The unseen puppeteer

He couldn't help but be impressed, Sophie's hand slowly turned into a fist and with that the candles floated closer and closer around him.

Leaving him no choice but to practically push himself against her legs, a quick and humiliating case for someone who sat on the throne just hours ago.

But if he wasn't even willing to do this, there would be nothing he would achieve in the future.

He would stop for nothing, humiliation is one tiny thing compared to the power he could gain if he played things right.

Hissing in pain he grabbed his hand, the tilted candles returning to their previous position as it seemed they reached their goal of burning him at least once.

Hot wax had burned all the way over the floor and had avoided Sophie in it's tireless pursuit of the smell of burned skin that now hung in the air.

Gritting his teeth, he could barely stop the brimming of tears, it hurt. Who thought a piece of burned flesh would hurt that much?

It didn't help that he was drained of magic, hollow on the inside unlike the air around him. Where his magic had vanished, Sophie's took over.

No longer was the air light with flirtatious words , even her active expressions were just as gone as she silently tapped his head urging him to look up as she drew out.

''My dear, _dear_ Acacius, how could you be so stupid."

Frowning, he raked his head over what fact she was speaking about. Having no idea what she found stupid, he went with a role so obvious to one in his position.

''I...please forgive me.''

His eyes ventured back down to hide the confusion but he couldn't help the visible tension in his shoulder blades.

"Forgive you? A servant found out."

Automatically tensing in surprise, he silently questioned how she knew?

It had barely been seconds, nerve wracking ones, since she had become her new unseen puppeteer self and yet she already knew?

It didn't make sense!

Nails raked over his shoulder but as he whipped his head up, he could clearly see Sophie's hands still at her side causing him to shiver.

Magic, oh how he hated it in someone's else's hands.

Now let's try to get out of this mess.

''Ex-exactly, it's just a servant. I'll take care of it.''

"Take care of it, how?

Enlighten me."

Her voice was steady, clear and beyond confident unlike his that followed, although he struggled to hide a grin at his succeeding play.

''I-i...I don't know...yet."

Grabbing a bunch of strands of his hair she twirled, eyes turning darker as she said. "See, this is why you will never amount to anything.'' Enforced with a tug of his hair, he couldn't help but snarl.

She made it look easy as if evil had always been a part of her, her action seemed experienced.

"If..if you just give me time.''


Haven't I given you that and a kingdom, a life that you could call your own?''

The words dripped with vindictiveness, more and more anger gathered as if this had always been the case.

''Given?! It's my birthright!

As is Asani's."

Before he knew it a gush of magic hit him right, throwing him right against the wall, the crunch of his bones sick to his own ears as he had muttered words clearly not allowed.

With a thud he landed on his knees and hands, looking up with a vicious snarl he felt his face turn whiter. Dozens of candles surrounded him once more, tilting dangerously close.

His hand still throbbed from the previous one, while he may be proud and rebellious he wasn't stupid.

"I spoke out of turn, forgive me. It won't happen again.''

With brown eyes he watched the other intensely, waiting for her reaction on his claim to forgiveness.

Only to become more quarded when it didn't come.

Instead she twirled, going right back in the insignificant cage. Acacius knew that in matters such as that a person in his position should just follow with his mouth shut, so he did just that.

Silently following, he watched as she sat on the bed before patting beside her.

Sitting down with visible restraint, he watched her mouth open. On a side note he had been right, the huge bed with it's beddings was indeed soft.

''Tell me, what you're going to do.''

He was surprised when her rough and scarred hand landed on his thigh, going with his newly assigned character (makes him wonder how many he's going to have in the foreseeable future) he merely breathed in with closed eyes. Hand clenched accordingly in the beddings.

''I've sent uncle to fedge his sister, right now she should be residing in his residence.''

The more time passed the more changes he picked up on, one was that her striking blue eyes weren't sparking with life anymore.

"Threatening? You're learning.''

The statement made his face turn sour, a fact she wasn't all too pleased about as she pinched harshly.

Deciding to distract her, he asked. ''What do you wish for me to do?"

"A lot but you rarely do just that.'' Sheesh, she's got a sharp tongue. Breathing out, he twisted his head in annoyance before getting to business.

"If there's nothing else I still have business to do.'' Getting up, uninterested in more conversations he was rapidly thrown back onto the bed. NOT at all surprising as her possiveness would grow this year, a fact that would cause another thousand headaches no doubt.

"You always have something to do, you don't want to be here?"

"Is that shocking?'' A wise person would have kept his mouth shut but he was hardly wise.

She didn't say anything, instead she moved on top of him and made sure to leave the suffocation mark on his neck as he struggled to breath.

Sight becoming blurry, he could barely make out the grin displayed upon Sophie's face until it vanished together with her hands.

Coughing he tried to lean sideways but her body prevented it so he could only cover his mouth as he coughed and drew in breath.

''I'm starting to dislike this. You coming up with excuse after excuse so you don't have to be here.''

''With your magic you can visit whenever you want.'' Now that he had said it outloud, he realised just how true the words were. He will have to be even more careful, not even taking in consideration the gift from Asani to June.

The package had arrived long ago but June could only receive it when Sophie had been turned into the puppeteer.

Perfect to start today.

She had long since sat herself next to him again, contemplating one thing or another as he did the same.

''Well then, leave.

I will visit you later."

Nodding, he absently left.

Mind clouded with the interesting turn of events, everything seemed realer than he ever thought it would have been.

''And Acacius." Stilling, he muttered a still yes.''If there is even one more mishap, I will use you as a magic ingredient.''

You wouldn't be the only one, Aethelstan was also tempted to ask for something he needed or things he just wanted researched.

Leaving without much care, he grabbed his sword with his not burned hand and left, the door closing behind him and with it a weight from his shoulder.

The most important thing was done, now all the rest.

''Your highness.'' He had long since noticed the youngest member watching behind the corridor, as soon as he passed he swiftly joined in behind him.


''How did it go?'' Shaking a tremor away, he focused on his more and more swaying path.

"Just fine, as always.''

The other did not believe, June having no doubt sprouted his head with observations and theories. It could only help him so he didn't bother correcting.

After a while and a dozen stairs Acacius finally opened his mouth. "You mentioned a while ago that you learned how to make salves and such from your grandfather.''

''Yes?" Briskly he wondered if the younger had mentioned his silver hair to June or if he had kept that secret.

''....Do you have something for small burns, I accidentally burned myself this morning with a candle.''

''Shall I get it now?''

"Wait-'' Stopping, he reached in his pocket and grabbed a hastily yet still neat written note and turned towards the other.''Bring this to my uncle, as discreet as you could be. If by any chance someone finds out destroy it.''

Accidently he gave the paper with his burned hand, the frown and gaze of the other said enough. He did not believe it.

As soon as the other grabbed it, he turned around with a ferocious glare yet on the inside he was grinning.

Planting inklings was the most fun part in a charade!