32| Till death

The Bernardi house had been up and ready early this morning in preparation for the wedding. The staff was busy setting up and the town of New Port buzzed with excitement. The king was to be married today and many women around town were left heartbroken.

Grace Brennan stood in Debbie's bedroom where she and her sister had spent the night. She looked at the A-line chiffon wedding gown in front of her. She could hardly believe that she would be married today. Darla had set up snacks and drinks for the girls while they got ready, while Norma made her way down to her daughters. Since she'd been here she hadn't gotten to talk with Grace about all the things marriage would be like.

"Wow, that's such a beautiful dress!" Norma smiled looking at the white gown. She particularly liked the lace straps that would sit off of Grace's shoulders.

The day began as soon as the hairstylist arrived. Grace would be first as he got to work on her hair. Grace certainly wasn't used to being fussed about and that's what everyone did today, it didn't help the ball of nerves that sat in her stomach.

"Are you nervous Gracie?" Debbie asked

"I am" Grace admitted

"For which part honey?" The hairstylist asked

"All of it" Grace admitted

"It'll be okay." Norma smiled squeezing her shoulder as the stylist worked curling one brown strand at a time.

"You won't be a virgin after tonight" Debbie laughed causing Grace's cheeks to burn bright red.

"What's it like?" Grace asked curiously

"Sex?" Debbie asked as Grace nodded "Well it's going to hurt at first, but it'll get better and then you'll like it"

"It can be a very intimate thing to experience Grace, especially with your husband" Norma smiled

Even though parts of Grace were still very angry at Norma she was glad that Norma was here.

"You have nothing to worry about. I'm sure Victor will be gentle" Norma assured her

"Please" Debbie scoffed "have you seen the man? There is nothing gentle about him," she said making Grace giggle.

After full two hours, Grace's hair was finally done. She looked at herself in the mirror, mesmerized at the brown curls that were pinned to her head and cascaded down her back.

"That beautiful Gracie" Debbie smiled as the hairstylist began on hers.

Hours passed in hair and makeup and before Grace knew it, it was time to put on her dress. She was glad that Norma and Debbie were here to assist. As Debbie buttoned up the last button on the chiffon dress. There was a knock at the door.

"Oh look at how beautiful you look" Gloria smiled coming into the room.

"We'll give you a minute" Debbie smiled as she left the room with Norma

"Thank you Gloria" Grace smiled

"Victor is not going to be able to keep his eyes off of you," She said "I wanted to give you something." She handed Grace a black velvet box

"Thank you," Grace said opening the box. Inside was a gold necklace with one teardrop sapphire hanging from the end. Grace smiled at the pendent "this is beautiful"

"Victor's father gave it to me on my wedding day. I hope you'll wear it today on yours" Gloria smiled

"Of course" Grace smiled taking the necklace from the box. Gloria came around to help her

"And of course, I hope you'll pass it on to yours and Victor's child one day" She smiled as she fastened the clip

"Of course, I will," Grace said "thank you, Gloria"

"You're welcome," Gloria said hugging her.

"Gracie?" Owen said knocking on the door before coming into the room. "Wow, you look..." He stopped speechless looking at his sister

"She looks like a queen" Gloria finished

"That she does" Owen agreed. "It's time to go," He said offering her his arm. Suddenly Grace's nerves kicked in once again. The small moment with Gloria had calmed her but now she was right back to an anxious mess.

Victor stood at the end of the altar under an arch decorated with white roses in front of the lake where he and Grace had their first date. His stomach did backflips every so often, wondering if Grace had come to her senses and run away. What if she had? Victor knew he wouldn't kill her but had Grace figured it out yet? When the music started playing the backflips in his stomach increased tenfold as he saw Debbie walk down the aisle in a champagne-colored dress she looked beautiful but it was nothing compared to what he saw when Grace appeared at the end of the aisle, her arm around Owen's arm. It was as if the earth had stopped rotating and time was none existent. All of the oxygen he had to breathe had been knocked right out of him. Victor had seen many beautiful things around the world, but she was by far the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on. She was the epitome of beauty, nothing would ever or could ever compare to her beauty right now as she walked toward him. She had managed to take his breath away and have tears sting at his eye. He'd happily die a thousand painful deaths just to be in this moment right now as she stopped in front of him.

Owen smiled taking her veil and putting it behind her head, he kissed her cheek before shaking Victor's hand and handing Grace's hand to him. She smiled shyly, as he looked at her. Grace's heart had managed to stay put until his green eyes captured her. She couldn't decipher the emotion displayed behind them but all she knew was that he'd looked even more handsome than ever, in his signature black suit the only difference this time was that his usual black dress shirt was replaced with a white one, and the single rose in his breast pocket.

"You look beautiful tesoro" He whispered kissing her cheek

She gave him a thankful smile as the officiant started the ceremony. Grace recognized some of the gang leader and their wives in the crowd but most of the other people she didn't know. Victor held her hand in his as the officiant started the ceremony, Grace tried to pay as much attention as she could as he spoke of the importance of marriage. Her hand tingled with Victor's touch. Tonight she believed that Victor's touch would be all over her body and if she was being honest, the thought frightened her as much as it excited her.

"Do you Victor Bernardi take Grace Brennan to be your lawfully wedded wife until death do you part?" The officiant asked looking at Victor

"I do," He said giving Grace's hand a squeeze

"And do you Grace Brennan..." the officiant turned to look at Grace "take Victor Bernardi to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you part?"

Grace looked at Victor, his green eyes eagerly waiting for her response. Only two words would inevitably change everything.

"I do," She said with a small smile.