30| Norma

⚠️ Suicide and abuse warning ⚠️

Norma-Jean Watts grew up on the outskirts of Mississippi in a run-down trailer park. Her parents Marty and Michelle weren't much of parents to start with, Marty was a drunk with a temper, and Michelle was the victim of his crimes day in and day out for fifteen years. On Norma's fifteenth birthday Michelle had finally had enough, she stood in the kitchen as Norma came home from school.

"I'm home mama," Norma said coming through the door. Norma stopped dead in her tracks as Michelle turned to face her, she'd expected to see her mother's smiling face but instead of a smile a revolver was inserted into her mouth. Michelle's eyes gave Norma an apology before she pulled the trigger ending her life.

Norma-Jean had never been the same, the image of her mother's brain splattering on the kitchen wall, the loud bang of the gun, and her mother's body dropping to the floor, haunted her every day. Norma knew that she'd be the one to suffer her father's abuse, so she ran away in hopes of finding a better life. She found herself in a town called New Port after catching the first bus she could. It was here at a bar she'd stumbled upon on her way into town that she met the most handsome man she'd ever seen in her entire life.

"My name's Frank Brennan and what is yours, pretty lady?" He smiled, his hazel eyes holding a world of charm within them. Frank had shown Norma things she'd never known about and although there were times when the drugs had turned him into a different person, she found herself married to him within a year, and a year after they'd married she'd given birth to her first child. Seeing her baby girl for the first time Norma knew that if there was anything that could save her from the monsters in her head it was her baby. She'd been a saving grace, a miracle, a gift of light in all of the darkness that her life was composed of. Grace is what she named her. And as the first two years of Grace's life passed, Norma and Frank lived happily until the birth of their second daughter. Debra was born in the middle of winter and although Norma loved her baby she didn't feel the same attachment to Debra that she did to Grace. The guilt and depression ate away at her every day as she tried to bond with her daughter, yet as much as she tried she couldn't.

Norma couldn't take the guilt, looking at Debra every day was just a reminder of how screwed up and awful she was as a mother. The only release came when Frank would get home in the evenings with the tan-colored powder that people on the streets were calling heroin. The only release she received was when it swam through her veins and all she felt was peace. When the heroin wasn't there to help, the depression sank in, deeper and deeper slowly drowning her. Norma thought that when her third child was born two years later that things would be different. She'd finally had a do-over and her son Owen, named after Frank's dad, was going to be what saved her. He did for a time. He was the reason she'd stopped the heroin, Frank wasn't happy about it and he made that known with his daily beatings. When her depression had come back with a vengeance. Norma had finally accepted that she was lost and nothing could bring her back. She tried to be a mother and failed, she had no urge, no instinct, and as the years went on the only thing she could do was lay in bed paralyzed by her demons day in and day out. There were times though that Norma felt fine, not happy, but she had energy, she could face being a mother, the alcohol helped on days like that when Norma and the kids would build forts and have living room dance parties. They'd play all day but when Frank came home, irritated and high he'd punish them for Norma's erratic behavior. It wasn't until Grace had turned fifteen that Frank beat her into an inch of her life. Norma cried holding her baby girl as she cleaned up her bloody bruised face. Norma could no longer stay. She was the reason Frank was mad every day. It was her fault that he'd beat her children day in and day out. She couldn't protect them. She could hardly function as it was how was she supposed to be a good mother? She packed a bag when everyone was asleep and Frank had passed out in a puddle of his own vomit. In the dead of the night, Norma-Jean had once again found herself on the first bus out of town.

Five years had passed since the last time Norma had seen her children and once again here she was in the town of New Port standing in the foyer of a big fancy mansion. The last thing she'd expected was to receive an invitation to Grace's wedding. Yet here she was, fighting the nervous ball in her stomach as her children came down the stairs. The first was Owen, her heart beat happily as he looked at her, so grown up.

"My baby" Norma cried pulling him into a hug.

The Brennan siblings knew that their mother suffered from her own demons, Grace and Owen were angry at her for leaving but none more so than Debbie. Debbie and Norma had always had a rocky relationship even when she was a child but after Norma left a social worker came out to their home. Grace had explained what Norma was like and the social worker confirmed that she had suspected that Norma suffered from bipolar disorder. It wasn't until Norma was back in Mississippi that she had been diagnosed.

"Debbie?" Norma smiled with tears in her eyes as she saw her daughter walk down the stairs with a young red-headed boy in her arms "who is this?" Norma asked

"This is my son Liam" Debbie introduced

"I have a grandbaby?" Norma said surprised looking at the boy before hugging each of them.

She had expected her children to hate her and tell her to leave and never come back and although they were angry, they didn't shun her. Their hurt was clear on their faces but apart from that they had been nothing but hospitable towards their mother.

"Hello mom," Grace said as she came down the stairs with Victor at her side.

"Gracie!" Norma smiled brightly through her tears pulling Grace into a hug. Grace hugged her back awkwardly before pulling away.

"This is my fiancé, Victor" She introduced.

Norma looked at the handsome man that her daughter was about to marry, his emerald green eyes held no emotions. As his strong jaw set into place, he had black curly hair combed back that complimented his pale skin. Norma had to admit that Grace had snagged quite a catch. Without much thought Norma wrapped her arms around him, hugging him "Thank you for looking after my baby" She said.

Grace looked up at Victor who looked uncomfortable causing Grace to giggle slightly. "Let him go, mom. Dinners ready you must be hungry" She said as Norma let go of Victor. Walking with Grace and her children into the dining room.