi yes?"

Sasuke nodded, "yes."

"Well, in this world there are eight other beasts just like it, each with a

certain number of tails to denote how powerful they are. Gaara has the

power of the one tailed racoon, the weakest of them all, but still strong

enough to kill hundreds of jonin without much effort."

Sasuke felt fear, "h-he has a demon inside him?"

I nodded, "yes, so you understand why I didn't think you could win


Sasuke looked away, he looked tired but sighed and nodded, "yes...I

don't blame you. I'm sorry if I snapped."

"It's fine...listen, there's something we have to talk about...I'm going to

be going away for sometime, there's a mission," I began.

"How long?" Sasuke asked.

"Three years," I replied with a sigh.

"Three years?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow, "what's the mission?"

"Classified," I snorted, "anyway...I just wanted to tell you that before I

left, didn't want you to make a fuss later on."

"I don't fuss," Sasuke smirked before his smile slowly dropped,

"but...three's such a long time."

"Yeah, I know. But...the lives of countless people are at stake, so I can't

just ignore it."

"I suppose…."

"Hey listen Sasuke, do me a favour will you? Keep an eye on this

village for me," I sighed looking out at the buildings, "it's kind of fragile,

those walls can't hold back everything and...people are not as powerful

as they would like to believe."

"I promise. The village won't fall before you return," he nodded.

"Thanks, I knew I-"

"-Yami," I turned to see Yamato looking at me with a serious look, "the

Hokage summons you."

I sighed, "right," I turned to Sasuke, "another time yeah?"

"Right...good luck cousin, don't die," Sasuke got up and hopped away,

roof-hoping back home.

"Right then," I jumped over the roof edge and climbed down the walls,

appear before the Hokage's wind, "you wanted to see me?"

"Get it," the Hokage motioned as I entered. I saw a masked figure

standing before me, he had a black cloak and a hood up and a blue oni

mask. I looked up at his name and blinked.

Yagura Karatachi, Fourth Mizukage

Lv- 89

REP- 75

"Yagura?" I asked in surprise.

"I read you were a chakra sensor, it would seem my skills at chakra

suppressions require polishing," Yagura sighed as he removed his

mask revealing his face.

"I find Yami always the exception to many rules lord Mizukage,"

Hiruzen chuckled.

"What's he doing here?" I asked, the underlying question of his state of

mind went by unspoken.

"Yagura has been freed from the genjutsu he was placed under,"

Hiruzen informed, "and as for what he is doing here, well, I did say you

would have a team yes?"

I blinked, "he's my new partner?"

"It'll be a pleasure working with you Uchiha," Yagura bowed, "I

understand I have you to thank for sparing my life and saving my

people. I am forever indebted to you."

Chapter 258

"I'm sorry, but why exactly are you helping us?" I asked with a raised

eyebrow, "because ah...not to be rude, but you don't have a dog in this


"I am merely repaying the favour you have done for me and my

people," the jinchuuriki explained, "by stopping me you freed my

people, and by sparing my life you gave me the chance to correct the

errors I have made...that I was made to do. I hope by helping you all

now, I will pay off some of that debt and absolve myself from some of

that sin."

I sighed, "it's not your fault you know...whoever put you under that

genjutsus, they were to blame."

"Yes...and who was that individual?" Hiruzen asked, "he was an

Uchiha, Yami confirmed that. But besides him and Sasuke, who would

be too young at the time, I can only think of one other person."

"It was not Itachi," Yagura replied simply, "it was a man in an orange

mask...he called himself Uchiha Madara."

"W-what?" Hiruzen's eyes widened, "a-are you certain?"

"As certain as I can be," the man nodded, "he was accompanied by a

woman with blue hair and orange eyes and a man with orange hair and

purple eyes, though I didn't get too close a look. But, they all wore the

same robes, black with red clouds on it."

"Red clouds? That Akatsuki?" I blinked, "the group Itachi joined? So

this Madara character and Itachi are related?"

"It could be,"Hiruzen smoked his pipe and sighed, "but until we can

know for sure keep this information between us. We need more

information, this person who is apparently strong enough to control a

jinchuriki is someone of note."

"Great, just great," I sighed, "fine, I'll keep an eye out for a hundred

year old walking corpse, a blue haired chick and some guy with orange


"Good, now, let me introduce you to the rest of your team, Yagura, the

mask," the Hokage ordered, Yagura quickly hide his face, "other than

you Yami, the leader of this team, no one else is permitted to know

Yagura's real identity, do you understand? You will refer to him only as

Turtle, do you understand?"

I nodded, "yes sir."

"Good. Come in!"

The door opened as Anko and another woman, she wore the common

jonin garb but had her hair braided and coming down till her lower

back. Her hair was sandy blonde with black streaks running through it.

Her eyes were bright green and while she didn't have Anko's curves,

she did have wide hips and by the way her tights stretched out her

thighs they were nothing to scoff at.

Garumo Holo, ANBU

Lv- 73

REP- 75

I blinked, "wait...Puma?"

"Hey kid," Guarumo waved, "long time huh? How have you been?"

I grinned, "I've been good Puma, and you."

"Can't complain, oh and while not in mask, call me Holo, that's my

preferred name."

"Oh, cool," I smiled before noticing Anko, "hey Anko, nice to see

another familiar face around, glad to have you on board."

"Ah, sure, but what exactly am I on board for?" Anko asked.

I blinked and turned Hiruzen, "you haven't' told them yet?"

"No, not yet," the man puffed his pipe, "Anko, Holo, the mission I have

for you will be a difficult one...I understand if you do not wish to


After explaining the mission both Holo and Anko agreed without

hesitation. Anko said that she needed to get even with her old master

somehow, and since he was already dead, she could just burn down

everything he built. Holo just agreed because it was her duty, plus she

found the idea of helping victims of a monster that came from Konoha

as karmic justice.

We got one week to prepare, and prepare I would.

I had the Rinnegan down, at least as far as I could go without having

human test subjects. So now it was all a matter of leveling myself up

and getting stronger. And the only way to do that was by grinding in

some natural dungeons.

I arrived at the park, it was dark now, no one was around, so I could

just sit down at a park bench and check my stats in peace. First thing I

did was use the 15 points I saved up for my stats. Putting five in VIT,

DEX and STR;

STR- 170 (+5)

VIT- 120

DEX- 120

I then opened up my perk list to see what new perks I managed to get,

if any, and I was blow away;

Rinnegan ability: Amenotejikara- Grants the Rinnegan user the

power of Amenotejikara. (Conditions to unlock- over 80 REP with

Sasuke Uchiha) Cost- 100

Rinnegan ability: Kotonaru sekai-mon- Grants the Rinnegan user

the power to form portals to travel to between worlds. (Conditions

to unlock- over 90 REP with Sasuke Uchiha) Cost- 200

Holy shit! These were the two abilities Sasuke's own Rinnegan granted

him! I'm so going to buy them!

And when I did, I immediately gained two new abilities;


Amenotejikara, S rank

The user instantly shifts the location of themselves, others, and

objects, within a certain range. This range can be increased if

they swaps themselves with an object.

CP- 5,000

Limit- 50 feet (+50 if using an object)

So what? It's like a fancier version of the Flying Thunder God jutsu?

Not bad, but not Earth shattering.


Kotonaru sekai-mon, SS rank

Allows the user to open a portal between worlds.

CP cost- 500,000

Words known:

Naruto- Canon

Naruto- Yami Gamer

Random As in a world where this game wasn't going on? Where

Yami never existed? Hm, should be interesting to visit, but the chakra

price is way too steep, it's actually impossible. I would need to be fifty

times stronger than I am now to use it properly...which is what I guess

I'll have to be.

Chapter 259

I closed the menus and walked up to the fire stone statue, touching the

natural dungeon number nine, I suddenly found myself on the beach

with the open sea before me, and a Blasterious of all things standing

before me.

I grinned, "alright then, time to get to work," I took out my Gunbai and


A week later:

It was midnight, tomorrow morning I would be leaving for the mission to


I spent almost all my time in the natural dungeons grinding,not just

myself, but also my various pokemons. The six I originally caught and

the ten others I caught, never know when I could use some extra help.

I managed to level up several times over;

Yami, Protector of Hono

Level- 62 (600/189,000)

HP- 20,000/20,000 (+20)

SP- 9,775/9,775

CP- 21,475/21,475


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% LIGHTNING- 100% WATER- 100% EARTH-


SCORCH- 100% SWIFT- 100% WOOD- 100% LAVA- 100% BOIL-

100% MAGNET- 100%

ICE- 100% STORM- 60%

POWER- 100% LIFE- 100%

Allegiance- Konoha

STR- 200 (+5)

VIT- 130

DEX- 145

INT- 120 (+2)

CHA- 340

CC- 250

LUC- 103 (+5)

Points- 0

Perk Points- 27

It took long hours, even days of grinding, but I managed to level up

quite a bit. I gained a new ability via my Hero maker.

X ray vision- This perk allows one's eyes to see through objects.

Which was basically the same thing the Rinnegan allowed me to do.

Which means it was fucking useless! Argh! I hate this lottery based


Along the way I managed to level up my original six pokemon and gain

quite a number of new pokemon as well;

1. Flamer, Arcanine, Lv- 58

2. Blaze, Arcanine, Lv- 48

3. Cuter, Scyther, Lv- 53

4. King, Nidoking, Lv- 58

5. Basher, Onix, Lv- 51

6. Hinokami, Moltres, Lv- 82

7. Fourarms, Machamp, Lv- 42

8. Baller, Golem, Lv- 38

9. Pika, Pikachu, Lv- 44

10. Rhy Rex, Rhydon, Lv- 52

11. Sea King, Gyarados, Lv- 44

12. Drogon, Charizard, Lv- 50

And the last pokemon I caught was from another flare that summoned

a legendary, which I caught using the same traps I used for Moltres.

13. Articuno, Lv- 81

I had a pretty good squad of pokemon, not including the legendaries on

my squad. I now had them all sealed along my arms in the pseudo

summoning tattoos.

Using the various loot items I gained from the pokemon dungeons, I

managed to create a new suit of armour for myself, similar to the one I

had before the fight with Yagura.

The leather was made out of Snorlax and Ponyta hides. The treated

Snorlax leather was pure black while the Ponyta leather was now a dull

brick red. I had the leather wound together, looking like red waves

present along a sea of black, bolted together with steel screws I gained

from Magnemites.

Between the layers of the leather armour I had plates put in place,

separated to allow for a range of movement without compromising

protection. For these I used the shell plates of a Blastoise, which was

strong enough to take a hyperbeam head on and remain standing.

Leather Body armour, A rank

Body armour formed from the leath of Snorlax and Ponyta with

plates from a Blastoise.

Durability- 50,000/ 50,000

-40% DMG from fire based attacks

Snorlax hide was very thick and absorbed a lot of damage, which was

why when I used that along with the Blastoise shell plates I had a

immensely high durability rate.

I had the leather armour designed to match that off Stephen Amell's

Green Arrow, the black of Snorlax's hide substituted for his green and

the red of Points was used instead of his black highlights.

I had a flack jacket remade to suit this pattern, woven it into the main

attire, though I could remove it, revealing a less armour plated

chestguard underneath. I did however remove the padded collar and

the scroll storage pockets, they were useless for me.

I had the hood and face mask made separately out of Gengar cloth.

While it was a ghost, it seemed able to drop loot that I could touch. This

allowed me to make a hood which had special features:

Gengar Hood, A rank

Made from the body of a Gengar.

Durability- 50/50

Abilities- Hides face of wearer, impossible to remove unless by


The sole of the sandals were made out of the hoof of a Torus, since the

pokemon were so amazingly powerful at causing earthquake with a

mere stamp of their feet, their hooves were incredibly durable.

Taurus Sandals, A rank

Made from the hoof of a Taurus.

Durability- 10,000/10,000

+20% more damage from kicks

I still had the powerbelt from that Machamp and so I moved onto my

arm. While my right hand was heavily protected from the right plated

armour, my left was open. So using the hide of a Sandshrew, which

was extremely thick and hardened due to it's rock like property, I made

a forearm protector;

Left forearm protector, C rank

Made from a Sandshrew.

Durability- 7,000/7,000

I had it dyed black to match the colour tone I had going on here. I also

had gloves made from the hide of Pikachus;

Gloves, C rank

Made from the hide of a Pikachu.

Durability- 50/50

Abilities- Negates 1,000 electric DMG by conducting it into itself.

And finally, to bring it all together I had a cloak made out of Charizard

hide. The cloak resembled the wings of the dragon like pokemon, the

outer side being blood red while the inside a shade of royal blue. All be

honest, I kind of made it look like the cloak Batman wore which I tied

together with a brooch I had shaped like the Konoha leaf;

Cloak of Dragons, A rank

A cloak made from a Charizard.

Durability- 500/500

Abilities- Total Fire resistant

+10% more DMG for fire attacks

Attack- Wing Attack- 100

Yup, that's right. I gained an attack from wearing the cloak. If I flap the

coat's cloth really hard it forms a gust of wind that can attack people,

and push them off their feet. I'm surprised having a pokemon item

allowed me to perform such a move, but that's how the game works!

Chapter 260

Since my armour was now ready I focused on my weapons. I finally got

the chance to use the rest of my chakra metal ore, creating several

blades to be used for the three elements I knew, Wind, Power and


I kept the weapons sealed on my person and safe. And now, I was


It was five in the morning when I put on my armour for the very first

time as a complete work.

Since spending so much time in the dungeon my body grew bigger and

much stronger. Inside it was months of fighting, out here, a single

second. Physically, I was twenty, but I used my cellular manipulation in

order to drag myself to look younger on a skin level, while retaining all

the physical differences I had right under the skin.

I now stood at a whooping 6 feet, very very tall for a thirteen year old,

yet perfect for a twenty year old. Whatever, I'm sure I'm not the

weirdest ninja other, considering people like Orochimaru and Sasori.

My hair was longer now, it actually came down till my lower back, the

resemblance to Madara Uchiha was slightly diminished from the fact

that I wasn't a brooding moron, but the hair made me to look like his

son. So I had it tied back, pushing back all the hair from blocking my


I did have sharper features though, I guess one could say I had a

handsome face, my third eye did however put a damper on things. I

tied my Konoha headband protector to cover it up, the need to keep it

hidden still present.

I put on the leather armour, the black and red armour fitting me

perfectly like a glove. I put on my right arm plated armour, allowing it to

latch onto my arm tightly while the sandshrew left vambrace snuggled

easily on my left hand.

I put on the hood and face mask, once more opting to hide my face

from the public. I wrapped my dragon cloak around me, it flapping in

non existent winds. I put on the sandals which clicked like metal from

its hardened soles and gloves which removed all the random static

electricity that flowed through my body.

I stood, my entire body covered up from head to toe, unless they were

a chakra sensor, no one would know it was me. I had Kusanagi

attached to my hip, hidden behind the cloak much like how Sasuke will

once carry his own blade and had my entire body covered with several

weapons, all hidden and stored away.

I gave my apartment a once over, I had sealed every entrance, every

window and every door. No one was getting in here while I was gone. I

left through the main door and locked it behind me.

I then took off, reaching the West gate where the Hokage waited along

with the other members of my team and a squad of ANBU. My squad

each wore matching black cloaks with hood pulled down.

I landed in a squat and rose, "sorry, did I keep you waiting?"

"Yami?" Holo narrowed her eyes dangerous as everyone there went on

high alert.

"Please, don't be alarmed," I held a hand up, pulling my hood back

revealing my face.

" have grown since we last spoke," Hiruzen noted eyeing me

up and down.

I nodded, "I discovered a medical jutsu that allows me to alert my body

in certain ways. Nothing too dangerous like Orochimaru, but just

enough to give me an adult size body."

"How can we be sure it's really you?" Anko asked.

I smirked, "the night of Orochimaru's death you and I had some drinks

and I got laid. You were very grumpy the next day though, which was

strange to say the least."

Anko's cheeks turned pink, "yeah, it's him."

Hiruzen sighed, "everyday it's something new. Fine, please, don't take

too things far, I don't have to warn you about the dangers of body

modifications do I?"

"No sir."

"Good. Now," the man smiled as he handed me a scroll, "this is your

mission details and every file we have on Orochimaru, Oto and his

several bases. Use this time well Yami, our hopes and dreams travel

with you."

"Thank you sir," I took the scroll and put it away in my inventory, "we

won't fail you."

"I know you won't," the man nodded, "and here, for the sake of your

identities," he snapped his fingers and the ANBU guarding him

produced several Oni porcelain masks, one red, one purple, one


"Masks? What for?" Anko asked picking the purple one while Holo took

the brown one.

"It's too keep your identity safe," Hiruzen replied, "Yami's skills might

be...unique, but the rest of you can still hide your true selves, this is of

course a dangerous high ranking mission. I suggest you each have a

code name to us."

"Hm, can I be Sexy?" Anko asked with a grin as she put on the purple

oni mask, "sound's appropriate yeah?"