Awake and mindful

As soon as Aethelstan arrived and saw him, small, lingering touches checked over him. Full of worry before finally embracing him.

Adrian had felt Aethelstan's worry and hurry before he effectively saw him. What he hadn't felt ,however, was the lingering touch of pain. He didn't know if it just happened or even how for that matter.

His eyes had flickered over the burns displayed yet he couldn't bring himself to say anything, as bothered as he was he couldn't say anything. The approaching party could hear them and Aethelstan had gone through alot to keep Avery away from their bond.

Combined with the fact that he didn't know what had happened or how much time had passed it was unfavorable for him to act outside of his boundaries.

Moving his arms he clutched the other tightly, whispering that they would talk later. His guarded feelings transferred through the bond, the answer a feeling screaming that he was safe.

With a smile, he pushed the other away. Distance created enough for him to place his hands on Aethelstan skin and let his mana flow into his core.

Over the years they had figured out a way to check upon each other without letting their magic touch. After a multitude of incidents and more than a decade they had figured out a way.

A process that started anew way too many times.

A strand of golden magic transferred to the Aethel's core and while that happened Avery moved closer.

Scars that had been there for a decade was something he already was used too yet the lack of many was worrying.

Snarling, Avery threw open the door, his eyes immediately taking in everything. The way the elf was loosely embracing the boy and hastily checking over him and the boy doing the same.

Both measured each other, which in the elf's circumstances he could understand yet the boy's?

That was a different matter, it was as if he was aware something had happened to the elf while he was out.


Or at least that should have been the case.

Yet here he could see golden strands check up on Aethelstan's core, weirder was the fact that whatever magic he had left retracted away from the golden strands.

Peculiar was the thought that came into Avery's head, alluring was the next.

He couldn't wait to unwrap his most interesting present ever!

Adrian frowned as he came upon the contents of an almost empty core, there was nothing worth mentioning yet he had noted the purple ring in Avery's eyes.

With a frown his mouth opened ''What did yo---''

"Seriously Adrian, you had me worried!

Are you sure you're alright?!!"

Letting understanding cross his face he meekly watched Avery who had taken note off the cut off sentence and followed movements.


I'm...i'm fine, just you know a little dizzy and it just feels like I haven't eaten in days but that's impossible since I eat just yesterday.''

There was a brief silence as Aethelstan ,his bonded, looked like he didn't know what to say or was just extra careful and Avery just looked like he couldn't care any less about him.

He was just watching, it wasn't hard to note who he was looking at more either.

It was like a weird family moment, where one was frantically checking on their son and the other just watching the both of them reunited.

Except that they weren't family and this certainly wasn't a moment.

All heads jerked up from the moment gurgling breaths and ragged movements closed upon the room in a disgusting way. Very much like a ragged animal limping closer and closer with quickening breath.

Immediately there was action, Aethelstan had pushed Adrian behind him as two daggers appeared in wisps in his hands.

Intricate designs showed that they weren't just daggers as they ,shortly after, transformed into two full fledged swords.

Swords that gleamed heavenly in the light as Aethelstan took his stance.

Adrian knew how deadly the other could be with weapons, his own training had left him with enough bruises and cuts for a lifetime, even while the elf was going easy.

The worst was that Aethel had , in a small way, always been going easy on him. Aethelstan had pretended he hadn't yet as Adrian had watched some of the other vampires being trained he suddenly felt very grateful.

And while Adrian still lacked immensely, because of various reasons they had decided to keep his proficiency in weapons and such a secret.

The people of this world were immortals and were way too advanced for him to deal with. So in a way to keep him safe thay had all agreed that he should hide his prominent skills no matter what.

So he did just that, body moving behind Aethelstan as his face showed a frightened expression. What however did come as a surprise to him was Avery moving in front of the both of them, quarded for if something were to happen.

Which was surprising as he had merely watched ,besides gauging out information, in the carriage.

He didn't look worried either right now as his eyes gleamed in excitement at the mere thought of a fight.

"Wait....what monster goes for the door exactly?''

Both Aethelstan and Avery stilled, turning around to face him as he sheepishly smiled as the door opened and a very out of breath village chief appeared.

''What a very dangerous monster.

Are you sure you two will be able to handle that?''

Adrian was amused, to all appearances letting go of his shyness as he made fun of the both of them.

Avery looked incredulous before he let loose a soft sigh "It seems you rubbed off on the boy, elf he inherited your snark.

Aethelstan wanted to speak up but before he could Adrian intervened, in the way only a sudden bout of courage could. ''His name is Aethelstan!"

"I didn't ask, brat,'' Flinching away, Adrian once again hid behind Aethelstan as Avery enclosed upon them, the bed behind them and him in front of him.

''It seems that this boy thinks you need his protection, elf.

Imagine that, even a young vampling thinks you're weak.

Now why would he think that? Especially since he has just woken up."

With eyes gleaming he waited yet both Adrian and Aethelstan kept silent.

"Explain everything and gather your things.

We are leaving tonight!"

"Tonight?" Avery turned around and soon approached the door.

"Yes! Tonight, we have wasted enough time here.

If you're late I will leave without you and come back with an army!'

With that he was gone yet his ears still picked up Aethelstan's exasperated sigh.

Time went by smoothly where both Aethelstan and Adrian explained, not before Aethelstan performed countless tests and spells on him to make sure he was in fact all right.

And while he had been incapable of giving the entire truth Aethelstan had understood.

After the talk they seperated, there were too few hours between waking up and already leaving so Adrian hastily marked some places. The labyrinth reacted to Aethelstan and that was probably what got him out of the dream.

So if he were to go there, would there also be a reaction?

Most likely, he was itching to go already. A magical place, appearing out of nowhere, he would search every inch yet now he could only wait until he found time.

Time that was running out as Dawn waited silently and even in the long ride that followed, they mainly spent it watching the scenery.

Burnt acres changed into ones filled with grass and flowers.

Flowers that bowed with the winds as the mountains became smaller and smaller in the background. Mountains where his home for fifteen years was stationed.

Maybe his eyes lingered too long on the far away spot or maybe melancholy flew without his knowledge through the bond. Either way a slow nudging of the bond made him aware that the other was once again worried.

Showcasing a smile explicit towards the other adult, Adrian perceived the way Avery's eyes followed him like a hawk gawking at them.

He had heard of Aethel's plan, when he mentioned he had actually bowed Adrian couldn't help but be impressed.

He was already aware that Aethelstan couldn't give a shit about things sometimes but to actually go through with it? Now that's impressive.

He treasured Aethel and did feel rather annoyed at the fact the elf would do something drastic like that in no notice whatsoever.

And even though the other had saved lives he couldn't feel anything through the bond, in fact he only felt basic emotions like worry and a glimmer of proudness.

It was obvious that the other was way better at controlling himself, his powers and his emotions. So strongly in fact that it could even influence a bond that they didn't even understand.