19| The monster is mine

For the first time in ages, Grace had found herself excited, and the excitement was clear. She'd never been anywhere outside of New Port, let alone outside of the country. Victor smiled to himself as he watched her stare out of the window as they drove to the airport. Had the car windows not been tinted, he would have told her to sit back, but since it was tinted, he allowed her this freedom. It was nice to see her excited about something. It wasn't a part of Grace he had yet been able to see. As they stopped at the airport, she squirmed excitedly like a small child. He suppressed his smile as he got out and went around to her side, opening the door for her.

"Thank you." She smiled, getting out of the car.

"The pleasure is mine." He smirked, looking her up and down in the white lace jumpsuit with the strappy beige heel. If Victor had it his way they'd be fucking all the way to Italy. Grace smiled excitedly as they made their way through the airport terminal, she wouldn't know where to go even if she had a map. She followed closely behind Victor as they walked only stopping or more like stumbling to the ground when something bumped into her. Everything had happened so fast that she could barely process it. In the few seconds that she had taken falling to the floor, Victor has his knife in hand, holding it to the throat of the person that had bumped into her. Fear shot straight through her as she watched the inhumanity in Victor's eyes. She looked at the boy who had bumped into her, he couldn't be a day over eighteen and nothing but pure fear was displayed on his face as he realized who had currently been holding a blade to his neck.

"I believe you owe the lady an apology," Victor seethed, each word laced with deadly venom

"I'm... I'm sorry, " the boy trembled, looking at Grace

"It's okay, it was an accident," Grace said, standing up, her fear present as her body slightly trembled. "I'm fine," She said, trying to assure Victor, hoping that this boy wouldn't meet the ruthlessness of the king.

"You'll be more careful not to touch what isn't yours next time, or I'll skin your hands and hang the skin from my fence," Victor threatened

The boy nodded fearfully as Victor let him go. He ran as fast as his trembling knees would allow. Victor looked over at Grace, assessing her for any injury. "Are you okay?" He asked

"Yes!" Grace nodded before Victor turned and walked on. She followed closely again, more aware of her surroundings. She kept her mouth shut for the rest of the walk as adrenaline still ran through her veins. Only once they'd reached the private landing strip, where a private jet waited did Grace speak "holy shit"

Victor smiled at her response before leading her onto the plane he owned, it wasn't what Grace would have ever imagined, it looked more like the side of a fancy hotel than a plane, and the white leather seats and beige carpet all played well into the details. Victor sat in one of the seats. Four of his men took the four seats across the aisle. Victor motioned for Grace to sit in the seat next to him at the window. Feeling nervous, she nodded, sitting down.

"Good morning, Mr. Bernardi," one of the air hostesses greeted, smiling at Victor. Grace didn't know why, but that had irritated her.

"Good morning, Gina," Victor said

"I hope you enjoy your flight." Gina battered her lashes, causing Grace's hands to curl into fists as unease washed over her, looking the blond woman up and down. "If you need anything just let me know," She said resting her hand on Victor's shoulder as she flirted, making anger boil in Grace's blood as the blonde walked away without so much as even acknowledging Grace's presence. Grace huffed annoyed, she crossed her arms over her chest looking out of the window.

"Is something the matter Grace?" Victor asked with slight amusement in his voice

"Not at all" Grace grumbled still looking out of the window.

"Then you should put your seat belt on, we'll be taking off shortly"

"Thanks" Grace snapped unfolding her arms, she took the two parts of the seat belt not sure what to do with them. As if reading her mind, Victor took the buckle from her hands clipping it in, his hands dangerously close to her lower half, Victor purposely brushed his fingers over the top of her lady parts just to watch her cheeks burn with color. He gave her a smirk before pulling the belt tighter causing a small gasp to leave her lips before his hand returned setting up his belt. When the flight had started Grace closed her eyes as the speed of the plane pushed her back against her seat. She sat there listening to her heartbeat as she felt her stomach drop as the plane took off.

"Here," Victor said handing her a piece of gum "so your ears don't get blocked."

She chewed on the gum which surprisingly helped with her nerves. Once a loud ding had gone off above her head she felt more comfortable. She sat silently watching the view from outside the window when Gina's image caught her eye as the girl began walking up to Victor who sat typing on his phone unaware of the girl coming towards him.

"Victor?" Grace looked at him

"Hmmm?" He hummed turning to look at Grace, as soon as he did, she summoned all the courage she had. Pulling gently on his tie she brought her lips to his, kissing him deeply. Victor was surprised at the kiss but it didn't take his body long to respond, before his brain could process what was happening he was kissing Grace back. Her soft tongue snaked into his mouth, as she explored the kiss, her sudden dominance surprising him even more as she gripped his tie tighter while his other hand rested on his thigh, close to his now hardening member. The kiss was supposed to be a claim for the blond air hostess to see, it wasn't supposed to have Grace needing more of him. She pulled away from the kiss breathlessly and wanting. She looked up meeting the blond's disapproving stare. Victor followed her eye line, figuring out the reason for her sudden confidence, Grace was marking her territory. Victor smirked slightly.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Mr. Bernardi?" The blond asked looking at Victor as if the kiss she'd just witnessed was nothing at all.

"No, he's fine but I'll have a whiskey" Grace said leaning over Victor. Her tone demanding, Victor smiled nodding as the blond looked at her before walking away to get Grace's drink.

"Careful there Gracie," Victor said rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip "your feelings are showing"

Grace rolled her eyes turning her head away but Victor caught her chin between his two fingers, the intensity in his green eyes glue her to her place.

"The only time you're allowed to roll your eyes at me is when I'm fucking you," He said lowly

"Yeah well, you're not fucking me so I'll roll my eyes all I want" She snapped. Grace didn't know what had suddenly sparked her courage but as soon as she said the words she wished she didn't, judging from the dark look that crossed Victor's face, she desperately wished she had just kept quiet.

"The only reason I'm not fucking you Grace is out of courtesy to you. Don't test my patience" He said letting go of her face. Grace didn't know which was worse, the fear he had instilled in here in just mere seconds or the liquid mess that he had caused between her legs.