Shattered truths



Asani blinked away tears, maybe it was his own illusion that he saw, there was no way the boy would be moved to tears by a simple no.

"Uncle I-"

"No-''His head shook left and right on his own, his spelled brown hair along with it. ''All this time, I have protected you in the only way I could.

I had to watch as I drove you away-''Technically the truth as he watched in Acacius's memories.''to a future with no one at your side all alone.

It shattered me, leaving a child practically on his own in a world not his own.

And I-i-''with a cracking of his voice he continued.''-i kept breaking. All the pieces of my soul lay scattered around me!''

Another slightly true sentence however it was his body that was scattering.

Not even giving Asani the chance to speak, his own voice sounded once more.

''Now that you have returned to your rightful place, take it and leave me.

You don't me anymore, you have become emperor.

It's all you have ever wanted, you shall not need for more.''

Emotional speech, the crowd sure seemed to think so, Asani was trying very hard to stay standing in a way an emperor must.

"We shall not speak of this here, madam-''turning to Lorelei, Asani spoke''do you have a room in which we can speak.

Lorelei nodded hesitantly and seconds later they found themselves in between four walls.

Tension broke loose as no longer were there any eyes upon them.

"I did not


you to do any of the things you did!"

With a shaky inhaled breath Asani spoke further, letting loose of the restraints containing his heart.

''I am very grateful, always will be but right now I need you to be at my side as---support.

Right now I need you more, then I have ever needed anyone.

So please, please come with me.

Stay with me."

Turning away, he actually needed a second to compose himself and continue in what he thought was best considering the circumstances.

''I do not wish to return, I am finally free, I can finally breathe easy.

No eyes, no judgements, no caressing touches filled with threats.'

''What mother di-''

"I do not need you to speak for her!

I helped you as your uncle but that doesn't take away that you are your mother's son.''

Acacius had spoken loudly, voice raised high and hands waving in frustration as he turned, jabbing in Asani's direction.

An accusation too much for the boy to bear as a whooshing sound cut through the air and sooner than he wanted the dagger causing the sound embedded itself in his palm.

Right through it, leaving it stuck in the wall, it happened so fast that only afterwards his scream echoed. His breathing tormented, he held his hand tight, the hole through as big as his widened eyes.

Painful but with a silver of control he muttered ''You should really control your emotions so they don't influence your emotions.''

Asani twirled and left, soon to return with apparently a healer on his arm, demanding frantically that he heal him.

Acacius didn't know how long the wound lasted but it very much felt like minutes long. Blood had dripped on to his clothes, leaving the once clean clothes blood riddled. Straying from his fingers all the way to his triceps, just about everywhere droplets.

With a dazed mind he watched his nerves slowly but surely reconnect to each other, flesh starting to come back layer after layer.

From his position sunken to his knees in pure shock he listened to Asani speak.

''I apologize, uncle, it was not my intention to hurt you.

Forgive me.''

Healer mage didn't say a word, didn't even look as he finished healing the wound. The blood however was still very much present and missing from his veins.

As soon as he stood, his knees gave out. Merely stopped by Asani's arms steadying him.

Only now he noticed that the boy was taller, looking up with a hand on his temple he frowned as Asani carefully wrapped him in his cloak.

Immediately directing him outside, smooth words prepared as the crowd awaited their arrival, filled with curiosity.

"Forgive me, my uncle is quite unwell. I have send word for the castle to prepare a healer,we must leave now.''

Many rapidly noticed the blood and as it wasn't the first time, they made way so the two could pass. Weakly he tried to resist, to make a show of it but Asani's hold only tightened.

Surely enforced with magic, as he wasn't burkly or lean, just the right in between.

Stumbling along with Asani's strong steps, he listened carefully.

Aly called for him but he couldn't do anything more as guards denied him passage, Lorelei watching along with him. The other's watching the show pointed out various facts.

How Asani didn't look at him as an enemy, didn't treat him as one, not even as a prisoner.

Instead they witnessed a moment of raw, desperate emotions, revealing just how human royalty could be.

More importantly it had revealed the intense emotions an uncle could feel for a nephew.

The point was people were forming a picture, a picture that would be told over and over again.

Every mouth it left would be responsible for added details, small or big.

But none of them are true, just speculations, Asani would have no choice but to address the people and confirm the story. Confirmation of the one that suffered most would suffice the gaining of the people's heartfelt opinion and therefore turn negative into positive

''I will not let you go,uncle. It will do you well to remember that.

All those years I have not stood still, if need be I will lock you in your room until you cooperate!''

Asani would no doubt follow along, if he didn't already.

Patience was all he needed.