She must have been working hard I thought to myself as I looked at how soundly she slept. She looked so cute when she slept.
She was working so hard to find this castle she spoke of but I wondered why she was so determined. She had refused to tell me the last time I had asked her about it. I stood behind her from the table and hovered over her.
My eyes were focused on all the maps on the table. She was looking at maps of the empire. I remembered she was looking at them the last time as well. I wondered what she was looking for.
I felt warm and safe like I could stay this way forever like something warm had come over me. I felt my eyes slowly open and saw someone hovering above me. I tilted my head upwards to look at him. Instantly I recognized him.
"Arsen?" I said in surprise. Why was he standing behind me like this? My eyes blinked twice as I wondered if I was imagining things.