Ignored boundaries

"I have let servants prepare a bath for you.

Go wash yourself.''

Aethelstan frowned at the shortness of Avery's words but ultimately decided on ignoring the other, briskly walking past him.

Tension had rose remarkable, halfway Avery had stopped talking, clouded eyes stayed upon him and Aethelstan had half a mind to ask him what he was thinking.

However it was the light lilac in the other's eyes that held him back.

He knew those eyes, that colour but couldn't place them, no matter the hard he tried.

And Avery didn't help, he was watchfull like a dog and had disliked whatever it was he found.

It didn't help when shortly his mind thudded and core was shredded as magic flowed somewhere he didn't know or could pinpoint.

It was different than the usual siphoning that had been going on since the war.

Following the awaited maid, he was led a certain way. Remarkable was the fact that no one else seemed to be present or around.

Taking the opportunity to gain an insight in Avery as a person he let his eyes wander.

A home is decorated with a person's likes and dislikes, more often than not one could learn a lot from just looking.

In Avery's case it was more strict,decor giving off the aura of pure efficiency. Not a second wasted as they rapidly moved along.

Nothing unnecessary was placed along the hallways, nothing on the walls, in short nothing that would make one think this was someone's home.

What a somber feeling, he could not imagine living in a world so dull, life was already making things hard.

Even imaging coming home to a place of this kind of nothingness was...anything but good.

"Master has carefully assigned this servant to help you bathe.''


''No need, you can leave."

She was hesitant to do so however shortly after, she left him alone in a bathing room that was decorated to it's fullest. Most likely the show wealth to visitors, just like him.

In the middle a huge jade bath, embedded in the floor, the way of entering through a small set of stairs going down. Flowers decorated each side, candles burning lighted up the darkness that the sky brought.

A burning middle to an otherwise calm and silent room, if it weren't for the breezes waving in from outside.

Touching the bath water, that had clearly been prepared with great carefulness as it steamed in it's hotness, he let his own power wash over it and watched as the warmth vanished entirely.

Getting rid of his clothes in a wave of his hand Aethelstan entered, coldness seeping in as he sighed in relief, tired from the past years.

"Why did you faint?''

Ofcourse it was not meant to last.

''It was a five second black out.''

''Hm, I distinctly remember supporting you for longer.''

"Why are you here?''

Slowly moving the fabrics hanging from the outer walls, a soft breeze flowing through the opening they made, Avery's eyes shifted over him.

''My maid told me you you didn't accept her help.

Surely someone in your position must be used to that?''

Frowning at the accusation he found underlining Avery's word, he bit back.

''There is never a need for that, so no matter how nice it is for you to come and serve me yourself, you can leave.

You don't match my qualifications.

"I don't?" As always he did not leave it at that, moving down the steps one by one, never cutting the eye contact.

''Even the princess wishes for my attention."

"Well then, you should go to her.''

He did not.

''You're annoyed.''

''You noticed.''

''We spend a lot of time together, how could I not.''Avery smiled as he seated himself a little farther off in the water, smiling in absolute glee.

Waving his finger, his magic spread in the room, shampoo adding itself to his hair strand by strand. Mindlessly Aethelstan continued washing his upper body, eyes watching intently.

An annoyingly deep intense look.

''You are aware you are crossing boundaries, right?"

"Aware yes, do I care? Not so much.''

It was with a heavy sigh that he barely controlled his emotions, the reflection staring back at him showing the dim light coming from his eyes.

It took a second but nonetheless they rapidly dimished as he decided to take his exit.

Within a snap Aethelstan's hair was washed, body clean and draped in a soft white coat and pants.

"Enjoy your bath, I will be leaving."

In a flurry of blue fire Avery appeared in front of him, dried, the movement was familiar.

Things weren't adding up, his abilities were far bigger than the other made it out to be.

He couldn't ignore the fact that humans have far more difficulty gaining control over elemental spells.

Avery hadn't even reached his hundredth year of being, there is no way he would control over fire especially blue fire.

Warmer and more deadly than red so Aethelstan couldn't help but think it suited him.

''What now?''

''In a few weeks you shall join me on missions.''

''I tought you wanted to keep me hidden.''

'I also wanted to keep you by my side, neither makes you happy so I decided to choose one for you.

You shall help me solve the missions.

In fact I have quite a few interestings ones lining up.''

A pleased smile blossomed on the other's face and he could almost be called cute, if it wasn't for the purple twinkle in his eyes. "Let's make good use of your elven identity now and if you do particularly well, there may as well be a reward.''

With a devilish laugh he left and Aethelstan realised he did not look forward to anything that was coming, he could only quess what the other was up to.

Just mentioning his elven identity, made his sense tingle. Humans had twisted desires, Avery was a clear example of that.

Whatever missions he had to do, wouldn't be just a trip to a grocery store that was for sure.

As he was led to his appointed room, by the same maid as before, he kept wondering what Avery was planning and how that would impact him.