3| Formalities

Elliot smirked to himself as he watched the king's eyes follow the waitress as she moved, this was working out perfectly. Elliot knew from the moment he saw Grace that she would be the perfect little distraction.

As Victor sat watching the girl move around the table filling up everyone's wine glasses, irritation filled him as she again refused to look at him.

"Everyone get out" Victor snapped.

Grace swallowed hard, fear rising inside of her as she heard the irritation in the king's voice, she hoped she didn't do anything wrong as she turned towards the door.

"Not you, waitress," He said stopping Grace in her tracks

Oh shit, she thought to herself standing dead still as Elliot and the other two men walked past her. She stood like that for what felt like forever, trying to work up the courage to turn around and face him. She swallowed hard as the door of the dining room clicked closed and with a deep breath she turned, her eyes still on her feet, refusing to meet the emerald ones that now studied her.

Victor watched as the girl trembled slightly, her fear of him evident in the tense posture of her body. He walked around the table, and in a few short strides he stood before her, but still, she didn't meet his eyes, she kept her head down as Victor's intoxicating scent filled her nose. Grace looked at the black leather of his shoes, hoping and praying that he'd walk away and never look at her again but even as she wished this to be true she knew it never would be. Victor lifted his hand, he cupped her chin with his forefinger and thumb tilting her head up to look at him. Fear and worry swam around in her hazel eyes as they met his, she looked so scared Victor could almost see it pulse off of her.

"What is your name?" He asked, the authority clear in his voice making Grace tremble once more, he was too close, his smell evaded her senses, his green eyes attaching themselves to a part of her as he stared down at her waiting for her to answer. The skin on her chin buzzed as he held it in place. Grace took a moment to study the ruthless man that stood in front of her. A stray black curl had fallen over his forehead as his emerald eyes studied her, he clenched his chiseled square jaw as he waited for an answer. Grace wanted to reach out and touch the dark stubble that grew around his jawline. She swallowed the odd reaction and instead knotted her fingers together

"My name is Grace," She said softly

"Grace" Victor repeated as if he were tasting her name in his mouth. "Do you know who I am?" He asked raising one of his thick dark eyebrows.

Grace nodded her head, afraid that her voice might break if she answered. They stood in silence for several minutes, the only sound Grace heard was the thumping of her out-of-control heart.

"Do you work for Elliot?" He asked quickly, his voice calm and steady despite the hunger that grew in his core.

"N-no" She stuttered "He offered me this job for tonight only"

Victor hummed a response that made Grace even more nervous.

"Tell me something Grace?" He asked as he stepped forward causing Grace to step back on instinct. "Have you ever met anyone that's seen me?" He asked as he continued closer to her until she was up against the wall. Her hands reached behind her, palms flat on the wall as the monster in front of her caged her in.

"No" Grace shook her head as her heart hammered on, his body against hers locking her in.

"Do you know why that is?" Victor asked as he pushed his body closer to hers, he enjoyed the feel of her body against his and the sweet rose scent that filled his nose. Grace shook her head holding her breath unable to think of a coherent answer. A small smirk pulled at the corner of Victor's mouth. He brought his mouth down to her ear, his hot breath making the skin on the back of her neck stand up.

"It's because I don't let them live to tell the tale" He whispered as his hands moved up, his fingers drawing a trail up her hips before clutching the material of her white cotton shirt, bunching it in his hands as they got to her waist. Victor left his fingers there on the skin of her waist, his fingers savoring the soft skin beneath them.

Grace let out a small whimper at his threat, her skin burning with his touch, she clamped her legs together trying to get a hold of the heat that began to bubble in her core. Her heart was racing and every instinct she had was telling her to run for her life but at the same moment, she wanted more of his skin. A feeling she was not at all familiar with.

"So now we have a dilemma Grace," He said in a low tone, as his fingers rubbed circles around her soft skin, he leaned in closer allowing his nose to run along the skin of her cheek until he brought his forehead onto hers pushing her head back against the wall. Grace's breath locked in her throat as her heart pounded against the confinement of her chest.

"Please don't kill me" Her plea came as a breathy whisper.

"Well I'll tell you what," he said bringing his left hand up, his thumb stroking over her bottom lip. "You're a waitress and it just so happens that my bar needs a waitress. You'll work there" He said matter of factly

"I already have a job" Grace piped up.

Victor looked at her with a playful glint in his green eyes.

"You can always let me fuck you then" He smirked

Grace looked at him with a horrified look in her eyes

"I am not a whore!" She snapped instantly regretting her outburst.

"So waitress then" Victor concluded. "Elliot" he called stepping away from Grace. She took a moment to adjust herself and shake off the cold feeling that his body left in its wake.

"Yes sir?" Elliot asked coming into the room with a smug smile

"Pay Grace whatever you owe her for this," He said in a dismissive tone leaning against one of the chairs in the dining room.

Victor watched as Elliot took out his wallet "double what you promised her" he added. Elliot nodded taking four hundred dollars from his wallet. He gave Grace a smirk as he handed her the bills. Victor scoffed at the amount, feeling irritated that Grace would work for that little. She had no idea of her worth.

Grace took the money from Elliot her cheeks still burning red from her encounter with Victor a few moments ago.

"Go home, tomorrow you'll start at nine, don't be late," Victor said.

Grace nodded her head as a new set of worries played in her mind. She didn't want to work for the mafia king, she wanted nothing to do with him. She walked out of the mansion still reeling from the night's events. How was she going to get herself out of the massive hole she had dug?