1| An offer only a fool would refuse.

Sunset in the town of New Port was unlike any other, the hustle and bustle began at this time and would carry out until the early hours of the morning. The business ran during the day but anyone who knew anything about New Port knew that the real money-making happened at night. With a population made up of mainly gangsters, the town fed on the criminal wheeling and dealings that happened in the moonlight. The towns folk knew better than to interfere and their fear had been well placed by the rumor of the Mafia King, that's all anyone knew of him, he was a rumor, a ghost story, an unspoken threat, that you didn't dare to question. Only a handful of people had ever seen him, and only a hand full of people would live to tell the tale of seeing him. He was as ruthless and void of feeling as the rumors painted him to be.

In New Port, it wasn't difficult to distinguish the gangsters from the ordinary citizens. They stood out in their expensive cars and suits, they had the wealth of the town and they liked to flaunt it.

Elliot Mann was one of these big spenders, he was mafia and he wasn't afraid to show it. His ego was the size of his bank account and that was saying something. Everyone knew who Elliot Mann was because he wouldn't let you forget it. He walked into the scrubby little dinner with his jaw set in place, he looked around as the smell of poverty and distaste hung around him. He wouldn't be caught dead eating in a place like this amongst commoners who were far below his pay grade. No, tonight he had one task and one task only. He needed to find a waitress. The blond he had working at his whore house was not going to cut it, even if she was one of his nicer-looking whores, she had no common sense and he knew the king would not take lightly to having his dinner spilled on his lap. Elliot had worked for the king for many years, he knew his temperament, and he knew that he liked a pretty woman at his beck and call. Elliot needed to find a waitress that would appease the king in every way. Especially if Elliot wanted the king to endorse his new casino. Nothing in New Port happened without the king and if the king did not approve then you could kiss your business goodbye. Everything needed to be perfect.

"I'm sorry sir but we're closed, you'll need to come back tomorrow," An innocent voice said

Elliot turned to face where the voice was coming from, an instant smile forming on his face as the pair of brown eyes that stared back at him, flashed with recognition and fear behind them.

"Uh M-Mr Mann, I'm sorry" the girl stuttered. Her heart beat hammering in her ears.

"Good you know who I am" Elliot replied with a grin still on his face.

He looked the girl up and down taking in her body, her short legs, and hourglass waist. Big brown eyes stared back at him, her fear evident in them. She would do nicely.

"Turn around" He commanded

"Excuse me?" The girl asked confused

"Twirl Girlie" He rolled his eyes, motioning his finger in a twirling movement.

"Mr. Mann I-" She started causing Elliot to sigh loudly

"Now, before I lose my patience" Elliot snapped moving his jacket so she could see the handgun tucked away in his belt.

The girl looked at the gun as her heart rate spiked. Swallowing the lump in her throat she nodded and turned around as requested.

"Perfect" Elliot smiled, he looked at the name tag of the nervous girl that stood before him "Grace, I'm about to make you an offer only a fool could refuse" He smiled as everything started coming together. "Come, sit" He motioned for her to follow him as he walk to one of the booths, and sat down. Grace stood for a moment before willing her legs to move. All she knew was that whatever Elliot Mann was about to offer her, she wanted no part of but she was afraid she wouldn't have the choice to decline.

Taking a deep breath and settling her stomach, she moved to the booth sitting opposite the blond man.

"How much did you make today?" Elliot asked as Grace sat nervously playing with her fingers. It was an odd question but she knew better than to refuse and answer

"A hundred dollars," She said not daring to look the man in the eyes.

"I'll pay you double," Elliot said, two hundred dollars was nothing.

Grace's head shot up instantly, her eyes meeting the cold blue ones of the monster that sat in front of her. She knew that agreeing to work for someone in the mafia was bad but the electric bill was due in two days and even with her tips for the week she wouldn't have enough to pay it in full. Two hundred dollars would be enough and she might even have extra to buy some food for the dangerously empty fridge.

"What would I have to do?" She asked nervously

"Waitress," Elliot said leaning back. "I'm hosting someone for dinner and I need a waitress"

"Just for tonight?" She asked

"Just for tonight" Elliot nodded "Once my dinner is over, you are free to go and spend your money as you choose"

"Is someone important coming?" She asked. Grace couldn't understand why he would need a waitress if it were just a simple dinner.

"Very important," Elliot said. "Tell me Grace, have you heard of Victor Bernardi?" He looked at her.

Grace swallowed as her eyes went wide. Everyone in New Port knew Victor Bernardi was the infamous Mafia King. Grace nodded slowly.

"So what do you say, waitress? Think you're able to serve the king?" Elliot asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," Grace nodded. It was not something that she would have done normally, considering the dangerous world these men came from but she needed the money. She had agreed and listened as Elliot informed her where to be and what time. She took note of the directions he gave her before he stood to leave.

"Don't be late Grace." Elliot said looking back at her as he got up "Time is money and I don't like to waste money" He said in a warning tone before he exited the diner.

Grace sat frozen in place for a while longer unable to wrap her head around what she had just gotten herself into. She got up walking to the back room of the diner, her heart still beating erratically. Tonight would prove to be the dumbest thing she had ever done. She shook the feeling of dread off of her as she went over to the phone, using it to dial home.

"Hello this is Owen" her brother's voice came through

"Owen, it's me Grace," She said trying to keep the panic out of her voice. "I'm working late tonight, I need you to handle things at home"

"Okay Grace, as long as you get enough money to pay the electric bill" Owen sighed.

Owen was only seventeen and already he had more worries than anyone his age should. It broke Grace to think about the hardships her siblings had to endure since their mother left. When her mother, Monica, left Grace had no choice but to step up and be there for her siblings. Shaking the sadness from her thoughts she said goodbye to Owen hoping that she'd live through the night to see him tomorrow.

Grace had borrowed some makeup from one of her co-workers before changing into her white t-shirt and jeans. It wasn't too cold yet but she knew it would be later tonight. She cursed herself for not packing a jacket but then again she had no idea that she'd be entering the monster's den.