Unforeseen discovery

An unknown voice sounded and as he turned Adrian could see the same form, he saw from afar.

Darkest of black hair just above his eyes, suiting his features and the most glaring purple eyes.

He was bigger, 190, maybe more but unlike his own expression the other's didn't change.

The lady's didn't either, she just nodded in welcome.

''Yes, well hardly any choice. Only place they can't follow.''

Humming Deamon agreed before placing this starling eyes on him.

Adrian didn't have to say anything, she answered on his accord.

''He is the vampire child that was brought not so long ago.''..is he to be known for that?

''Not that impressive.

Move along, child.''


He could call someone that but no one ,outside of his parents, could.

''I'll let you know I'm sixteen!". Affronted, he couldn't quite stop himself from forcing it out in the open but before Daemon could voice anything, the clear annoyance he could see in his eyes, the lady interrupted.

''Not that like a child, somehow he took away the darkness corroding my arm.''

''He did....that is most unusual.'' regarded with flimsy stare, Daemon spoke further. "Speak up, how did you?"

Compulsion to answer arose inside him but Adrian stood his ground. Refusing to answer. '' A fool has joined our midds.

Tell me have you eaten?

Your eyes are bleeding red, that only happens when you haven't fed, am I right?''

''Father told me to never discuss private things with strangers.''

He did not very much like the clear refusal in his child-like words, Adrian for one could not help himself.

Daemon beckoned the captain of their class(?) closer, ripped of a part of her clothes. Showing her skin and wound still dripping with fresh blood.

Feeling the magic in the air, he tried to look for the seal in question activating it but there was nothing to be seen.

Only a third year and already capable of invisible seals? Talented, how unfair.

Wound was small yet the scent waving in the air was now a hundredfold, staying rooted in place , his own stubbornness leaking through. Deamon did not care for decurom as he unceremoniously grabbed her arm and forced it directly in front of his eyes.

Huh, how interesting. This guy does not care at all and couldn't be bothered about miniscule things about his identity.

Averting his eyes, essentially admitting he was affected he ,in a flurry of movements, healed the cut before catching his breath in relief.

Just a little too late.

With uncontrolled movements he stumbled, a...there was no better word...bloodlust taking over him.

Sweat drenched his back as his eyes strained like never before, stomach gurgled and fangs grew sharper like ever before.

Primal instinct was to feed, his laboured breathing echoed away in his own ears.

The two, no longer looked like people in front of him. Food sources, that was their only reason of life. To be his food source.

In his own feral state, his mind didn't take straight, wasn't working as it should.


State of mind failing!"

Words dazed and scrambled in as he struggled to read.

What did it say?

What did it say?!

What did it say?!!

He was going crazy, crazy...this madness..it is all around him, in him, his veins burning....he needed...he needed.....

A thud sounded, barely he noted his back was once more against the tree, it was rather hard to note when blood dripped on his lips.

Fangs embedded in tanned skin, Deamon's glaring purple eyes staring in his own slowly turning back blue.

It was hard to say which one was more clear, more light and no doubt weighted with secrets heavier than most.

It was a glimpse in the other person as he filled his stomach with blood.

Demon blood.

{Demon blood acquired.

Filled...0,001/100 procent.

Acquire more to unlock.}

Demon blood?

The son and father duo of the most prestigious academy are of demon blood?

Almost a minute had passed, it took that long to put his mind back in it's right place and to read the words in disbelief.

Even the message came in a blaring purple, Daemon had an entire colour of his own and one that the system set up on it's own.

Captain was still standing their, watching calmly, it seems she trusted Deamon enough to let him act as he wished.

Adrian did not know what to concentrate on, everything was so confusing as more blood filled him.

{Demon blood acquired.

Filled...0,004/100 procent.

Acquire more to unlock.}

It moved slowly, he must find a way to attain more, he must know what the ending would mean.

How did this even develop and was it truly him that choose his vampire life if a whole system's was based on it's ins and outs?

More question and yet never answers.

Never enough answers.

Making good use of his free drink opportunity ,even if it was achieved with a rather unwelcome meltdown, he drank his fill.

Lips and teeth tainted red as Adrian let loose of the arm. Bite mark etched deeply and bleeding for mere seconds, afterwards it vanished.

The blood decorating his skin did the same.

"That's better, your eyes are back normal.

Your stomach must be all filled."

"Should I thank you?"

"Tomorrow, in the principal's office at ten.

Better be on time."

Not much different was said as he watched the two of them leave, silent whispers in the air as he wondered what was to be said.

Maybe he didn't even have to bother finding a reason to take his food.

Shall they offer it and what in return.

The guy was cautious, information of high value for him and unneeded risk were not to be taken it seems.

He did not hesitate to cut his arm and force Adrian to drink, not wanting useless sacrifices.

That bloodlust was..a new experience.

May it never happened again!

He lost his control of movement for a mere seconds back then, unable to do much other than shake in tremors in a try to stop.

But that lust was different, every fiber was burning, telling him to move.

To eat it he shall never feel good.

As if he needed it to survive, needed it to force his victims to mere blood banks.

Was it a horrid thought?

And would he be forced to submit to his raging lust.

Is this...the equivalent to a human puberty?