Sasha's wide, inquisitive gaze caused Ophelia to purse her lips, making her feel utterly perplexed. After removing her from her cousin and bringing her to her chamber, the Novikov simply stared at her as if she were some type of experiment.
She clumsily made a step to the right, but Sasha followed. She then awkwardly took a step to the left, but Sasha continued to follow.
Ophelia nearly snapped, but she restrained herself and said, "Alright," with a low voice.
"Did you bring me here so you could look at me? You're making me feel uncomfortable." She acknowledged before turning to take a seat at Sasha's bed's edge.
Sasha sighed heavily as she approached Ophelia. "You need to meet someone."
"Why would you barge...." Ophelia stumbled and gaped at her in shock. "Who? Is there a problem? Does that person matter to me?"
Sasha groaned. "Why do you have so many queries? I'm not trying to kill you or anything."