Deadly countdown;every passing hour marked

''Something is happening in the throneroom.''

He felt himself rushing, heart beating in his veins, a part of him scared of what was to come.

He didn't think about it, purely abonding his former task and going towards his office.

Just in time to see his uncle falling to the ground by his mother's use of magic.

Wet, his hair, pants and clearly his mother's cloak.

"The empress is also wet, something between them must have happenend.''

It was true, her gown wet and yet she still looked ethereal as she commanded everyone's attention.

Asani could usually handle his friend's thoughts and actions yet the continuous groundbreaking revelation had left him so tired. Mentally and physically.

As such he didn't reply or gave her the reactions he was looking for.

Staring down at his uncle, a mirror of his mother's action, he could see the way he tried and failed to gain compusure as mother degreed that she would slaughter ten every passing hour.

And pass they would, unlike his uncle who stayed in the same position every passing second, his own mouth moved before he could even think straight.

Ordering action, a demand that was immediately followed up as the door closed behind his fateful follower.

"Uncle...what am I going to do?"

It wasn't like he had done nothing all those passing years, he got better at magic and sword fighting.

Ability recieved from his parents, one that brought them just that tiny bit closer, even after being seperated. Veils of death forever closed behind his father and now his mother an unattainable and unimaginable power.

For years he had hoped to rescue his only parent but now she was forcing him to act against her and he would. She had left him no choice, no matter how much his heart would break.

It didn't take long before his fateful follower returned, letter in hand, ready to write down his words.

It should be perfect, voiced in a way that his intent was clear wether or not she would act upon it.

And she would, her actions showed she had only left him alone because he hadn't tried to actively claim back his throne.

Having reached his eighteenth birthday, she wouldn't leave him for long. He was after all just a thorn in her side.


Huddled together in fear they waited, his subordinates, no matter how mother tried to relieve him of that responsibility they would always be his to protect.

Stricken with fear, packed in the dungeon, forced to watched as friends and comerades got dragged out screaming.

It was taking to long, an hour had already passed!

The first ten already got dragged right in front of uncle, the second ten already prepared by his mother's quards.

There was nothing more he could do and neither would his uncle, after having everything taken from him why should he give up the one and only solace he has in the castle?

Even he, as the rightful heir and crown prince, would never give up his beloved.

The one and only permanent thing in his world of prolonged anguish.

Even if he had never admitted said words to her, he wasn't in a position for that.

Asani had been watching the dungeon and throneroom closely, curious wether or not his mother would follow up her words and atleast mildly thankful for having June change the cameras.

Now he could hear sound and zoom in by use of his magic, even recording the happenings.

An important factor as he would need to show prove of his uncle's innocent, he didn't want to be left alone.

It had been a surprising fact that his uncle was quite expressive, he had always believed the other to be cold hearted. Something he thought would be the same with his facials and yet the amount of time he just voiced his disgust outloud.

Was in one word ridiculous!

And yet it was for the better, no longer would he accept sweet, sugar coated words.

His uncle was sure to hate him, detest him for sharing his mother looks and all but atleast he would be honest and right by his side.

Even if he didn't want too.

For once---for once he deserved someone to just stay.

No longer did he want to be alone, he wanted someone that would know him and cherish him with no other reason then he was family.

No forced bond,no forced accepting or liking, it was just enough to know someone was there for him.


Something his uncle was, baring the onslaught of his mother behaviour.

Even now he tediously smiled and awaited his mother reaction as the new prisoners stood before him in a row, shivers and all.

One more chance was given and when he failed to provide an answer mother immediately went on the offensive, her magic no doubt taking over the room as the first person in line let out a scream in anguish.

Body getting bended, bone snapping and tearing until visible outside of the skin. It didn't stop by one arm, his second soon followed and then his leg and ultimately his other leg.

Asani didn't concern himself that much with the reaction of the other prisoners in line, from what he saw a few pissed themselves and fell like leaves to the floor.

But it was his uncle that he cared for more at the moment, he would care for his subordinates but what kind of nephew would he be if he didn't care for his uncle more?

Said uncle has closed his eyes in reflex as blood decorated his skin, his previous gardener no more as his mother bended and broke the body with the closing of her fist.

Crunching of the body rang loud and clear trough the room, putting fear in everyone's eyes, as the formerly tall male ended up a basketball.

With one powerful motion the human ball ended getting thrown heavily across the room.

Having had his own fair share of blood he took a second to gather his thoughts, it helped a lot that he wasn't there.

The place were blood made a mess on the floor was quickly washed away with magic, rain falling like tears on the windows for the loss of one human being.

Uncle Acacius retched, his body doubling over, making his facial expressions impossible to see.

It didn't end there, the sound of another victim soon became clear and only stilled when his holographic letter showed up in the middle of the room.

And with that he could finally drag in a long breath, movement stilling as his mother regarded the letter with curious interest.

Her answer, a powerful smirk, revealing just how eager she was to read the contents in his letter he had painstakingly prepared.

Well he had addressed it towards his uncle, it would be troublesome if she knew that he knew.

Finishing her second victim by pulverizing her, she dismissed the other.

Two victims instead of the twenty prepared.

Their sacrifice will be honoured and remembered for years to come.