The orphanage I later discovered wasn't like the other orphanages people were used to.
After everyone was dead and I finally saw what the outside of the building looked like I later found out that we didn't have to take off our clothes when the men in white coats came with their large boxes of syringes and odd-colored liquids. Neither were we obligated to be taking those big blue pills every night before we slept or the injections they gave us once a week and then the blood they always took and the urine samples…
'Mad scientists…' one of the policemen had called the sisters and the fathers at the orphanage. They said we were used as experiments but I still don't agree with what the word means. I wasn't an experiment, I was a discovery being explored.
I remembered the looks of pity I got from people after the orphanage was shut down…I thought it was because I became homeless but then the government gave me a large sum of money and told me to start a new life and be happy…I still didn't understand but I did the first thing I knew I wanted to do after they finally decided I was sane enough to live like a person.
I bought a ticket and got on a train going to the next country…so far, I'm kind of regretting my decision because of the man sitting opposite me.
It has only been three hours since the train started to move but I could have sworn it has been three days.
"So…Caramel, where are you headed once the train stops?" He had put on a jacket and tied his long auburn hair into a bun with a green rubber band he'd taken out of his pocket a few minutes ago. He still had on that smile that annoyed me.
His green Jacket was nice looking though, it was pure leather and looked expensive so it had caught my attention the moment he brought it out of his bag pack.
His question was stupid, I didn't want to reply so I acted like I didn't hear him even though my ear pods had been turned off.
"Kings City is a big place…"
Oh God...
"I'm sure there are a lot of things you're going there to do,"
He didn't get the memo…
He looked at me, he seemed to be waiting for a reply. I almost felt sorry for him but then again I had no reason to, it was his choice to talk to me even though I'm very sure he had noticed I have no interest in having a conversation with him.
I had bought an expensive ticket because the lady behind the counter had said I would share my booth with just one person instead of five like the rest of the passengers who paid less. I planned to sit quietly with my 'quiet' companion and try to enjoy the journey.
I shook my head at him.
"You're not going there for anything specific?" I was slightly surprised that he understood my actions. I nodded and he smiled, again.
"So you're going there for a fresh start…" it wasn't a question, it was like he already knew and for some reason, it amused him. I shrugged, he got it right. I was going to Kings City for a fresh start. After eighteen years, my life finally belonged to me and I planned to enjoy it or at least try to.
Timothy sat in a very unruly way and I had a strong urge to correct his sitting posture because of how much the sisters had corrected me whenever I sat with my legs too wide or my shoulders too relaxed.
He rested his elbow on his propped-up knee, leaving only one leg touching the ground.
"You don't talk much do you?"
He asks, he's curious and I was jealous in a way. Nothing interested me enough for me to be curious. Everything was just bland, almost black and white…I wanted to find color somewhere…anywhere.
I shrug, I don't talk much. The sisters always told us that our words were precious and we were higher than everyone else so no one deserved to hear us speak.
We only spoke to one another when asked to do something but the sisters always said I was worse because even when we were all permitted to speak, I never did…I found it too tasking to do so.
I never saw or had the need to speak often…it was never interesting enough to reply to.
"Well, at least I know you can talk so I won't have to feel weird asking you questions,"
Timothy sighs and looks out the window, his lips still curled up and his eyes shining with excitement. For a man who looked at least three years older than me, he seemed quite childish.
I closed my eyes hoping I would fall asleep or rather Timothy sees me sleeping and keeps his mouth shut. I enjoy the darkness and the sound of the moving train altogether. It makes me wonder if I can close my eyes forever and never open them.
I hear Timothy moving in his seat then a thud. I hear him groan and curse under his breath which I find a bit funny. He seemed to have fallen and I wonder how. I was tempted to open my eyes but I didn't want him to know I was awake so I kept my eyes closed and continued to listen. He didn't make any other sounds after that and after a while, I could feel my body craving the comfort of sleep. I changed my seating position and lay down. Putting my head on the already available pillow, I let myself go and don't even bother to check if Timothy noticed my actions or not.
I feel comfortable as everything and everywhere became silent. My bones eased and the headache I had had since I stepped into the train station finally relieved me.
Then I heard it…
"Caramel step into the tub so the kind man can check if you're worthy enough to receive The Gift"
"Caramel, you are perfect, you will be the perfect host for The Gift"
"Caramel, go below the water and receive The Gift"
"Caramel…time to go, the rest are useless now"
"Caramel…live and spread The Gift"