Avery's delightful reflections

Minutes had passed since he knocked and while he knew the princess liked to test his patience he couldn't help growling as nonetheless he waited. The princess is one of the few people he actually would wait for, albeit only for a little while.

And the most likely reason for that was that she understood him, irked him ways no one else could...well in a way Aethelstan was quickly catching up to that.

The slight difference between the two of them was the fact that the princess actively allowed him to kill whoever stood in his way, while Aethelstan actively stopped from even killing bad guys for the sake of information.

The entire mission was restrictive and all because of that troublesome elf. who didn't even have that much mana. He only had the advantage of knowledge and being able to stretch and use every single drop in a usefull way.

He could do that too...given a few more years and practice and in fact he could just keep an eye on Aethelstan. Not that that wasn't his plan yet but now he had an excuse for the princess!

If he hadn't she would probably nagg him to stay and keep her company through her ideas of fun.

When blood was involved, they could count him in but unfortunately the princess had the habit of being nosy.

And she made good use of him, letting him use his power to see things no one did, look through walls and spill the tea.

Not a lot knew of his ability and even less where to be made aware but if such a thing happened while he was with the princess then the king wouldn't care.

Everyone who was in close bonds with the royalty was more than well aware that either the king could take care of his daughter or he could take care of the country.

It was one of the reasons why her father had placed him beside the princesses side's when he and she were younger.

He didn't quite remember anything else, he was either at the princesses side or the king's side and ever since blood had stained his hands.

He got used to it, reveled in it in fact and everybody knew.

It had taken a few snapped necks but in the end they quickly realised he didn't care for sweet venoms or innocent words. He was very well aware that they had mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and even nieces and nephews. He didn't even deny the fact that some could already have some children.

Oh well.

He couldn't care less sometimes, which was why it was astonishing that Adrian, a vampire child could in fact be so damn innocent.

Maybe he should help the elf raise him?

In a way it would help him understand why the elf was so protective over the boy, even without considering the bond.

The boy was still young, so in the future he could be someone powerful and if he left it to the elf nothing of the sorts would come off it.

Considering the boy was already in the limelight of the world, the talk in the streets and rumours went far and wide over his existence Avery could actually gain things by it.

Such an existence would attract fear, considering it's one that shouldn't even exist, that would mean there would be bunches of lambs to slaughter.

Best thing was Aethelstan wouldn't even deny him!

Then again the elf was also an important figure in the world, so even just standing next to him would allow him to slay more prey.

Excitement was rushing in his blood as circled in front of the doorway, a dagger twirling in his hands

The only vampire child in the world and the elven sage

Complete opposites in every way yet connected in just one

As a prophet, Aethelstan was a being shrouded in total darkness and if people were to know of him being in the human world then they would risk everything to find him.

And by them he meant everyone.

Every single race on earth.

So in the end Aethelstan could only count on him and stay protected in his mansion.

That sounded like so much fun already.

Ages of torment just ready for the making and enough time to question the elf.

While his hands were stained and bodies surrounded him left and right, the elf stood in a mountain of them. Avery was sure of it, the way he effortlessly took control of the robbers and let them slaughter each other...it was obvious that it had happened before.

The usual bright blue hair of the pureblood had been riddled with blood, clothes nowhere near as clean as they always had been. He was dirty and full of blood yet there was no remorse to be seen as bodies dropped in front of his feet.

The elf hadn't even needed to touch them, he caused their death with mere words and if that wasn't intriguing Avery didn't know what was.

His previous caring side wasn't anywhere to be seen, darkness swimming in his too precious eyes. It was obvious that the elf had tight control of himself, time and time again trying to be good.

He was so precious, holding on to all of his emotions, all that he had left.

Avery hadn't done that, he didn't know when he had let go but he had and he wouldn't take it back for the world.

That the elf would deny that feeling, that rush as useless figures died around him...unthinkable.

The thing here is, that things pile up. Quilt, as he was sure the elf had, piled up. Being blackmailed and controlled by yours truly probably only added to his ever growing conflictions.

He could only wonder how long the elf would stand the growing pressure.

And the fact that he had nowhere else to go except stay in Avery's grasp, would put him in an even more frustrating position.

Someone with so much powers had repeatedly given in to a younger, weaker human and Avery liked the feeling the thought brought.

A beautiful puppet stuck on strings.

"The princess calls you in.''

And there was not a cell in him that thought of changing that fact, not before he fully dissected him.

His insane smirk caused the maid the shiver but she didn't give mind to the small trembles leaving her back.

As expected of a maid of the princes. He could allow her to live