35|Have you ever been in love?

The sun peaking through the windows made Grace moan groggily, pushing her leg out from under the blanket, which seemed to be a mission on its own as Victor's legs tangled around hers. His heavy arm around her waist was not helping matters either. She wiggled her body, trying to get out of his grip. Victor groaned as her ass pushed up against him.

"Unless you want me to fuck you until you can't move, I suggest you stop doing that," Victor's deep voice said laced with sleep

"Well then get off of me you big oaf, I'm getting hot" Grace grumbled

In a swift movement, Victor was up and Grace pinned below him, all traces of sleep gone from both of them. Grace looked at Victor as he hovered above her. Her heartbeat quickened as she looked at Victor, his black curly hair messy around his pale face, he clenched and unclenched his strong square jaw as his emerald eyes looked her up and down, swirling lust and warmth within them.

"You don't take instructions well Mr. Bernardi" Grace smirked as she felt Victor's hardness at her entrance, the lust in his emerald orbs causing heat to travel between her thighs.

"That smart mouth of yours will get you into all sorts of trouble Mrs. Bernardi" He smirked placing a kiss on her lips "Luckily I'm in a generous mood" He pulled away from her rolling onto his back. Grace bit her lip trying to hide the smile that played at the corners of her mouth. As much as she was lusting after Victor right now, she was thankful, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle it right now. Her inner thigh muscles protested her movements and her lady felt quite sensitive after last night.

Victor got up out of bed, and put on his boxer shorts. He took a moment to look at Grace who'd been enjoying the view of him shirtless. She found it difficult to understand how the Adonis-looking man in front of her had happened to be her husband. Her cheeks blushed pink as she was caught stealing glimpses at him. He smirked turning around glad she was enjoying the view as he walked to the bathroom, Grace sat up looking around, she now understood why the back wall of the room was made out of glass. A small gasp left her mouth as she looked outside, the crisp blue of the ocean spanned out for miles in front of her. She'd be able to look at the ocean and beautiful blue sky every moment of every day. She sat up wincing slightly as Victor came out of the bathroom.

"Are you sore?" He asked leaning down and placing a kiss on her head. Grace nodded smiling up at him. Victor returned her smile, lifting her quickly bridal style and carrying her into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" She giggled as he set her down gently in the oval tub.

"It will help," He said removing his shorts and climbing in behind her so that she sat between his legs with her chest against his back. He laid back against the tub pulling Grace back against him as she stared out of the window.

"This view is beautiful," She said softly

"Sì" Victor agreed, he knew she was talking about the landscape but his eyes were glued to her, her soft porcelain skin, her brown wavy hair, her soft plump lips. Everything he saw before him could not compare to any view.

"Victor, can I ask you something?"

"Anything," Victor said following Grace's eyeline out the window.

"Have you ever been in love?" She asked. Victor thought about the question, he knew the answer was no. What he didn't know was if it were love he was feeling right now or last night. He couldn't describe what the feeling in his chest was, if he tried he'd describe it as full, his heart felt full of warmth towards Grace, he had never experienced what he had last night with any other woman he bedded but was it love? He wouldn't know, he'd never felt anything like it. He had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her, never needed to hold someone as much as he needed her in his arms.

"No I haven't" He answered, "have you?"

"I've never had the opportunity," Grace said honestly "my whole life has been for Debbie and Owen"

"It doesn't have to be anymore" Victor looked at her

"I know" She gave him a small smile.

Victor wrapped his arms around her, kissing her cheek sweetly. They sat like that for a while before bathing and getting out of the tub. Victor watched with hungry eyes as Grace changed, he would have her permanently naked if he could. When they were both done and dressed Victor let Grace choose which car they'd be driving in today even though she had no idea what they were doing, she didn't complain. There were several cars for her to choose from although there were more cars back home than here Grace still found herself indecisive. She ended up choosing a red convertible Ferrari.

"Where are we going?" Grace asked as they drove.

"Breakfast and then we'll see" He said keeping his eyes on the road while Grace took the opportunity to admire him, his usual black suit traded for a dark denim jeans and short-sleeved black t-shirt, his black hair laid natural and curly instead of brushed back, all of his tattoos visible besides his chest and shoulders. Grace couldn't help the blush on her cheeks, he sure did look good like this. It wasn't long until Victor parked outside of a restaurant overlooking the harbor. A valet came to the car, Victor handed his key to the man before taking Grace's hand. She smiled to herself feeling giddy, she wasn't sure why she had suddenly started swooning over Victor but now that she started she couldn't stop. Victor's phone vibrated against his pocket, an irritated look crossed his face before he looked at Grace

"I'm sorry tesoro, I need to take this. Wait here for me" He said quickly. Grace nodded as he walked a few feet away. She watched him speak on the phone, she noticed she wasn't the only woman watching him which caused a strange feeling to stir within her.

"Grace?" She heard someone call her name. She turned to look

"Jackson?" She smiled, looking at the man, the last time she'd seen him was before Norma left.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled hugging her. Grace wrapped her arms around him hugging her friend hello. When Victor cleared his throat behind her, Victor didn't need help deciphering what he was feeling, pure envy and anger as he watched this strange man pull away from his wife.

"This is my husband, Victor" Grace smiled

"Hi I'm Jackson" Jackson reached out to shake Victor's had but before Victor could do the same a lady called Jackson's name "Duty calls" He laughed "it was really good to see you Grace" he smiled at her which made Victor clench his fists "Let's make plans when I'm back in New Port"

"Yeah that'll be lovely" Grace smiled as Jackson waved goodbye before dashing off.

Victor took a deep breath, he took Grace's had again controlling the urge not to punch someone in the face as they walked into the restaurant.

Grace looked up at Victor who had a blank murderous expression on his face as the waiter greeted them and led them to a table near the water.

"Who was that?" Victor asked, his square jaw set into a hard line after the waiter dropped off some menus

"Jackson Reign" Grace said casually opening her menu "we used to be friends"

"Why aren't you friends any more?" He asked still annoyed

"He moved away with his dad shortly after Norma left" Grace said sensing his mood she wondered if the encounter had upset him.

"You won't be seeing him again." Victor said firmly, there was no room for argument in his tone so Grace nodded her head.

She might have seen a different side of Victor last night and this morning but their was no denying that he was still the mafia king. A fact that Grace could never let herself forget especially not if she wanted to stay alive. His word was final and she wasn't stupid enough to question it.