Embracing rebirth

His name was Adrian Amdis Acheron and he is five years old.

He used to be twenty-one but for whatever reason he died and then got reborn. He didn't know why either of those things happened but they did.

Not before meeting a god, Charlot?, Scarlot?, he didn't know.

The memory was foggy and the surroundings had been dark, not a thing he could see. He could only hear the voice echoing around the room.

It was quite surreal, the whole experience that is.

He hadn't wanted to die, yet he didn't remember wanting to live either.

One could arque that this new world ,technically his own but a thousand years laters and with magic, was so much better then his older one, his past one.

Earth he had known was gona and in it's place was Asclepius, a better version of earth.

In some ways Adrian would agree.

There was magic, he had magic.

He was a vampire, there where elfs, dragons and so much more.

He hadn't seen much, hadn't ventured behind the walls of his God mother's kingdom.

Being aware of the existence of the curse , wich was the cause of no births by vampire, Adrian was also more then aware that the kingdom was on lockdown because of him.

Plainly said he shouldn't have existed.

{System, my information please.}

That fact was even recorded in his system file.

{Name: Adrian Amdis Acheron

Age: five years old/ twenty-six

Race: Pure blood vampire

Planet of origin: Asclepius/Earth


Weight:18 kg

Specialty: Born

Powers: Mostly dormant/Healing surge


Title: Nonexistent

Nature: Manipulative, using words and cuteness against others for gain,...

Aligment: Himself, people who are close

Further information will grow as you grow.

Father:Emiris Amethyst Acheron

Mother: Dakaria Elis Acheron


God father: Cole (famous doctor)

God mother: Queen Silvania.}

Having a Queen as his god mother was quite something, anything he had needed was ment as soon as possible. It also helped that he lived in the castle, together with his parents.

He had been able to form a close bond with the members of the royal family.

A family that consisted of four members.

Queen Silvania and her husband King mihai, their children prince Damon and princess Elvira.

Prince Damon was a 1200 years old and even Elvira was already an astonishing 1070 years old.

She was the youngest and last child to be ever born from vampires, that was before I came into the fray.

Vampires didn"t stop trying for kids, at first the full bloods kept trying but after years of no luck, they went to the second best thing, most weren't exactly fond of them but they atleast had to try.

The survial of a half blood vampire was very difficult to predict seeing the different factors at play.

Mainly because one of the parents wasn't a vampire, this helped influences to deaths surrounding mother and half blood child alike.

Now if it was the father that was from a different species it would matter less, however it would take more effort to impregnante the vampire woman. Adrian was sure both wouldn't mind that much if there was a chance.

Wich there wasn't with the curse.

But if the mother wasn't the vampire in the relationschip then her body had to reorder itself to support the existence of a half blood.

In most cases that had resulted in the death of both mother and child, in some cases the child lived.

There hasn't been a single case where the mother survived, it always is the mother's.

Half bloods where tricky, beside ultimately being the product of love they caused the death of their mother.

That was mainly why nobles and the royal family tried to keep half bloods out of the kingdom, they made their reputation bad that they where casted out of the place they could've called home. The other half of them was useless, overshadowed by their glistening fangs.

Aesteamore kingdom would never be their home.

Aesteamore kingdom was his home, here he was born for the second time.

And while he knew nothing of the world outside he had researched quite a lot about his new home.

The kingdom itself was divided in four districts and the capital Aveva.

Aveva was the place where the castle of the royal family was build, where they reside and so did Adrian and his parents.

Besides the capital there are the four districts.

Those surrounded Aveva and got called Aestel, Aemore, Acedia and Arora.

Arora, was positioned between the north and the east and the most important district as it inhabitated the nobles and the pillars of the kingdom.

Wich was why it was strictly off limit for ordinary civilains but also visiting royalty of other species.

Royalty was immediately escorted to the castle, a place highly quarded and even when they went to explore quards followed like flies.

Relationschip between vampires and any different species was tense.

Unsurprisingly more so with humans as they spread rumours every passing seconds.

He hadn't come into any contact with them but people who suffered at their hands had whispered among the streets.

Accusing them of being the cause of their missing children, missing adults where immediately pushed to be the fault on any unassuming vampires. Vampires that later on where cast out, burned, turtured and so on.

"What are you thinking of, little one?"