Song recommendation: Under the influence by Chris Brown.
"I do not know about you, Storm, but I have a limited time. I have to activate the blood moon and to do that I have to get out of here." Nikolai complained, tapping his fingers on the table.
Ophelia puckered her lips. "Like I said, everyone will expect me to kill you." and she took a piece of fruit and slowly put it in her mouth.
"And to get out of here, I have to kill you. I no longer care to hurt your betrothed."
Ophelia gave a nod, saying, "That's okay. However, you are required to accompany me to the ball; it is not an option." She proceeded to stroll in Nikolai's direction, setting her bowl of freshly cut fruits on the table.
Nikolai gave her a sidelong glance and then nodded. "Then I will go to this ball and listen to whatever judgment the sun gods have for me."