From exile to triumph?

His followers quickly lessened the force of the chains, making him groan out of relief as his eyes fluttered open. Staring unsure at the boy that now appeared before him.

''At Least our eyes are still the same, uncle.''

He has started to grow his hair out, it suited him.

The boy had grown a lot, his tactical skills aside, he even made one hell of a picture.

Just eighteen, he should be proud of himself!

He couldn't voice the thought as he merely acted unimpressed.

''How rude of me, forgive me uncle for I didn't greet you upon my return.

I have returned and it's nice to see you again.''

''Just kill me.''

''June told me about your needs for dramatics.

I won't kill you, there's no need for that.''

Not one from his nephew's side let out a gasp in surprise or shock.

No one doubted it apparently, net even a flicker of surprise.

''I don't understand what you're talking about.''


''You shouldn't have come, you should have stayed away.''

"Why, because it was safer?

How long would I have stayed safe, uncle?

How long would you have been capable of protecting me?"

There it was, the fire he had seen crackling in the other's eyes miles before.

The boy was mad, frustrated beyond belief.

Him not even bothering to answer or change his facial expressions must be quite vexing.

"Aren't you going to answer me?"

"Like I said, you should have stayed away."

Whatever Asani was going to say next was cut off by an impatient Empress looking for her much needed dose of attention.

''You should listen to your uncle, he doesn't know alot but he sure as hell cares about you. More than needed, I'm afraid.'

In a tight clad black riding suit enthralled with gold is how she appeared.

Her entourage of soldiers closed behind her as she confidently stayed on her white horse.

Staring match enfolded between the mother and son, Asani gulped and a flicker of nervousness appeared as he saw his mother for the first time in years.

Well, in expensive clothes and even in a great fit form.

The silence would have continued but Acacius didn't quite like hanging from the air so he interrupted them by a halfly stifled whimper of pain.

He was tired and wanted a nap, hopefully in his own warm bed but he hadn't excluded the cold, rotten dungeon floor yet.

If he had waited on them, morning would have quickly passed and no one would have even noticed!

Having both of them stare at him was disturbingly annoying.

"Acacius, really. Not even being capable of handling a kid, how disappointing.

I should have known you were only good for one thing.''

Public humiliation, how predictable.

Nonetheless his cheeks flushed, turning away in embarrassment at the public implications.

Murmurs exploding at full force on both sides of the war.

Asani frowned, narrowed eyes turning to his mother as if he for the first time really, really took her and was disillusionist with what he met.

"In the past--''his voice broke but the boy put himself together fairly quickly''we used to sneak out for ice creams. I don't remember the details---would you want to go with me once more?''

It was very much like a child, a toddler, begging for more attention. Whining although he would receive the world, he had never received even a fraction of the attention he deserved.

It was weirdly comic, Asani spoke so softly, so carefully. If he didn't already feel bad for the other he would have now, such a small ask. No matter how unsuited said ask was in a battlefield and with clothes on drenched with his enemies blood.

"I love you Asani-''eyes turned to Sophie, who was still looking high and mighty on her horse, her voice sounded clear even though cries of pain still sounded left and right.''but I love power more.

And you are the only thing standing in my way for it.

I want you out of it!"

There it was, the confirmation of it all and everybody heard.

Rumours igniting has been a part of his life, as Adrian and as Acacius.

He has learned ways to manipulate it and nothing was more important than securing the very things he wanted.

Right now?

Securing his way home.

Opening his mouth he begged Asani just to leave, secure his life and live it to the fullest somewhere else. Somewhere better.

"Mother, why can't you beg for me? Who do you want me dead?"

''That's not true, honey.

Give up your title, your army, your magic and walk away. Never to return.''

Silence, only silence.

No one believed the words that entered their ears.

''Then I am afraid you must fight me mother.'' A strong declaration however the tone was sad, melancholic at best. Keeping up his good work as an uncle, he spoke in concern.


"Silence Acacius, once I end this farce with my son I will deal with you.

And this time I will make sure you remember, you tend to forget easily lately.''

Widening his eyes in fear, he stammered out a quick apology before quickly shutting up.

"I can deal with a lot, mother but this, my uncle, has to stop.''

"Shame, he is far more qualified as a husband than your father had ever been.

Not that he likes it very much, he should really be more grateful for everything I have given him.''

''Why did you force him on the throne?"

Good question, dear nephew.

"Stop, don't do this.

I killed your father, took your throne and I did it all because I wanted to.''

"Stop protecting her!"

Asani's outburst was immediately followed by the tightening of his chains, even going as far as wrapping a new one around his neck. Choking him and leaving him unable to voice his curses out loud. Erupting in a coughing fit purely due to shock, arms straining to get out of the chains as they itched to grab onto the one on his neck.

He could barely hear Asani talk, something about in and out.

Whatever he did or said helped, the chains loosening and only now he noted that the spell Sophie had casted on him had disappeared.

A few coughs later, he felt himself getting lowered closer to the ground, magic having held him up.

''Can you...?'' Hoarse from the small fit he had previously.

"Don't be naive, uncle.

I will win this war and then we will speak."

"Win? For a child that can't control his magic you sure are arrogant.''

''A lapse, I have killed, spilled the blood of my people.

Magic or not and I will not stop now!"

A powerful speech, only marked brighter as his own victims woke up from their enforced slumber.

"What is happening?"

Piercing eyes glanced at him, the gazes of mother and son, one accusing and the other softer. Nonetheless he did what an ashamed person would and only took note of one set of eyes.

Heaving in quilt and what not, he hid away from the accusation, his hair covering his face.

''Look everywhere, all the places where our emperor has raged and see who still breathes among those he apparently slayed.

It had become a stalemate, both parties equally interested in the answer of the scurrying underlings.

''Let's see uncle how many you didn't slay, let us see if we can still name you the evil one of our empire.''

It took a while, as had the so called war they functioned in almost an hour before.

Time went by fast, no longer a setting sun on a horizon but a burning one.

Leaving them no choice but to swelter and burn in it.

"Your highness.''

Well damn, hopefully the boy wins or he will have to deal with a very mad Sophie.

''Well, speak!" Not at all happy.


"Speak.''Loyal to a point huh, as expected of Asani's underlings.

''Yes, from what we gathered his highness, your uncle, has killed a total of twenty-seven.

Under two hundred were either knocked out or left wounded. Some may never wield a weapon again, revealing the obvious that his highness wasn't out to kill, merely leaving them unable to fight.

Unless left with no choice he went out on his way to preserve his enemies lifes.''

That was...the best way the guy could have voiced it!

''You have done a good job,prepare the troops for battle once more.

I am sure the Queen will offer a far difficulter battle than someone who didn't even want to fight.''

Dropping his head closer to his chest, he made sure that he looked like he was dwelling in absolute shame.

"Don't be ashamed, uncle. It is very honourable.''Asani moved closer, his hand holding something. before removing his hair from his face. Looking closely and whatever he found pleased him.

Was it his confusion, Acacius did not know.

"I'll return it uncle, I will try to keep your soldiers alive but I do not wish for someone who holds lives so closely to see the blood that will no doubt be shed."


"It's fine, just wait for me."

It didn't take long for his view turned black, a blindfold tied tightly on his head.

Sophie's voice cutting through the dumbfounded silence."If you are done with this touching reunion, we can start the real business that signifies war."

'It pains me, mother but you leave me no choice.''

It was the last thing Acacius heard before he was lifted higher in the air. Sounds of battle igniting but he only heard for a fraction of a second as yet another spell lifted over him.

Darkness shrouded his eyes and now even his ears were cut off from the world.