
Chapter 541

"If you want to talk to them, then talk to them. I will not

stand in your way. I'll even let them know you want to talk

to them."

She gave her own nod back and said, "Thank you."

Harry replied, "You're welcome." And withdrew.




With Narcissa's obvious hint, Harry returned upstairs to

the Black Townhouse Potter rooms and sought his three

ladies out.

Walking in and finding them in Fleur's - or, rather,

Hermione's - room, he let them know Narcissa wanted the

opportunity to speak with them at some time.

"I told her I don't make those sort of decisions for you

ladies," he added. "It's up to you whether or not you

choose to speak with her."

Daphne asked, "Was it urgent?"

"Not by the tone of her voice, no," he replied.

"Thank you, Harry," said Hermione, starting to rise.

"However, for now, I need to get back to my parents. I've

been gone for over a week and I promised I'd spend the

rest of the weekend with them when I returned."

"Then, go, Love!" he declared. "We're only a floo away."

Walking across to him with a smile, she gently kissed him

before she stepped back and said, "Thank you." Then left

through the door.

As the door to the room closed behind her, Fleur asked,

"Anyone else have any plans?"

With a small head shake, he replied, "No. With no summer

assignments to complete, it feels a little odd to say that,





The next afternoon, Hermione dropped over after lunch.

Surprised to see her and concerned, Harry asked, "What's


"Nothing, Harry," she was quick to assure him. "I just have

a meeting with Narcissa."

"As do we," said Daphne from behind him.

When he turned about, it was to see both Daphne and

Fleur enter the room. Both were smiling.

"Oh-kay," he warily said. "This is one of those things

concerning women me, as a mere male, is better off not

knowing; isn't it?"

"Something like that," said Hermione. "But, if you really

want to know―"

Quickly raising his hands in mock surrender, Harry walked

out saying, "No, no; I really don't want to know. I get the

poorly veiled hint."

As he left, it was to hear Hermione snickering to the


After he'd left, Hermione said, "Shall we track down


"She's in Sirius's office," said Daphne. "She's expecting


Hermione gave a nod and followed the other two to the





After tracking down Sirius, Harry informed him the girls

were in a meeting with Narcissa.

"You wouldn't mind keeping an eye on that, would you?"

he asked, just a smidge wary.

"They'll be fine, Harry," his godfather replied. "There's

nothing that can go down in this house that could see

harm to any of your ladies and I won't instantly know about

it. Besides, Dorothy is also in that meeting. She'll keep an

eye on things."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Thank you. I now know

Narcissa is not likely to cause them any harm, buuuut..."

"But you still want them protected in case she tries

anything," Sirius finished. "I understand."

"Plus," he said, "If they're in a meeting for a while, that

gives me a chance to go to Pottermore to get some flying

in for a couple hours."

"Sounds like a good idea," said Sirius. "If they come out of

their meeting before you're back, I'll let them know where

you are."

"Thanks, Sirius," he smiled.

A quick dash upstairs to grab his broom and Harry was out

through the floo to Pottermore.




A very happy day for the household at the Black

Townhouse was the thirteenth birthday of CeeCee on

Tuesday, the 10th of August. Until that morning, everyone

had pretended it 'wasn't that much of a big deal' when

around the girl, but were all half-cackling in glee about

what was planned when she wasn't about.

Harry was up early and cooking a breakfast that consisted

of her favourite breakfast foods, plus a set of 'box lunches'

for a major picnic. He was also ordering the house elves

about to prepare a party for early that evening; not

realising four others had already done the same - Dorothy,

Narcissa, Sirius and Hermione.

Unsurprisingly, the whole household was up reasonably

early, except CeeCee. Her whole demeanour, the night

before, reflected she thought they wouldn't be making any

sort of outstanding effort for her on the day she became a

teenager. So, Dorothy ended up having to go and wake


For CeeCee, though, she did not know what to think of it.

Until 'Uncle Sirius' and 'Uncle Ted' had turned up in Perth

on their doorstep, she had no real knowledge of just when

her true birthday actually was. Because of her age when

'found', a 'guesstimate' was made and her birthday was

determined to be the fifteenth of August for records

requiring a date of birth. Finding out her true identity and,

with it, her true date of birth - and that the pædiatricians

were only off by five days - came as yet another shock on

that day of shocks.

When she walked into the kitchen, still half-asleep and

half-dressed, she was stunned almost senseless when

she saw the very large pile of presents that occupied the

middle of the kitchen table; with the rest of the household -

except Dorothy and Harry, who were cooking - sitting

around it and grinning back at her. She'd forgotten her

birthday had shifted forward by five days.

"Whaa?" she quietly asked.

"Happy birthday, Charlie!" called her mother. That had

everyone else adding their own wishes of happiness on

this, her special day.

Finally dragged to the seat of honour at the table, Dorothy

plated an egg-white omelette and placed it before her,

before then planting a kiss on the top of the girl's head.

Then Narcissa was happy to add her own, the same way.

"Eat first; then unwrap," demanded Dorothy, as she turned

and went back to the oven. She and Harry had the rest of

the breakfast to serve before they could sit and eat their




Chapter 542

During breakfast, CeeCee was told that the whole

household would be spending the day out and about in not

quite strenuous activity, "So, try not to stuff yourself silly;

or you'll just end up throwing it all up again."

But first and after eating, presents.

Harry, on behalf of the Potter Four, bought her a broom - a

Nimbus 2001. Apparently, she was a decent flyer, but

didn't play Quidditch or even Quodpot. She could fly - very

much enjoyed flying, even - but did not want to risk harm

to her eyes by playing either of those dangerous sports.

Instead, she preferred to race. And the Nimbus 2001,

straight line, could be thought of as being even faster than

the Firebolt.

His girls bought her wizarding make up and promised

they'd show her how to use it to highlight and accentuate,

rather than 'cake'.

Sirius, unsurprisingly, splurged on joke products and urged

her to make use of them. But also cautioned her not to

use the clearly magical ones in a muggle area or in the

presence of muggles 'not in the know'; while ever-staid

Remus focussed on books of charms focussed on 'young

ladies' and their needs.

Narcissa bought her understated jewellery and a selfupdating book on the Houses of magical Britain, then

urged her to study it as much and as often as she could.

The Wilkinses bought her quite a lot of 'normal' gifts,

including audio cassettes and CDs of some of her

favourite muggle bands. Dorothy, though, bought her a

large gift and told her it was 'unmentionables' and,

therefore, should not be opened at the table.

Surprising the girl and the Wilkinses, though, were the

number of nice gifts bought her by members of the

Alliance. They included a wrist wand holster (Amelia

Bones), books (various), at set of muggle novels (Monica

and Wendell), some seeds of magical plants (Neville),

more magical make-up (Hannah and Susan), a pair of

understated ear rings and matching necklace (Frank and

Alice) - to which Dorothy declared it was 'about time'

CeeCee's ears were pierced - a nice robe with the Malfoy

crest (unknown gifter and, therefore, scanned out the

wahzoo for illicit charms and the like upon it; there were

none such) and some others. It was a pretty decent haul.

After the unwrapping of gifts, Sirius then announced the

next 'gift', a day out at a local amusement park; which

apparently, from her excited squeal, was something

CeeCee was really looking forward to.




The day out, even for Harry, was declared 'brilliant' by the

younger Brits and 'unreal' by the younger 'Aussies'. They'd

spent almost the whole day there, until it was getting on to

dinner time.

Harry's box lunches were 'elf-popped' to the park by

Dobby, when Harry sneakily applied a Notice-me-Not

charm on himself and snuck into an out-of-the-way corner,

where he then cast a small area Notice-me-Not before

calling the little elf to deliver them to him. Then he simply

carried the whole lot to the 'rest area' where the family had

gathered, before serving everyone their own lunch.

By the time they left, the only one who was unhappy about

that was Sirius. The old dog would have been happy to

stay right through to closing time at 9.00pm, if he'd had his





On the Thursday of their first week back in Britain, two

days later, Harry thought it was high time they went and

got their supplies for the forthcoming Hogwarts year;

except for Fleur, their fifth.

They thought they'd be able to go on their own. However,

that idea got shot down when the Wilkinses expressed a

desire to go to the Alley again; which meant a whole slew

of adults accompanied them as bodyguards for the

muggle family.

Flooing to the Leaky Cauldron they were soon through the

brick wall portal out the back and into the Alley proper.

All up, there was Harry, Hermione, Fleur, Daphne, Neville,

Susan, Hannah, Justin (who'd been collected by Lydia

Davis for the day) and Tracey of their close group. Plus,

for adults and others accompanying them, there was

Sirius, Narcissa, CeeCee, the other Wilkinses, Remus,

Wendell and Monica, Lydia Davis (as aforementioned),

Frank, Alice and Pauline Abbott. They arrived via floo in

the Leaky Cauldron in one group of fourteen, one

immediately after another, from the Black Townhouse; with

the other nine coming in two other groups. Lydia and

Tracey, plus Justin, arrived via apparation; Neville, Susan,

Hannah, Frank, Alice and Pauline arrived via floo a few

minutes later.

Such a big group, other than one such usually led by a

Hogwarts Head of House when escorting large groups of

muggleborns' families, was unusual. Throw in that Harry

Potter was in the group and there was the usual annoying

gawking and 'talking behind hands with friends and family'

going on. That Narcissa Malfoy, of all people, was also in

the group had some people not expecting them or already

knowing about it almost faint in shock.

However, to save on turning up at one shop or another as

one large group - almost, if not actually, overwhelming the

store at that time - they broke into three smaller groups of

eight, eight and seven. Harry and his three went with

Sirius, Remus, Wendell and Monica. Neville and his two

went with Frank, Alice, Pauline, Patrick and Sarah. And

Justin and Tracey went with Lydia, Narcissa, Stephen,

Dorothy and CeeCee. The breakdown of that last group

lead Harry to give a quick smirk to his own group.

Hermione had wanted to head directly to the bookshop,

first. However, Harry put his foot down before even

Wendell could and said no. "The books will actually be the

heaviest of the loads we'd have to carry. On top of that,

you can easily spend hours in there, when we don't have

that sort of time just yet or even today. No, we'll be the first

of our oversized group to go to Madam Malkin's to

organise replacement robes and the like. That way, they'll

be getting those ready for us while we do the rest of our

shopping and we can collect them on the way out."

With an annoyed sigh, Hermione only nodded back. It

surprised Wendell and Monica that she didn't put up much

of a fuss about it, except to express an annoyed pout.




After their robe fittings and organising of replacement

school uniforms, before they even left the girls forced on

Harry the purchase of more casual-wear robes.

When he'd tried to refuse, he was met with three 'hostile'

glares from his ladies.

"Okay!" he quickly held up his hands in surrender as Sirius

snickered. "However," turning to look at Fleur he said, "I've

noticed there's a slight difference in the cut of material

between French and British styles. I want to see you

outfitted into at least three, preferably more, good sets of

British style witches' robes, while I'm being forced to go

through my own. No argument."

Fleur happily went along with that.

So, while Hermione, Sirius and Remus 'helped' Harry

select some new robes, with Wendell watching in

amusement, Fleur was accompanied by Daphne and

Monica over to the witch's side of the store.

However, Sirius also had the bright idea to have Wendell

and Monica also outfitted in at least one set of formal-wear

and one set of casual-wear robes each. So, those two

were also accordingly outfitted without having to borrow

robes, as they'd done in the past.



Chapter 543

After robe fittings, the rest of the shopping went through

quite quickly.

Harry had found out that, while Hermione and Fleur had

one each, Daphne did not have a Ladies Travelling Trunk,

so one was purchased for her. While in the store,

replacement featherweight and space expansion charmed

school 'satchels' were also bought as needed.

The rest of what they needed wasn't really all that much.

They restocked and added potion ingredients, replaced

cauldrons, ingredient knives and the like and bought the

few text books they needed on top of what they were

already using; then purchasing and restocking more

supplies for their pets.

Then Hermione was finally allowed to purchase books she

wanted, but couldn't find in either the Pottermore or Black

Townhouse libraries. However, even that time was cut

short as they needed to meet up with the others.

Finally, they were back at their 'meeting point' at

Fortescue's ice creamery. They were the last to arrive;

which had Hermione's somewhat huffy attitude, due to the

shortness of her visit to the bookshop, halted in its tracks.

She had no idea how fast time had flown by.

After an icecream each and, as one group, they headed

back to Madam Malkins to collect clothing. Harry wasn't

the only one surprised to see the large wrapped parcel

that awaited CeeCee. He heard Hermione, for one, give a

slight gasp of surprise, as she too had obviously figured it


When he turned to look at Narcissa, she had the slightest

of smirks on her face and quietly said, "We'll discuss it

back at the Townhouse."




After quick words of parting before seeing each other

again at the meeting of the Alliance scheduled the coming

Saturday, they separated and headed home.

As soon as they were back at the Black Townhouse and

before even Hermione could ask about what Harry knew

was already on her mind, he asked, "I take it CeeCee will

be joining us at Hogwarts?"

Surprised, Sirius replied, "Yes. How'd you figure it out?"

"The size of the bundle CeeCee picked up at Madam

Malkins," he immediately replied.

"That's how I figured it out, too," added Hermione.

"Damn," said Sirius. "It was supposed to be a surprise."

"It is and it isn't," he smirked. "However, have you done

anything to stop Malkin's people, or any of the other

shopkeepers and sales assistants where she bought

supplies from, from talking about it?"

That even surprised Narcissa, which showed she hadn't

thought of that.

Sheepishly, Sirius replied, "Errr... no."

With a firm nod, Harry said, "Then there's a very good

chance it'll be in the Daily Prophet before too long. That is,

of course, if any of the shopkeepers or assistants figured

out who she was. That Narcissa was with the group with

her, there is, of course, a good chance of that."

Sirius gave a pained look back, as Narcissa gave him her

own very calculating look.

Finally, she said, "Yet again you've confirmed for me you

should have been sorted into Slytherin."

"Is this going to cause trouble?" asked a worried Dorothy.

"No," replied Narcissa, switching her attention to the

woman. "There was always a chance others will have

either figured it out or will have guessed ahead of time.

Cousin Harry's... analysis... only shows it is now likely,

rather than just possible as we believed."

Turning back to Harry she asked, "If you've figured that

out, have you also figured out why?"

"Yes," he nodded. "Though Hogwarts is dangerous, it is

less dangerous than leaving her to attend Dundee in

Australia, without proper protection.

"At Hogwarts: She'll have from off the staff Headmistress

Lady Marchbanks and, I would think, Pomona Sprout.

Both will no doubt be keeping an even closer eye on what

happens to her; and I know Lady Marchbanks has had the

wards adjusted to include monitoring. From the students

she'll have us Heirs; plus, if she's entered into the CBA

with Justin, as I suspect, she'll be in the Lords' Quarters

with the rest of us. Even if not, I'll also be making it quite

public I consider her a daughter of Black and, as such,

under my direct protection as Heir Tertiary. I dare say I'll

only have to glare at a couple of the idiots before the

message sinks in."

Turning to look at CeeCee directly, he said, "As for you,

young lady, you're going to find yourself inundated with

about nine pseudo big brothers and sisters while at

school. We may be two years ahead of you, but you can

come to us with anything you don't want to take to a

professor; or take to us and a professor. I promise you, the

rest of the student body respect me, are scared of me, are

simply in awe of me or a combination of all three. No one

wants to annoy me. They fear what I'm legally allowed to

do to them if they step out of line. Understand?"

CeeCee just nodded back.

Then he grinned and said, "Besides, if you find any

difficulty with other students and you fear harm from

them... call Fawkes. He can get you out of there, licketysplit. While he has expressed he does not want to be seen

as a 'cab service', he will aid you in getting you out of


While that seemed to surprise her, before she could reply,

Sirius said, "That's a damned good idea, pup." He then

looked to CeeCee and said, "And I heartily agree."

Fawkes had not been around a lot, as far as Harry had

been aware. When he mentioned it, CeeCee said, "Uncle

Sirius put a roost for him in my room. He's often in there,

napping, or out hunting or doing something else. He also

visits the school a lot. He says he's just keeping an eye on


'That explains that,' thought Harry.




The morning of the Monday a week after they'd returned

from France, Harry ducked over to Longbottom Hall to talk

to Neville. It was also the day before the August meeting

of the Wizengamot.

As he popped out of the floo in the Longbottom Hall

welcoming room with only a slight stagger, Neville was

already waiting for him.

"You're getting better, Harry," smiled his best mate.

"I have my moments," he drolled.

"So," said Neville, as he began to lead the two of them to

the conservatory, "What brings you over?"

"A couple of issues," he sighed in reply. "First, I wanted to

see how you're holding up."

Looking a little puzzled, Neville asked, "I'm fine. Why do

you ask?"

As they walked into the conservatory, Harry quietly replied,

"Your grandmother. She's due to be released in two days."

Neville paused only a moment before he gestured to one

of the chairs for Harry to sit while he sat in the one kittycornered to it. It was obvious Neville was using the time to

think about both his feelings and his response.

Finally, he sighed and said, "I'm aware." A few moments

later, he gave an almost imperceptible shrug and said, "I

don't know how I feel about that, to be honest."



Chapter 544

"I hear ya," said Harry. "However, it's something you need

to deal with soon."

Neville gave a nod back.

Harry added, "However, I also wanted to talk to you about

the betrothal between Justin and Tracey, plus 'rumour' of a

CBA between Justin and another."

"CeeCee," Neville immediately said.

"Yup," he agreed. "That's what appears likely."

At the meeting of the Alliance only two days previous,

Lady Marchbanks and Heathcliff Davis jointly 'officially'

announced the betrothal of Justin and Tracey. Lady

Marchbanks also announced a CBA for Justin was also in

the negotiation phase.

"Will CeeCee be transferring to Hogwarts?" asked Neville.

"Yes," he replied. "We figured it out when she picked up

such a large package of robes from Madam Malkins."

Neville gave a nod and said, "The Lords' Quarters are

going to be a little busier from now on. We're going to

have to be a bit more secure with Gibberd and Whitehead

also taking Quarters."

Marchbanks had informed them that Ross Gibberd, the

new Heir Apparent Gibberd, and Phylis Whitehead, a pair

of Slytherins who would be in their seventh year this year,

had become betrothed during the summer and would also

be taking accommodation in the Lords' Quarters this year.

"Yeah," nodded Harry. "However, I've not noticed either of

them being a problem in the past. I don't think either is

Death Eater spawn."

"Me neither," said Neville. "However, I'm not willing to take

any chances."

"I hear ya," said Harry.

That afternoon, the Potter four, less Hermione, moved to

Greengrass Manor for the week and a half. It had been

planned in plenty of time, well before they even went to





The August sitting of the Wizengamot saw the 'second'

reading of the new Misuse of Muggle Items Bill. Harry had

read the thing right through over the previous month and

was in awe of how well it was written. To him, it was clear

people who weren't daft morons had written it and

managed to block anyone who was daft from slipping in

some stupid changes to it.

An owl to Bones, questioning her on who had written it,

had the answer back the next day. 'For the most part, a

team of muggleborns who worked under Arthur Weasley.'

Harry was surprised by that. It meant people were, in his

opinion, starting to think.

Other than a couple of amendments, tabled by Members

and accepted as questions before being lost based on a

very logical and clearly prepared rebuttal each, the Bill

was passed and became the new Statute. Harry was quite

surprised by how smoothly it passed into law. He never

spoke either for it or against it, as many clearly thought he

might based on the number of pointed looks he received

from many of the other Members.




After the otherwise boring Wizengamot session, the

following day was the scheduled release of Augusta

Longbottom from Azkaban.

Harry had asked his friend if he wanted to spend the day

with him, but Neville begged off. "I'll be spending it with

Han and Suze, Harry."

Harry gave a nod back, grinned and said, "Better company

than me, at any rate." Then waggled his eyebrows.

In days not that long past, Neville would have blushed like

crazy being told that. However, those days were now

gone. Instead, he only gave the bare hint of slight

colouring of his cheeks as he grinned back and firmly

stated, "Damned straight!"

Harry laughed back.

So, instead of spending the Wednesday keeping Neville

distracted - or, at least busy with other matters - his two

girls were doing that for him.

When he raised the matter with Daphne and Fleur -

Hermione was, once again, spending the day 'training' to

be a Lady of a Noble House - Fleur said, "Well, yes.

'Annah and Sue plan to not let him have much time out of

'is bed."

Daphne merely cocked an eyebrow and smirked at Fleur's

bold statement, while Harry looked quite shocked. "Fleur!"

he exclaimed.

"Do not be a prude, 'Arry," she shot back. "It is a brilliant

idea, non?"

"Well, yes," he spluttered. "But, there is no need to be

coarse about it."

All she said back was, "Veela, 'Arry."

He mock-scowled a little and said, "I think you attribute too

much to being Veela."

She just smirked back, but didn't disagree.




The next couple of weeks of their time back in magical

Britain before returning to Hogwarts had the girls often

disappear with Narcissa into the odd 'secret' meeting,

including while they were at Greengrass Manor. They

even accompanied her to visits to other homes. He also

found out Tracey occasionally joined them, as did Susan

and Hannah.

However, none of the girls would talk about what those

meetings were about. All he'd get on the rare occasion he

asked, was, "Secret womens' business, Harry." And

something along the lines of, "And, no, I'm not being

flippant about that. This truly is secret to us ladies... for


The only thing he learned about it was the name of the

club the girls were all now members of, The Tapestry

Circle. And he only learned that because, when they'd

leave, they would all be wearing the same little lapel pin. It

had the letters 'TC' superimposed in gold over a white,

what he later found out was called, 'tea' rose. He had no

idea that, in the language of flowers, the tea rose signified

'I will always remember you', while the rose colour

signified 'innocence'.

Instead, Harry spent quite a bit of time talking to both adult

Greengrasses and Astoria. The young girl, only two years

younger than her 'big' sister, had quite the wicked sense of

humour. It hadn't taken her very long to learn that being

ribald around Harry had the young man constantly

blushing. And proved to highly amuse the girl.

On the occasions she'd managed to corner Harry

somewhere alone, she'd ask him the most personal of

questions; all with the view of making the boy blush. This,

in turn, had her anywhere from giggling at his reaction, to

outright laughing herself silly.

Harry knew he could have put a stop to it by telling her

mother, Adeline, what she'd been saying or did. But he just

wasn't that mean and knew the girl was only having fun,

even if it was at his expense. No harm, no foul.

For the last week and a half of their break, Hermione's

lessons were ended. The two ladies, Alice and Adeline,

decided that Hermione needed the time to spend with her

'man' and his other ladies.



Chapter 545

Concerned and not a little worried, Harry asked, "Why? Do

they think I'm neglecting you? Am I neglecting you?"

She smiled and replied, "No, Harry. They don't know how

much you're not neglecting me. I've not shared that

information with them."

Relieved, he sighed and said, "Good. But, if I do, you'll let

me know; right?"

"Of course," she grinned, before kissing his cheek.




The day before they were due to return to Hogwarts, the

Tuesday, it was announced within the Alliance that

CeeCee had entered into a Concubine Bond Agreement

with Justin Finch-Fletchley. It would be announced in the

Daily Prophet two days later, on the Second.

No one in the group was all that surprised; especially not

the 'Potter' girls.

Later, Harry found out it was a subject raised within the

Tapestry Circle and the girls were not permitted to talk

about it until it was 'publicly' announced, or otherwise

announced by Marchbanks, Sirius and Narcissa.

Also formally made concrete was that CeeCee became

the joint magical ward of both Narcissa and Sirius. It was

felt that, with both being magical guardians, neither could

be individually forced to scrap the CBA and force CeeCee

into another of a dark family's choosing. It was an added

level of protection.

Further, it was confirmed by both Headmistress Lady

Marchbanks and Sirius that CeeCee would be moving into

the Lords' Quarters with Justin and Tracey. They would

have the old Potter apartment, 'Apartment 9', so they'd be

directly across the corridor from the Longbottom


The two Slytherins would be in Justin's old apartment,

'Apartment 3'. It was a two bedroom apartment; as were

Apartments 4, 5, and 6. Apartments 1 and 2 were single

bedroom apartments. They were accommodated there so

there was at least some level of separation from the rooms

of the 'Heirs' at the end of the corridor.

They also learned that Ron Weasley would be returning to

Hogwarts for his OWL year. While it somewhat annoyed

Harry, it had apparently been made clear to the boy that

he would be monitored. If he set a foot out of line he'd be

expelled, rather than just be 'allowed' to withdraw. And that

it had also been made clear to him by his father to 'stay

away from Potter and his group' anywhere bar classes.

Again, if he didn't, he could easily find himself expelled.

This was confirmed by a letter from the twins who wrote to

beg Harry not to just 'kill the twit' when he stepped out of

line; but to, instead, immediately report it to a professor in

the first instance. It appeared the twins did not believe

Ron would manage to make it right through the one year

before being expelled by confronting Harry, let alone the

three still to go.




Over at The Burrow, Ron had, yet again, suffered through

his mother firmly telling him that his behaviour would be

closely monitored and to stay away from 'Harry and his

ladies'. Ron had his newly born occlumency barriers up

full, so he didn't express any disdain or other 'negative'

emotion on his face at what he was being told. He just

dutifully answered, 'Yes, Mum,' in all the right places.

Inside, though, he was looking forward to what would be

his confrontation with 'Potter and his whores'. He had read

the books he'd been given by Nott and they'd included

quite a lot of dark curses and the like. While there were

many he could barely stomach even reading about, he

was actually looking forward to casting one or two of the

others at Potter.

Of course, he wasn't that much of an idiot he didn't know

he had no hope of facing Potter in a one-on-one duel or

fair fight. No, he'd take him from behind. All he had to do

was wait for his moment.

He'd be carefully watching Potter to see what classes he

had and when. And when he'd be in a spot where he was

not accompanied by another. He also knew to take at least

three weeks to study, so Potter would let his guard down

somewhat. One of the books said it was a very good idea

to delay at least that long, preferably longer, so he would.

Ron's actual problem was that he no idea that the wards

at the school had been adjusted. Changes included a

deactivated ward to monitor and record the use of dark

magic had been reactivated; a combined monitoring and

notification ward for under-aged magic used outside of

dormitories, the Great Hall and classrooms had been

installed; or that all such wards were now tied in to a

location charm tied in to a location map held by the

Headmistress with copies held by the other professors.

He'd not been at the school long enough the previous

school year to see it put into effect; and neither the twins

or Ginny had told him about them.

Surprising the other Weasleys still living at The Burrow,

Ron had actually packed on the afternoon before the first

of September. And he'd even done it before his mother

had, for the first time, told the four going to Hogwarts that

they should make a start on doing so.

He'd simply and calmly said, "I've packed already, Mum."

That had Molly, the twins and Ginny, the only ones in The

Burrow at that time, all shocked silent.

The first to react, one of the twins said, "Well. If Ron's

managed to get himself packed so early; we guess we'd

better, too."

"Indeed," said the other, before both headed upstairs.

Ginny gave a soft sigh before she looked to her mother

and said, "I guess I better go pack too, then."

Molly was both shocked and amazed.




The first of September, 1995, was a Wednesday, a work

day. Therefore, there was an expectation of not as many

adults on platform 9¾.

That did not, however, worry the Heirs or their families.

With the exception of only a few of the adults, the rest

were either on break or were taking the day off work. The

Heirs also planned to be early to the platform, anyway.

The adults not accompanying the Heirs due to work

commitments were the Granger parents, Madam Bones,

Eugene Abbott and Heathcliff Davis. Even the entire

Wilkins family were coming to see CeeCee off for her first

time to Hogwarts.

The Wilkins family, except CeeCee, would be returning to

Australia on the Saturday only a few days later. They had

lives they had to get back to. However, Sirius had secretly

arranged to have their home warded as best he could

while still meeting Australasian magical law. He was

feeling somewhat guilty about putting them at risk; even

though he truly had not. And, copying Harry's idea for the

Grangers, they were also provided magically pre-charged

emergency portkeys each, in case they were attacked in

their home.

It was also felt that, once the CBA between CeeCee and

Justin became public knowledge, the risk to them would

be greatly reduced.

CeeCee would, on the breaks, take an International

Portkey to and from Perth so she could spend them with

her adoptive family.

As a gift for her to 'welcome her to the family', Harry had

Dobby go to Diagon to purchase for her a Ladies'

Travelling Trunk, similar to the one he bought for Daphne.

That way, she'd be able to take much more than the

normal trunk would hold. She actually did need at least a

trunk with space expansion charms, due to how much

she'd be taking with her to the school. So the gift was very





Once on the platform a little after 10.00am, Harry

immediately boarded the train and 'secured' two

compartments, side by side. At now ten of their number,

eleven if they would be including Ernie MacMillan, their

group had now exceeded their ability to all fit into one


Fleur, not being a student any longer, offered to not ride

the Express and just apparate direct to the school just as

the train was due to arrive at Hogsmeade. However Harry

could see that, while she made the offer, she really wanted

to join the others for the ride.

Harry approached Sirius and asked him, "What're the

chances you'd be able to link two compartments together

for us through Transfiguration?"

Surprised, Sirius thought about it for a moment before he

muttered, "No idea. Let's go find out." Then he boarded

the train.

Harry followed him onboard and showed him which two

compartments he'd 'saved'.

In one compartment, looking at the bench and wall

between the two, Sirius raised his wand and tried to see if

he could create a doorway between the two, hard up

against the outside wall and between the windows.

Surprisingly, considering the amount of magic already

employed upon the train carriages, he could do it. They

then had a narrow doorway, without an actual door,

between the two. It just shortened one bench seat in each

compartment; the two that backed one another from each.

"Hunh!" he exclaimed. Even he was surprised. "I have no

idea how long that's going to hold before it reverts, but I'm

hopeful it'll make it all the way to Hogsmeade for you."

Pleased, Harry grinned to his godfather and said, "Thanks,

Padfoot. I hope it will, too."



Chapter 546

The last of their party to arrive on the platform at Kings

Cross was Justin. The Finch-Fletchleys were brought

direct to the platform from their home in Bedford by Raggy

via house elf apparation. The two adult Finch-Fletchley's

would be returned to their castle home the same way.

Then, once the train reached Hogsmeade, Raggy would

join Justin at the school.

Tracey almost immediately glommed onto him as soon as

he appeared. Justin's mother seemed amused by it.

Because he wasn't there early, it was left to Harry and

Neville to be the gentlemen to carry on and load into the

overhead racks all seven other trunks, besides their own.

Both boys were just glad that all the trunks now had

featherweight charms on them, so they weren't too heavy

to move; just awkward. While the trunks might now be

light, they still had the same mass. That meant, while

moving them, they felt as if they were being pushed from

behind, no matter the direction in which they were moved.

And that movement took a fair bit of concentration to


However, at any rate it didn't take that long. And all nine

spread across both 'interconnected' compartments fairly

evenly. With part of two of the benches removed to allow

the doorway to exist, seating was restricted to six or seven

in each compartment. Still, it was enough. And meant no

one had to sit on someone else's lap for the trip.

Because CeeCee wouldn't be starting as a first year, but

as a third year, she did not have the option of hunting

down others wearing non-House school robes, showing

they were in the same year as her, to make friends with

before they arrived at the school. Besides, she really didn't

want to do that, anyway. She want and chose to sit with


That was a decision Harry was very much in support of as

it meant he and the others would be in a better position to

protect her while on the train.

After saying goodbye to family remaining on the platform,

just before 11.00am the group boarded and found their

seats in the twin compartments.




Once the train left the platform and was on its way, the ten

began to talk about what they'd been up to over the past

couple of weeks and what they thought the year coming

would be like.

It was during this early part of the trip Harry learned that

CeeCee had chosen Arithmancy and Ancient Runes as

her electives. And also learned he was the only one of the

Potter four who did not know that.

"Something you lot talked with her about during one of

your girls' talk sessions?" he asked.

"Yes," they replied, and didn't elucidate.

During the last few days and on their return to the Black

Townhouse from Greengrass Manor, CeeCee and Sarah

had joined the girls in their sessions, after Dorothy had

told them not to talk about specifics about sex. As far as

Dorothy was concerned, just because CeeCee was now a

teenager, did not mean she got to talk about sex acts.

He did know, though, that CeeCee had been sat down by

both her mothers, adopted and by blood, and given 'The

Talk'. And Narcissa went further with specific potions she

should now begin to take. Though Dorothy, apparently,

was against it, Narcissa assured her that Ne Gravidas

would be strongly recommended by the school medi-

wizard... and why. Reluctantly, Dorothy acceded, but also

demanded Stephen not be informed.

Narcissa had smiled back and replied, "You'd be surprised

how many mothers make that exact same demand relating

to their daughters regarding their own husbands."

Harry knew of it because his three had been brought into

the discussion to speak with both Dorothy and CeeCee

about it, together with their own experiences relating to

why the potion was important. Then they told him the

'highlights' that wouldn't embarrass him. He didn't know

anything about, for example, talks regarding Maiden's

Relief, books the boys read to try and get into a girl's

knickers, spells and charms to help a witch protect her

modesty, that sort of thing.

Of course, with the exception of the return trip only a

couple months earlier, the train ride was unusual as they

did not get the somewhat obligatory visit from the now late

Draco Malfoy and they did not have the grizzling and

moaning of Ron in the compartment with them. Harry was

worried the latter boy would immediately seek him out.

However, he was thankful he did not.

The one visitor they did receive, then bid stay, was Ernie

MacMillan. He was wary when he approached and asked

to speak with them, but relaxed after a while when he was

given no cold shoulder.

However, he did remain somewhat quiet and rarely spoke

except when directly asked a question. He did, though,

ask how everyone's holiday went and hoped they were

looking forward to another year at Hogwarts.

Other visitors were a couple of female Slytherins who

were checking to see if CeeCee was onboard. And they

weren't half-obvious about doing so.

As soon as they left, Harry said, "By the time we reach

Hogwarts, every student at the school of a dark family will

know CeeCee's attending this year."



Chapter 547

That then led into Harry firmly telling CeeCee,

"Remember: We're here for you. Any problems... and I do

mean any... come and find one of us."

Neville piped up and said, "That includes one of us, too."

Over the past couple of days, using his still-somewhatbroken Marauders' Map - which had Sirius and Remus

scratching their heads trying to figure out why it no longer

worked - Harry had diligently worked on drawing up a map

of the castle that showed the path from the grand

staircase to the Lords' Quarters on the fifth floor, the

classrooms and the offices of staff. He also included the

apartment numbers of the three groups of Alliance heirs,

plus the one occupied by the two seventh year Slytherins.

Then presented it to her, in front of her parents, Sirius,

Remus and Narcissa, explaining what it was.

"Keep that on you at all times," said her mother, to which

the other adults all agreed.

A little surprising to Harry, the temporary door between the

two compartments remained for the entirety of the trip. As

they disembarked and just so it wouldn't annoy whoever

would be coming along to inspect the train later, he

overpowered a Finite at the doorway, which reverted it

back to 'wall with bench seating'.




Once at Hogsmeade, Harry was set to lead CeeCee to

Hagrid for the traditional crossing of the lake in those little

boats, but was corrected by Hermione.

"She travels on the coaches with us, Harry," she said.

"Headmistress Lady Marchbanks couldn't see the point of

her arriving by the boats."

With only a slight hesitation, he gave a nod and led the

way to the thestral-drawn carriages. Even then, they had

to split into two groups again.

When they arrived, it was to see Professor Goodstone

keeping an eye on things in the entrance hall and outside

at the disembarkation point. Harry led CeeCee directly to

him and introduced the Professor to her.

After giving her a relaxed and warm greeting, the

professor said, "You'd best stay here with me, then, Miss

Malfoy; or, do you prefer Miss Wilkins?"

Surprised, CeeCee quietly replied, "Miss Wilkins, if it's not

too much trouble, Sir."

"Not at all," he smiled. Then he turned to Harry and said, "I

have her from here, Lord Potter. She'll be safe with me."

"Thank you, Professor," replied Harry, with a slight head

nod. Then turned to smile at CeeCee. "You'll be safe with

Professor Goodstone. The only thing wrong with him is

he's a fan of Quidditch."

"Lord Potter!" barked the amused and semi-affronted

professor. "Five points from Gryffindor for your

besmirching of our noble sport!"

He grinned back as CeeCee blushed and snickered in

amused embarrassment.

However, he'd accomplished what he wanted; calming

CeeCee down a little. And he could see the Professor

knew that from the slight curling up of his lips in a

suppressed grin.

He gave a courtly bow to both, together, and said, "Yes,

Professor." And made his way inside.

As he walked to the doors of the Great Hall, he heard the

professor say, "I certainly hope Lord Potter has not

poisoned your mind against Quidditch, Miss Wilkins. That

would be a true crime."

Harry didn't hear her reply, as he was then too far away

and she spoke too softly for him to hear it.




Hermione and Neville saved him a seat at the Gryffindor

table. When he looked about for Fleur, he could see her

sitting at the head table, but right out at the end, even

outside of Hagrid.

He gave her a nod and blew her a kiss as he was sitting.

"Why's Fleur sitting at the head table?" he asked the two.

"The Headmistress asked her to sit there for the Opening

Feast. She'll be able to join us for all other meals, though,"

replied Hermione. "It's something about an issue with the

school rules and sitting for the Opening Feast."

"We have to sit at our own House tables," said Harry.

"And, as she's not a student any more, plus she'd be

sitting at Ravenclaw if she was, I guess it makes sense for

her to sit up there."

"Makes sense," echoed Neville.

Of course, Harry wasn't with the other boys in his year, as

he didn't want to sit anywhere near Ron. Hermione and

Neville knew that and had, instead, chosen to sit at the

end of the table closest to the head end, while still leaving

room for about a dozen new Firsties.

Looking around, Harry noticed that Ron was sitting back

with Seamus and Dean, while Ginny was sitting with the

girls in her own year. He also noticed Dean was wearing

the boys' fifth year prefect badge.

That caused him to give a little start in surprise. He'd

completely forgotten prefects would be chosen from their

year, this year. Looking to Hermione, he looked to see if

she was surprising him by not telling him in advance she'd

made prefect. However, she wasn't wearing the badge.

"Hermione, I'm sorry," he softly said to her.

Surprised, she asked, "Whatever for?"

"You're not the new fifth year Gryffindor female prefect,"

he sadly said.

"Oh," she smiled. "No, I'm not. I suggested Sophie Roper

for the position."

"Why?" he asked.

"Why not me?" she asked back. When he nodded she

replied, "Because we no longer live in the Gryffindor

dorms. It wouldn't be fair for me to be the prefect if I'm

rarely, if ever, in the dorms of an evening."

When he turned to see the quiet Miss Roper, he could

then see the slight glint of the bronze badge on her robe


"Still..." he sighed. "It was your dream to go on to be Head


"Dreams change, Harry," she said. "Besides, the Head

Boy and Girl are not always selected from the current crop

of prefects. I believe your father was one such. Moony

was the current Gryffindor prefect for the boys at the time,

wasn't he?"

Surprised he hadn't remembered that, he said, "You're

right. I forgot that."

She just tapped him on the back of the hand and said,

"Besides, I got something a lot better than a shiny metal

badge. I got you."

That had him smiling back.

Once the new Firsties, plus CeeCee, were led in and

arranged before the head table, the Hat launched into its

song. This one was all uplifting and joyous about the

defeat of 'both' Dark Lords the previous year. That had

quite a few wondering what he meant by both, as there

were many who were unaware Dumbledore had 'officially'

been outed in the press as a Dark Lord, though the

Ministry still refused to confirm that.

This year was a 'bumper crop' of Firsties, with about

fourteen for each House being sorted. Finally, CeeCee

was called forth by the Deputy Headmaster. As per

tradition, the Deputy was handling the Sort.



Chapter 548

With no hesitation he declared, "This year, we have a new

student transferring in to third year. She is under a

relationship agreement with one of our existing fifth year

students. Wilkins, Charlotte!"

As CeeCee, last to be Sorted, smiled and walked forward

to sit on the stool as Goodstone held the Hat aloft, Harry

heard quite a bit of surprised mumbling from the students,

together with more annoyed grumbling coming from the

Slytherin table. That drew a very pointed cough and scowl

from Professor Grimfield, who sat almost closest to the

Slytherin table on the head table.

A few looks in her direction from the Slytherins and the

table settled again.

CeeCee's Sort went on for a little while and, looking

closer, Harry could see she was sitting rigid with a firm

jaw. He knew that look. She was having a full on argument

with the Hat.

"She's arguing with it," Hermione muttered, who had

obviously also seen it.

Before Harry could verbally agree, the Hat called


Instead, he chuckled and clapped as the Hat was

removed from her head and she turned to look at him with

a wide and happy smile. Again, there was some grumbling

and scoffing coming from the Slytherin table - all ignored.

As she sat closest to the head end, Hermione immediately

turned to the new firstie Gryff' boy sitting next to her and

asked him to slide up a bit. Apparently, he was happy to

do so as a gap quickly appeared between he and

Hermione. Harry remembered him to be the first Firstie

Sorted; Ian, he thought, Abbercrumble or something.

Seeing it, CeeCee made directly for it, as Goodstone

picked the stool up in the hand that wasn't already holding

the Hat and moved them to the side of the Hall.

As Hermione was snickering towards her CeeCee, clearly

relieved, sat in the gap.

That then had the Headmistress rise to her feet.

The only important announcement, Harry thought, was

that there was no change to the teaching staff. That, if

nothing else, convinced him the curse on the DADA

position was now gone.

There were also no announcements about something

being life threatening in some part of the castle,

dementors circling the school, escaped convicts, life

threatening blood-sport Tournaments, or similar. He was

quite relieved.

Instead, they had the usual announcements about banned

items, no casting of magic in the corridors or anywhere

else outside of previously sanctioned areas within the

school, that sort of thing.

But one announcement did perk Harry up. Filch was gone.

Officially, it sounded like he'd chosen to retire. However,

he knew Marchbanks despised the man; not because he

was a squib, but because he was such a bitter and twisted

old man who tried to take his bitterness out on the

students every chance he got. He would not be replaced;

instead, one of the senior house elves would 'officially'

become senior caretaker.

'Woohoo!' he thought. 'No more getting viciously jabbed by

that damned Probity Probe of his, whenever they returned

from a Hogsmeade weekend.'

Once the food appeared on the table and he'd made a

start on filling a decent plate for dinner, he leaned around

Hermione and asked CeeCee, "Okay, 'fess up. Where'd

the Hat want to Sort you? Not Slytherin, I hope?"

She gave a little blush and replied, "Ravenclaw, actually. It

wanted to Sort me into Slytherin; however it felt Sorting

me into that House, at the moment, would have been too

dangerous for me. That's why it was going to Sort me into


He smirked and said, "And you used it's own argument

that, if it wasn't going to Sort you into Slytherin due to the

danger, it may as well Sort you into Gryffindor?"

"Yes," she smiled.

He laughed and said, "As a Ravenclaw would say, 'Well

reasoned, Miss Wilkins'."




When the Feast wrapped up, the only announcement was

a reminder to be down for breakfast and finished before

8.30am. That would be when the class schedules would

be handed out.

When everyone stood, both Thomas and Roper came

down to collect all the Firsties

Roper looked to CeeCee and said, "I'll be escorting you

up, too; since you're new."

Hermione quickly said, "Actually, Sophie; no."

When Roper turned a slight frown on her, Hermione

quickly explained. "CeeCee... Miss Wilkins... will be in the

Lords' Quarters. She's in a relationship agreement with

Lord Finch-Fletchley... Justin Finch-Fletchley of Hufflepuff.

Same year as us."

"Another one?" blurted Thomas.

Unknown to them, Justin had already walked across and

was standing a little back from Roper. "Which is why I've

come over," he smoothly said.

Surprised, Roper turned to looked at him for a moment

before she stepped a little out of the way and said, "Oh.

Sorry. I didn't know."

"No reason you should have," smiled Hermione.

Physically shaking her confusion off, Roper gave

Hermione a nod and turned back to the Firsties "Alright,

you lot. Follow me if you want to find your beds for

tonight." Then indicated Dean and said, "Dean will be

following so we don't lose any of you on the way. Come


With the Firsties following Roper with Thomas bringing up

the rear, the dozen plus all headed for the doors.

Once they were clear, Justin smiled and said to Hermione,

"Thank you, for that."

Hermione almost unconsciously replied, "You're welcome."

It was the approach of both Daphne and Tracey, plus

Susan and Hannah, that had her distracted. She didn't

even notice they were joined by Fleur.

Looking about, Harry asked, "Anyone missing?"

When they all looked about, Hermione was the first to

reply. "No. We're all here."

With his own ladies joining him, Neville said, "Then, let's


The group of ten were about to leave when Professor

Sprout stopped by. To Justin she asked, "You're aware

you're now in Apartment 9, Mister Finch-Fletchley?"

"Yes, Professor," he smiled.

"Remember how to add others to your apartment?" she


"I think so, Professor," he replied.

"We'll help him," said Harry. "Have no fear, Professor."

She smiled back at Harry and said, "Thank you, Lord

Potter." And made her way off again.




Keying the new 'Finch-Fletchley' apartment with

permissions for Justin, Tracey and CeeCee was almost

old hat for Harry. As well as his own two apartments, he'd

also helped Neville with his.

They were just about to head in when a seventh year male

Slytherin, who had to be Ross Gibberd as there were only

he and a seventh year female Slytherin who were allowed

into the Lords' Quarters corridor, almost tentatively

approached and said, "Lord Potter."

"Heir Gibberd, right?" asked Harry.

"Indeed," the boy gave a nod. "I wonder if I may trouble


"You've not been shown how to key the door to your

apartment and ask of me my assistance?"

Showing a little relief, the older boy again said, "Indeed."

Harry gave a nod and said, "Not a problem." And followed

the boy back up the corridor. The others all hung back and

had his back just through watching.

As they walked up, he said, "Your Head of House should

have been up to show you how to do this. I'd have words

with them tomorrow, if I was you."

As they'd already reached the door, the other boy

remained silent, as did the girl, who only stepped aside to

allow Harry to approach the door.

Harry gave her a nod before turning back to Gibberd and

stepped him through how to 'claim' the apartment and

provide access to his bonded.



Chapter 549

Once he was done, he said, "That's all there is to it. You

just need to warn any of your friends not to try and open

the door from this side if they're not keyed in. If they do,

they'll be stunned and the professors will be immediately

informed via the wards."

"What about charms, such as Alohomora?" asked his lady,

Phylis Whitehead.

"None will work," he replied. "You must use your hand to

turn the knob. It's part of the magic."

Smiling to her, he said, "Do not worry, Miss Whitehead. No

one, except your Head of House, the Deputy Head and

the Headmistress can enter without you letting them in.

Even then, they can only enter by asking the castle itself

for access. And, I've been assured such will not be

granted except in emergency. That feature is built into the

very foundations of the wards of the school for privacy and

security purposes.

"Further, as I did I believe you'll logically surmise that the

door is locked to magical signatures. It now has a... 'taste'

of your two magical signatures, so opens to your touch.

However, anyone who tries to open it that doesn't have

your magical signature, no matter what charm or curse

they attempt, will find themselves waking up on the floor

out here with a professor or two frowning down at them."

Clearly relieved, the girl smiled back and said, "Thank


"You're welcome," he said.

When it was clear they had no further questions, he said,

"Well, I'll leave you to it to explore your new apartment and

sort out matters. Good night."

"Good night, Lord Potter," they both said.

As Harry turned to walk back up the corridor, he had no

problem turning his back to them, as he knew the others

had his back if there was the slimmest of chances they'd

risk hexing him.

They didn't and he was extremely sure they wouldn't

anyway. He saw no hint of ire directed towards him in

either of their expressions or body language for the entire

time he was with them.




The next morning the Potter four were all up and dressed,

ready to go, at just after 7.30am. This time, they beat the

Longbottoms to knocking on doors. And this time they also

included the Finch-Fletchleys.

Harry went and knocked on the door of the Longbottoms

while Hermione and Daphne went to the Finch-Fletchley

apartment. They realised they must have been making a

little too much noise when Gibberd stuck his head out the

door of the Gibberd apartment to see what the ruckus


"Sorry!" called Hermione, noticing. "Just getting our group

up and moving."

Gibberd gave a nod back and withdrew.

As Neville and his two and Justin and his now two exited

their apartments, Gibberd and Whitehead exited their own.

"Mind if we join you on the walk down?" he asked.

"Not at all," replied Harry.

As they all walked out of the Quarters, Harry hung back a

little to talk to Gibberd. As they walked he quietly asked, "I

hope I didn't come off as rude, last night. I know you're at

least Heir Apparent, but don't know if you've actually taken

up your Lordship. Further, I do not know the... status... of

the relationship between you and your lady."

Gibberd looked at him in surprise before he replied, "You

did not give offence." He hesitated for a moment before he

explained, "I am Heir Apparent of the Noble and Ancient

House of Gibberd, as you clearly knew. Phylis is my

betrothed. Our handfasting is scheduled for the

forthcoming Yule break."

As they walked, Harry said, "So, the correct form of

address for her is still Miss Whitehead?"

Gibberd nodded back.

Harry said, "Good to know. Thank you. I'll make sure the

others all know, too."

Gibberd gave a nod back and Harry rejoined the others

walking a little ahead.

As he joined them, Neville sidled over and quietly said,

"Aren't you afraid one of them will try to hex us in the


"Nope," he replied. "If they try anything in the corridors,

the wards will instantly detect it and record it in the ward

book in the Headmistress's office. She made that quite

clear, again, last night. Both of them are of age and

neither of them is stupid."

Relaxing a bit, Neville nodded back.




As it was a first day back and a new year at the school,

the group decided to make it easier on the Heads of

Houses and had breakfast at their own tables. That way,

they'd be there for when class schedules were handed

out. They'd also decided to sit at the Hufflepuff table for

lunch, as it was the House least likely to get annoyed by it

upon first seeing it again; or seeing it for the first time,

when it came to the Firsties. No longer a student, Fleur sat

with him at Gryffindor. She was dressed in British quality

casual in muted tones so her dress didn't stand out too


Besides, Harry didn't want to risk getting confronted by

Weasley again for having now two Slytherins, Daphne and

Tracey, sitting with him at the Gryffindor table; especially

not for lunch and not so soon. However, dinner that night

was a good possibility.

When the schedules were distributed, Harry took one look

at his and almost had a panic attack.

"Gahhh!" he exclaimed on first seeing it. Then he dropped

his head to the table and moaned.

Hermione looked pleased.

As he looked almost completely out of it and wasn't

responding to her concerns, Fleur simply reached over

and plucked Harry's out of his fingers. A moment later, she

quietly muttered, "Merde!"

'Seven class periods, now," he moaned. "Seven! They're

trying to kill us!"

He never noticed Fleur had turned to one of the Firsties

and asked to look at their timetable for a moment.

She handed it back and said, "The First Years still have

only six periods a day."

One of the second years sitting on the other side of Harry

said, "My older brother told me the first through fourth

years all still have six class periods a day, while the fifth

through seventh now all have seven. I guess you're fifth

years then, huh."

"What's the problem, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"Exhaustion!" he called. "And we haven't even started


With a smirk, Fleur simply handed Harry's schedule to the

other girl.



Chapter 550

A moment later, she snickered and said, "Oh, my. Yours is

about on par with my own."

"And you don't have the added pressure of issues related

to the upkeep of a Noble and Most Ancient House," he


Harry's schedule had all bar three class slots filled. The

only three unfilled were first thing Wednesdays and

Thursdays and the one immediately after morning tea on

Fridays. Plus, he also had Astronomy on Wednesday

nights - or, rather, early Thursday mornings. No longer did

their schedules have both first and second periods clear

the next morning after Astronomy. Now, it was only the


Finally lifting his head with a sigh, he accepted his offered

schedule back and said, "I'm going to have to drop Muggle

Studies again. Otherwise, I simply won't have the time to

get everything done I need to get done."

"If you must," said Hermione. "However, I hope you also

decide to self-study it. At least that way you still have the

option to sit the OWL for it at the end of the year."

With another sigh, he checked the schedule over again

and silently nodded.

Four class periods a week for Charms, DADA, Herbology,

Potions and Transfiguration; and three a week for History,

CoMC, Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies. Thank God

there was still only the single for Astronomy. It was no

wonder they were now on a seven class periods a day


If he dropped Muggle Studies that gave him an extra

vacant slot on Wednesdays and two on Fridays, thereby

doubling his vacant slots to six. As the two on Fridays

were also the first two periods, it meant his Friday

mornings were now clear until the fourth period of Ancient

Runes immediately before lunch. However, both Monday

and Tuesday would remain full, with all seven slots

occupied with classes. That would given him six slots to

accomplish the work related to both the Wizengamot and

his estates.

'Yeah, I can do this,' he mentally declared.

After another think through it, he verbally added, "Yeah, I

have to drop Muggle Studies."

Hermione looked like she was about to disagree, but then

noticed his expression and sadly nodded. "But, you're still

going to study it independently, right?"

"Yes," he replied. "You know, though, that I'd pass even if I

didn't, yeah? The study will just see me hopefully gain an

'O-plus' in the subject. Or, at least an 'O'."

She shrugged and said, "I do not doubt it."

As it was a Thursday, Harry didn't have a class for the first

period. It then meant he had time to finish his breakfast

before returning to the apartment to collect what he'd need

for the day: CoMC with the Hufflepuffs, for second period;

Potions with the Ravenclaws, for periods three and four

between morning tea and lunch; History, one period with

the Hufflepuffs again immediately after lunch at fifth

period; and a double of Charms with the Slytherins to

finish up the day - six of seven class periods. And this

would follow a late night on the Astronomy tower with the


Hermione also didn't have a class for first period; but

Daphne, who had come over to show her own, did.

However, Fleur offered to escort her and CeeCee to their

first classes for the day. An offer gratefully accepted.

Once the mail came in and Harry received his copy of the

Daily Prophet, he was unsurprised to see one of the

articles being on CeeCee attending Hogwarts. It also

included both her names and that she preferred to be call

CeeCee - as it was a nickname that applied to both her

adopted and birth names, together.

Recently, some overly-officious flunky in the Ministry had

tried to force her to use only her birth name. However

records from magical Australasia, showing her name to be

registered with them as Charlotte Claire Wilkins, put paid

to that. As she was also listed as a citizen of magical

Australasia, not magical Britain, Ted was easily able to

block it by threatening to take the matter to the

Australasian Ministry. The British Ministry, after first trying

to claim back citizenship of her, caved; especially when

the new Minister, Brunt, was looking to make 'Brownie'

points with Harry and added his authority to the opposing


That was why, though born a Malfoy, Hogwarts easily

accepted her as 'Miss Charlotte Wilkins' on their student


Marchbanks had also assured them that the rolls for each

class would have her name listed under Wilkins, so none

of the Professors would make a mistake by slipping up in

the calling of their rolls for each class.

For now, at least, she was Heiress Apparent Charlotte

Claire Wilkins of the Magical House of Malfoy, magical

ward of Narcissa Venus Malfoy and Sirius Orion Black.

Not being born into that House, Narcissa claimed she had

no problem with it.

The newspaper at least got those points right.

What it didn't have was that Sirius would very soon also

be recognising her as a daughter of the House of Black.

She didn't need the stipend, as Narcissa had already

organised such from the Malfoy fortune as Heiress

Apparent for the Magical House of Malfoy, but the

protection of being a recognised daughter of a Noble and

Most Ancient House wouldn't go astray.




By lunch, the Heirs fully understood they were in their

OWL year. The assignments had started already. And,

they were already long ones. Two feet on this magical

creature; three feet on the reason and uses for that potion.

Plus, in both classes, they were given a reasonably longwinded talk on just how important that year would be for

them all; as if they didn't already know that.

At lunch and just as planned, the entire group - including

CeeCee, now - congregated and sat at the Hufflepuff


While there and when they knew the Hall would be at it's

busiest, Harry had CeeCee call for Fawkes to put in an

appearance and alight on her shoulder for a while. Harry

had organised with Fawkes in advance for this to happen

and why. Fawkes was all for it, as it meant it would help in

keeping his new human companion safe.

Looking around, Harry saw how busy it was and quietly

said to CeeCee, "CeeCee, now would be a good time to

call Fawkes to join you."

She gave a simple nod back, sat up straight and closed

her eyes for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a flash of phoenix flame in the middle

of the Hall just above the level of the candles and Fawkes

appeared singing a joyous refrain in full flight. While his

arrival startled just about everyone but the Heirs, his

singing of phoenix song almost instantly had everyone

settling down again.

A few moments later, the large but light bird ducked below

the level of the candles through a gap and swooped in to

land on CeeCee's left shoulder. CeeCee was already

laughing about it.

"What's so funny?" asked Hermione, leaning in closer.

"That song you all heard?" she'd asked back. "He was

actually calling everyone not-nice names."

Fawkes apparently thought it was funny because the bird

was clearly phoenix-chuckling along with CeeCee.

After she offered the bird some ham off her plate, which

he happily accepted, Fawkes then took off back into the

air and flamed away again.

Harry grinned at her and said, "Good. That'll set tongues

wagging. It should stop the 'dark witch' accusations before

they properly get a foot hold, if they were going to."

"And it sets in their minds that Malfoy should now be

considered a 'Light' House," said CeeCee. "I remember."

He smiled at her and said, "Good."

As they were waiting outside their next class, Potions with

the Ravenclaws, Harry, Hermione and Neville were all

questioned about why CeeCee had a phoenix.

"Don't ask me why the birdbrain chose her," he snorted.

"When I asked him that exact question he told me to 'mind

my own business'."

"He talks?" asked one of the 'Claws - Turpin - the new fifth

year female prefect for Ravenclaw.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "But, CeeCee had to translate for

me. Even then I knew somewhat of what he'd replied. The

overgrown flaming turkey blew a raspberry at me, of all


That had Hermione snickering. "He did, too! I was there

and saw it."

The one thing he could trust of the Ravenclaws who

weren't simply gossips, they did not embellish facts when

possible not to. He knew Turpin to be one of those.

Therefore, with Turpin helping to spread the truth and

correct knowledge when the Chinese Whispers effect

started to warp the information between tellings, it did not

take long for it to become known that CeeCee had a

phoenix companion. However, no one was clarifying that

Fawkes was once Dumbledore's companion, or that the

phoenix that was now the companion of CeeCee was

even named Fawkes.

The few people at the school who had spent enough time

around Fawkes while he was Dumbledore's companion,

were already told by Marchbanks not to say anything.

They were Flitwick and Sprout. Hagrid, Sinistra, Burbage,

Babbage and the others very rarely interacted with the

man and hardly ever, even at those times, when Fawkes

was also present. They usually met with him in the

Teacher's Lounge or conference room for the full staff


Flitwick and Sprout, as Heads of Houses, met with

Dumbledore in his office often when the phoenix was also

